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<h1>OpenInteract Administrator's Guide</h1>

    <P>This document goes over issues concerning system
    administrators, including mod_perl/Apache compilation and
    configuration, tips for running multiple websites under one
    mod_perl server, package configuration, logging, error reporting
    and caching.</p>

    <p>While you're reading, it would be handy to have within reach
    the <a href="glossary.html">OpenInteract Glossary</a> to lookup
    certain terms (like 'website', 'handler', 'package', etc.).

    <p>Distributed with OpenInteract is the script
    <code>oi_manage</code>. If you installed OpenInteract via the
    normal Perl mechanisms, you should have it in your
    <code>/usr/bin</code> or <code>/usr/local/bin</code> directory so
    it's always accessible. (You might also ensure that
    <code>/usr/local/bin</code> is in your path and your users' paths,
    or that you create a symlink from <code>/usr/bin/oi_manage</code>
    to <code>/usr/local/bin/oi_manage</code>.)</p>
    <p>This script takes care of many actions for you. Here's a list
    and a brief description of each:

    <pre><font size="-1">
Commands by the Administrator:

 install             - Install OpenInteract to base directory
 upgrade             - Upgrade core OpenInteract packages
 install_package     - Install package to the base

Commands by the Package Developer:

 create_skeleton     - Create a skeleton package for development
 export_package      - Export package(s) to distribution file(s)
 check_package       - Ensure that package passes initial inspection

Commands by the Website Creator:

 create_website      - Create a new website
 apply_package       - Install a package from base to website
 upgrade_package     - Upgrade a website package
 remove_package      - Remove a package from a website
 install_sql         - Install the SQL for packages
 install_template    - Install package templates to the database
 dump_template       - Dump package templates to the filesystem
 remove_template     - Remove package templates from the database
 refresh_doc         - Sync website docs to base installation docs
 test_db             - Test database settings in 'server.perl'
 change_spops_driver - Change the SPOPS driver for your objects

Other commands:

 initial_packages    - List packages marked as 'initial'
 list_packages       - List packages installed to app or base
 list_actions        - List actions currently implemented in website

    <p>You can read an <a href="oi_manage.html">online text
    version</a> of the documentation for <code>oi_manage</code> For
    the most up-to-date information, do a <code>perldoc
    oi_manage</code> from the command line to view the extensive

    <p>This section reviews installation, layout and gives a very broad
      overview of the packaging system.

    <p>There are two environment variables you can use too make your
      typing life easier:</p>

      <li><tt><b>OPENINTERACT</b></tt>: Base installation directory
      (used in place of <tt>--base_dir</tt></li>
      <li><tt><b>OIWEBSITE</b></tt>: Website directory (used in place
      of <tt>--website_dir</tt></li>

    <p>We encourage you to use these as much as possible. However, we
    continue to use the long form in the examples below.</p>

    <p>Installation of OpenInteract is very simple. First, you need to
    install the Perl module in the normal fashion. (CPAN or by-hand.) 
    Next, run:</p>
<pre><font size="-1">
 cd /path/where/I/unpacked/OpenInteract-x.xx
 oi_manage install --base_dir=/path/to/install

    <p>Easy! Read the <code>INSTALL</code> and
    <code></code> files that were packaged with the
    OpenInteract distribution for more details.


    <p>OpenInteract is composed of two pieces: the installation and
    the websites. The installation is what you create when you run the
    <code>oi_manage install</code> command above.

    <p>And you refer to it when you create new websites:

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage create_website --base_dir=/path/to/install \
                          --website_dir=/path/to/website \

    <p>Thereafter, the website keeps the information for the base
    installation directory in its <code>conf/base.conf</code> file
    described below. So you shouldn't need to refer to the
    installation directory too often. (Developers need to know it when
    they are developing packages, but that's a separate issue.)
    <h2>Packages: Installing and Upgrading</h2>

    <p>So OpenInteract exists in two parts: the installation and the
    various websites that use the installation.  When users who run
    the websites want to add new functionality by installing a new
    package or upgrading an existing one, they must first add the
    package to the OpenInteract installation and then apply it to the
    <p>The OpenInteract installation maintains a copy of every version
    of every package ever installed to the system. This might seem
    backwards or unnecessary, but it ensures that different websites
    can use and continue to use different versions of the same
    packages. This should allow you to accommodate different types of
    users: bleeding-edge developers who always play with new versions
    of packages and stay-the-line website maintainers who just want
    everything to work the same day after day.

