package Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp;
  $Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::VERSION = '1.07';
  $Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::DIST = 'Plack-Handler-Stomp';
use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints 'class_type';
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(ArrayRef HashRef Maybe);

use namespace::autoclean;
use Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp;
use Plack::Handler::Stomp;

# ABSTRACT: testing library for Plack::Handler::Stomp

has handler_args => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => HashRef,
    default => sub { {
        one_shot => 1,
    } },
    traits => ['Hash'],
    handles => {
        set_arg => 'set',

has handler => (
    is => 'ro',
    isa => class_type('Plack::Handler::Stomp'),
    lazy => 1,
    builder => 'setup_handler',
    clearer => 'clear_handler',

has frames_sent => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[class_type('Net::Stomp::Frame')],
    default => sub { [ ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_sent_frame => 'push',
        sent_frames_count => 'count',
        clear_sent_frames => 'clear',

has frames_to_receive => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[class_type('Net::Stomp::Frame')],
    default => sub { [ Net::Stomp::Frame->new({
        command => 'ERROR',
        headers => {
            message => 'placeholder from ' . __PACKAGE__,
        body => '',
    }) ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_frame_to_receive => 'push',
        next_frame_to_receive => 'shift',
        frames_left_to_receive => 'count',
        clear_frames_to_receive => 'clear',

has constructor_calls => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[HashRef],
    default => sub { [ ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_constructor_call => 'push',
        constructor_calls_count => 'count',
        clear_constructor_calls => 'clear',

has connection_calls => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[Maybe[HashRef]],
    default => sub { [ ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_connection_call => 'push',
        connection_calls_count => 'count',
        clear_connection_calls => 'clear',

has disconnection_calls => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[Maybe[HashRef]],
    default => sub { [ ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_disconnection_call => 'push',
        disconnection_calls_count => 'count',
        clear_disconnection_calls => 'clear',

has subscription_calls => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[Maybe[HashRef]],
    default => sub { [ ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_subscription_call => 'push',
        subscription_calls_count => 'count',
        clear_subscription_calls => 'clear',

has unsubscription_calls => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef[Maybe[HashRef]],
    default => sub { [ ] },
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        queue_unsubscription_call => 'push',
        unsubscription_calls_count => 'count',
        clear_unsubscription_calls => 'clear',

has log_messages => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => ArrayRef,
    traits => ['Array'],
    handles => {
        add_log_message => 'push',
        log_messages_count => 'count',
        clear_log_messages => 'clear',

sub setup_handler {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return Plack::Handler::Stomp->new({
        logger => $self,
        connection_builder => sub {
            my ($params) = @_;
            return Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp->new({
                new => sub { $self->queue_constructor_call(shift) },
                connect => sub { $self->queue_connection_call(shift) },
                disconnect => sub { $self->queue_disconnection_call(shift) },
                subscribe => sub { $self->queue_subscription_call(shift) },
                unsubscribe => sub { $self->queue_unsubscription_call(shift) },
                send_frame => sub { $self->queue_sent_frame(shift) },
                receive_frame => sub { $self->next_frame_to_receive() },

sub debug {
    my ($self,@msg) = @_;
sub info {
    my ($self,@msg) = @_;
sub warn {
    my ($self,@msg) = @_;
sub error {
    my ($self,@msg) = @_;

sub clear_calls_and_queues {
    my ($self) = @_;




=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp - testing library for Plack::Handler::Stomp

=head1 VERSION

version 1.07


  my $t = Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp->new();
    subscriptions => [
      { destination => '/queue/input_queue',
        path_info => '/input_queue', },

        command => 'MESSAGE',
        headers => {
            destination => '/queue/input_queue',
            subscription => 0,
            type => 'my_type',
            'message-id' => 356,
        body => '{"foo":"bar"}',




Testing a PSGI application that expects JMS/STOMP messages can be a
pain. This library helps reduce that pain.

It wraps a L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>, connecting it to a
L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> instead of a real STOMP
connection, and allows you to inspect everything that happens to the


=head2 C<handler_args>

Hashref, arguments to pass to L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>'s
constructor. You can add to this via the L</set_arg> method. Defaults
to C<< { one_shot => 1 } >>, to avoid having L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>
loop forever.

=head2 C<handler>

A L<Plack::Handler::Stomp> instance. It's built on-demand via
L</setup_handler>. You can clear it with L</clear_handler> to have it
rebuilt (for example, if you have changed L</handler_args>)

=head2 C<frames_sent>

Arrayref of L<Net::Stomp::Frame> objects that L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>
sent. Can be edited via L</queue_sent_frame>, L</sent_frames_count>,
L</clear_sent_frames>. Defaults to the empty array.

