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use utf8;
require v5.10.0;
# vim: ts=4:sw=4:et:ai:sts=4
# KGB - an IRC bot helping collaboration
# Copyright © 2008 Martín Ferrari
# Copyright © 2009, 2011, 2012 Damyan Ivanov
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

use strict;
use warnings;

=head1 NAME

kgb-client - relay commits to KGB servers



=item B<kgb-client> --conf I</path/to/config> [I<other-option> ...]

=item B<kgb-client> --uri I<http://some.server:port/service>
                    --password I<password>
                    --repo-id I<repository>
                    --repository I<svn|git|cvs>
                    --timeout I<timeout-in-seconds>
                    --single-line-commits I<off|forced|auto>
                    --web-link I<template>
                    --short-url-service I<service>
                    --status-dir I<directory>
                    --message-template I<template>

=item B<kgb-client> I<option>... I</svn/repo> I<revision>

=item B<kgb-client> I<option>... I<old-rev> I<new-rev> I<ref-name>

=item B<kgb-client> I<option>... $CVSROOT "%p"

=item B<kgb-client> I<option>... --fake

=item B<kgb-client> I<option>... --relay-msg I<message>...

=item B<kgb-client> --help

=item B<kgb-client> --man



B<kgb-client> is the client counterpart of L<kgb-bot(1)>. It is intended to be
used as a hook in your version control system, executed after the repository
gets updated. It analyzes the commit(s) and then relays the information to the
KGB server, which will show it on IRC.



=item B<--conf> I<configuration file>

Specifies the path to kgb-client configuration file.


Configuration options (except B<--conf>, B<--fake> and B<--relay-msg>) may be
specified both in the configuration file and on the command line. Usually you
want to have all the
options in a configuration file, because having passwords on the command line
is insecure. The configuration file also gives more control, for example it
supports multiple servers and multiple ways of detection of branch and module

See L<kgb-client.conf(5)> for available configuration options. Unless noted
otherwise, all the options in the configuration file can also be used on
command line, prefixing them with two dashes. E.g. C<repo-id> becomes

Options given on the command line take precedence over configuration file.


If invoked with the B<--fake> option, B<kgb-client> will send a fake commit to
the servers. This is useful for testing client-server communication
independently from VCS setup.


When the B<--relay-msg> option is given, there is no repository to be
inspected. Instead, the non-option command line arguments are passed verbatim
to the bot to display on IRC. This can be used for real-time notification about
other events like bug submissions etc.


=head2 Subversion

Installation requires calling B<kgb-client> with two command line arguments,
like this:

    /path/to/kgb-client "$REPOS" "$REV"


=item I<path to the subversion repository>

This is the physical path to the Subversion repository. Something like I</srv/svn/my-repo>

=item I<revision>

This is the revision number of the commit, that has triggered the hook.


Both these arguments are supplied to the standard Subversion post-commit hooks.

=head2 Git

B<kgb-client> shall be installed as a B<post-receive> hook. Something along the
following shall do:

    exec /path/to/kgb-client --conf /path/to.conf ...

By default, B<kgb-client> will read the reflog information from standard input
as any standard Git post-receive hook. See B<--git-reflog> option if something
else is wanted.

There are other ways to give kgb-client information about Git reflog, mostly
useful when debugging on in unusual situations. See L<App::KGB::Client::Git>.

The following settings can be configured via L<git-config(1)>:


=item conf
=item web-link


=head2 CVS

B<kgb-client> shall be installed in the F<loginfo> file in the C<CVSROOT>
module of the CVS repository. It shall be given two arguments -- the repository
root, and the directory in which the changes are being made.

For example:

    ALL /path/to/kgb-client --conf /path/to.conf ... "$CVSROOT" "%p"

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item L<kgb-client.conf(5)>

=item L<App::KGB::Client>

=item L<App::KGB::Client::Subversion>

=item L<App::KGB::Client::Git>

=item L<App::KGB::Client::CVS>



use App::KGB::Client::ServerRef;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use YAML ();

