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package OpenInteract::Template::Provider;

# $Id:,v 1.25 2002/09/16 20:18:35 lachoy Exp $

use strict;
use base qw( Template::Provider );
use Data::Dumper       qw( Dumper );
use Digest::MD5        qw();
use File::Spec         qw();

$OpenInteract::Template::Provider::VERSION  = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.25 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);

use constant DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_TIME       => 60 * 30;
use constant DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_EXTENSION   => 'template';
use constant DEFAULT_PACKAGE_TEMPLATE_DIR => 'template/';
use constant DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_TYPE        => 'filesystem';

# This is the level to set for $R->scrib -- if you set it to 0
# everything will be logged. (And this is a lot!)

my $DEBUG = 2;
sub DEBUG_LEVEL     { return $DEBUG }
sub SET_DEBUG_LEVEL { $DEBUG = $_[1] }

# Copied from Template::Provider since they're not exported

use constant PREV   => 0;
use constant NAME   => 1;
use constant DATA   => 2;
use constant LOAD   => 3;
use constant NEXT   => 4;
use constant STAT   => 5;

# This should return a two-item list: the first is the template to be
# processed, the second is an error (if any). $name is a simple name
# of a template, which in our case is often of the form
# 'package::template_name'.

sub fetch {
	my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
    my $R = OpenInteract::Request->instance;

	my ( $name );

	# if scalar or glob reference, then get a unique name to cache by

	if ( ref( $text ) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
		$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "anonymous template passed in" );
		$name = $self->_get_anon_name( $text );
    elsif ( ref( $text ) eq 'GLOB' ) {
		$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "GLOB passed in to fetch" );
        $name = $self->_get_anon_name( $text );

    # Otherwise, it's a 'package::template' name or a unique filename
    # found in '$WEBSITE_DIR/template', both of which are handled in
    # _load() below. Also check that the template name doesn't have
    # any invalid characters (e.g., '../../../etc/passwd')

    else {
        $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "info passed in is site filename or package::template;",
                                             "will check file system or database for ($text)" );
        $name = $text;
        undef $text;
        eval { $self->_validate_template_name( $name ) };
        if ( $@ ) { return ( $@, Template::Constants::STATUS_ERROR ) }

    # If we have a directory to compile the templates to, create a
    # unique filename for this template

    # Just keep the compile name the same as the name passed
    # in, replacing '::' with '-'

    my ( $compile_file );

	if ( $self->{COMPILE_DIR} ) {
		my $ext = $self->{COMPILE_EXT} || '.ttc';
        my $compile_name = $name;
        $compile_name =~ s/::/-/g;
		$compile_file = File::Spec->catfile( $self->{COMPILE_DIR},
                                             $compile_name . $ext );
        $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "compiled output filename ",
                                "[$compile_file]" );

    my ( $data, $error );

	# caching disabled (cache size is 0) so load and compile but don't cache

	if ( $self->{SIZE} == 0 ) {
		$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "fetch( $name ) [caching disabled]" );
		( $data, $error ) = $self->_load( $name, $text );
        ( $data, $error ) = $self->_compile( $data, $compile_file ) unless ( $error );
        $data = $data->{data}                                       unless ( $error );

	# cached entry exists, so refresh slot and extract data

    elsif ( $name and ( my $cache_slot = $self->{LOOKUP}{ $name } ) ) {
		$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "fetch( $name ) [cached (limit: $self->{SIZE})]" );
		( $data, $error ) = $self->_refresh( $cache_slot );
		$data = $cache_slot->[ DATA ] unless ( $error );

	# nothing in cache so try to load, compile and cache

    else {
		$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "fetch( $name ) [uncached (limit: $self->{SIZE})]" );
		( $data, $error ) = $self->_load( $name, $text );
		( $data, $error ) = $self->_compile( $data, $compile_file ) unless ( $error );
		$data = $self->_store( $name, $data )                       unless ( $error );

	return( $data, $error );

