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package CatalystX::RouteMaster;
$CatalystX::RouteMaster::VERSION = '1.08';
  $CatalystX::RouteMaster::DIST = 'CatalystX-ConsumesJMS';
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Module::Runtime 'require_module';
use Catalyst::Utils ();
use Moose::Util qw(apply_all_roles);

# ABSTRACT: role for components providing Catalyst actions

sub routes {
    die "the 'routes' method needs to be implemented in class ".

has routes_map => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'HashRef',
    default => sub { { } },

has enabled => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => 'Bool',
    default => 1,

requires '_kind_name';

requires '_wrap_code';

sub _split_class_name {
    my ($self,$class_name) = @_;
    my $kind_name = $self->_kind_name;

    my ($appname,$basename) = ($class_name =~ m{^((?:\w|:)+)::\Q$kind_name\E::(.*)$});
    return ($appname,$basename);

around COMPONENT => sub {
    my ($orig,$class,$appclass,$config) = @_;

    my ($appname,$basename) = $class->_split_class_name($class);
    my $kind_name = $class->_kind_name;
    my $ext_config = $appclass->config->{"${kind_name}::${basename}"} || {};
    my $merged_config = Catalyst::Utils::merge_hashes($ext_config,$config);

    return $class->$orig($appclass,$merged_config);

sub expand_modules {
    my ($self,$component,$config) = @_;

    my $class=ref($self);

    my ($appname,$basename) = $class->_split_class_name($class);

    my $pre_routes = $self->routes;

    return unless $self->enabled;

    my %routes;
    for my $url (keys %$pre_routes) {
        my $real_url = $self->routes_map->{$url}
            || $url;
        my $route = $pre_routes->{$url};
        # one URL mapped to multiple URLs
        if (ref($real_url) eq 'ARRAY') {
            @{$routes{$_}}{keys %$route} = values %$route
                for @$real_url;
        # one URL mapped to multiple URLs, and action names mapped
        # inside
        elsif (ref($real_url) eq 'HASH') {
            for my $real_url_key (keys %$real_url) {
                my $action_map = $real_url->{$real_url_key};
                for my $action_name (keys %$route) {
                    my $real_action_name = $action_map->{$action_name}
                        || $action_name;
                    # action name mapped to multiple names
                    if (ref($real_action_name) eq 'ARRAY') {
                        $routes{$real_url_key}->{$_} =
                                for @$real_action_name;
                    # action name mapped to a single name
                    else {
                        $routes{$real_url_key}->{$real_action_name} =
        # one URL mapped to a single URL
        else {
            @{$routes{$real_url}}{keys %$route} = values %$route;

    my @result;

    for my $url (keys %routes) {
        my $route = $routes{$url};

        my $controller_pkg = $self->_generate_controller_package(

            'register_actions' =>

        push @result,$controller_pkg;

    #$_->meta->make_immutable for @result;

    return @result;

sub _generate_controller_package {
    my ($self,$appname,$url,$config,$route) = @_;

    $url =~ s{^/+}{};
    my $pkg_safe_url = $url;
    $pkg_safe_url =~ s{\W+}{_}g;

    my $controller_pkg = "${appname}::Controller::${pkg_safe_url}";

    our $VERSION; # get the global, set by Dist::Zilla

    if (!Class::Load::is_class_loaded($controller_pkg)) {

        my @superclasses = $self->_controller_base_classes;
        my @roles = $self->_controller_roles;
        require_module($_) for @superclasses,@roles;

        my $meta = Moose::Meta::Class->create(
            $controller_pkg => (
                version => $VERSION,
                superclasses => \@superclasses,
        apply_all_roles($controller_pkg,@roles) if @roles;

    return $controller_pkg;

sub _controller_base_classes { 'Catalyst::Controller' }

sub _controller_roles { }

sub _generate_register_action_modifier {
    my ($self,$appname,$url,$controller_pkg,$config,$route) = @_;

    $url =~ s{^/+}{};
    return sub {
        my ($self_controller,$c) = @_;

        for my $action_name (keys %$route) {

            my $coderef = $self->_wrap_code(
            my $action = $self_controller->create_action(
                name => $action_name,
                code => $coderef,
                reverse => "$url/$action_name",
                namespace => $url,
                class => $controller_pkg,

sub _action_extra_params {
    my ($self,$c,$url,$action_name,$route) = @_;
    return ( attributes => { 'Path' => ["$url/$action_name"] } );




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

CatalystX::RouteMaster - role for components providing Catalyst actions

=head1 VERSION

version 1.08


  package MyApp::Base::Stuff;
  use Moose;
  extends 'Catalyst::Component';
  with 'CatalystX::RouteMaster';

  sub _kind_name {'Stuff'}
  sub _wrap_code {
    my ($self,$c,$url_prefix,$action_name,$route) = @_;
    my $code = $route->{code};
    my $extra_config = $route->{extra_config};
    return sub {
      my ($controller,$ctx) = @_;


  package MyApp::Stuff::One;
  use Moose;
  extends 'MyApp::Base::Stuff';

  sub routes {
    return {
      '/some/url' => {
        action_name => {
          code => \&my_action_method,
          extra_config => $whatever,

  sub my_action_method {
    my ($self,$request) = @_;

    # do something

Also, remember to tell L<Catalyst> to load your C<Stuff> components:

   search_extra [ ::Stuff ]


First of all, this role does not give you anything that you could not
do with Catalyst directly. It does not add any functionality. What it
does is allow you to write some simple controllers in a different

This was originally part of L<CatalystX::ConsumesJMS>, then I realised
it could easily be generalised, so here is the "general" part.