# option settings may come from three sources:
# 1. defaults
# 2. configuration file
# 3. command line
# Sources are evaluated in this order. Every source overrides previous ones

my ($conf_file,      $uri,        $proxy,
    $repo_id,        $password,   $timeout,
    $verbose,        $repo_type,  @br_mod_re, @mod_br_re,
    $br_mod_re_swap, $module,     $ignore_branch,
    @servers,        $git_reflog, $single_line_commits,
    $status_dir,     $web_link,   $short_url_service,
    $fake,           $protocol,   $relay_msg,
    $help,           $man,        $use_irc_notices,
    $use_color,      %colors,     $msg_template,

# defaults
$single_line_commits = 'auto';
$use_color           = 1;


    'conf=s'  => \$conf_file,
    'help|?'  => \$help,
    'man'     => \$man,
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(0) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;

# configuration file
my $conf;

sub from_conf {
    my ( $setting, $ref ) = @_;
    return unless exists $conf->{$setting};
    ref($ref) or die "Internal error -- expecting reference ($setting)";

    my $value = $conf->{$setting};
    if ( ref($ref) eq 'SCALAR' ) {
        die "'$setting' configuration option must be scalar"
            if ref($value);
        $$ref = $value;
    elsif ( ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        die "'$setting' configuration option must be array"
            unless ref($value)
            and ref($value) eq 'ARRAY';
        @$ref = @$value;
    elsif ( ref($ref) eq 'HASH' ) {
        die "'$setting' configuration option must be map"
            unless ref($value)
            and ref($value) eq 'HASH';
        %$ref = %$value;
    else {
        die "Internal error -- unknown reference ($setting)";

# detect repository type
if ( exists $ENV{GIT_DIR} ) {
    die "Unable to determine repository type\n"
        . "both GIT_DIR and CVSROOT present in the environment.\n"
        . "Please use --repository to force repository type.\n"
        if exists $ENV{CVSROOT};

    $repo_type = 'git';

    # default configuration file
    $conf_file //= `git config kgb.conf`;
elsif ( exists $ENV{CVSROOT} ) {
    $repo_type = 'cvs';
else {
    $repo_type = 'svn';

if( $conf_file ) {
    $conf = YAML::LoadFile($conf_file)
        or die "Error loading config from $conf_file\n";

    if ( ref($conf) ne "HASH" ) {
        die "Invalid configuration: root element must be a map.\n";
    from_conf( uri                         => \$uri );
    from_conf( proxy                       => \$proxy );
    from_conf( 'repo-id'                   => \$repo_id );
    from_conf( password                    => \$password );
    from_conf( timeout                     => \$timeout );
    from_conf( 'branch-and-module-re'      => \@br_mod_re );
    from_conf( 'module-and-branch-re'      => \@mod_br_re );
    from_conf( 'branch-and-module-re-swap' => \$br_mod_re_swap );
    from_conf( 'ignore-branch'             => \$ignore_branch );
    from_conf( module                      => \$module );
    from_conf( repository                  => \$repo_type );
    from_conf( 'single-line-commits'       => \$single_line_commits );
    from_conf( 'use-irc-notices'           => \$use_irc_notices );
    from_conf( 'status-dir'                => \$status_dir );
    from_conf( 'web-link'                  => \$web_link );
    from_conf( 'short-url-service'         => \$short_url_service );
    from_conf( protocol                    => \$protocol );
    from_conf( 'relay_msg'                 => \$relay_msg );
    from_conf( 'use-color'                 => \$use_color );
    from_conf( 'servers'                   => \@servers );
    from_conf( 'color-scheme'              => \%colors );
    from_conf( 'message-template'          => \$msg_template );
    from_conf( 'batch-messages'            => \$batch_messages );


    'uri=s'                      => \$uri,
    'proxy=s'                    => \$proxy,
    'repo-id=s'                  => \$repo_id,
    'pass|password=s'            => \$password,
    'timeout=s'                  => \$timeout,
    'branch-and-module-re=s'     => \@br_mod_re,
    'br-mod-re=s'                => \@br_mod_re,
    'module-and-branch-re=s'     => \@mod_br_re,
    'mod-br-re=s'                => \@mod_br_re,
    'branch-and-module-re-swap!' => \$br_mod_re_swap,
    'module=s'                   => \$module,
    'ignore-branch=s'            => \$ignore_branch,
    'repository=s'               => \$repo_type,
    'verbose!'                   => \$verbose,
    'git-reflog=s'               => \$git_reflog,
    'single-line-commits=s'      => \$single_line_commits,
    'use-irc-notices!'           => \$use_irc_notices,
    'status-dir=s'               => \$status_dir,
    'web-link=s'                 => \$web_link,
    'short-url-service=s'        => \$short_url_service,
    'fake!'                      => \$fake,
    'protocol=s'                 => \$protocol,
    'relay-msg'                  => \$relay_msg,
    'use-color!'                 => \$use_color,
    'message-template=s'         => \$msg_template,
    'batch-messages!'            => \$batch_messages,
) or pod2usage(2);

