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use Config;
use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);

# List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to
# generate.  Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you
# have to mention them as if they were shell variables, not
# %Config entries.  Thus you write
#  $startperl
# to ensure Configure will look for $Config{startperl}.

# This forces PL files to create target in same directory as PL file.
# This is so that make depend always knows where to find PL derivatives.
($file = basename($0)) =~ s/\.PL$//;
$file =~ s/\.pl$//
        if ($^O eq 'VMS' or $^O eq 'os2');  # "case-forgiving"

unlink $file if -f $file;
open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!";

print "Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n";

# In this section, perl variables will be expanded during extraction.
# You can use $Config{...} to use Configure variables.

print OUT <<"!GROK!THIS!";
    eval 'exec perl -S \$0 "\$@"'
        if 0;

# In the following, perl variables are not expanded during extraction.

print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!';

# Here starts the actual script

sub names {
  my ($module) = @_;
  my $name = (split '::', $module)[-1];
  my $pdname = lc $name . '.pd';
  return ($name,$pdname);

sub pdtmpl {
  return join '', <DATA>;

sub pdMakefile {
  my ($module,$name,$pdname,$internal) = @_;
  my $coredev = $internal ? 'PDL::Core::Dev->import()' : 'use PDL::Core::Dev';
  my $int = $internal ? '_int' : '';
  return << "EOM";

# Use this as a template for the Makefile.PL for
# any external PDL module.

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

\@pack = (["$pdname",$name,$module]);

\%hash = pdlpp_stdargs$int(\@::pack);
# \$hash{'OPTIMIZE'}  = '-g'; # If you want to debug, uncomment this.
# \$hash{INC} .= " -I/usr/local/include";  # uncomment as required
# \$hash{LIBS}[0] .= " -L/usr/local/lib -lmylib "; # uncomment as required


# Add genpp rule
# add other makefile additions as required (see also ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
sub MY::postamble {


sub usage {
  die << "EOU";

usage: $0 [option] modulename

  -i    internal mode - template for module that is in the PDL distribution



use Getopt::Std;

usage unless $#ARGV > -1;
($module,$name,$pdname) = ($ARGV[0],names $ARGV[0]);

die "Makefile.PL exists; move out of the way if you want to proceed"
  if -f 'Makefile.PL';
die "$pdname exists; move out of the way if you want to proceed"
  if -f $pdname;

open $mkfl, '>Makefile.PL' or die "couldn't open Makefile.PL for writing";
open $pdfl, ">$pdname" or die "couldn't open $pdname for writing";

print $mkfl pdMakefile($module,$name,$pdname,$opt_i);
close $mkfl;

print $pdfl pdtmpl;
close $pdfl;

=head1 NAME

pptemplate - script to generate Makefile.PL and PP file skeleton


        # generate Makefile.PL and mymodule.pd in CWD
	pptemplate PDL::MyModule;


The B<pptemplate> script is the easiest way to start a new module
for PDL that contains PP code (see also L<PDL::PP>). The usage is simply

  pptemplate modulename;

As a result pptemplate will generate a perl Makefile for the new
module (F<Makefile.PL>) that contains the minimal structure to
generate a module from PP code and also a skeleton file
for your new module.

The file will be called F<mymod.pd> if you called C<pptemplate> as

  pptemplate PDL::CleverAlgs::Mymod;

I suppose you can work out the naming rule C<;)>. If not resort to
experimentation or the source code.

C<pptemplate> will refuse to overwrite existing files of the same name
to avoid accidents. Move them out of the way if you really want to scrap

=head2 Options

Currently there is only the C<-i> option which switches C<pptemplate>
into the so called I<internal mode>.  It should only be used when you
are starting a new module within the main PDL tree that is supposed to
be part of the PDL distribution and the normal PDL build process, e.g.

   cd PDL/IO;
   mkdir Mpthree; cd Mpthree;
   pptemplate -i PDL::IO::Mpthree;

=head1 BUGS

Maybe C<;)>.
Feedback and bug reports are welcome.


Copyright (c) 2001, Christian Soeller. All Rights Reserved.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
and/or modified under the same terms as PDL itself


# template auto generated by pptemplate
# uncomment commands, copy and fill in as needed
# see also the PDL::PP manpage

# pp_bless('');       # package namespace of pp_def'ed functions
		      # defaults to 'PDL'

# pp_add_boot('');    # code to add to the XS boot section

# pp_addhdr('');      # add C code to the section preceding 
		      # the first MODULE keyword

# pp_addpm('');       # add perl code to the perl module that PP will create

# pp_add_exported(''); # add the list of function names
                       # to the list of exported functions 

# pp_addxs('');        # add plain XS code to the XS section

# pp_add_isa(qw//);    # inheritance business: add arglist to modules @ISA

# pp_def('name', Code => '');  # minimal pp_def to define function 

pp_done();  # you will need this to finish pp processing