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# Paranoid::Network::IPv4 -- IPv4-specific network functions
# (c) 2012, Arthur Corliss <>
# $Id:,v 0.2 2012/09/24 22:47:01 acorliss Exp $
#    This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl, itself.
#    Please see for more information.

# Environment definitions

package Paranoid::Network::IPv4;

use 5.006;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Exporter);
use Paranoid::Debug qw(:all);
use Paranoid::Network::Socket;
use Carp;

my @base      = qw(ipv4NetConvert ipv4NetIntersect);
my @ipv4sort = qw(ipv4NumSort ipv4StrSort ipv4PackedSort);

($VERSION) = ( q$Revision: 0.2 $ =~ /(\d+(?:\.(\d+))+)/sm );
@EXPORT      = @base;
@EXPORT_OK   = ( @base, @constants, @ipv4sort );
    all       => [@EXPORT_OK],
    base      => [@base],
    constants => [@constants],
    ipv4Sort  => [@ipv4sort],

use constant MAXIPV4CIDR => 32;
use constant IPV4REGEX   => qr/(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/sm;
use constant IPV4CIDRRGX =>
    qr#(@{[ IPV4REGEX ]})(?:/(\d+|@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}))?#sm;
use constant FULLMASK   => 0xffffffff;
use constant IPV4BASE   => 0;
use constant IPV4BRDCST => 1;
use constant IPV4MASK   => 2;

# Module code follows

sub ipv4NetConvert ($) {

    # Purpose:  Takes a string representation of an IPv4 network
    #           address and returns a list containing the binary
    #           network address, broadcast address, and netmask.
    #           Also allows for a plain IP being passed, in which
    #           case it only returns the binary IP.
    # Returns:  Array, empty on errors
    # Usage:    @network = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr);

    my $netAddr = shift;
    my $n = defined $netAddr ? $netAddr : 'undef';
    my ( $bnet, $bmask, @rv );

    pdebug( "entering w/$n", PDLEVEL1 );

    # Extract net address, mask
    if ( defined $netAddr ) {
        ( $bnet, $bmask ) = ( $netAddr =~ m#^@{[ IPV4CIDRRGX ]}$#sm );

    if ( defined $bnet and length $bnet ) {

        # First, convert $bnet to see if we have a valid IP address
        $bnet = unpack 'N', inet_aton($bnet);

        if ( defined $bnet and length $bnet ) {

            # Save our network address
            push @rv, $bnet;

            if ( defined $bmask and length $bmask ) {

                # Convert netmask
                $bmask =
                      $bmask !~ /^\d+$/sm ? unpack 'N', inet_aton($bmask)
                    : $bmask <= MAXIPV4CIDR
                    ? FULLMASK - ( ( 2**( MAXIPV4CIDR - $bmask ) ) - 1 )
                    : undef;

                if ( defined $bmask and length $bmask ) {

                    # Apply the mask to the base address
                    $rv[IPV4BASE] = $rv[IPV4BASE] & $bmask;

                    # Calculate and save our broadcast address
                    push @rv, $bnet | ( $bmask ^ FULLMASK );

                    # Save our mask
                    push @rv, $bmask;

                } else {
                    pdebug( 'invalid netmask passed', PDLEVEL1 );
        } else {
            pdebug( 'failed to convert IPv4 address', PDLEVEL1 );
    } else {
        pdebug( 'failed to extract an IPv4 address', PDLEVEL1 );

    pdebug( "leaving w/rv: @rv", PDLEVEL1 );

    return @rv;

sub ipv4NetIntersect (@) {

    # Purpose:  Tests whether network address ranges intersect
    # Returns:  Integer, denoting whether an intersection exists, and what
    #           kind:
    #              -1: destination range encompasses target range
    #               0: both ranges do not intersect at all
    #               1: target range encompasses destination range
    # Usage:    $rv = ipv4NetIntersect($net1, $net2);

    my $tgt  = shift;
    my $dest = shift;
    my $t    = defined $tgt ? $tgt : 'undef';
    my $d    = defined $dest ? $dest : 'undef';
    my $rv   = 0;
    my ( @tnet, @dnet );

    pdebug( "entering w/$t, $d", PDLEVEL1 );

    # Bypas if one or both isn't defined -- obviously no intersection
    unless ( !defined $tgt or !defined $dest ) {

        # Convert addresses (also allows for raw IPs (32bit integers) to be
        # passed)
        @tnet = $tgt  =~ /^\d+$/sm ? ($tgt)  : ipv4NetConvert($tgt);
        @dnet = $dest =~ /^\d+$/sm ? ($dest) : ipv4NetConvert($dest);

        # insert bogus numbers for non IP-address info
        @tnet = (-1) unless scalar @tnet;
        @dnet = (-2) unless scalar @dnet;

        # Dummy up broadcast address for those single IPs passed (in lieu of
        # network ranges)
        $tnet[IPV4BRDCST] = $tnet[IPV4BASE] if $#tnet == 0;
        $dnet[IPV4BRDCST] = $dnet[IPV4BASE] if $#dnet == 0;

        if (    $tnet[IPV4BASE] <= $dnet[IPV4BASE]
            and $tnet[IPV4BRDCST] >= $dnet[IPV4BRDCST] ) {

            # Target fully encapsulates dest
            $rv = 1;

        } elsif ( $tnet[IPV4BASE] >= $dnet[IPV4BASE]
            and $tnet[IPV4BRDCST] <= $dnet[IPV4BRDCST] ) {

