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<A NAME="__index__"></A>
<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->


	<LI><A HREF="#name">NAME</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#basics">BASICS</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#error == object">ERROR == OBJECT</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#error messages">ERROR MESSAGES</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#error handling framework">ERROR HANDLING FRAMEWORK</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#throwing an error">Throwing an Error</A></LI>

	<LI><A HREF="#error handlers">ERROR HANDLERS</A></LI>

		<LI><A HREF="#leaving messages">Leaving Messages</A></LI>
		<LI><A HREF="#specifying a custom error handler">Specifying a Custom Error Handler</A></LI>

	<LI><A HREF="#spops errors">SPOPS ERRORS</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#error codes">ERROR CODES</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#error types">ERROR TYPES</A></LI>
	<LI><A HREF="#authors">AUTHORS</A></LI>
<!-- INDEX END -->

<H1><A NAME="name">NAME</A></H1>
<P>Error Handling in OpenInteract</P>
<H1><A NAME="basics">BASICS</A></H1>
<P>Error handling in any individual application can get a little
tricky. Creating a framework that accommodate all types of
applications is much trickier!</P>
<P>We've tried to navigate the shoals of flexibility, robustness and
completeness. This solution does not entirely satisfy all three
critieria, but it should do well enough in all to create applications
that can handle anything that comes their way. It should also be
extensible enough so that if you see a shortcoming, you can fix it
yourself fairly easily.</P>
<H1><A NAME="error == object">ERROR == OBJECT</A></H1>
<P>First: every error thrown is an object. This object has a number of
parameters which can be set in two different ways (more on that
<P><STRONG>Error Parameters</STRONG></P>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_code"><STRONG>code</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
Number indicating severity/handler
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_type"><STRONG>type</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
Something like db/security/authenticate/email/...
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_system_msg"><STRONG>system_msg</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
Additional info for the admin, including detailed error messages.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_user_msg"><STRONG>user_msg</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
Brief description, suitable for showing to a user. (Not too detailed.)
This is not the message that <STRONG>must</STRONG> be shown to a user, however,
since the error handler is free to tell the user whatever it wishes.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_package"><STRONG>package</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
From what package was the error raised?
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_file"><STRONG>file</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
From what filename was the error raised? (Usually this will be just
about the same as the package, but you can not only have more than one
package per file, you can have a package created entirely
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_line"><STRONG>line</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
From what line of code was the error raised?
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_module"><STRONG>module</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
From what module was the error raised?
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_user_id"><STRONG>user_id</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
Who made the request?
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_session_id"><STRONG>session_id</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
What session was the request using?
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_browser"><STRONG>browser</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
User agent as given by the browser
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_time"><STRONG>time</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
when was the error thrown?
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_notes"><STRONG>notes</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
Additional stuff, including more detailed information than is in
system_msg (SQL statements, etc.)
<P>This object can ``do'' a few actions: notify someone that it was raised
and its details, save itself into a file, log or database. We don't
necessarily <STRONG>want</STRONG> to log every error, however. Otherwise we will get
a lot of fairly useless errors that will wind up obscuring the
meaningful stuff.</P>
<P>Since an error object is just another SPOPS object, you can do
anything with it that you do with a SPOPS object:</P>
 my $err = OpenInteract::Error-&gt;new;
 $err-&gt;{code} = 718;
 $err-&gt;{user_msg} = &quot;Press the 'any' key&quot;;
 $err-&gt;{system_msg} = &quot;User is a dingdong&quot;;
 $err-&gt;{type} = 'user error';
<P>The only thing different about this object than any other is that the
error object registers a handler that takes hold if it fails to save
properly that dumps the error to the filesystem for review. These
errors are dumped into the directory labeled 'error' in the
configuration and are currently not part of the error browser
tool. (Other SPOPS objects <STRONG>can</STRONG> do this, of course, but the Error
object is the only one that comes this way out of the box.)</P>
<H1><A NAME="error messages">ERROR MESSAGES</A></H1>
<P>You can also set error messges to be used in a later throw. There are
two reasons for this. First, the OpenInteract framework is tied fairly
closely to the SPOPS data abstraction layer. An error in SPOPS is