    <p>Fortunately, the <code>oi_manage</code> script makes this whole
    process easy for us:

    <p><b>Install a new package to the installation:</b>

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage install_package --package_file=/path/to/file.tar.gz \

    <p><b>Install a new version of an existing package to the installation:</b>

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage install_package --package_file=/path/to/file.tar.gz \

    <p>Hey, those two were the same thing! It's true. Since the
    installation maintains a copy of every version of every package,
    it doesn't actually 'upgrade' a package in the installation.

    <p>This just emphasizes the main point: when you install a package
    to the OpenInteract installation, you're simply making it
    available for the websites that are using this installation.

    <p><b>Apply an installed package to a website:</b>

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage apply_package --package=newpackage \

    <p><b>Upgrade to a new version installed package for a website:</b>

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage upgrade_package --package=newpackage \

    <p>Ah, now those two commands were different. This shows that a
    website can only have <b>one version</b> of a particular package
    installed. If you try to <code>apply_package</code> for a package
    that has already been applied to a website, you'll get an error
    and no action will be taken. In this case you need to use

    <p>The docs for <code>oi_manage</code> discuss this next point but
    it's worth repeating: when you use <code>upgrade_package</code>,
    you merely update the registry information for the website. You
    also install new data and structure, object configuration,
    templates, handlers and everything else.

    <p>However, the system does <b>not</b> remove the old files. The
    system does not know if you want to keep the changes you've made
    or discard them, so it simply keeps the old directory around and
    allows you to copy information back and forth as you need. But
    this old directory is <b>not</b> used by the system anymore, and
    if you make changes to files in the old package directory they
    will not be reflected in the website.

    <H1>Configuration File Formats</H1>

    <P>We generally use one of three formats. If you create new
    configuration files, try to stick to these naming schemes.


    <P>Typical configuration file format: information separated into
    key-value pairs (separated by whitespace), blank lines and lines
    that begin with a comment (#) are skipped.


<pre><font size="-1">
  MyValue              emmet otter
  HerValue   fraggle rock
  TheirValue  jughandle
   # ringo   starr

    <p>Parsing this would return a hashref:

<pre><font size="-1"> { 
   MyValue    =&gt; 'emmet otter',
   HerValue   =&gt; 'fraggle rock',
   TheirValue =&gt; 'jughandle'


    <P>Very simple: one item per line. Blank lines and lines beginning
    with a comment (#) are skipped entirely.


<pre><font size="-1"> 

    <P>Parsing this would return an arrayref:

<pre><font size="-1"> 
  [ 'MyClass', 'HerClass', 'TheirClass' ]


    <P>This file is a full-fledged perl data structure, dumped to a
    file using <code>Data::Dumper</code>. It can be any type of
    structure, but it's normally used to represent a hashref
    containing all sorts of different types of information. It's also
    fairly easy to edit such a file using your favorite plain-text
    file editor.
    <P>When reading this type of configuration, we just return the
    data structure saved in the file -- if the file is an arrayref, we
    return an arrayref.

    <P>When we use this structure to save information for objects
    (such as the <code>OpenInteract::Config::PerlFile</code> object),
    we never save class information about the object, just the data.
    We can always re-bless the structure after it's eval'd in.


<pre><font size="-1">
 $data = {
          'db_info' =&gt; {
            'db_owner'    =&gt; '',
            'username'    =&gt; 'test',
            'password'    =&gt; '',
            'dsn'         =&gt; 'mydb',
            'db_name'     =&gt; 'myopeninteract',
            'driver_name' =&gt; 'mysql',

    <H1>Website Configuration</H1>

    <p>All files referenced in this section are contained in the home
    directory of the website. For instance, if you install a website

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage create_website --base_dir=/path/to/install \
                          --website_dir=/path/to/website \

    <p>The files described here would be in

    <p>We start with the simple files first and then get into the main
    configuration file.</p>

