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=head1 NAME

Class GvaScript.Form - Wrapper around HTML Forms


  <form id="my_form" onsubmit="return false;">
    <div repeat="foo">
      <h2>Foo #{foo.count}</h2>
      <input type="text" name=""/>
      <input type="text" name="person.bdate"/>
      This is the repeated foo section
        <tr repeat="bar">
          <td>Item #{bar.count}</td>
          <td><input name="#{bar.path}.buz"></td>
          <td><button onclick="GvaScript.Form.remove('#{bar.path}')">
                Remove this row
       <button onclick="GvaScript.Form.add('#{foo.path}.bar')">
          Add a bar
    <button onclick="GvaScript.Form.add('foo')">Add a foo</button>

    var gvascript_form = new GvaScript.Form('my_form', {
      datatree: {name:'kitty', bdate:'01.01.1990'},
      dataprefix: 'person',
      // 'active' form elements 
      registry: [
        ['input', 'mouseover', function(event) {}],
        ['input', 'mouseout',  function(event) {}],
        ['input', 'change',    function(event, newv ,oldv) {}],
        ['input', 'init',      function(event, newv) {}]
      // handlers to form's custom events
      onInit: function(gva_form) {},
      onRepeatBlockRemove: function(gva_form, arg) {
        arg[0] // removed repeat name
        arg[1] // removed repeat path
      onRepeatBlockAdd: function(gva_form, arg) {
        arg[0] // added repeat name
        arg[1] // added repeat path
      onChange: function(gva_form, event) {
        // -> element changed
        // event.memo.oldvalue -> changed element's old value
        // event.memo.newvalue -> changed element's new value
      onSubmit: function(gva_form) {
        // ....
        // do form submission
        // ....
        if(success)               {'AfterSubmit', arg)}
        if(data_validation_error) {'DataValidationError', arg)}
        else                      {'SubmitFailure', arg)} 
      onAfterSubmit: function(gva_form, arg) {},
      onDataValidationError: function(gva_form, arg) {},
      onSubmitFailure: function(gva_form, arg) {},
      onBeforeDestroy: function(gva_form, arg) {}


This module of L<Alien::GvaScript> manages forms with
hierarchical fields and dynamically repeated sections.
It works in close collaboration with  L<Alien::GvaScript::Repeat>.

The design is partially inspired by the C<Web Forms 2.0> proposal
(L<>), but is 
not an attempt to implement the proposed specification: there are
some differences both in syntax and in semantics.

=head1 Constructor

  new GvaScript.Form(form_id[, options])

=over 12

=item * form_id

id of the HTML form to extend

=item * options

hash of optional properties that would define the behavior of the form


=item * datatree

tree represention of the initial form data. 


    name: 'barbie', 
    age: '49', 
    friends: [
      { name: 'ken', age: '35' }, 
      { name: 'jen', age: '55' }

=item * dataprefix

sometimes it's helpful to prefix the html input names to give them 'context'.

Ex: C<> C<>.

in this example, the dataprefix should be set to 'doll'

=item * registry

a list of arrays C<[expression, eventName, handler]>.

each item in the array would be passed over to the L</notify> method.

=item * onInit

function to be called after the successful initialization of the GvaScript.Form instance.

=item * onRepeatBlockRemove

function to be called after a block in a repeated section is removed


  function onRepeatBlockRemove(gva_form, arg) {
    // gva_form : GvaScript.Form instance
    // arg: array containing repeat name as first element and repeat path as second

=item * onRepeatBlockAdd

function to be called after a block in a repeated section is added


  function onRepeatBlockAdd(gva_form, arg) {
    // gva_form : GvaScript.Form instance
    // arg: array containing repeat name as first element and repeat path as second

=item * onChange

function to be called when any of the form's elements has changed or onAdd/onRemove of a repeatable section.


  function onChange(gva_form, event) {
    // gva_form : GvaScript.Form instance
    // event: Event object fired by the change on the form element
    //        Has a memo object that has olvalue and newvalue set unless 
    //        called from the Repeat module

=item * onBeforeSubmit

function to be called directly before the form submits.


  function onBeforeSubmit(gva_form) {
    // gva_form : GvaScript.Form instance
    // return false if you want to stop the form from submitting

=item * onSubmit

function to be called when the form is submit.


  function onSubmit(gva_form) {
    // gva_form : GvaScript.Form instance
    // use to fire 'onAfterSubmit', 'onSubmitFailure' or 'onDataValidationError'

=item * onBeforeDestroy

function to be called right before the form instance calls the destroy method.

