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Title: Preventing a module from loading

<p>I like modules that provide a dynamic fallback and degrade gracefully
if some prerequisites are not available instead of requiring modules
when they can do well without them.</p>

<p>But there is a problem - on my development machine, I have all these
optional modules installed, but I want to test the behaviour of my
code without the optional modules. So I want to set up tests where
the optional modules seem not available. My preferred syntax for this is
a pragma-like syntax :</p>

use Test::Without::Modules qw( HTML::Template );
use Test::Without::Modules qr/^POE::/;

<p>So, most of the magic will have to be installed in a sub called "import()"
within my (to be written) module.</p>

<p>When you want to muck around with module loading, the only way in Perl
seems to be to add a code reference into @INC. That code reference
either returns a filehandle, from which the text will be loaded,
or undef, which means that the next entry in @INC will be tried.</p>
Things that didn't work :</p>

sub import {
  @INC = sub {
    # return undef if it's a blocked module
    # Look if the module is in @SAVED_INC
    # Return a filehandle to it

<p>This first variant worked quite well, until I came up to [cpan://Digest::MD5],
which wants to load XS code. And the XS code loader looks through @INC, 
it dosen't respect coderefs in @INC, and thus, the loading of Digest::MD5 fails.
Or rather, Digest::MD5 has a fallback to [cpan://Digest::Perl::MD5], which
I didn't have installed. So this way will not work as soon as we use any
module which uses XS code.</p>

<p>So I had to keep all existing directories in @INC, but there was no way to prevent
Perl to look through the rest of @INC if my handler returned undef for a blocked module :
sub import {
  @INC = sub {
    # return undef if it's a blocked module

<p>[demerphq] then suggested that I forget about a handler in @INC and muck instead with
%INC and a custom import method, that would die whenever that module was imported
into a new namespace.</p>

sub import {
  $INC{$module} = 1;
  *{$module."::import"} = sub {
    die 'ugh';

<p>But this version didn't work, because one could still require the module, and most
checks whether a module is available rely on the meme </p>
  eval { require Optional::Module };
  if ($@) {
    # module is not available
But this put me on the right track, I would simply create a faked module on the fly,
and return this faked module whenever I want to prevent a module from loading. I don't
need to handle the case that a module is allowed, as the rest of @INC will take care
of that.</p>
sub import {
  unshift @INC, sub {
    # return dummy module filehandle if it's a blocked module
<p>There are now some technical pitfalls. First, [cpan://IO::String] does not work in 
an @INC-handler, seemingly Perl wants a real filehandle (or at least, [cpan://Acme::Intraweb]
and [cpan://PAR] do it that way as well), so I have to create a tempfile for every faked module.
That's not a real concern as my module is intended for testing anyway - efficiency is 
of no importance.</p>
<p>Second, what if a module has already been loaded? Then Perl won't go through @INC at all.
So we have to scrub %INC as well and clean it of the unwanted modules, in case they
have already been loaded.</p>
<p>After these tries, the algorithm to prevent a module from loading now looks like the following :</p>
use vars qw( %forbidden );
sub import {
  my ($self,@forbidden_modules) = @_;
  scrub $module
    for @forbidden_modules;
  unshift @INC, sub {
    my (undef,$filename,undef) = @_;
    if (exists $forbidden{$filename}) {
      # return faked, failing module
<p>The complete module is appended below. If you have suggestions about the naming convention
or the usage interface, I'd like to hear about them. If you have any hint on how to make my
module into a lexical pragma (<tt></tt> and <tt></tt> didn't offer a
hint to me), I'll be even more interested.</p>
package Test::Without::Module;
use strict;
use File::Temp;
use Carp qw( croak );

use vars qw( %forbidden $VERSION );
$VERSION = 0.01;

sub import {
  my ($self,@forbidden_modules) = @_;

  $forbidden{$_} = $_
    for @forbidden_modules;

  # Scrub %INC, so that loaded modules disappear
  my ($module);
  for $module (@forbidden_modules) {
    scrub $module;

  # Move our handler to the front of the list
  @INC = grep { $_ ne \&fake_module } @INC;
  unshift @INC, \&fake_module;

sub fake_module {
    my ($self,$module_file,$member_only) = @_;
    warn $@ if $@;

    my $modulename = file2module($module_file);

    # Deliver a faked, nonworking module
    if (grep { $modulename =~ $_ } keys %forbidden) {

      my $fh = File::Temp::tmpfile();
      print $fh <<MODULE;
package $modulename;

=head1 NAME



!!! THIS IS A FAKED VERSION OF $modulename !!!
!!! IT WAS CREATED BY Test::Without::Module          !!!
!!! IT SHOULD NEVER END UP IN YOUR lib/ OR site/lib/ !!!


sub import { undef };
      seek $fh, 0,0;
      return $fh;

sub unimport {
  my ($self,@list) = @_;
  my $module;
  for $module (@list) {
    if (exists $forbidden{$module}) {
      delete $forbidden{$module};
      scrub $module;
    } else {
      croak "Can't allow non-forbidden module $module";

sub file2module {
  my ($mod) = @_;
  $mod =~ s!/!::!g;
  $mod =~ s!\.pm$!!;

sub scrub($) {
  my ($module) = @_;
  my $key;
  for $key (keys %INC) {
    delete $INC{$key}
      if (file2module($key) =~ $module);


=head1 NAME

Test::Without::Module - Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules


=for example begin
  use Test::Without::Module qw( File::Temp );

  # Now, loading of File::Temp fails :
  eval { require File::Temp; };
  warn $@ if $@;

  # Now it works again
  eval q{ no Test::Without::Module qw( File::Temp ) };
  eval { require File::Temp; };
  print "Found File::Temp" unless $@;

=for example end


This module allows you to deliberately hide modules from a program
even though they are installed. This is mostly useful for testing modules
that have a fallback when a certain dependency module is not installed.

=head2 EXPORT

None. All magic is done via C<use Test::Without::Module> and
C<no Test::Without::Module>.

=begin testing
  no warnings 'once';

  eval 'use Test::Without::Module qw( File::Temp )';
  eval 'no Test::Without::Module qw( File::Temp )';

  is_deeply( [keys %Test::Without::Module::forbidden],[],"Module list" );
  eval { require File::Temp; };
  is( $@, '', "unimport" );

=end testing

=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item * There is no lexicalic scoping (yet)


=head1 AUTHOR

Max Maischein, E<lt>corion@cpan.orgE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Acme::Intraweb>, L<PAR>, L<perlfunc>