    <h2>File: conf/base.conf</h2>

    <P>This is one of the most important configuration files in
    OpenInteract -- fortunately, nobody should never need to edit it.
    <code>:-)</code> This file allows
    <code>OpenInteract::Startup</code> to bootstrap all the
    configuration information by supplying information for the class
    that reads in the data for the server configuration
    (<code>OpenInteract::Config::PerlFile</code> by default), the base
    directory for this application, the name of the configuration
    directory and file. You can also specify the Request class
    (<code>OpenInteract::Request</code> by default) and a Stash class
    (no default specified -- every application needs to have its

<pre><font size="-1">
base_dir         /opt/OpenInteract
website_dir      /home/httpd/
website_name     MySite
config_type      perl
config_class     OpenInteract::Config::PerlFile
config_dir       conf
config_file      server.perl
request_class    OpenInteract::Request
stash_class      MySite::Stash

    <h2>File: conf/apache.dat</h2>

    <P>List the classes needed by mod_perl in the
    <CODE>Apache::</CODE> class. You should never need to change

    <h2>File: conf/package_repository.perl</h2>

    <p>This is not a configuration file but included here for
    completeness. It is a text-based file (a Perl data structure in
    <code>Data::Dumper</code> format) and includes information about
    the packages in the website. You should never need to edit this
    file, but it's in a text-based format just in case you do.</p>

    <h2>File: conf/server.perl</h2>

    <p>This is the main website configuration file and you may find
    yourself editing this quite often in the beginning and then every
    once in a while thereafter. The file is quite well-commented so
    you have the information about what/how to configure next to the
    actual data to change.</p>

    <p>When you create a new website using <code>oi_manage</code> you
    get a starter <code>server.perl</code> file with a number of items
    filled in. (View the <a href="sample-server-perl.html">sample
    server.perl</a> file -- note that keys surrounded with '%%' will
    be replaced when you create a website with

    <p>This configuration is always available within the OpenInteract
    environment (as an <code>OpenInteract::Config</code> object) to
    developers and is read in anew every time the server starts. If
    you change the file while the server is running the changes are
    <b>not</b> picked up by the running server. You need to restart to
    make the change happen. (This might change as the need
    <p>The file itself is formatted in Perl and you can edit it with
    your favorite plain-text editor. You should be able to check
    whether it is syntactically valid by doing:</p>
<pre><font size="-1">
 perl -wc server.perl

    <p>This won't tell you whether it's <b>functionally</b>
    valid, but it's a first step. Note that there is a routine in
    <code>oi_manage</code> that allows you to check whether the
    parameters defined in <code>server.perl</code> will allow a
    database connection to be made:

<pre><font size="-1">
 oi_manage test_db --website_dir=/path/to/my/website

    <h3>Website Directories</h3>

    <p>The actual names of all directories are determined by this
    website configuration file as well. Here is an example with some
    commonly-used directories:</p>

     'dir' => {
       'base'     => undef, # replaced in OpenInteract::Startup
       'interact' => undef, # replaced in OpenInteract::Startup
       'error'    => '$BASE/error',
       'html'     => '$BASE/html',
       'log'      => '$BASE/logs',
       'cache'    => '$BASE/cache',
       'config'   => '$BASE/conf',
       'data'     => '$BASE/data',
       'mail'     => '$BASE/mail',
       'overflow' => '$BASE/overflow',
       'help'     => '$HTML/help',
       'download' => '$HTML/downloads',
       'upload'   => '$BASE/uploads',

    <p>Note that the 'dir' entry is one of the few places in the
    configuration where you can use expandable macros to determine the
    configuration value. As you might guess '$HTML' expands to find
    what the entry for 'html' is, which then depends on the value for
    'base' is. You are not restricted to using the '$HTML' and '$BASE'

    <p>Also, you can refer to '$BASE' even though the entry for 'base'
    is undefined. The standard <code></code> reads the value for
    'website_dir' set in the httpd.conf and sets it dynamically once
    the config file is read in. This way you should only have to set
    your directory in one location. (And we should fix the slightly
    confusing naming scheme as well...)</p>

    <p>Below are brief descriptions of what each directory should


  <li><b>base</b>: The root directory for this application. By
  default, everything needed for this application is under this
  directory. (This is set dynamically in the <code></code>
  file so anything you set in the configuration file will be

  <li><b>interact</b>: The base installation directory. (This is set
  in the <code></code> file so anything you set in the
  configuration file will be overwritten.)</li>