Callback useful for doing some inhouse cleaning before the form gets removed from the DOM.

=item * on[XYZ]

Event handlers for custom form events. The form instance should fire these events so as corresponding handler can be fired.

=item * actionsbar

initializes and instance of L<Alien::GvaScript::ActionsBar>.


      actionsbar : {
          container :  'container_id',
          actions   : [
                  label : 'Submit Form',
                  type  : 'submit'
                  label : 'Init Form',
                  type  : 'button',
                  callback : function() {
                    // 'this' correspond to the button 
                    GvaScript.Form.init('form', datatree);



=head1 HTML

=head2 Markup of repeat elements

Repeat elements may occur outside of forms and therefore 
are described in a separate document; 
see L<Alien::GvaScript::Repeat>.

=head2 Autofocus

The L</init> method inspects all form elements for an
C<autofocus> attribute; the first element that possesses
this attribute automatically receives focus.

Similarly, when a repetition block is added into 
the form through the L</add> method, the first
element within that repetition block that possesses
an C<autofocus> attribute automatically receives focus.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 destroy


instance destructor -  will unregister the GvaScript.Form instance from the GvaScript.Forms namespace and will remove all of its observers.

=head2 getId


returns the id of the form element that the gvascript_form instance is wrapped around.

=head2 fire[, arg])

used to fire event on the for instance and thus called corresponding responders and instance callback.

C<eventName>: eventName to fire without the 'on' prefix.

C<arg> argument to send over to the corresponding responder(s) and callback.

this method will 


=item 1. 

execute the early responders set the on[eventName]

=item 2. 

execute instance on[eventName] callback

=item 3. 

execute the responders set the on[eventName]


execution sequence will stop whenever one of the responders or callback returns C<false>

NOTE that the B<onBeforeSubmit, onSubmit> events cannot be notified programatically. 
You actually need to call form.submit() for these events to be fired.

=head2 register

   gvascript_form.register(expression, eventName, handler)
   GvaScript.Form.register(form, expression, eventName, handler)

tells the form to watch the I<eventName> on elements that match the I<expression> and to fire the corresponding I<handler>.

C<expression> (String) - A css selector

C<eventName> (String) - The name of the event, in all lower case, without the "on" prefix — e.g., "click" (not "onclick"). 

A custom B<"init"> event is also supported which is fired on an input that gets its value initialized with the initialization of the form.

C<handler> (Function) - handler to fire.


  function handler(event[, newValue[, oldValue]]) { // element being observed

C<newValue> is set for the C<change> and the C<init> events.

C<oldValue> is set for the C<change>.

B<NOTE:> Form.Element.setValue method is wrapped in GvaScript.ProtoExtensions module to programatically fire the blur event after setting the value on the input, and hence firing the change handler if any.

[I<This method can be called either as an instance method or as a generic method. If calling as a generic, pass the form HTMLElement/id in as the first argument.>]

=head2 unregister

   gvascript_form.unregister(expression[, eventName[, handler]])
   GvaScript.Form.unregister(form, expression[, eventName[, handler]])

removes observers set on given C<expression>.  if C<eventName> is provided, will only stop observing that eventName.
if C<handler> is also provided, will just stop calling this handler.

NOTE that the same handler signature should be used in the register method for it to work in the unregister method.

[I<This method can be called either as an instance method or as a generic method. If calling as a generic, pass the form HTMLElement/id in as the first argument.>]

=head2 init

   gvascript_form.init(initial_tree, prefix)
   GvaScript.Form.init(form, initial_tree, prefix)

C<form> is the id of a form (or directly the DOM element).  Optional
C<initial_tree> is a javascript nested datastructure containing
initial values for fields, that will be passed to the 
L</fill_from_tree> method.

[I<This method can be called either as an instance method or as a generic method. If calling as a generic, pass the form HTMLElement/id in as the first argument.>]

=head2 to_hash

  var flat_hash = GvaScript.Form.to_hash(form);

Inspects the contents of all fields in C<form> and 
returns a flat hash of pairs (key-value).