handled by saving all relevant information about the error into
package variables in the <EM>SPOPS::Error</EM> namespace. A brief message
about the error is then sent back to the user through the use of
<EM>die</EM>, and the detailed information can be retrieved through the
<EM>get()</EM> class method. For instance:</P>
 my $id = eval { $object-&gt;save };
 if ( $@ ) {
    my $info = SPOPS::Error-&gt;get;
    while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{ $info } ) {
      print &quot;Error info -- $k: $v\n&quot;;
<P>Since OpenInteract uses something suspiciously similar, you might see
the following idiom many times:</P>
 my $id = eval { $object-&gt;save };
 if ( $@ ) {
    Interact::Error-&gt;set( SPOPS::Error-&gt;get );
    $R-&gt;throw( { code =&gt; 404 } );
<P>Which basically just says: ``take all the error information from SPOPS,
send it over to Interact and throw an error that uses that information
by default.''</P>
<P>Similarly, you might wish (for readability and consistency) to use the
same idiom even when the error is not being thrown by SPOPS:</P>
 eval { sendmail( %msg ) || die $Mail::Sendmail::error };
 if ( $@ ) {
   Interact::Error-&gt;set( { system_msg =&gt; $@, type =&gt; 'email',
                           user_msg =&gt; 'Cannot send email',
                           extra =&gt; \%msg } );
   $R-&gt;throw( { code =&gt; 544 } );
<P>You can always throw an error with all the information passed
explicitly as well (more below). It's all up to you.</P>
<H1><A NAME="error handling framework">ERROR HANDLING FRAMEWORK</A></H1>
<P>The <EM>error handling framework</EM> uses these objects to determine proper
actions resulting from them. Here's how that works:</P>
When an error is first raised (or 'thrown'), we create an object and
put the passed parameters into it, put other parameters (browser,
user/session_id, time, calling information). We do <STRONG>not</STRONG> save it to
the database or filesystem yet.
We pass the error object to the error dispatcher. This is a system
handler which knows about the different error codes and the actions to
take based on information from the server configuration. The error
dispatcher finds out from the request object ($R) what module we're
currently in so it can determine the proper error handlers to use.
The dispatcher then queries each of the error handlers specified by
the module to see if it can deal with the error. If it can deal with
the handler, it returns a code reference that is then called by the
dispatcher, with the error object sent as the first (and only)
argument. If a coderef is not returned by the series of classes that
act as error handlers, the dispatcher calls the system handler, which
can catch and deal with all errors.
<H2><A NAME="throwing an error">Throwing an Error</A></H2>
<P>We saw an example of what throwing an error looks like above, but now
we'll just define all the parameters explicitly rather than using the
<EM>get()</EM>/<EM>set()</EM> class method syntax. (Note that you can execute the
<EM>throw()</EM> method using the object class or, for convenience, from
 eval { $class-&gt;open_file( $filename ) };
 if ( $@ ) {
   $R-&gt;throw( { code =&gt; 444, type =&gt; 'handler',
                user_msg =&gt; 'Could not retrieve list of groups.',
                system_msg =&gt; &quot;Error: $@&quot;,
                notes =&gt; { filename =&gt; $filename } } );
<P>Note that you do <STRONG>not</STRONG> need to throw an error every time an error
might occur. (Otherwise your applications might get a little
complicated...) Generally, you only want to throw an error when you
either want to let the system keep track of a particular occurrence,
when you want the system to take control of the current request, or
when you want to report a message back to the user.</P>
<P>You can also throw an error when you're in the development stage to
track the status of a task, and remove the error throw when you move
to production code.</P>
<H1><A NAME="error handlers">ERROR HANDLERS</A></H1>
<P>The code that handles the error can be arbitrarily simple or
complex. The code can define new content / user_interface handlers for
the current request or generate its own content and skip the content
handler phase altogether.</P>
<P>The error handler also decides whether to <EM>save()</EM> the error object or
not. Many times you do not wish to save an error since it might be
very common, thus cluttering up the log and obscuring real problems.</P>
<P>The code that handles the error can decide to return to the existing
process or short-circuit and skip to the next step. For instance, if
during a content handler I get an error with the database connection,
I likely don't want to go any further in the operation since I'll keep
getting errors. In that case, my error handler should issue a generic
'die;' command.</P>
<P>An eval {}; block will capture any die; commands within the handler
(or any of its called procedures) and allow you to skip the remainder
of the handler while still going on to the next step.</P>
<P>If the handler returns without calling die(), it can return:</P>
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_undef"><STRONG>undef</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
code can continue, no change to display
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_scalar"><STRONG>scalar</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
code can continue, but return value of procedure is requested to be
scalar, and most of the time you will simply return the scalar
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_hashref"><STRONG>hashref</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>
code can continue and output should be augmented by information in
hashref; often the output can be simply dereferenced and put into the
parameters to be interpolated into your template.