  <li><b>error</b>: If OpenInteract cannot save an error to the
  database, it will save the error (in <code>Data::Dumper</code>
  format) to this directory, using the ID of the error as a
  filename. Note that the error browser does not currently view these
  items, but this may change in the future.</li>

  <li><b>html</b>: The root directory for static web pages and

  <li><b>log</b>: Directory where logs are kept. This needs to be
  writeable by the webserver user.</li>
  <li><b>cache</b>: If you're using the default caching module that
  utilizes the filesystem, the caching will be done in this
  directory. This needs to be writeable by the webserver user.</li>

  <li><b>config</b>: Where all the configuration information is kept;
  this includes SPOPS class definitions, module configuration, and the
  main configuration file itself. The C<<code></code>> file
  is also kept here.</li>

  <li><b>data</b>: Not typically used in webserver operation, but
  usually where any data are kept, usually in a raw (CSV, bcp, etc.) 
  format before being massaged and put into the database. Also used
  for pre-formed SQL statements to load data into the database. If a
  package you download has default data it needs to load, those data
  can be kept here.</li>

  <li><b>mail</b>: Some applications may use asynchronous email
  services, where the system requests an email be sent but actually a
  file is written out with the necessary information and a time batch
  job (via cron) processes the mail at regular intervals. The files
  written for the batch job are written to this directory. This
  directory must be writeable by the webserver user.</li>

  <li><b>overflow</b>: Often a search may be run that returns more
  information than is desired to fit on the screen. You can use this
  directory to hold intermediate results and retrieve them later. Note
  that this might be eliminated in favor of caching at a later
  date. This directory must be writeable by the webserver user.</li>

  <li><b>help</b>: Directory where help files may be kept.</li>

  <li><b>download</b>: Directory to put generated files that users
  need to access. For instance, you might generate a CSV and DBF file
  to hold exported search results, put the files here and offer the
  user links to this directory to download them. This directory must
  be writeable by the webserver user.</li>

  <li><b>upload</b>: Directory where we can put uploaded files. This
  directory should not be in the HTML tree but it must be writeable by
  the webserver user.</li>


    <h2>Aliases per Website</h2>

    <p>As a convenience, OpenInteract allows you to setup aliases so
    you do not have to put all sorts of class names in your code. For
    instance, instead of using a hardcoded classname:<p>

 my $user = eval { OpenInteract::User->fetch( $uid ) };

    <p>You can use:</p>

 my $user = eval { $R->user->fetch( $uid ) };

    <p>These aliases are setup automatically from the SPOPS classes,
    and you're also given the opportunity to setup any additional
    aliases using the 'system_aliases' configuration key. Here's an

 'system_alias' => {
   'OpenInteract::Cookies::Apache'    => [ qw/ cookies / ],
   'OpenInteract::Session::MySQL'     => [ qw/ session / ],
   'OpenInteract::Template::Toolkit'  => [ qw/ template / ],
   'OpenInteract::PackageRepository'  => [ qw/ repository / ],
   'OpenInteract::Package'            => [ qw/ package / ],
   'OpenInteract::Error'              => [ qw/ error / ],
   'OpenInteract::Auth'               => [ qw/ auth auth_user auth_group / ],
   '%%WEBSITE_NAME%%::Security'       => [ qw/ security_object object_security security / ],
   'SPOPS::Secure'                    => [ qw/ secure / ],
   'OpenInteract::Error::Main'        => [ qw/ error_handler / ],
   'OpenInteract::Handler::Component' => [ qw/ component / ],

    <p>As you can see, you can setup multiple aliases to refer to the
    same class. For instance, any of the following will return the
    class 'OpenInteract::Auth':</p>


    <p>Note that using aliases like this is an as-yet-unmeasured
    performance hit, because every time you call the alias, $R needs
    to determine which application you're using so it can return the
    correct alias. This is a manifestation of the problem with running
    more than one application on the same server: what happens if two
    entirely separate applications want to setup an alias for

    <p>You should never need to setup the alises by hand -- the
    standard <code></code> file will take care of this for
    you. However, if you're curious... You can setup the alises by

 my $hr_alias = OpenInteract::Request->ALIAS;

    <p>Which returns a hashref to you. Any changes you make will be
    reflected in the master list of aliases. The hashref is setup as

 $hr->{ $alias }->{ $stash_class } = $aliased_class;

