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#!perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More;
use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;

my $mech = eval { WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new( 
    autodie => 0,
    #log => [qw[debug]],
    #use_queue => 0,

if (! $mech) {
    my $err = $@;
    plan skip_all => "Couldn't connect to MozRepl: $@";
} else {
    plan tests => 68;

isa_ok $mech, 'WWW::Mechanize::Firefox';

$mech->allow('metaredirects', 0); # protect ourselves against redirects
$mech->allow('frames', 0); # protect ourselves against outside requests
# This still loads the frames. That's a bug in FF?

my $fn = '52-mech-api-find_link.html';
ok( $mech->success, "Fetched $fn" ) or die q{Can't get test page};

my $x;
$x = $mech->find_link();
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First link on the page' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First link on the page' );

$x = $mech->find_link( n => 3 );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
like( $x->[0], qr/styles\.css$/, 'Third link should be the CSS' );
like( $x->url, qr/styles\.css$/, 'Third link should be the CSS' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url_regex => qr/upcase/i );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
like( $x->url, qr/\, 'found link in uppercase meta tag' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text => 'CPAN A' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First CPAN link' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First CPAN link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( tag => 'a', text_contains => 'CPAN A' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First CPAN link' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First CPAN link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text_contains => 'CPAN A' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First CPAN link' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First CPAN link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text_contains => 'CPAN' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First CPAN link' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First CPAN link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url => 'CPAN' );
ok( !defined $x, 'No url matching CPAN' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text_regex => qr/CPAN/, n=>3 );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', '3rd CPAN text' );
is( $x->url, '', '3rd CPAN text' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text => 'CPAN', n=>34 );
ok( !defined $x, 'No 34th CPAN text' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text_regex => qr/(?i:cpan)/ );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'Got 1st cpan via regex' );
is( $x->url, '', 'Got 1st cpan via regex' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text_regex => qr/cpan/i );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'Got 1st cpan via regex' );
is( $x->url, '', 'Got 1st cpan via regex' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text_regex => qr/cpan/i, n=>153 );
ok( !defined $x, 'No 153rd cpan link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url => '' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'Got' );
is( $x->url, '', 'Got' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url => '', n=>2 );
ok( !defined $x, 'Not a second' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url_regex => qr/[b-d]\.cpan\.org/, n=>2 );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'Got' );
is( $x->url, '', 'Got' );

my @wanted_links= (
   [ '', 'CPAN A', '', 'a' ],
   [ '', 'CPAN B', '', 'a' ],
   [ '', 'CPAN C', 'bongo', 'a' ],
   [ '', 'CPAN D', '', 'a' ],
my @links = $mech->find_all_links( text_regex => qr/CPAN/ );
@{$_} = @{$_}[0..3] for @links;
is_deeply( \@links, \@wanted_links, 'Correct links came back' )
    or diag \@links;

my $linkref = $mech->find_all_links( text_regex => qr/CPAN/ );
@{$_} = @{$_}[0..3] for @$linkref;
is_deeply( $linkref, \@wanted_links, 'Correct links came back (scalar)' )
    or diag $linkref;

# Check combinations of links
$x = $mech->find_link( text => 'News' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First News is MSNBC' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First News is MSNBC' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text => 'News', url_regex => qr/bbc/ );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First BBC news link' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First BBC news link' );
is( $x->[1], 'News', 'First BBC news text' );
is( $x->text, 'News', 'First BBC news text' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text => 'News', url_regex => qr/cnn/ );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
is( $x->[0], '', 'First CNN news link' );
is( $x->url, '', 'First CNN news link' );
is( $x->[1], 'News', 'First CNN news text' );
is( $x->text, 'News', 'First CNN news text' );

    my @wanted_links = (
        [ '', 'CNN', '', 'a' ],
        [ '', 'News', 'Fred', 'a' ],
        # Can someone confirm that I just fixed a bug here, and
        # area tags /should/ have names? -mls
        [ '', '', undef, 'area' ], # on FF, area tags don't have names
    my @links = $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/cnn\.com/ );
    @{$_} = @{$_}[0..3] for @links;
    is_deeply( \@links, \@wanted_links, 'Correct links came back' );

$x = $mech->find_link( name => 'bongo' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
@{$_} = @{$_}[0..3] for $x;
is_deeply( $x, [ '', 'CPAN C', 'bongo', 'a' ], 'Got the CPAN C link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( name_regex => qr/^[A-Z]/, n => 2 );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
@{$_} = @{$_}[0..3] for $x;
is_deeply( $x, [ '', 'News', 'Fred', 'a' ], 'Got 2nd link that begins with a capital' );

$x = $mech->find_link( tag => 'a', n => 3 );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
@{$_} = @{$_}[0..3] for $x;
is_deeply( $x, [ '', 'CPAN B', '', 'a' ], 'Got 3rd <A> tag' );

$x = $mech->find_link( tag_regex => qr/^(a|frame)$/i, n => 7 );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( text => 'Rebuild Index' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );
# We don't need to fudge around with JS
#is_deeply( [@{$x}[0..3]], [ '/cgi-bin/MT/mt.cgi', 'Rebuild Index', undef, 'a' ], 'Got the JavaScript link' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url_regex => 'blongo.html' );
$x = $mech->find_link( url_regex => 'http://example/blongo.html' );
diag $x->url;
$x = $mech->find_link( url => 'blongo.html' );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link', 'We can find things by URL part' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url_abs => 'blongo.html' );
ok( !defined $x, 'No match' );

$x = $mech->find_link( url_abs_regex => qr[/blongo\.html$] );
isa_ok( $x, 'WWW::Mechanize::Link' );