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use strict;
use warnings;

use autodie qw(:all);
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile );
use Test::More;

    eval { require SVN::Core; 1 }
        or plan skip_all => "SVN::Core required for testing the Subversion client";
    eval { require SVN::Fs; 1 }
        or plan skip_all => "SVN::Fs required for testing the Subversion client";
    eval { require SVN::Repos; 1 }
        or plan skip_all => "SVN::Repos required for testing the Subversion client";

plan tests => 30;

use utf8;
my $builder = Test::More->builder;
binmode $builder->output,         ":utf8";
binmode $builder->failure_output, ":utf8";
binmode $builder->todo_output,    ":utf8";

use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
my $r = tempdir( CLEANUP => not $ENV{TEST_KEEP_TEMP} );
diag "Temporary directory $r will be kept" if $ENV{TEST_KEEP_TEMP};

my $repo = catdir( $r,     'repo' );
my $wd   = catdir( $r,     'checkout' );
my $tf = catfile( $wd, 'file' );

sub poke {
    my $f;
    open $f, ">", $tf;
    print $f @_;
    close $f;

sub in_wd {
    system 'sh', '-c', "cd $wd && " . shift;

system 'svnadmin', 'create', $repo;

my $hook_log;

    diag "will try to send notifications to locally running bot";
    use Cwd;
    $hook_log = catdir( $r, 'hook.log' );
    my $R = getcwd;
    my $h;
    open $h, '>', "$repo/hooks/post-commit";
    print $h <<"EOF";

PERL5LIB=$R/lib $R/script/kgb-client --conf $R/eg/test-client.conf --status-dir $r \$1 \$2 >> $hook_log 2>&1
    close $h;
    chmod 0755, "$repo/hooks/post-commit";
system 'svn', 'checkout', "file://$repo", $wd;

in_wd "svn add $tf";
in_wd "svn ci -m 'add file'";

in_wd "svn ci -m 'modify file'";

in_wd "svn rm file";
in_wd "svn add file";
in_wd "svn ci -m 'replace file'";

ok( 1, "Test repository prepared" );

use App::KGB::Client::Subversion;
use App::KGB::Client::ServerRef;

my $port = 7645;
my $password = 'v,sjflir';

my $c = new_ok(
    'App::KGB::Client::Subversion' => [
        {   repo_id => 'test',
            servers => [
                    {   uri      => "$port/",
                        password => $password,

            #br_mod_re      => \@br_mod_re,
            #br_mod_re_swap => $br_mod_re_swap,
            #ignore_branch  => $ignore_branch,
            repo_path => $repo,
            revision  => 1,

my $commit = $c->describe_commit;

my $me = getpwuid($>);

is( $commit->id, 1 );
is( $commit->log, 'add file' );
diag "\$>=$> \$<=$< \$ENV{USER}=$ENV{USER} getpwuid(\$>)=$me";
is( $commit->author, $me );
is( scalar @{ $commit->changes }, 1 );

my $change = $commit->changes->[0];
is( $change->path, '/file' );
ok( not $change->prop_change );
is( $change->action, 'A' );

$commit = $c->describe_commit;

is( $commit->id, 2 );
is( $commit->log, 'modify file' );
is( $commit->author, $me );
is( scalar @{ $commit->changes }, 1 );

$change = $commit->changes->[0];
is( $change->path, '/file' );
ok( not $change->prop_change );
is( $change->action, 'M' );

$commit = $c->describe_commit;

is( $commit->id, 3 );
is( $commit->log, 'replace file' );
is( $commit->author, $me );
is( scalar @{ $commit->changes }, 1 );

$change = $commit->changes->[0];
is( $change->path, '/file' );
ok( not $change->prop_change );
is( $change->action, 'R' );

    skip "UTF-8 locale needed for the test with UTF-8 commit message", 7,
        unless ( ( $ENV{LC_CTYPE} // '' ) =~ /utf-8$/i );

    in_wd "svn rm file";
    in_wd "svn ci -m 'remove file. Über cool with cyrillics: здрасти'";

    $commit = $c->describe_commit;

    is( $commit->id, 4 );
    is( $commit->log, 'remove file. Über cool with cyrillics: здрасти' );
    is( $commit->author, $me );
    is( scalar @{ $commit->changes }, 1 );

    $change = $commit->changes->[0];
    is( $change->path, '/file' );
    ok( not $change->prop_change );
    is( $change->action, 'D' );

diag `cat $hook_log` if $hook_log and -s $hook_log;