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# Unit defintions
# 3 March 1998  M-J. Dominus ( 
# This file is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
# All rights abandoned.
# If you discover definitions of units that do not appear in this
# file, you are invited to mail them to, so that I can
# include them in a future version.  Please include the date of this
# file, 3 March 1996, with all such submissions.

# If a unit is defined as `***', that means
# it has no definition because it is a fundamental unit.

# Fundamental units:
# Seven instrinsic SI units:
gram       ***
meter	   ***
second     ***
ampere     ***
candela    ***
Kelvin     ***
mole       ***
# Two supplementary units
radian     ***
steradian  ***
# Some miscellany
dollar     ***
bit        ***
sheet      ***      # Of paper
turn       ***      # Of coiled wire

pi         3.1415926535897932386
two        2
half       1|2
e	   2.718281828459045 # Why did I put this in?  Oh, I don't know.
Neper	   1         # Unit of logarithmic ratio
Np         Neper
# Would it be better to make this a fundamental unit?
bel	   .868588963 Np   # 2/ln(10) actually
B          bel
dB         decibel

m       meter
km      kilometer
cm      centimeter
mm      millimeter
micron  micrometer
inch    2.54 cm        # This is the official definition and is exact
in      inch
inches  inch           # plural
foot    12 inch
ft      foot
feet    foot
yard    3 feet
yd      yard
mile    5280 feet
mi      mile
nautical 1.151         # For `nautical mile'
parsec  1.91615e13 mi
# light year will be implied by `year' and `light' below
fathom  6 ft
cable   120 fathoms
league  3 mi
bolt    25 yd          # Of cloth; bolt length varies from bolt to bolt
                       # 25 yd is typical
cubit   18 in
ell     45 in          # More or less standard, although other ells
                       # have also been used.
hand    4 in
palm    3 in
span    9 in
pace    2.5ft
astronomicalunit 92.9 megamiles  # Is this exact?
au      astronomicalunit
rope    20 ft
skein   360 feet

# Surveyor's
furlong 1|8 mi
chain   1|10 furlong
rod     1|4 chain
link    1|100 chain

# Typographic
point    .013837 in
pt       point
bigpoint 1|72 in
pica     12 pt
didot    1238|1157 pt
dd       didot
cicero   12dd  # TeX likes to abbreviate this to cc, but cc is cubic centimeter
scaledpoint 1|65536 pt # Internal to TeX
sp       scaledpoint

are     (10 m)2        # Implies `hectare'
acre    chain furlong  # Now you know why an acre is the size it is
rood    1|4 acre
township 36 mi2        # Who uses these?
barn    (1.0E-12 centimeter)2 # Particle physics
board   144 in3/ft     # Implies `board feet'

cc      cm3
liter   (decimeter)3
ml      milliliter
stere   m3
floz    29.573 ml      # `floz' means `fluid ounce', which is different
                       # from `ounce', which is a measurement of mass.
                       # See `pound' below for more details.
fldram  1|8 floz
minim   1|60 fldram
cup     8 floz
cu      cup
gill    1|2 cup 
pint    two cups
quart   two pints
pottle  two quarts     # Yup!
gallon  two pottles
qt      quart
gal     gallon
tablespoon 1|2 floz
tbsp       tablespoon
teaspoon   1|3 tbsp
tsp        teaspoon
cordfoot   16 ft2      # NOT the same as `cord foot'.
cordfeet   cordfoot
cord       8 cordfeet
# Barrels are complicated.  `Barrel' here means `U.S. liquid barrel'.
barrel     31.5 gal
bbl        barrel
hogshead   two barrels
butt       two hogsheads
tun        two butts
firkin     9 gal        # American firkin, not British firkin
perch      24.75 ft3    # Masonry
puncheon   84 gal

# Delightful British liquid volumes; they all begin with `brit'.
britfloz   28.41225 ml
britminim  1|480 britfloz
britdrachm 1|8 britfloz
drachm     britdrachm     # U.S. drachm is spelled `dram'.
britgill   5 britfloz     # five, NOT four.
britnoggin britgill
noggin     britnoggin     # Yeah, as though anyone else would have a `noggin.'
britpint   4 britgill
britpt     britpint
britquart  2 britpint
britqt     britquart
britgallon 4 britquart
britgal    britgallon    
britpeck   2 britgal
britfirkin 9 britgal  
britkilderkin  two britfirkins
kilderkin britkilderkin  # kilderkin is British only
britbucket 4 britgal     # That's `britbucket,' not `bit bucket'.
bucket     britbucket    # Buckets are brit only.
britlast   2909.414 liters
last       britlast

# Dry volume
dry     1.164904862579 # For `dry pint,' `dry quart,' etc.
peck    8 dry quarts
bushel  4 pecks
bu      bushel
seam    8bu
bag     3bu 

imperial 1.201          # For `imperial pint,' etc.  

