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#!perl -w
use 5.015;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Unicode::UCD qw(prop_invlist prop_invmap);
require 'regen/';
require 'regen/';

# This program outputs charclass_invlists.h, which contains various inversion
# lists in the form of C arrays that are to be used as-is for inversion lists.
# Thus, the lists it contains are essentially pre-compiled, and need only a
# light-weight fast wrapper to make them usable at run-time.

# As such, this code knows about the internal structure of these lists, and
# any change made to that has to be done here as well.  A random number stored
# in the headers is used to minimize the possibility of things getting
# out-of-sync, or the wrong data structure being passed.  Currently that
# random number is:

my $out_fh = open_new('charclass_invlists.h', '>',
		      {style => '*', by => $0,
                      from => "Unicode::UCD"});

my $is_in_ifndef_ext_re = 0;

print $out_fh "/* See the generating file for comments */\n\n";

my %include_in_ext_re = ( NonL1_Perl_Non_Final_Folds => 1 );

sub end_ifndef_ext_re {
    if ($is_in_ifndef_ext_re) {
        print $out_fh "\n#endif\t/* #ifndef PERL_IN_XSUB_RE */\n";
        $is_in_ifndef_ext_re = 0;

sub output_invlist ($$;$) {
    my $name = shift;
    my $invlist = shift;     # Reference to inversion list array
    my $charset = shift // "";  # name of character set for comment

    die "No inversion list for $name" unless defined $invlist
                                             && ref $invlist eq 'ARRAY'
                                             && @$invlist;

    # Output the inversion list $invlist using the name $name for it.
    # It is output in the exact internal form for inversion lists.

    # Is the last element of the header 0, or 1 ?
    my $zero_or_one = 0;
    if ($invlist->[0] != 0) {
        unshift @$invlist, 0;
        $zero_or_one = 1;
    my $count = @$invlist;

    if ($is_in_ifndef_ext_re) {
        if (exists $include_in_ext_re{$name}) {
    elsif (! exists $include_in_ext_re{$name}) {
        print $out_fh "\n#ifndef PERL_IN_XSUB_RE\n" unless exists $include_in_ext_re{$name};
        $is_in_ifndef_ext_re = 1;

    print $out_fh "\nstatic const UV ${name}_invlist[] = {";
    print $out_fh " /* for $charset */" if $charset;
    print $out_fh "\n";

    print $out_fh "\t$count,\t/* Number of elements */\n";
    print $out_fh "\t$VERSION_DATA_STRUCTURE_TYPE, /* Version and data structure type */\n";
    print $out_fh "\t", $zero_or_one,
                  ",\t/* 0 if the list starts at 0;",
                  "\n\t\t   1 if it starts at the element beyond 0 */\n";

    # The main body are the UVs passed in to this routine.  Do the final
    # element separately
    for my $i (0 .. @$invlist - 1 - 1) {
        print $out_fh "\t$invlist->[$i],\n";

    # The final element does not have a trailing comma, as C can't handle it.
    print $out_fh "\t$invlist->[-1]\n";

    print $out_fh "};\n";

sub mk_invlist_from_cp_list {

    # Returns an inversion list constructed from the sorted input array of
    # code points

    my $list_ref = shift;

    # Initialize to just the first element
    my @invlist = ( $list_ref->[0], $list_ref->[0] + 1);

    # For each succeeding element, if it extends the previous range, adjust
    # up, otherwise add it.
    for my $i (1 .. @$list_ref - 1) {
        if ($invlist[-1] == $list_ref->[$i]) {
        else {
            push @invlist, $list_ref->[$i], $list_ref->[$i] + 1;
    return @invlist;

# Read in the Case Folding rules, and construct arrays of code points for the
# properties we need.
my ($cp_ref, $folds_ref, $format) = prop_invmap("Case_Folding");
die "Could not find inversion map for Case_Folding" unless defined $format;
die "Incorrect format '$format' for Case_Folding inversion map"
                                                    unless $format eq 'al';
my @has_multi_char_fold;
my @is_non_final_fold;

for my $i (0 .. @$folds_ref - 1) {
    next unless ref $folds_ref->[$i];   # Skip single-char folds
    push @has_multi_char_fold, $cp_ref->[$i];

    # Add to the non-finals list each code point that is in a non-final
    # position
    for my $j (0 .. @{$folds_ref->[$i]} - 2) {
        push @is_non_final_fold, $folds_ref->[$i][$j]
                unless grep { $folds_ref->[$i][$j] == $_ } @is_non_final_fold;

sub _Perl_Non_Final_Folds {
    @is_non_final_fold = sort { $a <=> $b } @is_non_final_fold;
    return mk_invlist_from_cp_list(\@is_non_final_fold);

sub UpperLatin1 {
    return mk_invlist_from_cp_list([ 128 .. 255 ]);

output_invlist("Latin1", [ 0, 256 ]);
output_invlist("AboveLatin1", [ 256 ]);


