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use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Config::IniFiles;
use XML::LibXML;
use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::Constants;

# Get command line options
my %opts;
my $result = GetOptions(
    \%opts,    'storage|s=s', 'apply|a=s',   'dir|d=s',
    'ini|i=s', 'preserve|p',  'menuxml|m=s', 'verbose|v',
    'help|h',  'die',

# Help
if ( $opts{help} ) {
      "$0 script imports old config file into the new lemonldap-ng.ini file\n";
    print "Options:\n";
"\t--dir,-d: path to main configuration directory (default: /etc/lemonldap-ng)\n";
    print "\t--storage,-s: path to storage.conf (if not stored in conf dir)\n";
    print "\t--apply,-a: path to apply.conf (if not stored in conf dir)\n";
    print "\t--menuxml,-m: path to apps-list.xml (if not stored in conf dir)\n";
    print "\t--ini,-i: path to lemonldap-ng.ini (if not stored in conf dir)\n";
    print "\t--preserve,-p: do not erase old files after import\n";
    print "\t--help,-h: show this message\n";
    print "\t--verbose,-v: let me tell you my life\n";
    exit 0;

# Set default values
$opts{dir} ||= '/etc/lemonldap-ng';
my $old = {
    storage => $opts{storage} || $opts{dir} . "/storage.conf",
    apply   => $opts{apply}   || $opts{dir} . "/apply.conf",
    menuxml => $opts{menuxml} || $opts{dir} . "/apps-list.xml",
    menudtd => $opts{dir} . "/apps-list.dtd",
my $new = $opts{ini} || $opts{dir} . "/lemonldap-ng.ini";
my $datas;

if ( $opts{verbose} ) {
    print "Using values:\n";
    print "\tMain configuration dir: " . $opts{dir} . "\n";
    print "\tFile storage: " . $old->{storage} . "\n";
    print "\tFile apply: " . $old->{apply} . "\n";
    print "\tFile menu: " . $old->{menuxml} . "\n";
    print "\tNew ini file: " . $new . "\n";
    print "\tPreserve: " . ( $opts{preserve} ? "yes" : "no" ) . "\n\n";

# Convert storage.conf
if ( -r $old->{storage} ) {
    print "Parsing " . $old->{storage} . "\n" if $opts{verbose};
    open F, $old->{storage};
    while (<F>) {
        next if (/^\s*(?:#.*)?$/);
        my ( $k, $v ) = (/^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/)
          or quit( 3, "bad line in " . $old->{storage} . ":$_" );
        $datas->{ +CONFSECTION }->{$k} = $v;
        print "\t$k: $v\n" if $opts{verbose};
    close F;
    print "\n" if $opts{verbose};
elsif ( $opts{die} ) {
    quit( 2, $old->{storage} . " is not readable" );
else {
    print STDERR $old->{storage} . " is not readable\n";

# Convert apply.conf
if ( -r $old->{apply} ) {
    print "Parsing " . $old->{apply} . "\n" if $opts{verbose};
    open F, $old->{apply};
    while (<F>) {
        next if (/^\s*(?:#.*)?$/);
        my ( $k, $v ) = (/^([\w\.\-]+)\s+(.*)$/)
          or quit( 3, "bad line in " . $old->{apply} . ":$_" );
        $datas->{ +APPLYSECTION }->{$k} = $v;
        print "\t$k: $v\n" if $opts{verbose};
    close F;
    print "\n" if $opts{verbose};
elsif ( $opts{die} ) {
    quit( 2, $old->{apply} . " is not readable" );
else {
    print STDERR $old->{apply} . " is not readable\n";

# Convert apps-list.xml
if ( -r $old->{menuxml} ) {

    print "Parsing " . $old->{menuxml} . "\n" if $opts{verbose};

    # Open XML file
    my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
    my $xml;
    eval { $xml = $parser->parse_file( $old->{menuxml} ); };
    quit( 6, "Bad XML file: $@" ) if ($@);

    # Get root element
    my $root = $xml->documentElement;

    my $value = "{ ";
    $value .= _parseCategory($root);
    $value .= " }";

    $datas->{ +PORTALSECTION }->{applicationList} = $value;
    print "\tapplicationList: $value\n\n" if $opts{verbose};
elsif ( $opts{die} ) {
    quit( 2, $old->{menuxml} . " is not readable" );
else {
    print STDERR $old->{menuxml} . " is not readable\n";

# Open ini configuration file
my $conf;
if ( -e $new ) {
    -w $new or quit( 4, "$new is not writeable" );
    $conf = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $new, -allowcontinue => 1 )
      or quit(
        "Unable to open $new:\n\t" . join( "\n\t", @Config::IniFiles::errors )
else {
    $conf = Config::IniFiles->new();

# Write sections
my @sections = $conf->Sections();
    print "Write data for section $_\n" if $opts{verbose};
    next unless ( ref $datas->{$_} );
    $conf->AddSection($_) unless ( $conf->SectionExists($_) );
    while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{ $datas->{$_} } ) {

        # Old Config::IniFiles modules does not have 'exists' subroutine
        if ( $conf->can('exists') ) {
            if ( $conf->exists( $_, $k ) ) {
                $conf->setval( $_, $k, $v );
            else {
                $conf->newval( $_, $k, $v );
        else {

            # Try setval, else newval
            unless ( $conf->setval( $_, $k, $v ) ) {
                $conf->newval( $_, $k, $v );
if ( -e $new ) {
else {
      or quit( 5,
        "Unable to create $new:\n\t"
          . join( "\n\t", @Config::IniFiles::errors ) );

# Remove old files
unless ( $opts{preserve} ) {
    print "Remove old files\n" if $opts{verbose};
    unlink $old->{storage}, $old->{apply}, $old->{menuxml}, $old->{menudtd};

# Local subroutines
sub quit {
    print STDERR "$_[1]\n";
    exit $_[0];

sub _parseCategory {
    my $category = shift;
    my $value;

    my $catname = $category->getAttribute('name') || "Menu";

    # Escape quote
    $catname =~ s/'/\\'/;

    $value .= "'$catname' => { type => 'category', ";

    # Applications
    my @appnodes = $category->findnodes("application");
    foreach (@appnodes) {
        $value .= _parseApplication($_);

    # Sub categories
    my @catnodes = $category->findnodes("category");
    foreach (@catnodes) {
        $value .= _parseCategory($_);

    $value .= " },";

    return $value;

sub _parseApplication {
    my $application = $_;
    my $value;

    # Get application items
    my $appid   = $application->getAttribute('id');
    my $appname = $application->getChildrenByTagName('name')->string_value();
    my $appuri  = $application->getChildrenByTagName('uri')->string_value();
    my $appdesc =
    my $applogo = $application->getChildrenByTagName('logo')->string_value();
    my $appdisplay =

    # Escape quote
    $appid   =~ s/'/\\'/;
    $appname =~ s/'/\\'/;
    $appdesc =~ s/'/\\'/;

    # Print application items
    $value .= "'$appid' => { type => 'application', options => { ";
    $value .= "name => '$appname', " if $appname;
    $value .= "uri => '$appuri', " if $appuri;
    $value .= "description => '$appdesc', " if $appdesc;
    $value .= "logo => '$applogo', " if $applogo;
    $value .= "display => '$appdisplay', " if $appdisplay;
    $value .= " },";

    # Sub applications
    my @appnodes = $application->findnodes("application");
    foreach (@appnodes) {
        $value .= _parseApplication($_);

    $value .= " },";
    return $value;