# NOTE: You should NEVER even check to see if $name exists anywhere
# else on the filesystem besides under the $WEBSITE_DIR. The
# SiteTemplate object takes care of this, but it's just another
# warning...
# From Template::Provider -- here's what the hashref includes:
#   name    filename or $content, if provided, or 'input text', etc.
#   text    template text
#   time    modification time of file, or current time for handles/strings
#           (we also use this for the 'last_update' field of an SPOPS object)
#   load    time file/object was loaded (now!)

sub _load {
    my ( $self, $name, $content ) = @_;

    my $R = OpenInteract::Request->instance;
	$R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "_load(@_[1 .. $#_])\n" );

    # If no name, $self->{TOLERANT} being true means we can decline
    # safely. Otherwise return an error. We might modify this in the
    # future to not even check TOLERANT -- if it's not defined we
    # don't want anything to do with it, and nobody else should either
    # (NYAH!). Note that $name should be defined even if we're doing a
    # scalar ref or glob template

    unless ( defined $name ) {
        if ( $self->{TOLERANT} ) {
            $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "No name passed in and ",
                                    "TOLERANT set, so decline" );
            return ( undef, Template::Constants::STATUS_DECLINED );
        $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "No name passed in and TOLERANT ",
                                "not set, so return error" );
        return ( "No template", Template::Constants::STATUS_ERROR );

    # is this an anonymous template? if so, return it

    # Note: it would be cool if we could figure out where 'name' is
    # passed to and have it deal with references properly, and then
    # propogate that reference through to processing, etc.

    if ( ref( $content ) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
        $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "Nothing to load since ",
                                "template is scalar ref." );
        return ({ 'name' => $name,
                  'text' => $$content,
                  'time' => time,
                  'load' => 0 }, undef );

    if ( ref( $content ) eq 'GLOB' ) {
        $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "Template is glob (file) ",
                                "ref, so read in" );
        local $/ = undef;
        return ({ 'name' => 'file handle',
                  'text' => <$content>,
                  'time' => time,
                  'load' => 0 }, undef );

    my ( $content_template, $data );
    eval {
        $content_template = $R->site_template->fetch( $name );
        unless ( $content_template ) {
            die "Template with name [$name] not found.\n";
        $data = { 'name' => $content_template->full_filename,
                  'text' => $content_template->contents,
                  'time' => $content_template->modified_on,
                  'load' => time };

    if ( $@ ) {
        return ( $@, Template::Constants::STATUS_ERROR );
    return ( $data, undef );

# Override so we can use OI-configured value for seeing whether we
# need to refresh

sub _refresh {
	my ( $self, $slot ) = @_;
	my ( $head, $file, $data, $error );

    my $R = OpenInteract::Request->instance;
    $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "_refresh([ @$slot ])" );

    # If the cache time has expired reload the entry

    my $do_reload = 0;
    my $max_cache_time = $R->CONFIG->{cache}{template}{expire}
                         || DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_TIME;
	if ( ( $slot->[ DATA ]->{'time'} - time ) > $max_cache_time ) {
        $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( DEBUG_LEVEL, "Refreshing cache for template: ",
                                $slot->[ NAME ] );
        ( $data, $error ) = $self->_load( $slot->[ NAME ] );
        ( $data, $error ) = $self->_compile( $data )  unless ( $error );
        unless ( $error ) {
            $slot->[ DATA ] = $data->{ data };
            $slot->[ LOAD ] = $data->{ time };

	# remove existing slot from usage chain...

	if ( $slot->[ PREV ] ) {
		$slot->[ PREV ][ NEXT ] = $slot->[ NEXT ];
    else {
		$self->{ HEAD } = $slot->[ NEXT ];

	if ( $slot->[ NEXT ] ) {
		$slot->[ NEXT ][ PREV ] = $slot->[ PREV ];
    else {
		$self->{ TAIL } = $slot->[ PREV ];

	# ... and add to start of list
	$head = $self->{ HEAD };
	$head->[ PREV ] = $slot if ( $head );
	$slot->[ PREV ] = undef;
	$slot->[ NEXT ] = $head;
	$self->{ HEAD } = $slot;

	return ( $data, $error );

