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# PODNAME: Pod::WikiDoc::Cookbook
# ABSTRACT: Examples of Pod::WikiDoc usage



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Pod::WikiDoc::Cookbook - Examples of Pod::WikiDoc usage

=head1 VERSION

version 0.21


This file contains some examples of ways to use L<Pod::WikiDoc>
or to integrate L<Pod::WikiDoc> with other tools.


=head2 Editor settings for working with Pod::WikiDoc

I<(Seeking equivalent settings for other editors or alternatives for vim.)>

=head3 Vim

In vim, use the C<<< comments >>> and C<<< formatoptions >>> settings in C<<< .vimrc >>> to
have vim automatically insert the wikidoc comment leader when pressing
return from a wikidoc comment line.  For example, the following lines in a
C<<< .vimrc >>> file will activate this option whenever a perl-ish file is loaded.

     autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.p? set comments=b:###
     autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.p? set formatoptions+=r

=head2 Subclassing Module::Build to automatically generate Pod from wikidoc

With a little extra work in the Build.PL file, Pod::WikiDoc
can work easily with L<Module::Build> to extract wikidoc into .pod
files automatically during the distribution process

The Build.PL file below subclasses L<Module::Build> with three functions:


=item *

ACTION_wikidoc -- adds a new C<<< Build wikidoc >>> action that extracts Pod
and wikidoc from all .pm files in the C<<< lib >>> directory and adds them to

=item *

ACTION_testpod -- adds a dependency on the C<<< wikidoc >>> action to regenerate
.pod files before testing them

=item *

ACTION_distdir -- adds a dependency on the C<<< wikidoc >>> action to regenerate
.pod files before bundling up a distribution


As an extra feature, ACTION_wikidoc also sets a VERSION keyword that can
be used to insert the current version number into the generated Pod.

     = VERSION
     This documentation refers to version %%VERSION%%.

By making wikidoc extraction part of the C<<< distdir >>> action, users installing the
distribution will receive it with .pod files already created, and will not need
to have L<Pod::WikiDoc> installed themselves.

     # Build.PL
     use Module::Build;
     my $class = Module::Build->subclass(
         class => "Module::Build::WikiDoc",
         code => <<'SUBCLASS' );
         sub ACTION_wikidoc {
             my $self = shift;
             eval "use Pod::WikiDoc";
             if ( $@ eq '' ) {
                 my $parser = Pod::WikiDoc->new( {
                     comment_blocks => 1}
                     keywords => { VERSION => $self->dist_version },
                 for my $src ( keys %{ $self->find_pm_files() } ) {
                     (my $tgt = $src) =~ s{\.pm$}{.pod};
                     $parser->filter( {
                         input   => $src,
                         output  => $tgt,
                     print "Creating $tgt\n";
                     $tgt =~ s{\\}{/}g; # for win32
                     $self->_add_to_manifest( 'MANIFEST', $tgt );
             else {
                 warn "Pod::WikiDoc not available. Skipping wikidoc.\n";
         sub ACTION_testpod {
             my $self = shift;
         sub ACTION_distdir {
             my $self = shift;
         # regular Module::Build options

=head2 Including extra pure-wikidoc files in a distribution

To add extra documentation files to a distribution, create them as .pm
files and let Pod::WikiDoc convert them as normal.  To prevent the .pm
files from being indexed (e.g. by, list them as "no_index"
in the META.yml file of the distribution.

Example of a simple .pm documentation file:

     package Some::Module::About;
     use strict; # make CPANTS happy
     =begin wikidoc
     Your wikidoc goes here.
     =end wikidoc

Adding "no_index" to META.yml via Build.PL (requires Module::Build

     my $builder = $class->new(
         # regular Module::Build options
         meta_add            => {
             no_index => {
                 file => [ qw{
                 } ]

=head1 AUTHOR

David A Golden <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by David A Golden.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