[I<This method can be called either as an instance method or as a generic method. If calling as a generic, pass the form HTMLElement/id in as the first argument.>]

=head2 to_tree

  var tree = GvaScript.Form.to_tree(form);

Inspects the contents of all fields in C<form> and 
returns a data tree, were dotted names in form names
are expanded into sub-arrays or sub-hashes. So for example 
if the form looks like

  <input name="father.firstname"> <input name="father.lastname"><br>
  <input name="mother.firstname"> <input name="mother.lastname"><br>
  <div repeat="child" repeat-start="1">
    <input name="#{child.path}.firstname"><br>

and if that form has been expanded with 3 repetition blocks
for children, the resulting tree would be

  { "father" : {"firstname" : ..., "lastname": ...},
    "mother" : {"firstname" : ..., "lastname": ...},
    "child"  : [ {"firstname": ...},
                 {"firstname": ...},
                 {"firstname": ...} ] }

[I<This method can be called either as an instance method or as a generic method. If calling as a generic, pass the form HTMLElement/id in as the first argument.>]

=head2 fill_from_tree

  GvaScript.Form.fill_from_tree(form, field_prefix, tree);

Fills the form from values found in C<tree> (this is the 
reverse of the L</to_tree> operation).
Optional C<field_prefix> is prepended to key names in C<tree> for
finding the corresponding form fields.

The method walks through nested subtrees in C<tree>: the sequence
of keys leading to a leaf is concatenated into a flat string, with dot 
separators, and if the form has a corresponding input element,
the value of that element is set to the value of the leaf.
Furthermore, if the initial tree contains repeated data sets
(array subtrees), and if the form contains repeat elements
with the same path, then new repetition blocks are 
dynamically created to match the number of items in the array:
so if the form above is filled with the following tree

  { "child"  : [ {"firstname": "Abel"},
                 {"firstname": "Bob"},
                 {"firstname": "Cod"},
                 {"firstname": "Dave"}, ] }

then four repetition blocks will automatically created in the form.

[I<This method can be called either as an instance method or as a generic method. If calling as a generic, pass the form HTMLElement/id in as the first argument.>]

=head2 add

  GvaScript.Form.add(repeat_name, count);

Creates one or several new repetition blocks.  The parameter C<count>
is optional and defaults to 1.  Focus is automatically given to the
first input element in the last repetition block that has an
C<autofocus> attribute (if any).

See L<Alien::GvaScript::Repeat/add> for more explanations on
the C<add> operation.

=head2 remove

  GvaScript.Form.remove(repeat_block[, live_update]);

Removes a repetition block from the DOM. The argument is either
a DOM element or a string containing the element id.

param C<Boolean> live_update: flag to indicate whether the 'remaining'
repeatable sections are to be also removed from DOM, recreated by re-merging
the data with repeat template, then finally re-appended to the DOM.
Default true.

All repetition blocks above the removed block are renumbered,
leaving no hole in the index sequence. To do so, these
blocks are also removed from the DOM, and then added
again through the L</add> method. This operation is implemented
by L<Alien::GvaScript::Repeat/remove>.

The recreated blocks are then re-populated with their
previous input values.

=head2 autofocus


Inspects DOM children of  C<element>, and gives focus to the 
first child that has an C<autofocus> attribute.

=head1 GvaScript.Forms 

namespace that holds all active instances of GvaScript.Form 

instances are unique per form id

=head2 METHODS 

=head3 get


finds and returns the GvaScript.Form instance where id is the unique id of the form HTMLElement. 

=head1 GvaScript.Form.Responders

A repository of global listeners notified about every step of the GvaSript.Form lifecycle.

Sometimes, you need to provide generic behaviors over all GvaScript.Form(s) in a single application.

To achieve this, GvaScript.Form provides global Responders that will be executed for every GvaScript.Form instance.

Responders by default are executed B<after> the instance specific event callback.

=head2 METHODS

=head3 register

  GvaScript.Form.Responders.register({eventName: handler}[, {eventName: handler}[, ...]]})

adding one or more global form events responders.

Supported B<eventNames>: C<onInit, onChange, onBeforeSubmit, onSubmit, on[XXX]> where C<on[XXX]> is a custom event name.

=head3 unregister

  GvaScript.Form.Responders.unregister({eventName: handler}[, {eventName: handler}[, ...]]})

unregistering one or more global form events responders.

=head1 GvaScript.Form.EarlyResponders

Identical to GvaScript.Form.Responders except that these responders would be executed B<before> the instance specific callback.