# Ensure there aren't any funny characters

sub _validate_template_name {
    my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
    if ( $name =~ m|\.\.| ) {
        die "Template name must not have any directory tree symbols (e.g., '..')";
    if ( $name =~ m|^/| ) {
        die "Template name must not begin with an absolute path symbol";
    return 1;


# store names for non-named templates by using a unique fingerprint of
# the template text as a hash key

my $ANON_NUM      = 0;

sub _get_anon_name {
	my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
    my $key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex( ref( $text ) ? $$text : $text );
	return $ANON_TEMPLATE{ $key } if ( exists $ANON_TEMPLATE{ $key } );
	return $ANON_TEMPLATE{ $key } = 'anon_' . ++$ANON_NUM;



=head1 NAME

OpenInteract::Template::Provider - Retrieve templates for the Template Toolkit


 $Template::Config::CONTEXT = 'OpenInteract::Template::Context';
 my $template = Template->new(
                       COMPILE_DIR    => '/tmp/ttc',
                       COMPILE_EXT    => '.ttc',
                       LOAD_TEMPLATES => [ OpenInteract::Template::Provider->new ] );
 my ( $output );
 $template->process( 'package::template', \%params, \$output );


B<NOTE>: As shown above, you need to use
L<OpenInteract::Template::Context> as a context for your templates
since our naming scheme ('package::name') collides with the TT naming
scheme for specifying a prefix before a template.

This package is a provider for the Template Toolkit while running
under OpenInteract. Being a provider means that TT hands off any
requests for templates to this class, which has OpenInteract-specific
naming conventions (e.g., 'package::template') and knows how to find
templates in the sitewide package template directory or the normal
package template directory

=head1 METHODS

All of the following are object methods and have as the first argument
the object itself.

B<fetch( $text )>

Overrides C<Template::Provider>.

Uses C<$text> to somehow retrieve a template. The actual work to
retrieve a template is done in C<_load()>, although this method
ensures that the template name is 'safe' and creates a name we use to
save the compiled template.

Returns a two-element list: the first is a compiled template, the
second is an error message. (Of course, if there is no error the
second item will be undefined.)

B<_load( $name, $content )>

Loads the template content, returning a two-element list. The first
item in the list is the TT hashref, the second is an error message.

We try three ways to retrieve a template, in this order:

=over 4

=item 1.

B<scalar reference>: If the template is a scalar reference it does not
need to be retrieved, so we just put C<$content> in the TT hashref
structure as the data to process and return it.

=item 2.

B<glob reference>: If the template is a glob reference we treat it as
a filehandle and read all data from C<$content> in the TT hashref
structure as the data to process as return it.

=item 3.

B<filesystem template>: Templates can be stored in the filesystem. If
a template does not use C<$package> it can be found under
C<$WEBSITE_DIR/template>; if it does, it can be found under
C<$WEBSITE_DIR/template/$package> or
C<$WEBSITE_DIR/pkg/$package-version/template>, in that order.


B<_refresh( $cache_slot )>

Called when we use C<$cache_slot> for a template. This refreshes the
time of the slot and brings it to the head of the LRU cache.

You can tune the expiration time of the cache by setting the key:


in your server configuration file to the amount of time (in seconds)
to keep an entry in the cache.

B<_validate_template_name( $full_template_name )>

Ensures that C<$full_template_name> does not have any tricky
filesystem characters (e.g., '..') in it.

B<_get_anon_name( $text )>

If we get an anonymous template to provide, we need to create a unique
name for it so we can compile and cache it properly. This method
returns a unique name based on C<$text>.

=head1 BUGS

None known.

=head1 TO DO


Needs more testing in varied environments.

=head1 SEE ALSO



Slashcode L<|>


Copyright (c) 2001-2002, inc.. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHORS

Chris Winters <>

Robert McArthur <>

Authors of Slashcode L<|>