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package TestFirebird;
# Helper file for the DBD::Firebird tests
# 2011-04-01: Created by stefan(
# Based on the DBD::InterBase - Makefile.PL script
# (2008-01-08 05:29:19Z by edpratomo)
# Inspired by the 't/' script from DBD::Pg.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

use DBI 1.43;                   # minimum version for 'parse_dsn'
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp;

use Test::More;

use base 'Exporter';

our @EXPORT = qw(find_new_table);

sub import {
    my $me = shift;
    $me->export_to_level(1,undef, qw(find_new_table));

use constant test_conf => 't/tests-setup.tmp.conf';
use constant test_mark => 't/tests-setup.tmp.OK';
use constant dbd => 'DBD::Firebird';

sub new {
    my $self = bless {}, shift;



    return $self;

sub check_credentials {
    my $self = shift;

    unless ( $self->{pass}
        or $ENV{DBI_PASS}
        or $ENV{ISC_PASSWORD} )
        plan skip_all =>
            "Neither DBI_PASS nor ISC_PASSWORD present in the environment";
        exit 0;    # do not fail with CPAN testers

=head2 read_cached_configs

Read the connection parameters from the 'tests-setup.conf' file.


sub read_cached_configs {
    my $self = shift;

    my $test_conf = $self->test_conf;

    if (-f $test_conf) {
        # print "\nReading cached test configuration...\n";

        open my $file_fh, '<', $test_conf
            or croak "Can't open file ", $test_conf, ": $!";

        foreach my $line (<$file_fh>) {
            next if $line =~ m{^#+};         # skip comments

            my ($key, $val) = split /:=/, $line, 2;
            chomp $val;
            $self->{$key} = $val;

        close $file_fh;

=head2 connect_to_database

Initialize setting for the connection.

Connect to database and return handler.

Takes optional parameter for connection attributes.


sub connect_to_database {
    my $self = shift or confess;
    my $attr = shift;

    my $error_str = $self->tests_init();

    my $dbh;
    unless ($error_str) {
        my $default_attr =
          { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 };

        # Merge attributes
        @{$default_attr}{ keys %{$attr} } = values %{$attr};

        # Connect to the database
        eval {
        $dbh =
          DBI->connect( $self->{tdsn}, $self->{user}, $self->{pass},
            $default_attr );
        if ($@) {
            $error_str .= "Connection error: $@";

    return ($dbh, $error_str);

=head2 tests_init

Read the configurations from the L<tests-setup.conf> file, and checks if
they are valid.


sub tests_init {
    my $self = shift or confess;

    my $error_str;
    if ( $self->check_mark() ) {
        return undef;
    else {
        $error_str = $self->check_and_set_cached_configs;
        unless ($error_str) {
            $error_str = $self->setup_test_database;

    return $error_str;

=head2 check_cached_configs

Simply (double)check every value and return what's missing.


sub check_and_set_cached_configs {
    my $self = shift;

    my $error_str = q{};

    # Check user and pass, try the get from ENV if missing
    $self->{user} ||= $self->get_user;
    $self->{pass} ||= $self->get_pass;

    # Check host
    $self->{host} ||= $self->get_host;

    # The user can control the test database name and path using the
    # DBI_DSN environment var.  Other option is a default made up dsn
        = $self->{tdsn}
        ? $self->check_dsn( $self->{tdsn} )
        : $self->get_dsn;
    $error_str .= $self->{tdsn} ? q{} : q{wrong dsn,};

    # The database path
    $self->{path} = $self->get_path;
    my ( $base, $path, $type ) = $self->fileparse( $self->{path}, '\.fdb' );

    # Check database path only if local
    if ( !$self->{host} or $self->{host} eq 'localhost' ) {
        $error_str .= 'wrong path, '
            if $type eq q{.fdb} and not( -d $path and $base );

        # if no .fdb extension, then it may be an alias


    return $error_str;

sub get_user {
   my $self = shift;

   return $ENV{DBI_USER} || $ENV{ISC_USER} || q{sysdba};

sub get_pass {
   my $self = shift;

   return $ENV{DBI_PASS} || $ENV{ISC_PASSWORD} || q{masterkey};

sub get_host {
   my $self = shift;

   return q{localhost};

=head2 check_dsn

Parse and check the DSN.


sub check_dsn {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dsn = shift;

    # Check user provided DSN
    my ( $scheme, $driver, undef, undef, $driver_dsn ) =
            or die "Can't parse DBI DSN '$dsn'";

    return if $scheme !~ m{dbi}i;        # wrong scheme name
    return if $driver ne q(Firebird);    # wrong driver name
    return if !$driver_dsn;              # wrong driver DSN

    return $dsn;

=head2 get_dsn

Make a DSN, using a temporary database in the L</tmp> dir for tests as


sub get_dsn {
    my $self = shift;

    my $path;
    my $host = $self->{host};

