=== Empty mapping
--- yaml
\--- {}
--- perl
[ {} ]

# Simple hashs
=== one_hash1
--- yaml
foo: bar

--- perl
[ { foo => 'bar' } ]

=== one_hash2
--- yaml
foo: bar
this: ~

--- perl
[ { this => undef, foo => 'bar' } ]

=== one_hash3
--- yaml
-foo: bar

--- perl
[ { '-foo' => 'bar' } ]

# Implicit document start
=== implicit_hash
--- yaml
foo: bar

--- perl
[ { foo => 'bar' } ]

# Make sure we support x-foo keys
=== x-foo key
--- yaml
x-foo: 1
--- perl
[ { 'x-foo' => 1 } ]

# Hash key legally containing a colon
=== module_hash_key
--- yaml
Foo::Bar: 1
--- perl
[ { 'Foo::Bar' => 1 } ]

# Hash indented
=== hash_indented
--- yaml
  foo: bar
--- perl
[ { foo => "bar" } ]

# Empty Values and Premature EOF

=== empty hash keys
--- yaml
foo:    0
--- perl
[ { foo => 0, requires => undef, build_requires => undef } ]
--- noyamlpm

# Confirm we can read the synopsis

=== synopsis
--- yaml
rootproperty: blah
  one: two
  three: four
  Foo: Bar
  empty: ~
--- perl
[ {
    rootproperty => 'blah',
    section      => {
        one   => 'two',
        three => 'four',
        Foo   => 'Bar',
        empty => undef,
} ]

# Indentation after empty hash value

=== Indentation after empty hash value
--- yaml
    Bad: 0
    Foo: 1
    Long: 0
  version: 5
  name: 'test profile'
  note: 'note this test profile'
--- perl
[ {
    Test => {
        optmods => {
            Bad => 0,
            Foo => 1,
            Long => 0,
        version => 5,
    Test_IncludeA => {
        optmods => undef,
    Test_IncludeB => {
        optmods => undef,
    _meta => {
        name => 'test profile',
        note => 'note this test profile',
} ]

# Spaces in the Key

=== spaces in the key
--- yaml
the key: the value
--- perl
[ { 'the key' => 'the value' } ]

# Complex keys
=== key_with_whitespace
--- yaml
a b: c d

--- perl
[ { 'a b' => 'c d' } ]

=== quoted_empty_key
--- yaml
'': foo

--- perl
[ { '' => 'foo' } ]