The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
use Exception::Class::TryCatch;

use Getopt::Lucid ':all';
use Getopt::Lucid::Exception;
use lib ".";
use t::ErrorMessages;

# Work around win32 console buffering that can show diags out of order
Test::More->builder->failure_output(*STDOUT) if $ENV{HARNESS_VERBOSE};

sub why {
    my %vars = @_;
    $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
    return "\n" . Data::Dumper->Dump([values %vars],[keys %vars]) . "\n";

# Test cases

my ($num_tests, @good_specs);


    push @good_specs, {
        label => "magic bare names in spec",
        spec  => [
        cases => [
                argv    => [ qw( --ver-bose v -rtvf=test --r test -- test ) ],
                result  => {
                    "ver-bose" => 3,
                    "test" => 2,
                    "r" => 2,
                    "f" => "test",
                after   => [qw( test )],
                desc    => "all three types in command line"
                argv    => [ qw( --ver-bose v -rtvf fest --r test -- test ) ],
                result  => {
                    "ver-bose" => 3,
                    "test" => 2,
                    "r" => 2,
                    "f" => "fest",
                after   => [qw( test )],
                desc    => "all three types in command line"
                argv    => [ qw( -test ) ],
                exception   => "Getopt::Lucid::Exception::ARGV",
                error_msg => _invalid_argument("-e"),
                desc    => "single dash with word"
                argv    => [ qw( f test ) ],
                exception   => "Getopt::Lucid::Exception::ARGV",
                error_msg => _param_ambiguous("f", "test"),
                desc    => "ambiguous param -- bareword"
                argv    => [ qw( f --test ) ],
                exception   => "Getopt::Lucid::Exception::ARGV",
                error_msg => _param_ambiguous("f", "--test"),
                desc    => "ambiguous param -- long form"

    push @good_specs, {
        label => "avoid ambiguity (RT 33462)",
        spec  => [
        cases => [
                argv    => [ qw( -c /home/newuat5/nas/Abilit/newuat6/test_home/Data/tdg/testdatengenerator.conf ) ],
                required => ['config'],
                result  => {
                    "config" => "/home/newuat5/nas/Abilit/newuat6/test_home/Data/tdg/testdatengenerator.conf",
                    "help" => 0,
                after   => [],
                desc    => "single dash option"


for my $t (@good_specs) {
    $num_tests += 1 + 2 * @{$t->{cases}};

plan tests => $num_tests;

# Test good specs

my ($trial, @cmd_line);

while ( $trial = shift @good_specs ) {
    try eval { Getopt::Lucid->new($trial->{spec}, \@cmd_line) };
    catch my $err;
    is( $err, undef, "$trial->{label}: spec should validate" );
    SKIP: {
        if ($err) {
            my $num_tests = 2 * @{$trial->{cases}};
            skip "because $trial->{label} spec did not validate", $num_tests;
        for my $case ( @{$trial->{cases}} ) {
            my $gl = Getopt::Lucid->new($trial->{spec}, \@cmd_line);
            @cmd_line = @{$case->{argv}};
            my %opts;
            my $valid_args = $case->{required}  ? {requires => $case->{required}}
                                                : {};
            try eval { %opts = $gl->getopt->validate($valid_args)->options };
            catch my $err;
            if (defined $case->{exception}) { # expected
                ok( $err && $err->isa( $case->{exception} ),
                    "$trial->{label}: $case->{desc} should throw exception" )
                    or diag why( got => ref($err), expected => $case->{exception});
                is( $err, $case->{error_msg},
                    "$trial->{label}: $case->{desc} error message correct");
            } elsif ($err) { # unexpected
                fail( "$trial->{label}: $case->{desc} threw an exception")
                    or diag "Exception is '$err'";
                pass("$trial->{label}: skipping \@ARGV check");
            } else { # no exception
                is_deeply( \%opts, $case->{result},
                    "$trial->{label}: $case->{desc}" ) or
                    diag why( got => \%opts, expected => $case->{result});
                my $argv_after = $case->{after} || [];
                is_deeply( \@cmd_line, $argv_after,
                    "$trial->{label}: \@cmd_line correct after processing") or
                    diag why( got => \@cmd_line, expected => $argv_after);