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use strict;
package CPAN::Reporter::PrereqCheck;

our $VERSION = '1.2017';

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.36;
use File::Spec;
use CPAN::Version;

_run() if ! caller();

sub _run {
    my %saw_mod;
    # read module and prereq string from STDIN
    # do this as early as possible:
    my @modules;
    while ( <> ) {
        push @modules, $_;
    local *DEVNULL;
    open DEVNULL, ">" . File::Spec->devnull; ## no critic
    # ensure actually installed, not ./inc/... or ./t/..., etc.
    local @INC = grep { $_ ne '.' } @INC;
    for (@modules) {
        my ($mod, $need) = ($1, $2);
        die "Couldn't read module for '$_'" unless $mod;
        $need = 0 if not defined $need;

        # only evaluate a module once
        next if $saw_mod{$mod}++;

        # get installed version from file with EU::MM
        my($have, $inst_file, $dir, @packpath);
        if ( $mod eq "perl" ) {
            $have = $];
        else {
            @packpath = split( /::/, $mod );
            $packpath[-1] .= ".pm";
            if (@packpath == 1 && $packpath[0] eq "") {
                unshift @packpath, "Term", "ReadLine"; # historical reasons
            foreach my $dir (@INC) {
                my $pmfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir,@packpath);
                if (-f $pmfile){
                    $inst_file = $pmfile;
                    last INCDIR;

            # get version from file or else report missing
            if ( defined $inst_file ) {
                $have = my $preliminary_version = MM->parse_version($inst_file);
                $preliminary_version = "0" if ! defined $preliminary_version || $preliminary_version eq 'undef';
                # report broken if it can't be loaded
                # "select" to try to suppress spurious newlines
                select DEVNULL; ## no critic
                if ( ! _try_load( $mod, $preliminary_version ) ) {
                    select STDOUT; ## no critic
                    print "$mod 0 broken\n";
                # Now the module is loaded: if MM->parse_version previously failed to
                # get the version, then we can now look at the value of the $VERSION
                # variable.
                if (! defined $have || $have eq 'undef') {
                    no strict 'refs';
                    my $mod_version = ${$mod.'::VERSION'};
                    if (defined $mod_version) {
                        $have = $mod_version;
                    } else {
                        $have = 0; # fallback
                select STDOUT; ## no critic
            else {
                print "$mod 0 n/a\n";

        # complex requirements are comma separated
        my ( @requirements ) = split /\s*,\s*/, $need;

        my $passes = 0;
        for my $rq (@requirements) {
            if ($rq =~ s|>=\s*||) {
                # no-op -- just trimmed string
            } elsif ($rq =~ s|>\s*||) {
                if (CPAN::Version->vgt($have,$rq)){
                next RQ;
            } elsif ($rq =~ s|!=\s*||) {
                if (CPAN::Version->vcmp($have,$rq)) {
                    $passes++; # didn't match
                next RQ;
            } elsif ($rq =~ s|<=\s*||) {
                if (! CPAN::Version->vgt($have,$rq)){
                next RQ;
            } elsif ($rq =~ s|<\s*||) {
                if (CPAN::Version->vlt($have,$rq)){
                next RQ;
            # if made it here, then it's a normal >= comparison
            if (! CPAN::Version->vlt($have, $rq)){
        my $ok = $passes == @requirements ? 1 : 0;
        print "$mod $ok $have\n"

sub _try_load {
  my ($module, $have) = @_;

  my @do_not_load = (
    # should not be loaded directly
    qw/Term::ReadLine::Perl Term::ReadLine::Gnu MooseX::HasDefaults Readonly::XS
       POE::Loop::Event SOAP::Constants
       Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized/,
    'Devel::Trepan', #"require Enbugger; require Devel::Trepan;" starts debugging session

    #removed modules
    qw/Pegex::Mo YAML::LibYAML/,

    #have additional prereqs
    qw/Log::Dispatch::Email::MailSender RDF::NS::Trine Plack::Handler::FCGI Web::Scraper::LibXML/,

    #modify @INC. 'lib' appearing in @INC will prevent correct
    #checking of modules with XS part, for ex. List::Util
    qw/ExtUtils::ParseXS ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities/,
    #require special conditions to run