<P>The hashref can include any sort of information your application needs.</P>
<P>Practically speaking, you almost always either return nothing or
return a hashref of useful information. If you want something to be
displayed, just <CODE>die()</CODE> with it.</P>
<H2><A NAME="leaving messages">Leaving Messages</A></H2>
<P>The handler can also 'leave messages' for later handlers or
components. For instance, if a user logs in with incorrect
credentials, the error handler can leave a message for the 'login_box'
component. When the 'login_box' component is called, it has access to
its error messages in the template (the implementation TBD) and can
use the messages as it wishes.</P>
<P>To ensure the messages do not step on each other, they are stored in a
fairly deep hierarchy. Here's a detail of each step:</P>
Package variable $OpenInteract::Error::ERROR_HOLD, also exported on
request from OpenInteract::Error
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%24R%2D%3E%7B_%24ERROR_HOLD_%7D_%28%5C%25%29"><STRONG>$R-&gt;{ $ERROR_HOLD }</STRONG> (\%)</A></STRONG><BR>
Hashref whose keys are the components that will use the error
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="item_%24R%2D%3E%7B_%24ERROR_HOLD_%7D%2D%7B_%24component"><STRONG>$R-&gt;{ $ERROR_HOLD }-</STRONG>{ $component }&gt;. (\%)</A></STRONG><BR>
Hashref whose keys are the tags for the actual error messages.
<P>The second level (hashref stored in ($R-&amp;gt;{ $ERROR_HOLD }) is always
available to the templates under the variable name 'error_hold'. So
your template might look something like this:</P>
 [%- IF error_hold.loginbox.bad_login %]
   &lt;tr align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;
     &lt;td colspan=&quot;2&quot;&gt;&lt;font color=&quot;#ff0000&quot;&gt;
      [% error_hold.loginbox.bad_login %]
 [% END -%]</PRE>
<P>Where 'loginbox' is the name of the component, and 'bad_login' is the
place the template will look for a particular messge. Further
refinement might modify this so that the variable 'error_hold' only
has the messages destined for that particular component.</P>
<H2><A NAME="specifying a custom error handler">Specifying a Custom Error Handler</A></H2>
<P>As noted below, the system reserves the first 25 entries at each
severity level for system-level messages and errors. But what if you
want to write your own error handler?</P>
<P>For instance, say you want to know when a particular user</P>
<H1><A NAME="spops errors">SPOPS ERRORS</A></H1>
<P>We mentioned this briefly above, but it's worth going over again.</P>
<P>SPOPS, the data abstraction layer used on OpenInteract, deals with all
errors by setting error information in SPOPS::Error package variables,
then calling <CODE>die()</CODE> with a simple message indicating the nature of the
<P>The reason for this separation is twofold. First is a design decision:
SPOPS, while it was developed in tandem with OpenInteract, is a
separate package which cannot have any dependencies on
OpenInteract. Doing so would give is a nightmare. Second, the errors
thrown by SPOPS cannot know any context -- SPOPS::DBI might know if
you were trying to save something or remove something, but it doesn't
know how to redirect an error if found. You might wish to throw a
different error if a user record is not created versus whether a news
object is not created.</P>
<P>The list of information in SPOPS::Error is shorter than that tracked
in Interact::Error, since SPOPS::Error does not need to know user
context, browser being used, session information, etc.</P>
<H1><A NAME="error codes">ERROR CODES</A></H1>
<P>Severity is based on the error code. The lower the code, the more
severe. The levels are modeled after syslog and many other unix
<P>The system reserves the first 25 entries in each error code level. You
can override it if you wish, but you'd better know what you're doing.</P>
<P><STRONG>Severity levels:</STRONG></P>
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_099"><STRONG>000 - 099</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>emerg</STRONG>: system is unusable
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_199"><STRONG>100 - 199</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>alert</STRONG>: action must be taken immediately
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_299"><STRONG>200 - 299</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>crit</STRONG>: critical conditions
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_399"><STRONG>300 - 399</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>err</STRONG>: error conditions
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_499"><STRONG>400 - 499</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>warning</STRONG>: warning conditions
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_599"><STRONG>500 - 599</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>notice</STRONG>: normal but significant condition
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_699"><STRONG>600 - 699</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>info</STRONG>: informational
<LI><STRONG><A NAME="item_%2D_799"><STRONG>700 - 799</STRONG></A></STRONG><BR>

<STRONG>debug</STRONG>: debug-level messages
<H1><A NAME="error types">ERROR TYPES</A></H1>
<P>Database errors ('db')</P>
db handle not available (expired, not connected properly)
db user has no permission to perform operation
primary key violation
foreign key violation
uniqueness (index) constraint violation
bad table name
bad field name
<P>Authentication errors ('authenticate')</P>
user does not exist
bad password
<P>Authorization errors ('authorize')</P>
user cannot perform action requested (general, not object specific)
(this overlaps with security and might get phased out
<P>Security errors ('security')</P>
<P>Infrastructure ('infrastructure')</P>
something has gone wrong internally (this can be bad)
<H1><A NAME="authors">AUTHORS</A></H1>
<P>Chris Winters (<A HREF=""></A>)</P>