=head2 C<frames_to_receive>

Arrayref of L<Net::Stomp::Frame> objects that L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>
will consume. Can be edited via L</queue_frame_to_receive>,
L</next_frame_to_receive>, L</frames_left_to_receive>,

Defaults to an array with a single C<ERROR> frame.

=head2 C<constructor_calls>

Arrayref of whatever was passed to the
L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> constructor. Can be edited
via L</queue_constructor_call>, L</constructor_calls_count>,

=head2 C<connection_calls>

Arrayref of whatever was passed to the
L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> C<connect> method. Can be
edited via L</queue_connection_call>, L</connection_calls_count>,

=head2 C<disconnection_calls>

Arrayref of whatever was passed to the
L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> C<disconnect> method. Can be
edited via L</queue_disconnection_call>,
L</disconnection_calls_count>, L</clear_disconnection_calls>.

=head2 C<subscription_calls>

Arrayref of whatever was passed to the
L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> C<subscribe> method. Can be
edited via L</queue_subscription_call>, L</subscription_calls_count>,

=head2 C<unsubscription_calls>

Arrayref of whatever was passed to the
L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> C<unsubscribe> method. Can
be edited via L</queue_unsubscription_call>,
L</unsubscription_calls_count>, L</clear_unsubscription_calls>.

=head2 C<log_messages>

Arrayref of whatever L<Plack::Handler::Stomp> logs. Each element is a
pair C<< [ $level, $message ] >>. Can be edited via
L</add_log_message>, L</log_messages_count>, L</clear_log_messages>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<set_arg>


Sets arguments for L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>'s constructor, see

=head2 C<clear_handler>

Destroys the L</handler>, forcing it to be rebuilt next time it's

=head2 C<queue_sent_frame>

Adds a frame to the end of L</frames_sent>.

=head2 C<sent_frames_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</frames_sent>.

=head2 C<clear_sent_frames>

Removes all elements from L</frames_sent>.

=head2 C<queue_frame_to_receive>

Adds a frame to the end of L</frames_to_receive>.

=head2 C<next_frame_to_receive>

Removes a frame from the beginning of L</frames_to_receive> and
returns it.

=head2 C<frames_left_to_receive>

Returns the number of elements in L</frames_to_receive>.

=head2 C<clear_frames_to_receive>

Removes all elements from L</frames_to_receive>.

=head2 C<queue_constructor_call>

Adds a hashref to the end of L</constructor_calls>.

=head2 C<constructor_calls_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</constructor_calls>.

=head2 C<clear_constructor_calls>

Removes all elements from L</constructor_calls>.

=head2 C<queue_connection_call>

Adds a hashref to the end of L</connection_calls>.

=head2 C<connection_calls_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</connection_calls>.

=head2 C<clear_connection_calls>

Removes all elements from L</connection_calls>.

=head2 C<queue_disconnection_call>

Adds a hashref to the end of L</disconnection_calls>.

=head2 C<disconnection_calls_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</disconnection_calls>.

=head2 C<clear_disconnection_calls>

Removes all elements from L</disconnection_calls>.

=head2 C<queue_subscription_call>

Adds a hashref to the end of L</subscription_calls>.

=head2 C<subscription_calls_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</subscription_calls>.

=head2 C<clear_subscription_calls>

Removes all elements from L</subscription_calls>.

=head2 C<queue_unsubscription_call>

Adds a hashref to the end of L</unsubscription_calls>.

=head2 C<unsubscription_calls_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</unsubscription_calls>.

=head2 C<clear_unsubscription_calls>

Removes all elements from L</unsubscription_calls>.

=head2 C<add_log_message>

Adds a pair to the end of L</log_messages>.

=head2 C<log_messages_count>

Returns the number of elements in L</log_messages>.

=head2 C<clear_log_messages>

Removes all elements from L</log_messages>.

=head2 C<setup_handler>

Constructs a L<Plack::Handler::Stomp>, setting it up to capture
logging, passing L</handler_args>, and setting a C<connection_builder>
that returns a L<Test::Plack::Handler::Stomp::FakeStomp> with all the
callbacks set to accumulate calls in this object.

=head2 C<debug>

=head2 C<info>

=head2 C<warn>

=head2 C<error>

Logger delegate methods, the handler returned by L</setup_handler>
uses these to log. These methods accumulate log messages by calling

=head2 C<clear_calls_and_queues>

Calls the clearer for all the queue / accumulator attributes
(L</frames_sent>, L</frames_to_receive>, L</constructor_calls>,
L</connection_calls>, L</disconnection_calls>, L</subscription_calls>,
L</unsubscription_calls>, L</log_messages>)

=head1 AUTHOR

Gianni Ceccarelli <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
