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#!perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More;
use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;

use t::helper;

my @files = qw<

if (my $err = t::helper::default_unavailable) {
    plan skip_all => "Couldn't connect to MozRepl: $@";
} else {
    plan tests => 12*@files + 4;

my $mech=
        autodie => 0,
        #log => [qw[debug]],

# Check that we can execute JS
$mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
my ($triggered,$type,$ok);
eval {
    ($triggered, $type) = $mech->eval_in_page('timer');
    $ok = 1;
if (! $triggered) {
    SKIP: {
        skip(12 +4, "Couldn't get at 'timer'. Do you have a Javascript blocker?");

# Check that we can trigger the timeout
for my $file ($files[0]) {
    is $mech->title, $file, "We loaded the right file ($file)";
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    ok $mech->is_visible(selector => '#before'), "The element is visible";
    my $finished = eval {
        $mech->wait_until_invisible(selector => '#before', timeout => 1);
    is $finished, undef, "We got an exception";
    like $@, qr/Timeout/, "We got a timeout error message";

for my $file (@files) {
    is $mech->title, $file, "We loaded the right file ($file)";
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    my ($timer,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('timer');
    (my ($window),$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('window');
    $window = $mech->tab->{linkedBrowser}->{contentWindow};

    ok $mech->is_visible(selector => 'body'), "We can see the body";
    if(! ok !$mech->is_visible(selector => '#standby'), "We can't see #standby") {
        my $standby = $mech->by_id('standby', single=>1);
        my $style = $standby->{style};
        diag "style.visibility          <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "style.display             <" . $style->{display} . ">";
        $style = $window->getComputedStyle($standby, undef);
        diag "computed-style.visibility <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "computed-style.display    <" . $style->{display} . ">";
    ok !$mech->is_visible(selector => '.status', any => 1), "We can't see .status even though there exist multiple such elements";
    $mech->click({ selector => '#start', synchronize => 0 });
    sleep 1;

    ok $mech->is_visible(selector => '#standby'), "We can see #standby";
    my $ok = eval {
        $mech->wait_until_invisible(selector => '#standby', timeout => $timer+2);
    is $ok, 1, "No timeout" or diag $@;
    if(! ok( !$mech->is_visible(selector => '#standby'), "The #standby is invisible")) {
        my $standby = $mech->by_id('standby', single=>1);
        my $style = $standby->{style};
        diag "style.visibility          <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "style.display             <" . $style->{display} . ">";
        $style = $window->getComputedStyle($standby, undef);
        diag "computed-style.visibility <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "computed-style.display    <" . $style->{display} . ">";

    # Now test with plain text
    is $mech->title, $file, "We loaded the right file ($file)";
    $mech->allow('javascript' => 1);
    ($timer,$type) = $mech->eval_in_page('timer');

    if(! ok( !$mech->is_visible(xpath => '//*[contains(text(),"stand by")]'), "We can't see the standby message (via its text)")) {
        my $standby = $mech->by_id('standby', single=>1);
        my $style = $standby->{style};
        diag "style.visibility          <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "style.display             <" . $style->{display} . ">";
        $style = $window->getComputedStyle($standby, undef);
        diag "computed-style.visibility <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "computed-style.display    <" . $style->{display} . ">";

    $mech->click({ selector => '#start', synchronize => 0 });
    sleep 1;
    if(! ok $mech->is_visible(xpath => '//*[contains(text(),"stand by")]'), "We can see the standby message (via its text)") {
        my $standby = $mech->by_id('standby', single=>1);
        my $style = $standby->{style};
        diag "style.visibility          <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "style.display             <" . $style->{display} . ">";
        $style = $window->getComputedStyle($standby, undef);
        diag "computed-style.visibility <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "computed-style.display    <" . $style->{display} . ">";
    $ok = eval {
        # This needs to re-query every time as the text changes!!
        $mech->wait_until_invisible(xpath => '//*[contains(text(),"stand by")]', timeout => $timer+2);
    if(! is $ok, 1, "No timeout") {
        diag $@;
        for ($mech->xpath('//*[contains(text(),"stand by")]')) {
            diag $_->{tagName}, $_->{innerHTML};
        my $standby = $mech->xpath('//*[contains(text(),"stand by")]', single=>1);
        my $style = $standby->{style};
        diag "style.visibility          <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "style.display             <" . $style->{display} . ">";
        $style = $window->getComputedStyle($standby, undef);
        diag "computed-style.visibility <" . $style->{visibility} . ">";
        diag "computed-style.display    <" . $style->{display} . ">";
    ok !$mech->is_visible(selector => '#standby'), "The #standby is invisible";