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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 16;

use_ok( 'Text::WikiFormat' );

my $wikitext =<<WIKI;

	* unordered

Final paragraph.


my $htmltext = eval { Text::WikiFormat::format($wikitext) };

is( $@, '',
	'format() should throw no warnings for text starting with newlines' );

like( $htmltext, qr!<li>unordered</li>!, 
	'ensure that lists followed by paragraphs are included correctly' ); 

package Baz;
use Text::WikiFormat as => 'wf';

::can_ok( 'Baz', 'wf' );

package main;

# make sure tag overrides work for Kake

$wikitext = <<WIKI;

* foo
** bar


my %format_tags = (
	indent   => qr/^(?:\t+|\s{4,}|(?=\*+))/,
	blocks   => { unordered => qr/^\s*\*+\s*/ },
	nests    => { unordered => 1 },

$htmltext = Text::WikiFormat::format($wikitext, \%format_tags );

like( $htmltext, qr/<li>foo<\/li>/, "first level of unordered list" );
like( $htmltext, qr/<li>bar<\/li>/, "nested unordered lists OK" );

# Check that blocks not in blockorder are not fatal

%format_tags = (
	blocks     => {
		definition => qr/^:\s*/
	definition => [ "<dl>\n", "</dl>\n", '<dt><dd>', "\n" ],
	blockorder => [ 'definition' ],

my $warning;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning = shift };
eval { Text::WikiFormat::format($wikitext, \%format_tags ) };
is( $@, '', 'format() should not die if a block is missing from blockorder' );
like( $warning, qr/No order specified/, '... warning instead' );

my $foo   = 'x';
$foo     .= '' unless $foo =~ /x/;
my $html  = Text::WikiFormat::format('test');
is( $html, "<p>test</p>\n", 'successful prior match should not whomp format()');

$wikitext =<<'WIKI';
Here is some example code:

	sub example_code {
		my ( $foo ) = @_;
		my $this    = call_that( $foo );

Isn't it nice?

$htmltext = Text::WikiFormat::format($wikitext, { blocks => { code => '\t' }} );

like( $htmltext, qr!<pre><code>sub example_code[^<]+}\s*</code></pre>!m,
	'pre tags should work' ); 

like( $htmltext, qr!^\tmy \( \$foo \)!m, '... not removing further indents' ); 

$wikitext =<<WIKI;

$htmltext = Text::WikiFormat::format($wikitext, {});

like( $htmltext, qr!<a href="CamelCase">CamelCase</a>!, 
	'parse actual CamelCase words into links' ); 
like( $htmltext, qr!<a href="CamooseCase">CamooseCase</a>!, 
	'... not repeating if using link as title' ); 
like( $htmltext, qr!^NOTCAMELCASE!m,
	'... but not words in all uppercase' ); 

my @processed = Text::WikiFormat::merge_blocks( [] );
is( @processed, 0, 'merge_blocks() should not autovivify empty blocks array' );
@processed    = Text::WikiFormat::nest_blocks( [] );
is( @processed, 0, '... nor should nest_blocks()' );