# We construct lists for all the POSIX and backslash sequence character
# classes in two forms:
#   1) ones which match only in the ASCII range
#   2) ones which match either in the Latin1 range, or the entire Unicode range
# These get compiled in, and hence affect the memory footprint of every Perl
# program, even those not using Unicode.  To minimize the size, currently
# the Latin1 version is generated for the beyond ASCII range except for those
# lists that are quite small for the entire range, such as for \s, which is 22
# UVs long plus 4 UVs (currently) for the header.
# To save even more memory, the ASCII versions could be derived from the
# larger ones at runtime, saving some memory (minus the expense of the machine
# instructions to do so), but these are all small anyway, so their total is
# about 100 UVs.
# In the list of properties below that get generated, the L1 prefix is a fake
# property that means just the Latin1 range of the full property (whose name
# has an X prefix instead of L1).
# An initial & means to use the subroutine from this file instead of an
# official inversion list.

for my $charset (get_supported_code_pages()) {
    print $out_fh "\n" . get_conditional_compile_line_start($charset);

    my @a2n = @{get_a2n($charset)};
    for my $prop (qw(
    ) {

        # For the Latin1 properties, we change to use the eXtended version of the
        # base property, then go through the result and get rid of everything not
        # in Latin1 (above 255).  Actually, we retain the element for the range
        # that crosses the 255/256 boundary if it is one that matches the
        # property.  For example, in the Word property, there is a range of code
        # points that start at U+00F8 and goes through U+02C1.  Instead of
        # artificially cutting that off at 256 because 256 is the first code point
        # above Latin1, we let the range go to its natural ending.  That gives us
        # extra information with no added space taken.  But if the range that
        # crosses the boundary is one that doesn't match the property, we don't
        # start a new range above 255, as that could be construed as going to
        # infinity.  For example, the Upper property doesn't include the character
        # at 255, but does include the one at 256.  We don't include the 256 one.
        my $prop_name = $prop;
        my $is_local_sub = $prop_name =~ s/^&//;
        my $lookup_prop = $prop_name;
        my $l1_only = ($lookup_prop =~ s/^L1Posix/XPosix/
                       or $lookup_prop =~ s/^L1//);
        my $nonl1_only = 0;
        $nonl1_only = $lookup_prop =~ s/^NonL1// unless $l1_only;

        my @invlist;
        if ($is_local_sub) {
            @invlist = eval $lookup_prop;
        else {
            @invlist = prop_invlist($lookup_prop, '_perl_core_internal_ok');
        die "Could not find inversion list for '$lookup_prop'" unless @invlist;
        my @full_list;
        for (my $i = 0; $i < @invlist; $i += 2) {
            my $upper = ($i + 1) < @invlist
                        ? $invlist[$i+1] - 1      # In range
                        : $Unicode::UCD::MAX_CP;  # To infinity.  You may want
                                                # to stop much much earlier;
                                                # going this high may expose
                                                # perl deficiencies with very
                                                # large numbers.
            for my $j ($invlist[$i] .. $upper) {
                if ($j < 256) {
                    push @full_list, $a2n[$j];
                else {
                    push @full_list, $j;
        @full_list = sort { $a <=> $b } @full_list;
        @invlist = mk_invlist_from_cp_list(\@full_list);

        if ($l1_only) {
            for my $i (0 .. @invlist - 1 - 1) {
                if ($invlist[$i] > 255) {

                    # In an inversion list, even-numbered elements give the code
                    # points that begin ranges that match the property;
                    # odd-numbered give ones that begin ranges that don't match.
                    # If $i is odd, we are at the first code point above 255 that
                    # doesn't match, which means the range it is ending does
                    # match, and crosses the 255/256 boundary.  We want to include
                    # this ending point, so increment $i, so the splice below
                    # includes it.  Conversely, if $i is even, it is the first
                    # code point above 255 that matches, which means there was no
                    # matching range that crossed the boundary, and we don't want
                    # to include this code point, so splice before it.
                    $i++ if $i % 2 != 0;

                    # Remove everything past this.
                    splice @invlist, $i;
        elsif ($nonl1_only) {
            my $found_nonl1 = 0;
            for my $i (0 .. @invlist - 1 - 1) {
                next if $invlist[$i] < 256;

                # Here, we have the first element in the array that indicates an
                # element above Latin1.  Get rid of all previous ones.
                splice @invlist, 0, $i;

                # If this one's index is not divisible by 2, it means that this
                # element is inverting away from being in the list, which means
                # all code points from 256 to this one are in this list.
                unshift @invlist, 256 if $i % 2 != 0;
                $found_nonl1 = 1;
            die "No non-Latin1 code points in $lookup_prop" unless $found_nonl1;

        output_invlist($prop_name, \@invlist, $charset);
    print $out_fh "\n" . get_conditional_compile_line_end();

my @sources = ($0, "lib/Unicode/");
    # Depend on mktables’ own sources.  It’s a shorter list of files than
    # those that Unicode::UCD uses.
    open my $mktables_list, "lib/unicore/mktables.lst"
        or die "$0 cannot open lib/unicore/mktables.lst: $!";
    while(<$mktables_list>) {
        last if /===/;
        push @sources, "lib/unicore/$_" if /^[^#]/;
read_only_bottom_close_and_rename($out_fh, \@sources)