    <p>So when you're setting up the aliases, you need to be sure and
    include your $stash_class in the alias, or else you'll get all
    kinds of errors.</p>

    <p>Finally, we push the task of initializing the aliases
    (translating them into subroutines so they will execute quickly)
    into the ChildInitHandler, so we can ensure that all the
    applications have had their chance to modify the alias information
    before we create the subroutines.</p>

    <h2>Website Logging</h2>

    <p>All debugging messages generated by the OpenInteract system are
    put into STDERR, which in apache is sent to the error log. You can
    always get the debugging level of the current website by

 my $website_debug_level = $R->DEBUG;

   <p>A common logging idiom, using the
   C<OpenInteract::Request-E<gt>scrib()> method is:</p>

  $R->DEBUG && $R->scrib( 1, "My debugging message" );

    <p>This first checks to see if debugging is on and only then calls
    the C<scrib()> method.</p>

    <p>SPOPS modules do not obey this debugging level, and if you want
    to get debugging information from them you need to set the package
    variable <code>$SPOPS::DEBUG</code>. This turns on debugging for
    all SPOPS calls across websites.</p>


    <p>OpenInteract comes hooks for caching. While the caching
    framework is fairly generic (you could cache data in a SQL
    database or DBM file if you wished), the default caching mechanism
    is uses the <code>File::Cache</code> module and the
    filesystem. The module is fairly good about keeping the cache
    under a certain size (set in the configuration file), and you can
    also control the 'depth', which means that it creates
    subdirectories for the cache entries rather than putting them all
    into one big directory. Again, this is set in the configuration
    file. It's worth experimenting with this function as it works on
    your filesystem: journaling filesystems might be able to handle
    many thousands of entries in a single directory, whereas others
    might start having performance degradations after more than 500.</p>

    <p>Most (all?) modern filesystems will put frequently accessed
    files into an in-memory cache, which can be a big win for
    caching. However, if yours does not one alternative is to put the
    caching directory itself in memory by using a RAM disk. Setting up
    such a filesystem is beyond the scope of this document.</p>


    <p>NOTE: DO NOT restart the Apache/mod_perl process using the
    <tt>HUP</tt> signal. Your modules will not get reloaded

    <h2>Proxy Setup</h2>
    <p>OpenInteract depends on a persistent Perl environment within a
    web server. Currently, the best alternative is <a

    <p>mod_perl is extremely powerful, but this power can come at a
    price. Embedding Perl into Apache uses more resources
    (particularly memory) than just using Apache alone. A number of
    developers have experimented with various ways of minimizing the
    memory footprint of mod_perl, and one of the easiest and best
    performing methods is to use a proxy server.

    <p>This is described in great detail in the mod_perl guide under
    the <a href="">Choosing
    the Right Strategy</a> heading. But we'll summarize here:

      <li>Setup a plain Apache server with mod_proxy and mod_rewrite
      to listen to port 80 for your website. (We describe the build
      process below.)</li>

      <li>Tell this server to deal with static file requests (images,
      movies, PDFs, etc.)</li>

      <li>Proxy all other requests back to a heavier mod_perl server.</li>
      <li>Receive the information back from the mod_perl server and
      send to the client.</li>


    <p>The benefits of this are:

      <li>Resource-hogging mod_perl processes do not serve static
      files -- if they did, you'd need more of the processes.</li>

      <li>The front-end proxy is able to feed data back to the client
      at whatever rate it needs without taking up many resources the
      entire time. For instance, users reaching your website with
      modems can tie up a web server process for much longer than
      users who are on some sort of broadband network. If the process
      is small it's not such a big deal.</li>

      <li>Since they are separate, you can make changes to the (heavy)
      back-end and mask them by the (light) front-end. This is a great
      help when things are going wrong with the back-end and you don't
      want users to see nasty error pages.</li>

      <li>Also since they are separate, you can very easily move the
      back-end process to an entirely separate machine (or machines,
      using some sort of DNS or load-balancing manipulation) if the
      need arises.</li>


    <p>Running OpenInteract in this environment is <b>strongly</b>
    recommended, and it comes with configuration files that make it
    easier to do the Right Thing.</p>

    <H2>Building Apache: Proxy and mod_perl</H2>
    <p>First, you need to get the <code>mod_proxy_add_forward</code>
      module make available by Ask Bjoern Hansen. Retrieve it from: 
      <a href=""></a></p>