            # Dest fully encapsulates target
            $rv = -1;


    pdebug( "leaving w/rv: $rv", PDLEVEL1 );

    return $rv;


    no strict 'refs';

    sub ipv4NumSort {

        # Purpose:  Sorts IPv4 addresses represented in numeric form
        # Returns:  -1, 0, 1
        # Usage:    @sorted = sort &ipv4NumSort @ipv4;

        my ($pkg) = caller;

        return ${"${pkg}::a"} <=> ${"${pkg}::b"};

    sub ipv4PackedSort {

        # Purpose:  Sorts IPv4 addresses represented in packed strings
        # Returns:  -1, 0, 1
        # Usage:    @sorted = sort &ipv4PackedSort @ipv4;

        my ($pkg) = caller;

        my $a1 = unpack 'N', ${"${pkg}::a"};
        my $b1 = unpack 'N', ${"${pkg}::b"};

        return $a1 <=> $b1;

    sub ipv4StrSort {

        # Purpose:  Sorts IPv4 addresses represented in string form
        # Returns:  -1, 0, 1
        # Usage:    @sorted = sort &ipv4StrSort @ipv4;

        my ($pkg) = caller;

        my $a1 = ${"${pkg}::a"};
        my $b1 = ${"${pkg}::b"};

        $a1 =~ s#/.+##sm;
        $a1 = unpack 'N', inet_aton($a1);
        $b1 =~ s#/.+##sm;
        $b1 = unpack 'N', inet_aton($b1);

        return $a1 <=> $b1;



=head1 NAME

Paranoid::Network::IPv4 - IPv4-related functions

=head1 VERSION

$Id:,v 0.2 2012/09/24 22:47:01 acorliss Exp $


    use Paranoid::Network::IPv4;

    @net = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr);
    $rv = ipv4NetIntersect($net1, $net2);


    use Paranoid::Network::IPv4 qw(:all);

    print "Valid IP address\n" if $netAddr =~ /^@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}$/;

    @net = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr);
    $broadcast = $net[IPV4BRDCST];

    use Paranoid::Network::IPv4 qw(:ipv4Sort);

    @nets = sort ipv4StrSort    @nets;
    @nets = sort ipv4PackedSort @nets;
    @nets = sort ipv4NumSort    @nets;


This module contains a few convenience functions for working with IPv4

By default only B<ipv4NetConvert> and B<ipv4NetIntersect> are imported.  
Other symbol sets are:

    Name        Description
    all         all functions/constants
    base        default exported functions
    constants   constants
    ipv4Sort    sort functions


=head2 ipv4NetConvert

    @net = ipv4NetConvert($netAddr);

This function takes an IPv4 network address in string format and converts it 
into an array containing the base network address, the broadcast address, and 
the netmask, in integer format.  The network address can have the netmask in
either CIDR format or dotted quads.

In the case of a single IP address, the array with only have one element, that
of the IP in integer format.

Passing any argument to this function that is not a string representation of
an IP address (including undef values) will cause this function to return an
empty array.

=head2 ipv4NetIntersect

    $rv = ipv4NetIntersect($net1, $net2);

This function tests whether an IP or subnet intersects with another IP or
subnet.  The return value is essentially boolean, but the true value can vary
to indicate which is a subset of the other:

    -1: destination range encompasses target range
     0: both ranges do not intersect at all
     1: target range encompasses destination range

The function handles the same string formats as B<ipv4NetConvert>, but will
allow you to test single IPs in integer format as well.

=head2 ipv4StrSort

    @sorted = sort ipv4StrSort @nets;

This function allows IPv4 addresses and networks to be passed in string
format.  Networks can be in CIDR format.  Sorts in ascending order.

=head2 ipv4PackedSort

    @sorted = sort ipv4PackedSort @nets;

This function sorts IPv4 addresses as returned by L<inet_aton>.  Sorts in
ascending order.

=head2 ipv4NumSort

    @sorted = sort ipv4NumSort @nets;

This function is rather pointless, but is included merely for completeness.
Addresses are in unpacked, native integer format, such as one gets from:

    $ip = unpack 'N', inet_aton($ipAddr);

Sorts in ascending order.


These are only imported if explicity requested or with the B<:all> tag.


Simply put: 32.  This is the largest CIDR notation supported in IPv4.

=head2 IPV4REGEX

Regular expression: B<qr/(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/sm>

You can use this for validating IP addresses as such:

    $ip =~ m#^@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}$#;

or to extract potential IPs from  extraneous text:

    (@ips) = ( $string =~ m#(@{[ IPV4REGEX ]})#gsm);


Regular expression: 

    qr#(@{[ IPV4REGEX ]})(?:/(\d+|@{[ IPV4REGEX ]}))?#sm

By default this will extract an IP or CIDR notation network address:

    ($net, $mask) = ( $ip =~ m#^@{[ IPV4CIDRRGX ]}$# );

In the case of a simple IP address B<$mask> will be undefined.

=head2 IPV4BASE

This is the ordinal index of the base network address as returned by


This is the ordinal index of the broadcast address as returned by 

=head2 IPV4MASK

This is the ordinal index of the network mask as returned by 



=item o


=item o




=head1 AUTHOR

Arthur Corliss (


This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl, itself. 
Please see for more information.

(c) 2012, Arthur Corliss (