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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.12.0;
use Cwd;
use Git;
use Getopt::Long;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use DateTime;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Git::Release;

my $opt_version;
my $opt_tag;
    'tag' => \$opt_tag,
    'version=s' => \$opt_version,

die "--version option is required." unless $opt_version;

my $release_from = shift || 'rc';

my $release = Git::Release->new;
my ($rc_branch) = $release->branch->find_branches( $release_from );

die "rc branch not found, can not release." unless $rc_branch;

my ($master) = $release->branch->find_branches( 'master' );
my $local_rc = $rc_branch->checkout;

say color('green'), "Checking out master" , color('reset');

say color('green'), "Merging changes from rc" , color('reset');
my @lines = $master->merge( $local_rc );
print $_ , "\n" for @lines;

if( $opt_tag ) {
    say color('green'), "Tagging $opt_version" , color('reset');
    $release->repo->command('tag', $opt_version, '-m' , "Release version $opt_version." );

say color('green'), "Pushing to remote ", $master->remote_name, color('reset');
$master->push( $master->remote_name , tags => 1 );

say color('green'), "$opt_version is now released" , color('reset');



To create a release candidate branch

    git rc

To make the release from release candidate branch and tag it

    git release --version {your version number} --tag


1. merge the release candidate branch to master.
2. tag it.


my $action = shift;
my $release_prefix = $repo->config('release.release-prefix') || 'release-';
my $develop_branch = $repo->config('release.develop-branch') || 'develop';

# use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper( \@branches );
# exit;

sub parse_release_version {
    my $release_branch = shift;
    my ( $previous_version ) = ($last_branch =~ m/-([0-9-.]*)$/);  # get the release version.
    return $previous_version;

# list all remote, all local branches
sub list_all_branches {
    my $repo = shift;

    # remove remtoes names, strip star char.
    return uniq 
            map { chomp; $_; } 
            map { s/^\*?\s*//; $_; } 
                $repo->command( 'branch' , '-a' );

given ( $action ) 
    when ( 'init' )  {  
        # check for develop branch
        say 'Init git release process';

        say 'Updating remotes...';

        # do we have branches ?
        if( $release->has_develop_branch ) {
            say 'Development branch found.';
        else {
            say 'Creating develop branch';
            my $branch = $release->create_develop_branch;
        say 'Done';

    # create new release branch
    when ( 'new' )  {
        my $version = shift @ARGV;

        unless( $version ) {
            # find version from previous release version number.
            my $release_branch = find_current_release_branch_name $repo;
            last SKIP_VERSION unless $release_branch;

            my $previous_version = parse_release_version $release_branch;
            last SKIP_VERSION unless $previous_version;

            say "Found previous version: $previous_version";

            $version = $previous_version + 0.01;
            say "Auto bumping version to $version";

        die 'Require a release version' unless $version;
        my $new_release = $release_prefix . $version;

        say 'Updating remote refs...';
        update_remote_refs $repo;

        say "Creating release branch from $develop_branch";
        $repo->command( 'checkout' , '-b' , $new_release , $develop_branch );

        # merge all ready branches
        my @ready_branches = find_ready_branches $repo;
        for my $branch_ref ( @ready_branches ) {
            # it's a remote branch, merge it from remote ref
            if( $branch_ref =~ s/^remotes\/// ) {
                say "Merging $branch_ref ...";
                $repo->command( 'merge' , $branch_ref );
            } else {
                say "Merging $branch_ref ...";
                $repo->command( 'merge' , $branch_ref );

        say 'Done';

    default { 
        # do release !!
        # checkout master branch
        # merge the last release branch
        # tagging release tag.
        # delete release branch.  (if specified, or optioned.)

#         my $ready_prefix = $repo->config('release.ready-prefix') || 'ready/';
#         my $released_prefix = $repo->config('release.released-prefix') || 'released/';
#         my @branches = grep /^$ready_prefix/, list_local_branches $repo;
#         for my $branch ( @branches ) {
#             $repo->command( 'merge' , '--commit' , $branch );
#             # move ready branch to released-
#             my $new_branch = $branch;
#             $new_branch =~ s{^$ready_prefix}{$released_prefix};
#             $repo->command( 'branch' , '-m' , $branch );
#         }

        # tagging 
        say 'Tagging release version';
#         my $tagname = $release_prefix;
#         git tag $tagname -m "Tagging $tagname"
#         git gc
#         echo Done