=head2 Rationale

So, since this module is quite complicated, and does not actually
provide anything that Catalyst doesn't already do, why does it exist?
When I wrote L<CatalystX::ConsumesJMS> and L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>, I
was (ab)using Catalyst as a combination dependency injection container
+ dispatcher, to write an application to consume ActiveMQ
messages. One of the design goals was to hide Catalyst from the actual
application code, since in the end there was no need to expose the
framework. If you don't need to hide Catalyst from your code, or you
need non-trivial dispatching, you're probably better off without this

=head2 Usage

This role is to be used to define base classes for components in your
Catalyst applications. It's I<not> to be consumed directly by
application components. Classes inheriting from those base classes
will, when loaded, create controllers and register their actions
inside them.

=head2 Routing

Subclasses of your component base specify which URLs they are
interested in, by writing a C<routes> method, see the synopsis for an

They can specify as many URLs and action names as they want / need,
and they can re-use the C<code> values as many times as needed.

The main limitation is that you can't have two components using the
exact same URL / action name pair (even if they derive from different
base classes!). If you do, the results are undefined. This is the same
"limitation" as not having two actions for the same request in regular

It is possible to alter the URL via configuration, like:

    logical_url  /the/actual/url

You can also do this:

    logical_url  /the/actual/url
    logical_url  /another/url

to get your class to respond to two different URLs without altering
the code.

You can even alter the action name via the configuration:

    <logical_url /the/actual/url>
      action_name local_action
    <logical_url /another/url>
      action_name local_action1
      action_name local_action2

That would (with the default L</_action_extra_params> method) install
3 identical actions for the following URLs:

=over 4

=item C</the/actual/url/local_action>

=item C</another/url/local_action1>

=item C</another/url/local_action2>


(Again, nothing that you couldn't do with normally-written
controllers, it's just a different way to do it).

=head2 The "code"

The hashref specified by each URL / action name pair will be passed to
the L</_wrap_code> function (that the consuming class has to provide),
and the coderef returned will be installed as the action to invoke for
that name under that URL.

=head1 Required methods

=head2 C<_kind_name>

As in the synopsis, this should return a string that, in the names of
the classes deriving from the consuming class, separates the
"application name" from the "component name".

These names are mostly used to access the configuration.

=head2 C<_wrap_code>

This method is called with:

=over 4

=item *

the Catalyst application as passed to C<register_actions>

=item *

the URL (mapped via L</routing>)

=item *

the action name (mapped via L</routing>)

=item *

the value from the C<routes> corresponding to the URL and action name
slot (see L</Routing> above)


You can do whatever you need in this method, see the synopsis for an

The coderef returned will be invoked as a Catalyst action for each
matching request, which means it will get:

=over 4

=item *

the controller instance (you should rarely need this)

=item *

the Catalyst application context


=head1 Implementation Details


This role should be consumed by sub-classes of C<Catalyst::Component>.

The consuming class is supposed to be used as a base class for
application components (see the L</SYNOPSIS>, and make sure to tell
Catalyst to load them!).

Since these components won't be in the normal Model/View/Controller
namespaces, we need to modify the C<COMPONENT> method to pick up the
correct configuration options. This is were L</_kind_name> is used.

We hijack the C<expand_modules> method to generate various bits of
Catalyst code on the fly.

If the component has a configuration entry C<enabled> with a false
value, it is ignored, thus disabling it completely.

We generate a controller package for each (mapped) URL, by calling
L</_generate_controller_package>, and we add an C<after> method
modifier to its C<register_actions> method inherited from
C<Catalyst::Controller>, to create all the (mapped) actions. The
modifier is generated by calling

=head2 C<_generate_controller_package>

  my $pkg = $self->_generate_controller_package(

Generates a controller package, inheriting from whatever
L</_controller_base_classes> returns, called
C<${appname}::Controller::${url}> (invalid characters are replaced
with C<_>). Any roles returned by L</_controller_roles> are applied to
the controller.

Inside the controller, we set the C<namespace> config slot to the

=head2 C<_controller_base_classes>

List (not arrayref!) of class names that the controllers generated by
L</_generate_controller_package> should inherit from. Defaults to

=head2 C<_controller_roles>

List (not arrayref!) of role names that should be applied to the
controllers created by L</_generate_controller_package>. Defaults to
the empty list.

=head2 C<_generate_register_action_modifier>

  my $modifier = $self->_generate_register_action_modifier(

Returns a coderef to be installed as an C<after> method modifier to
the C<register_actions> method. The coderef will register each
(mapped) action with the Catalyst dispatcher. You can pass additional
parameters to the controller's C<create_action> method by overriding

Each action's code is obtained by calling L</_wrap_code>.

=head2 C<_action_extra_params>

  my %extra_params = $self->_action_extra_params(

You can override this method to provide additional arguments for the
C<create_action> call inside
L</_generate_register_action_modifier>. For example you could return:

  attributes => { MySpecialAttr => [ 'foo' ] }

to set that attribute for all generated actions. Defaults to:

  attributes => { 'Path' => ["$url/$action_name"] }

to make all the action "local" to the generated controller (i.e. they
will be invoked for requests to C<< $url/$action_name >>).

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=head1 AUTHOR

Gianni Ceccarelli <>


Thanks to Peter Sergeant (SARGIE) for the name.


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
