The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 31;

use Socket qw(:addrinfo AF_INET SOCK_STREAM IPPROTO_TCP unpack_sockaddr_in inet_aton);

my ( $err, @res );

( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", "80", { socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for host=' );
cmp_ok( $err, "eq", "", '$err eq "" for host=' );
is( scalar @res, 1,
    '@res has 1 result' );

is( $res[0]->{family}, AF_INET,
    '$res[0] family is AF_INET' );
is( $res[0]->{socktype}, SOCK_STREAM,
    '$res[0] socktype is SOCK_STREAM' );
ok( $res[0]->{protocol} == 0 || $res[0]->{protocol} == IPPROTO_TCP,
    '$res[0] protocol is 0 or IPPROTO_TCP' );
ok( defined $res[0]->{addr},
    '$res[0] addr is defined' );
if (length $res[0]->{addr}) {
    is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $res[0]->{addr} ],
	       [ 80, inet_aton( "" ) ],
	       '$res[0] addr is {"", 80}' );
} else {
    fail( '$res[0] addr is empty: check $socksizetype' );

# Check actual IV integers work just as well as PV strings
( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", 80, { socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for host=' );
is_deeply( [ unpack_sockaddr_in $res[0]->{addr} ],
           [ 80, inet_aton( "" ) ],
           '$res[0] addr is {"", 80}' );

( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", "" );
cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for host=' );
# Might get more than one; e.g. different socktypes
ok( scalar @res > 0, '@res has results' );

( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", undef );
cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for host=' );

    "" =~ /(.+)/;
    ( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo($1, undef);
    cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for host=$1' );
    ok( scalar @res > 0, '@res has results' );
    is( (unpack_sockaddr_in $res[0]->{addr})[1],
	inet_aton( "" ),
	'$res[0] addr is {"", ??}' );

( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", "80", { family => AF_INET, socktype => SOCK_STREAM, protocol => IPPROTO_TCP } );
cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for service=80/family=AF_INET/socktype=STREAM/protocol=IPPROTO_TCP' );
is( scalar @res, 1, '@res has 1 result' );

# Just pick the first one
is( $res[0]->{family}, AF_INET,
    '$res[0] family is AF_INET' );
is( $res[0]->{socktype}, SOCK_STREAM,
    '$res[0] socktype is SOCK_STREAM' );
ok( $res[0]->{protocol} == 0 || $res[0]->{protocol} == IPPROTO_TCP,
    '$res[0] protocol is 0 or IPPROTO_TCP' );

# Now some tests of a few well-known internet hosts
my $goodhost = "";

    skip "Resolver has no answer for $goodhost", 2 unless gethostbyname( $goodhost );

    ( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", "ftp", { socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
    cmp_ok( $err, "==", 0, '$err == 0 for' );
    # Might get more than one; e.g. different families
    ok( scalar @res > 0, '@res has results' );

# Now something I hope doesn't exist - we put it in a known-missing TLD
my $missinghost = "TbK4jM2M0OS.lm57DWIyu4i";

# Some CPAN testing machines seem to have wildcard DNS servers that reply to
# any request. We'd better check for them

    skip "Resolver has an answer for $missinghost", 1 if gethostbyname( $missinghost );

    # Some OSes return $err == 0 but no results
    ( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( $missinghost, "ftp", { socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
    ok( $err != 0 || ( $err == 0 && @res == 0 ),
	'$err != 0 or @res == 0 for host=TbK4jM2M0OS.lm57DWIyu4i/service=ftp/socktype=SOCK_STREAM' );
    if( @res ) {
	# Diagnostic that might help
	while( my $r = shift @res ) {
	    diag( "family=$r->{family} socktype=$r->{socktype} protocol=$r->{protocol} addr=[" . length( $r->{addr} ) . " bytes]" );
	    diag( "  addr=" . join( ", ", map { sprintf '0x%02x', ord $_ } split m//, $r->{addr} ) );

# Numeric addresses with AI_NUMERICHOST should pass (RT95758)
    # Here we need a port that is open to the world. Not all places have all
    # the ports. For example Solaris by default doesn't have http/80 in
    # /etc/services, and that would fail. Let's try a couple of commonly open
    # ports, and hope one of them will succeed. Conversely this means that
    # sometimes this will fail.
    # An alternative method would be to manually parse /etc/services and look
    # for enabled services but that's kind of yuck, too.
    my @port = (80, 7, 22, 25, 88, 123, 110, 389, 443, 445, 873, 2049, 3306);
    foreach my $port ( @port ) {
	( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "", $port, { flags => AI_NUMERICHOST, socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
	if( $err == 0 ) {
	    ok( $err == 0, "\$err == 0 for$port/flags=AI_NUMERICHOST" );
    fail( "$err for$port[-1]/flags=AI_NUMERICHOST (failed for ports @port)" );

# Now check that names with AI_NUMERICHOST fail

    skip "Resolver has no answer for $goodhost", 1 unless gethostbyname( $goodhost );

    ( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( $goodhost, "ftp", { flags => AI_NUMERICHOST, socktype => SOCK_STREAM } );
    ok( $err != 0, "\$err != 0 for host=$goodhost/service=ftp/flags=AI_NUMERICHOST/socktype=SOCK_STREAM" );

# Some sanity checking on the hints hash
ok( defined eval { getaddrinfo( "", "80", undef ); 1 },
    'getaddrinfo() with undef hints works' );
ok( !defined eval { getaddrinfo( "", "80", "hints" ); 1 },
    'getaddrinfo() with string hints dies' );
ok( !defined eval { getaddrinfo( "", "80", [] ); 1 },
    'getaddrinfo() with ARRAY hints dies' );

# Ensure it doesn't segfault if args are missing

( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo();
ok( defined $err, '$err defined for getaddrinfo()' );

( $err, @res ) = getaddrinfo( "" );
ok( defined $err, '$err defined for getaddrinfo("")' );