if ( $br_mod_re_swap ) {
    push @mod_br_re, @br_mod_re;
    @br_mod_re = ();

    if $use_irc_notices and $use_irc_notices =~ /^(?:no|false)$/i;

push @servers, { uri => $uri } if $uri;

@servers = map {
        {   password => $password,
            timeout  => $timeout,
            verbose  => $verbose,
} @servers;

die "no servers defined. use 'uri' or 'servers' configuration options\n"
    unless @servers;

die "repo-id not given\n" unless $repo_id;

$single_line_commits =~ m/^(?:off|forced|auto)$/
    or die "Unknown value for the --single-line-commits option "
    . "('$single_line_commits')\n";

if ( $relay_msg ) {
    die "--relay-msg cannot be used together with --fake\n" if $fake;

    $repo_type = 'IGNORED';
    $relay_msg = join( ' ', @ARGV );

use Cwd();
use File::Spec;

my @client_args = (
    repo_id             => $repo_id,
    servers             => \@servers,
    br_mod_re           => \@br_mod_re,
    mod_br_re           => \@mod_br_re,
    module              => $module,
    ignore_branch       => $ignore_branch,
    verbose             => $verbose,
    single_line_commits => $single_line_commits,
    use_irc_notices     => $use_irc_notices,
    use_color           => $use_color,
    status_dir          => $status_dir,
    web_link            => $web_link,
    short_url_service   => $short_url_service,
    protocol            => $protocol,
    colors              => \%colors,
    msg_template        => $msg_template,
    batch_messages      => $batch_messages,

push @client_args, ( relay_message => $relay_msg ) if $relay_msg;

if ($fake) {
    warn "Sending fake commit notification\n";

    require App::KGB::Client::Fake;

    my $client = App::KGB::Client::Fake->new( {@client_args} );

    exit 0;

if ( $relay_msg ) {
    eval { require App::KGB::Client::RelayMsg; 1 }
        or die "Message relay support unavailable\n"
        . "Error loading App::KGB::Client::RelayMsg:\n"
        . $@;

    my $client = App::KGB::Client::RelayMsg->new( { @client_args } );
elsif ( $repo_type eq 'svn' ) {
    my($path, $rev) = @ARGV;
    die "Repository path and revision must be given as arguments\n"
        unless $path and $rev;

    print "Processing r$rev of SVN repository $path\n"
        if $verbose;

    eval { require App::KGB::Client::Subversion; 1; }
        or die "Subversion support unavailable\n"
        . "Error loading App::KGB::Client::Subversion:\n"
        . $@;

    my $client = App::KGB::Client::Subversion->new(
        {   @client_args,
            repo_path      => $path,
            revision       => $rev,

elsif ( $repo_type eq 'git' ) {
    print "Processing Git receive pack\n"
        if $verbose;

    eval { require App::KGB::Client::Git; 1; }
        or die "Git support unavailable\n"
        . "Error loading App::KGB::Client::Git:\n"
        . $@;

    my $client = App::KGB::Client::Git->new(
        { @client_args, reflog => $git_reflog } );


elsif ( $repo_type eq 'cvs' ) {
    print "Processing CVS commit\n"
        if $verbose;

    eval { require App::KGB::Client::CVS; 1; }
        or die "CVS support unavailable\n"
        . "Error loading App::KGB::Client::CVS:\n"
        . $@;

    my $cvs_root = shift(@ARGV);
    my $dir = shift(@ARGV);
    my $client = App::KGB::Client::CVS->new(
        {   @client_args,
            cvs_root  => $cvs_root,
            author    => $ENV{USER},
            directory => $dir,
            files     => [@ARGV],

else {
    die "Repository type '$repo_type' not supported\n";