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=head1 NAME

DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Cookbook - Helpful recipes


This chapter is part of the C<DBIx::DataModel> manual.


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This chapter provides some recipes for common ORM tasks.


=head2 Automatically generate a schema

A schema skeleton can be produced automatically from
the following external sources : 
a C<DBI> connection, a L<SQL::Translator> parser, or a
C<DBIx::Class> schema. 
See L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator|DBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator>.

=head2 Add custom methods into a generated table class

Defining methods in any Perl class does not require to have a I<file>
corresponding to that class; it suffices to define the method within
the appropriate I<package>. So the easiest way to add methods into
tables is to first let C<DBIx::DataModel> create the schema and table
classes, and then switch to those packages, all in the same file :

  # define schema, tables, associations (current package doesn't matter)
    ->Table(qw/Foo foo foo_id/)

  # add a method into table 'Foo'
  package Some::Schema::Foo;
  sub my_added_method {
    my $self = shift;

  # go back to main package
  package main;

Another way to achieve the same result is to use C<DBIx::DataModel>'s 
L<internal utility method|DBIx::DataModel::Meta::Utils/define_method>
for injecting methods into classes :

   use DBIx::DataModel::Meta::Utils;
      class          => 'Some::Schema::Foo',
      name           => 'my_added_method,
      body           => sub {my $self = shift; ...},

=head2 Object inflation/deflation

Here is an example of inflating/deflating a scalar value from 
the database into a Perl object :

  # declare column type
  use Date::Simple;
  $schema->Type(Date_simple => 
    from_DB => sub {Date::Simple->new($_[0]) if $_[0] },
    to_DB   => sub {$_[0] = $_[0]->as_str    if $_[0] },
  # apply column type to columns
  My::Table1->metadm->define_column_type(Date_simple => qw/d_start d_end/);
  My::Table2->metadm->define_column_type(Date_simple => qw/d_birth/);

B<Caveat>: the C<from_DB> / C<to_DB> functions do not apply
automatically within C<-where> conditions. So the following
would not work :

  use Date::Simple qw/today/;
  my $rows = $schema->table($name)->select(
    -where => {d_end => {'<' => today()}},  # BOGUS

because C<today()> returns a C<Date::Simple> object that will
not be understood by L<SQL::Abstract|SQL::Abstract> when
generating the SQL query. C<DBIx::DataModel> is not clever
enough to inspect the C<-where> conditions and decide
which column types to apply, so you have to do it yourself :

  my $today = today()->as_str;
  my $rows = $schema->table($name)->select(
    -where => {d_end => {'<' => $today}},

=head2 SQL Types

At places where a plain value is expected, you can put an arrayref of
2 elements, where the first element is a type specification, and the
second element is the value. This is convenient when the DBD driver
needs additional information about the values used in the statement.
See L<SQL::Abstract::More/"BIND VALUES WITH TYPES"> for explanations
and examples. This can also be automated within a C<to_DB> handler,
as shown above for object inflation.

=head2 Quoting table and column names

By default, table or column names are inserted "as is" in the generated SQL;
but sometimes this could cause conflicts with SQL reserved words.
The solution is to quote table and column names, by activating the
C<quote_char> option of L<SQL::Abstract>. Here is an example (assuming
single-schema mode) :

  # define the schema

  # feed the schema with a custom instance of SQL::Abstract::More
  my $sqlam = SQL::Abstract::More->new(quote_char => "`");

  # define a table
  FOO->Table(qw/Config CONFIG KEY/);

  # produce SQL with quoted table and column names
  my ($sql, @bind) = FOO::Config->select(
    -columns   => [qw/KEY VALUE/],
    -where     => {KEY => 123},
    -result_as => 'sql',

  print $sql; # SELECT `KEY`, `VALUE` FROM `CONFIG` WHERE ( `KEY` = ? )

=head2 Schema versioning

Currently C<DBIx::DataModel> has no specific support
for schema versioning. See CPAN module L<DBIx::VersionedSchema>,
or switch to the L<DBIx::Class> ORM, that has good support for
schema versioning.


=head2 Aggregator functions

Use normal SQL syntax for aggregators, and give them
column aliases (with a vertical bar C<|>) in order to retrieve the results.

  my $row = $source->select(-columns   => [qw/MAX(col1)|max_col1
                            -where     => ...,
                            -result_as => 'firstrow');
  print "max is : $row->{max_col1}, average is $row->{foo}";

Or you can dispense with column aliases, and retrieve the results
directly into an arrayref, using C<< -result_as => 'flat_arrayref' >> :

  my $array_ref = $source->select(-columns   => [qw/MAX(col1)
                                  -where     => ...,
                                  -result_as => 'flat_arrayref');
  my ($max_col1, $avg_col2, $count_col3) = @$array_ref;

B<Caveat>: currently, C<from_DB> handlers do not apply to 
aggregator functions. So if the aggregated result needs any transformation,
you have to specify a column type for it :

  my $row = $source->select(
    -columns      => [qw/MAX(d_begin)|max_d_begin MIN(d_end)|min_d_end .../],
    -where        => ...,
    -column_types => {Date_simple => [qw/max_d_begin min_d_end/],
    -result_as    => 'firstrow'

=head2 Database functions or stored procedures

Like above: normal SQL syntax and column aliases.

  my $rows = $source->select(-columns => [qw/FUNC(col1,col2)|func
                             -where    => ...,
  print "$_->{func} and $_->{big_col3}" foreach @$rows;

=head2 Nested queries

  my $subquery = $source1->select(..., -result_as => 'subquery');
  my $rows     = $source2->select(
      -columns => ...,
      -where   => {foo => 123, bar => {-not_in => $subquery}}