    <p>Once you've retrieved the file, copy it into the
    <code>src/modules/extra</code> directory of your Apache source
    code directory. An example of the 'activate-module' and
    'enable-module' directives to put this module into your Apache is
    below in the as well as in the source code for
    <code>mod_proxy_add_forward</code> itself.</p>
    <p>Once you've retrieved the extra module and copied it to the
    right place, you can create apache and mod_perl with the following
    steps. Note that this assumes you have not installed apache from
    source before and that you're installing to the directory
    <code>/usr/local/apache</code> -- modify as needed.</p>

<pre><font size="-1">
 1.  &gt;&gt; tar -zxvf apache-1.3.12.tar.gz

 2.  &gt;&gt; tar -zxvf mod_perl-1.24.tar.gz

 3.  &gt;&gt; cd apache-1.3.12

 4.  &gt;&gt; ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache \ 
                --enable-module=rewrite --enable-module=proxy \
                --activate-module=src/modules/extra/mod_proxy_add_forward.c \

 5.  &gt;&gt; make

 6.  &gt;&gt; make install
 (proxy server binary is now installed as /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd)

 7.  &gt;&gt; cd ../mod_perl-1.24

 8.  &gt;&gt; perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING=1
 # Configure mod_perl with ../apache_1.3.12/src ? [y]

 9.  &gt;&gt; y
 # Shall I build httpd in ../apache_1.3.12/src for you? [y]

 10. &gt;&gt; y

 11. &gt;&gt; make

 12. &gt;&gt; make test

 (note: if this fails due to an error with URI::URL, set the
 environment variable 'PERL_HTTP_URI_CLASS' to 'URI::URL', with
 something like:


 13. &gt;&gt; make install
 (mod_perl Perl modules are now installed)

 14. &gt;&gt; cp ../apache-1.3.12/src/httpd /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd_modperl
 (mod_perl-enabled Apache is now installed)

    <p>This is a very simple method for creating both a lightweight
    proxy Apache binary and a heavyweight mod_perl-enabled Apache
    binary. See the <a
    href=""><EM>mod_perl Guide</EM></a>
    for many, many more details about building mod_perl.</p>

    <P>It is strongly recommended that you do <B>not</B>
    build mod_perl using DSOs and that you do <B>not</B> use
    pre-built versions such as those supplied by RedHat with its
    RPMs. However, using the DSO mechanism probably works fine for the
    front-end proxy server.</p>

    <h2>Configuration Overview</h2>
    <p>Use <code>oi_manage</code>! Use <code>OI_MANAGE</code>! Use

    <p>The <code>oi_manage</code> script included with OpenInteract
    performs a number of tasks for you that make your life much
    easier. When you run the <code>create_website</code> command along
    with the appropriate parameters, <code>oi_manage</code> will copy
    configuration files from the base installation to your website
    directory and customize them for your website's parameters for

    <p>For instance, two of the files that are copied to your
    website's <code>conf/</code> directory are
    <code>httpd_static.conf</code> and
    <code>httpd_modperl.conf</code>.  (See <a
    href="sample-httpd-static.html">httpd_static.conf</a> and <a
    href="sample-httpd-modperl.html">httpd_modperl.conf</a> -- the
    items marked with '%%' are replaced in the customization process.) 
    You will still need to edit a few parameters in them --
    <code>oi_manage</code> is pretty smart, but it can't find out
    which IP address you want your website to listen to! -- but much
    of it is filled in for you.</p>

    <h2>Static Apache Configuration</h2>
    <p>After you've run <code>oi_manage</code>, you will need to
    modify a few parameters in the static Apache configuration file.