# MASS (also WEIGHT)
# To avoid confusing the end user, we will pretend that `pound' is
# a unit of mass, interconvertible with `grams'.  If you want 
# pounds of force, see `lbf,' below.  In this section, `pound' 
# really means `mass of an object that weighs one-pound at the surface
# of the Earth.'  That is, in this program, `slug' has its usual
# meaning, and `pound' is synonymous aith `slug'.
g             gram
kg            kilogram
metricton     kilokilogram
tonne         metricton
mg            milligram
grain         64.79891 mg
ounce         437.5 grains
oz            ounce
pound         16 oz
lb            pound
slug          lb         
hundredweight 112 lb  # This is the `long' hundredweight, analagous to
                      # the long ton.  There is also a `short' hundredwight,
                      # but it's just a hectlb, so I put this one in instead.
cwt           hundredweight    
quarter       5 cwts
longton       20 cwt
ton           longton
short         100|112   # Convert long tons, cwts, and quarters to short.
shortton      short ton
stone         14 lb
cental        100 lb
wey           252 lb
# Obscure apothecaries' measures
scruple       20 grains
dram          3 scruples
apothounce    480 grains
apothoz       apothounce
apothpound    12 apothoz
apothlb       apothpound  
# Troy measures (for gold and precious stones)
pennyweight   24 grains
troyoz        480 grains # We can't define `troy' as a constant,
                         # because there are 16 oz in a lb, but only
                         # 12 troyoz in a troylb, so at least one of
                         # `troy oz' or `troy lb' would be wrong.
troylb        12 troyoz
carat         3.08647 grain # Metric version.  Is this useful?
atomicmassunit 1.6605402e-27 kg # NIST 19990301 (+/- 0.10e-33 kg)
amu           atomicmassunit
quintal       100kg      # Metric quintal.  Wasn't there another quintal?
elvis         255lb      # At the time of his death, the King weighed 255 lb.

sec		second
s               second
minute		60 sec
min		minute
hour		60 min
hr		hour
day		24 hrs
dy		day                  # This will denote mean solar days
siderealday     0.99726957 dys    
week		7 days
wk		week
month		30 days
lunarmonth      29.530588 days       # Mean solar days
meanmonth       730 hours
mo		month
tropicalyear	365.24219 dys        # Mean solar days
siderealyear    365.25636 dys        # Mean solar days
leapyear        366       dys        # Mean solar days
calendaryear    365       dys        # Mean solar days
year            tropicalyear         # Correct on average for most calculations
yr		years
fortnight	two weeks
decade          10 years
century         100 years
millennium      1000 years
millennia       millennium
centuries       century
# Velocity
knot    1 nautical mi/hour

# Electromagnetic items, work, force, energy.
# Velocity
c             299792458 m/s  # NIST 19990301 EXACT
light         c   # Implies `light year'

# Absolute temperature
kelvin        Kelvin
K             Kelvin
Rankine       1.8 K     # This is a very funny unit
Ra            Rankine

# Amount of substance
mol           mole
Avogadro      6.0221367e23
avogadro      Avogadro
molecule      1 mole per Avogadro

# Current
# The Ampere is fundamental here, defined as the constant current
# which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite
# length, of negligible circular cross-section, and placed 1m apart in
# vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2e-7
# newtons per meter of length.
Ampere        ampere
amp           ampere
abampere      10 amps
abamp         abampere
statampere    3.335635e-11 abamperes
statamp       statampere

# What is this called?  Is it capitalized?  Is there an abbreviation?
gilbert       0.79577472 ampere turns

# Electrostatic charge
Coulomb       ampere sec
coulomb       Coulomb
coul          Coulomb
C             Coulomb
electron      1.60217733e-19 C  # Charge on the electron; implies electron-volts
e             electron 
abcoulomb     10C
statcoulomb   3.335635e-11 abcoulomb

# Force
Newton        kg m/s2
newton        Newton
N             newton
dyne          g cm/s2
grav          9.8 m/s2  # Acceleration due to gravity
gee           grav
# Actually the accleration varies with altitude and latitude, 
# from 9.78039 m/s2 at the equator to 9.83217 m/s2 at the poles.
# This mean value corresponds to a latitude of about 38 degrees.
lbf           lb grav