=head2 Hashref inflation

There is no need for a hashref inflator: rows returned
by a C<select()> can be used directly as hashrefs.
For example here is a loop that prints a hash slice from  each row :

  my $rows       = $schema->table($name)->select(...);
  my @print_cols = qw/col3 col6 col7/;
  foreach my $row (@$rows) {
    print @{$row}{@print_cols};

In fact, each row is a I<blessed> hashref. This can be a problem
with some external modules like L<JSON> that croak when encoding
a blessed reference. In that case you can use the C<unbless> function

  foreach my $row (@$rows) {
    print to_json($row);

=head2 Custom SQL

Create a 'Perl view' to encapsulate your SQL, i.e. a 
L<DBIx::DataModel::Source::Table>, possibly with 
a C<where> clause :

    name     => 'MyView',
    db_table => 'TABLE1 EXOTIC JOIN TABLE2 ON ...',
    where    => {col1 => $filter1, col2 => $filter2}
    parents  => [map {meta_schema->table($_)} qw/Table1 Table2/],


=head2 Transaction

  # anonymous sub containing the work to do
  my $to_do = sub {
  # so far nothing has happened in the database
  # now do the transaction

=head2 Nested transaction

  $schema->do_transaction(sub {
    $schema->do_transaction(sub { some_nested_code();       });
    $schema->do_transaction(sub { some_other_nested_code(); });

=head2 Nested transaction involving another database

  $schema->do_transaction(sub {

    # start working in $initial_dbh

    # now some work in $other_dbh
    $schema->do_transaction(sub { some_nested_code();       }, $other_dbh);

    # here, implicitly we are back in $initial_dbh
    $schema->do_transaction(sub { some_other_nested_code(); });
  # commits in both $initial_dbh and $other_dbh are performed here

=head2 Generating random keys

Override the 
L<_singleInsert()|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Internals/"_singleInsert"> method

  package MySchema::SomeTable;

  sub _singleInsert {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $class = ref $self;

    my ($key_column) = $class->primKey;

    for (1..$MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
      my $random_key = int(rand($MAX_RANDOM));

        $self->{$key_column} = $random_key;
        eval {$self->_rawInsert; 1} 
          and return $random_key;   # SUCCESS

        # if duplication error, try again; otherwise die
        last unless $DBI::errstr =~ $DUPLICATE_ERROR;
     croak "cannot generate a random key for $class: $@";

=head2 Cascaded insert

First insert an arrayref of subrecords within the 
main record hashref; then call C<insert> on that main
record. See example in 
This only works if the two classes are associated through a 
A datastructure containing the keys of all generated records
can be retrieved by using the option 

  my $tree_of_keys = $table->insert(..., -returning => {});

=head2 Cascaded delete

  # first gather information tree from the database
  my $author = My::DB::Author->fetch($author_id);
  my $distribs = $author->expand('distributions');
  $_->expand('modules') foreach @$distribs;
  # then delete the whole tree from the database

This only works if the two classes are associated through a 
The C<expand> operations retrieve related records and add them
into a tree in memory. Then C<delete> removes from the database
all records found in the tree; therefore this is not a "true" cascaded 
delete, because the client code is responsible for fetching the
related records. 

True cascaded delete is best implemented directly in the 
database, rather than at the ORM layer.

=head2 Timestamp validation

Goal : make sure that the record was not touched between the time
it was presented to the user (display form) and the time
the user wants to update or delete that record. 

In order to do this, we will suppose that every record in every
table has a timestamp field C<TS_MODIF>, updated automatically by
a trigger within the database. Below is a callback function that 
checks if the timestamp is still valid :

  sub _check_time_stamp {
    my ($record, $table, $where) = @_;
    if ($where) { # this is an update, not an insert

      my $displayed_timestamp = delete $record->{TS_MODIF};
      my $db_record  = $record->schema->table($table)->select(
        -columns   => 'TS_MODIF',
        -where     => $where,
        -for       => 'update', # optional, depends on your RDBMS
        -result_as => 'firstrow',
        or croak "fetch timestamp: could not find record "
               . join(" / ", %$where);
     my $db_timestamp = $db_record->{TS_MODIF};
     $db_timestamp == $displayed_timestamp
       or croak "record in $table was modified by somebody else; please "
              . "refresh your screen and try again";

This callback function can then be registered as an I<auto_update_column>
when defining the schema :

   class               => 'My::Schema',
   auto_update_columns => {TS_MODIF => \&_check_time_stamp},


=head2 JSON

  use JSON;
  my $json_converter = JSON->new->convert_blessed(1);
  my $json_text      = $json_converter->encode($data_row);

By default, the L<JSON> module refuses to convert any object into JSON;
however, the L<JSON/convert_blessed> option will accept to convert objects
provided they possess a C<TO_JSON> method. Such a method is implemented in 
the L<DBIx::DataModel::Source/DBIx::DataModel::Source> class, so 
any data row can be converted into JSON.

=head2 DBD Datatypes

DBD drivers sometimes need additional information about the datatypes
of values in SQL statements. At the L<DBI> level, this is done with 
explicit calls to the L<DBI/bind_param> method. Within C<DBIx::DataModel>,
datatype specifications can be passed directly as arrayrefs of shape
C<< [$orig_value, \%datatype] >>, everywhere an ordinary value would
be used. Here are some examples :

   my $rows = $source->select(
    -where => {col => [$val, {sql_type => 'some_type'}]}
    {key => $pk, some_col => [$val, {sql_type => 'some_type'}]}
    {some_col => [$val, {sql_type => 'some_type'}]}