    #do not return true value
    qw/perlsecret Alt::Crypt::RSA::BigInt/,

  my %loading_conflicts = (
    'signatures' => ['Catalyst'],
    'Dancer::Plugin::FlashMessage' => ['Dancer::Plugin::FlashNote'],
    'Dancer::Plugin::FlashNote' => ['Dancer::Plugin::FlashMessage'],
    'Dancer::Plugin::Mongoose' => ['Dancer::Plugin::DBIC'],
    'Dancer::Plugin::DBIC' => ['Dancer::Plugin::Mongoose'],
    'Test::BDD::Cucumber::Loader' => ['Test::Exception', 'Test::MockObject'], #works in different order
    'Test::Mock::LWP::UserAgent' => ['HTTP::Response'],
    'Test::SharedFork' => ['threads'], #dies if $INC{''}
    'Test::TCP' => ['threads'], #loads Test::SharedFork
    'Test::Fake::HTTPD' => ['threads'], #loads Test::SharedFork
    #Note: Test::Perl::Critic and other modules load threads, so reordering will not help
  ); #modules that conflict with each other
  my %load_before = (
    'Tk::Font' => 'Tk',
    'Tk::Widget' => 'Tk',
    'Tk::Label' => 'Tk',
    'Tk::Menubutton' => 'Tk',
    'Tk::Entry' => 'Tk',
    'Class::MOP::Class' => 'Class::MOP',
    'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role' => 'Moose',
    'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union' => 'Moose',
    'Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native' => 'Class::MOP',
    'Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute' => 'Class::MOP',
    'Test::More::Hooks' => 'Test::More',
    'Net::HTTP::Spore::Middleware::DefaultParams' => 'Net::HTTP::Spore::Meta::Method',
    'Log::Log4perl::Filter' => 'Log::Log4perl',
    'RDF::DOAP::Project' => 'RDF::Trine', #or other modules that use RDF::Trine will fail

  # M::I < 0.95 dies in require, so we can't check if it loads
  # Instead we just pretend that it works
  if ( $module eq 'Module::Install' && $have < 0.95 ) {
    return 1;
  # circular dependency with Catalyst::Runtime, so this module
  # does not depends on it, but still does not work without it.
  elsif ( $module eq 'Catalyst::DispatchType::Regex' && $have <= 5.90032 ) {
    return 1;
  elsif (  grep { $_ eq $module } @do_not_load ) {
    return 1;
  # loading Acme modules like Acme::Bleach can do bad things,
  # so never try to load them; just pretend that they work
  elsif( $module =~ /^Acme::/ ) {
    return 1;

  if ( exists $loading_conflicts{$module} ) {
      foreach my $mod1 ( @{ $loading_conflicts{$module} } ) {
         my $file = "$";
         $file =~ s{::}{/}g;
         if (exists $INC{$file}) {
             return 1;

  if (exists $load_before{$module}) {
      eval "require $load_before{$module};1;";

  my $file = "$";
  $file =~ s{::}{/}g;

  return eval {require $file; 1}; ## no critic


# ABSTRACT: Modulino for prerequisite tests



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

CPAN::Reporter::PrereqCheck - Modulino for prerequisite tests

=head1 VERSION

version 1.2017


  require CPAN::Reporter::PrereqCheck;
  my $prereq_check = $INC{'CPAN/Reporter/'};
  my $result = qx/$perl $prereq_check < $prereq_file/;


This modulino determines whether a list of prerequisite modules are
available and, if so, their version number.  It is designed to be run
as a script in order to provide this information from the perspective of
a subprocess, just like CPAN::Reporter's invocation of C<<< perl Makefile.PL >>>
and so on.

It reads a module name and prerequisite string pair from each line of input
and prints out the module name, 0 or 1 depending on whether the prerequisite
is satisfied, and the installed module version.  If the module is not
available, it will print "nE<sol>a" for the version.  If the module is available
but can't be loaded, it will print "broken" for the version.  Modules
without a version will be treated as being of version "0".

No user serviceable parts are inside.  This modulino is packaged for
internal use by CPAN::Reporter.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature using the CPAN Request Tracker.
Bugs can be submitted through the web interface at

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an
existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item *

L<CPAN::Reporter> -- main documentation


=head1 AUTHOR

David Golden <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2006 by David Golden.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