# Pressure
Pascal        N/m2
pascal        Pascal
Pa            pascal
atmosphere    1.01325 N/m2  # NIST 1990301 EXACT
atm           atmosphere
bar           megadyne/cm2  # Implies `millibars'
mercury       1|760 atm/mm # Implies `mm mercury' and `inches mercury'
hg            mercury
torricelli    mm hg
torr          torricelli
water         .0295 atm/ft # Implies `feet water'
barye         dyne/cm2
air           6.6083e-5 atm/foot  # At 60 deg.F; Implies `feet air'

# Work and energy
Joule         newton-meter
joule         Joule
J             joule
footpound     ft-lbf   # foot-pound won't work, because `pound' is a mass
calorie       4.186 J
cal           calorie
kcal          kilocalorie
britishthermalunit  1054.8 J
btu           britishthermalunit
erg           dyne-cm
# Kilowatt-hour (kWh) will be implied by `Watt'.

# Power
Watt          J/sec
watt          Watt
W             Watt
horsepower    550 ft-lbf/s

# Electric potential
Volt          W/amp
volt	      Volt
V             Volt
abvolt        1|100 microvolt
statvolt      2.997930e10 V

# Frequency
cycle	      1           # For `cycles per second'
Hertz	      cycles per second
Hz            Hertz
hz            Hz

# Inductance
Henry         volt s/amp
henry         Henry
H             Henry
abhenry       1.0e-9 henry
Henries       Henry       # For plural
henries       Henry
stathenry     8.987584e11 henries
stathenries   stathenry

# Etc.
Weber         volt s
weber         Weber
Wb            weber
Tesla         Wb/m2
tesla         Tesla
T             tesla
Oersted       1|4 pi kiloamp/m
oersted       Oersted
Oe            oersted
Maxwell       1.0e-8 Wb
maxwell       Maxwell
Mx            Maxwell
Gauss         1.0e-4 T
gauss         Gauss
# We won't use G for Gauss because it is more important to 
# use it for the universal gravitational constant

# Capacitance
# `farad' is *not* an abbreviation for `Faraday' as far as I can tell.
farad         amp sec / volt
F             farad
abfarad       1.0e9 farad
statfarad     1.112646e-13 farad

# Resistance
Ohm           volt/amp
ohm           Ohm
abohm         1.0e-9 ohm
statohm       8.987584e11 Ohms

# Conductance
mho           1/ohm
abmho         1/abohm
Siemens       mho
siemens       Siemens

# Misc
Angstrom      1.0e-10 m
angstrom      Angstrom
G             6.67259e-11 N m2/kg2 # Newton gravitational constant NIST19990301
lightyear     light year    # Common abbreviation
eV            e V           # Electron volts
ev            eV
kev           kiloeV
Mev           megaeV
Gev           gigaeV
Tev           teraeV
energy        c2 # You can ask for `1 gram energy' and get
                 # the amount of energy equivalent to 
                 # 1 gram according to e=mc2.
                 # Check: 1amu energy == 931.16 Mev?
Franklin      (10/c) C cm/sec
Fr            Franklin
franklin      Franklin
Biot          10 amp
Bi            Biot
biot          Biot

# Viscosity - Maybe someone who understands this better can check.
poise         g/(cm s) # Named after M. Poiseuille
rhe           1/poise
reyn          (lbf s)/in2
# Kinematic viscosity = viscosity per unit density
stoke         cm2/s

# Refrigeration - Maybe someone who understands this better can check.
refrigeration 288000 btu/ton
ice           tons refrigeration / 2009.1 lb

# Light
# The candela is fundamental here.  Prior to 1979, it was defined as
# the luminous intensity of a black body at the temperature of
# solidification of platinum, whose radiating surface is 1/60 cm2.  It
# is now the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source
# that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540e12 Hz and that
# has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1|683 W/sr
cd            candela
sr	      steradian
lumen         candela sr
lm	      lumen
lux           lm/m2
lx            lux
candlepower   12.566370 lumens
candle        candela # ``International standard candle''
Hefner        0.90 candles # This was the German standard in early C20.
hefner        Hefner
Lambert       lm/cm2
lambert       Lambert
footcandle    lm/ft2  # NOT the same as foot-candle.
phot          1.0e4 lx
stilb         candle/m2   # Same as a pi lambert