    # $path
    #     = 'localhost:'
    #     . File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->tmpdir(),
    #     'dbd-fb-testdb.fdb' );
    $path = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->tmpdir(),
        'dbd-fb-testdb.fdb' );

    return "dbi:Firebird:db=$path;host=$host;ib_dialect=3;ib_charset=ISO8859_1";

=head2 get_path

Extract the database path from the dsn.


sub get_path {
    my $self = shift;

    my $dsn = $self->{tdsn};

    my ( $scheme, $driver, undef, undef, $driver_dsn ) =
            or die "Can't parse DBI DSN '$dsn'";

    my @drv_dsn = split /;/, $driver_dsn;
    ( my $path = $drv_dsn[0] ) =~ s{(db(name)?|database)=}{};

    return $path;

=head2 setup_test_database

Create the test database if doesn't exists.

Check if we can connect, get the dialect as test.


sub setup_test_database {
    my $self = shift;

    my $have_testdb = $self->check_database;
    unless ($have_testdb) {

        # Check again
        return "Failed to create test database!"
          unless $have_testdb = $self->check_database;

    # Create a mark


=head2 find_new_table

Find and return a non existent table name between TESTAA and TESTZZ.


sub find_new_table {
    my $dbh = shift;

    my $try_name = 'TESTAA';
    my $try_name_quoted = $dbh->quote_identifier($try_name);

    my %tables = map { uc($_) => undef } $dbh->tables;

    while (exists $tables{$dbh->quote_identifier($try_name)}) {
        if (++$try_name gt 'TESTZZ') {
            diag("Too many test tables cluttering database ($try_name)\n");
            exit 255;

    return $try_name;

=head2 save_configs

Append the connection parameters to the 'tests-setup.conf' file.


sub save_configs {
    my $self = shift;

    open my $t_fh, '>>', $self->test_conf
        or die "Can't write " . $self->test_conf . ": $!";

    my $test_time = scalar localtime();
    my @record = (
        q(# Test section: -- (created by #),
        q(# Time: ) . $test_time,
        q(# This is a temporary file used for test setup #),
    my $rec = join "\n", @record;

    print {$t_fh} $rec, "\n";

    close $t_fh or die "Can't close " . $self->test_conf . ": $!";


=head2 create_test_database

Create the test database.


sub create_test_database {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $user, $pass, $path, $host )
        = ( $self->{user}, $self->{pass}, $self->{path}, $self->{host} );

    $path = "$host:$path" if $host;

    #- Create test database

    eval 'require ' . $self->dbd . '; 1' or die $@;

    diag "Creating test database at $path";

            db_path => $path,
            user => $user,
            password => $pass,
            # dialect defaults to 3

    #-- turn forced writes off

        {   db_path       => $path,
            user          => $user,
            password      => $pass,
            forced_writes => 0,


=head2 check_database

Try to connect and conclude that the database doesn't exist on error.


sub check_database {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $user, $pass, $path, $host ) = (
        $self->{user}, $self->{pass},
        $self->{path}, $self->{host}

    #- Connect to the test database

    $path = "$host:$path" if $host;

    print "The databse path is $path\n";

    my $driver = $self->dbd;
    $driver =~ s/^DBD:://;

    my $dbh = eval {
        DBI->connect( "dbi:$driver:database=$path", $user, $pass,
            { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } );

    return 0 unless $dbh;

    # check the dialect
    my $info = $dbh->func('db_sql_dialect', 'ib_database_info');


    die "Unable to retrieve SQL dialect"
        unless $info->{db_sql_dialect};

    die "Database dialect wrong ($info->{db_sql_dialect})"
        unless $info->{db_sql_dialect} == 3;

    return 1;

=head2 create_mark

Create empty file used as mark, used to run L<setup_test_database> only
the first time L<test_init> is called.


sub create_mark {
    my $self = shift;

    open my $file_fh, '>', $self->test_mark
        or croak "Can't open file ",$self->test_mark, ": $!";
    close $file_fh;


=head2 check_mark

Check is mark file exists.


sub check_mark {
    my $self = shift;
    return (-f $self->test_mark);

=head2 drop_test_database

Cleanup time, drop the test database, warn on failure or sql errors.


sub drop_test_database {
    my $self = shift;

    my ( $dbh, $error ) = $self->connect_to_database( { RaiseError => 0 } );

    return unless $dbh; # nothing to drop

    $dbh->func('ib_drop_database') or return 'Error dropping test database';

    diag "Test database dropped";

    return '';

=head2 cleanup

Cleanup temporary files, warn on failure.


sub cleanup {
    my $self = shift;

    my @tmp_files = (

    my $unlinked = 0;
    foreach my $tmp_file (@tmp_files) {
        print qq{Cleanup $tmp_file };
        if (unlink $tmp_file) {
            print qq{ done\n};
        else {
            print qq{could not unlink: $!\n};

    return 'warning: file cleanup failed.' if $unlinked != scalar @tmp_files;