      <li><b>IP address</b>: Do a search-replace for '' with
      the IP address you want the website to listen to. Note that if
      you're using named virtual hosts you will not want to keep the
      <code><a target="_blank"
      directive. You will also need to specify the <code><a
      directive in your main Apache configuration file.</li>

      <li><b>ServerAdmin</b>: Change the value for the 'ServerAdmin'
      <li><b>ServerName</b>: Change the value for the 'ServerName'


    <p>Proxy configuration is fairly simple. Every rule (starting with
    <code>RewriteRule</code>) is processed in order. Once a rule is
    met, no further rules are processed unless the satisfied rule
    specifies it.</p>

    <p>The default proxy configuration assumes that the only static
    files you will want to serve directly from the proxy server are
    images. This action is specified by this line:</p>

<pre><font size="-1">
 RewriteRule ^/images - [L]

    <p>If you want to add other locations that will be entirely served
    by the lightweight server, just add them after this line. For
    example, if my website had a directory '/forms' where we kept PDF
    versions of forms for our customers to fill out, I could add:</p>
<pre><font size="-1">
 RewriteRule ^/forms - [L]

    <p>And every URL beginning with <code>/forms</code> will be
    answered by the front-end lightweight server. The <code>[L]</code>
    stands for "Local" and means that you want this server (the proxy
    server) to handle the request.</p>

    <p>The only word of warning here is that as an administrator you
    might need to keep an eye on what the back-end server is using for
    URLs. For instance, say I entered this <code>/forms</code>
    configuration directive and later a developer on the back-end
    server tries to configure OpenInteract to perform a certain action
    when given the <code>/forms</code> URL. Unless the developer knows
    that the front-end server is answering all the <code>/forms</code>
    URLs, she will have a very frustrating time trying to figure out
    why her handler isn't responding.</p>

    <h2>mod_perl Configuration</h2>

    <p>After you've run <code>oi_manage</code>, you will need to
    modify a few parameters in the mod_perl Apache configuration file.</p>


      <li><b>IP address</b>: Do a search-replace for '' with
      the IP address you want the website to listen to.</li>

      <li><b>ServerAdmin</b>: Change the value for the 'ServerAdmin'

      <li><b>ServerName</b>: Change the value for the 'ServerName'

      <li><b>Port</b>: (optional) Do a search-replace for the default
      value of '8080' with whatever port you want to run the mod_perl
      server on</li>


    <p><em>(Note: You can skip the remainder of this section if you
    just want to get something up and running. The
    <code>oi_manage</code> script takes care of all this for you. But
    if you're curious, read on.)</em>

    <P>Four separate items need to be customized in the
    <code>conf/httpd_modperl.conf</code> file:</p>

    <P><b>First</b>, define the library paths for this website. Note
    that this is applied on a server-wide basis, so be careful of
    namespace clashes.</p>


<pre><font size="-1">
  use lib qw( /home/httpd/ );

    <P><b>Second</b>, define a parameter that allow us to bootstrap
    our configuration object which contains the rest of everything we
    need to know.  The parameter is 'StashClass' you set it to a value
    that OpenInteract can use for a website's stash class.</p>


<pre><font size="-1">
 PerlSetVar StashClass      MySite::Stash

    <P><b>Third</b>, you need to bring in your
    <code></code>. (Information on what is done in the
    <code></code> is found in the <EM>OpenInteract
    Developer's Guide</EM>.)</p>

<pre><font size="-1">
 PerlRequire /home/httpd/

    <P><b>Fourth</b> and finally, we need to ensure that every request
    coming in goes through a single Apache content handler:
    <code></code>.  (This module is located in the
    <CODE>base</CODE> package.) To enable this, just do:</p>

<pre><font size="-1">
 &lt;Location /&gt; 
  SetHandler perl-script 
  PerlHandler OpenInteract

    <P>This Apache content handler is in the <CODE>base</CODE> package
    since it's part of the base functionality of the framework. We can
    just say "OpenInteract" in the httpd.conf file because we have
    already included the library in our <code></code>.</p>

    <h2>Running Multiple Websites on One Server</h2>

    <P>OpenInteract is a fairly heavyweight application. Its numerous
    modules and, more importantly, package versioning necessitate that
    each application run under its own mod_perl server. Multiple
    applications can easily be run on the same machine, and can share
    the same base package repository. But experience has shown that
    trying to run multiple applications under the same set of
    processes is nearly impossible unless everything is kept perfectly
    in sync. And that never, ever happens.</p>

    <h1>Suggested Readings</h1>


      <li><b>mod_perl Guide</b><br> 
        <a href=""></A></li>

      <li><b>General Apache documentation</b><br>
        <a href=""></a></li>

      <li><b>mod_rewrite manual</b><br>
        <a href=""></a></li>

      <li><b>Apache Virtual Host documentation</b><br>
        <a href=""></a></li>