# Various important physical constants
# I got this stuff from on 19990301.
h             6.6260755e-27 erg-sec   # Planck's constant
hbar          h/(2 pi)
plancklength  1.61605e-35 m
planckmass    2.17671e-8 kg
plancktime    5.39056e-44 sec
# Let's reserve `Planck' for a while longer until I can decide if
# they'd be useful in `planck time' etc.
permeability  4*pi*1.0e-7 H/m     # Magnetic permeability of vacuum constant 
permittivity  8.854187817e-12 F/m # Electric permittivity of vacuum constant 
protonmass    1.6726231e-27 kg
neutronmass   1.6749286e-27 kg
electronmass  9.1093897e-31 kg 
finestructure 7.29735308e-3 # Rl
# Electron charge is up above under `electrostatic'.
# There's no reason to get too obscure here because if someone wants
# they can make up an `obscure physical constants' file that
# physiscists could load in if they wanted to.  So I've omitted stuff
# like the magnetic moment of the muon.

rad		radian
circle		2 pi radians
revolution      circle       # For revolutions / sec
rev             revolution 
rpm		revolutions per minute
quadrant        1|4 circle
degree		1|360 circle
arcminute       1|60 degree
arcsecond       1|60 arcminute
arcmin          arcminute
arcsec          arcsecond
sphere          4 pi steradians
grade           1|100 quadrant
grad            grade

quire           50 sheets
ream            10 quires

byte		8 bits
kbyte           1024 bytes   # `kilobyte' means 1000    bytes
# Don't use `K'; that's for Kelvins.
kb              kbyte
Kb              kbyte
KB              kbyte
mbyte           1024 kbytes  # `megabyte' means 1000000 bytes
meg             mbyte
kbit		1024 bits
Kbit		kbit
mbit		1024 kbits
Mbit		mbit
baud            bit/sec      # Not strictly correct

# Conversions accurate only as of 25 November 1996.
$		dollar
usdollar        $
usd             $
us$             $
$us             $
US$             $
$US             $
cent            1|100 $
Australia.dollar		0.8123$
AUS$			Australia.dollar
Austria.schilling		0.09438$
Belgium.franc		0.03223$
Brazil.real		0.9709$
British.pound		1.681$
pound.sterling		British.pound
sterling		British.pound
Canada.dollar		0.7468$
Can$			Canada.dollar
Cayman.currency		1.22$
Denmark.krone		0.173$
krone			Denmark.krone
EuropeanCommunityUnit.ECU	1.278$
ECU			EuropeanCommunityUnit.ECU
ecu			ECU
Finland.markka		0.2203$
markka			Finland.markka
France.franc		0.1963$
franc			France.franc
Germany.mark		0.6647$
DM			Germany.mark
Deutschmark		DM
mark			DM
Greece.drachma		0.004216$
drachma			Greece.drachma
HongKong.dollar		0.1294$
HK$			HongKong.dollar
India.rupee		0.02797$
rupee			India.rupee
Ireland.punt		1.684$
punt			Ireland.punt
Israel.shekel		0.3623$
shekel			Israel.shekel
Italy.lira		0.0006655$
Japan.yen		0.008976$
yen			Japan.yen
Kenya.shilling		0.02376$
Malaysia.dollar		0.397$
Mexico.peso		0.1269$
peso			Mexico.peso
Morocco.dirham		0.1248$
dirham			Morocco.dirham
Netherlands.guilder	0.5924$
guilder			Netherlands.guilder
NewZealand.dollar	0.7153$
NZ$			NewZealand.dollar
Norway.krone		0.1576$
krone			Norway.krone
Portugal.escudo		0.006577$
escudo			Portugal.escudo
Senegal.CFAfranc	0.002019$
SouthAfrica.rand	0.2169$
rand			SouthAfrica.rand
Spain.peseta		0.007896$
peseta			Spain.peseta
Sweden.krona		0.1513$
krona			Sweden.krona
Switzerland.franc	0.788$
swissfranc		Switzerland.franc
Swissfranc		Switzerland.franc
Turkey.lira		1.3e-05$
# Old-style Brit money.  Did I omit anything interesting?
sovereign               sterling
shilling             1|20 sterling
penny                1|12 shilling
pence                penny
farthing             1|4 penny
hapenny              half penny
twopence             two pence
tuppence             two pence
crown                5 shillings  # Implies `half crown'
guinea               21 shillings
florin               2 shillings

# For `register tons'
register        100 ft3/ton
registerton     register ton

# What's missing?
# bequerel (nucleotide radioactivity): Bq = k/s		k=1??
# gray (absorbed dose): Gy = k J/kg			k=1??
# sievert (dose equivalent): Sv = k J/kg			k=1??
# curie: Ci = 3.3e10 Bq
# roentgen: R = 2.58e-4 C/kg
# rad: rad = centigray
# rem: rem = centisievert