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package DBIx::DataModel;
# see POD doc at end of file

use 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use MRO::Compat  (); # don't want to call MRO::Compat::import()

our $VERSION = '2.46';

# compatibility setting : see import()
our $COMPATIBILITY = $VERSION; # from 2.20, no longer automatic compatibility

# Modules considered to belong to the same family for carp/croak (see L<Carp>).
# All inner classes import the same list.
our @CARP_NOT = qw[

sub define_schema {
  my ($class, %params) = @_;

  require DBIx::DataModel::Meta::Schema;
  my $meta_schema = DBIx::DataModel::Meta::Schema->new(%params);
  return $meta_schema;

sub Schema { # syntactic sugar for ->define_schema()
  my ($class, $schema_class_name, %params) = @_;
  my $meta_schema = $class->define_schema(class => $schema_class_name, %params);
  return $meta_schema->class;

sub import {
  my ($class, %args) = @_;
  if (exists $args{-compatibility}) {
    $COMPATIBILITY = $args{-compatibility} # explicit number
                  || $VERSION;             # undef : means no compatibility

  require DBIx::DataModel::Compatibility::V1 if $COMPATIBILITY < 1.99;
  require DBIx::DataModel::Compatibility::V0 if $COMPATIBILITY < 1.00;

1; # End of DBIx::DataModel


=head1 NAME

DBIx::DataModel - UML-based Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework

=head1 VERSION

Version 2 of C<DBIx::DataModel> is a major refactoring from versions
1.*, with a number of incompatible changes in the API (classes
renamed, arguments renamed or reorganized, etc. -- see

Initial subversions of the 2.* family included a layer of
compatibility with version 1.*, so that old applications would
continue to work (see L<DBIx::DataModel::Compatibility::V1>). Since
version 2.20, this compatibility layer is no longer loaded
automatically; however, it can still be added on demand by writing

  use DBIx::DataModel -compatibility => 1.0;


=head2 in file "My/"

=head3 Schema 

Load C<DBIx::DataModel>.

  use DBIx::DataModel;

Declare the schema, either in shorthand notation :


or in verbose form : 

    class => 'My::Schema',

This automatically creates a Perl class named C<My::Schema>.

Various parameters may be specified within C<%options>, like
for example special columns to be filled automatically 
or to be ignored in every table : 

  my $last_modif_generator = sub {$ENV{REMOTE_USER}.", ".scalar(localtime)};
  my %options = (
    auto_update_columns => {last_modif => $last_modif_generator},
    no_update_columns   => [qw/date_modif time_modif/],

=head3 Types

Declare a "column type" with some handlers, either in shorthand notation :

  My::Schema->Type(Date => 
     from_DB  => sub {$_[0] =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/$3.$2.$1/},
     to_DB    => sub {$_[0] =~ s/(\d\d)\.(\d\d)\.(\d\d\d\d)/$3-$2-$1/},
     validate => sub {$_[0] =~ m/(\d\d)\.(\d\d)\.(\d\d\d\d)/},

or in verbose form :

    name     => 'Date',
    handlers => {
      from_DB  => sub {$_[0] =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/$3.$2.$1/},
      to_DB    => sub {$_[0] =~ s/(\d\d)\.(\d\d)\.(\d\d\d\d)/$3-$2-$1/},
      validate => sub {$_[0] =~ m/(\d\d)\.(\d\d)\.(\d\d\d\d)/},

This does I<not> create a Perl class; it just defines an internal datastructure
that will be attached to some columns in some tables. Here are some other
examples of column types :

  # 'percent' conversion between database (0.8) and user (80)
    name     => 'Percent',
    handlers => {
      from_DB  => sub {$_[0] *= 100 if $_[0]},
      to_DB    => sub {$_[0] /= 100 if $_[0]},
      validate => sub {$_[0] =~ /1?\d?\d/}),
  # lists of values, stored as scalars with a ';' separator
    name     => 'Multivalue',
    handlers => {
     from_DB  => sub {$_[0] = [split /;/, $_[0] || ""]     },
     to_DB    => sub {$_[0] = join ";", @$_[0] if ref $_[0]},
  # adding SQL type information for the DBD handler
    name     => 'XML',
    handlers => {
     to_DB    => sub {$_[0] = [{dbd_attrs => {ora_type => ORA_XMLTYPE}}, $_[0]]
                        if $_[0]},

=head3 Tables

Declare the tables, either in shorthand notation :

  My::Schema->Table(qw/Employee   T_Employee   emp_id/)
            ->Table(qw/Department T_Department dpt_id/)
            ->Table(qw/Activity   T_Activity   act_id/);

or in verbose form :

    class       => 'Employee',
    db_name     => 'T_Employee',
    primary_key => 'emp_id',
    class       => 'Department',
    db_name     => 'T_Department',
    primary_key => 'dpt_id',
    class       => 'Activity',
    db_name     => 'T_Activity',
    primary_key => 'act_id',

Each table then becomes a Perl class (prefixed with the Schema name,
i.e. C<My::Schema::Employee>, etc.).

=head3 Column types within tables

Declare column types within these tables :

  #                                          type name  => applied_to_columns
  #                                          =========     ==================
  My::Schema::Employee->metadm->set_column_type(Date    => qw/d_birth/);
  My::Schema::Activity->metadm->set_column_type(Date    => qw/d_begin d_end/);
  My::Schema::Activity->metadm->set_column_type(Percent => qw/activity_rate/);

=head3 Associations

Declare associations or compositions in UML style, either in
shorthand notation :

  #                           class      role     multiplicity  join
  #                           =====      ====     ============  ====
  My::Schema->Composition([qw/Employee   employee   1           emp_id /],
                          [qw/Activity   activities *           emp_id /])
            ->Association([qw/Department department 1           /],
                          [qw/Activity   activities *           /]);

or in verbose form :

    kind => 'Composition',
    A    => {
      table        => My::Schema::Employee->metadm,
      role         => 'employee',
      multiplicity => 1,
      join_cols    => [qw/emp_id/],
    B    => {
      table        => My::Schema::Activity->metadm,
      role         => 'activities',
      multiplicity => '*',
      join_cols    => [qw/emp_id/],
    kind => 'Association',
    A    => {
      table        => My::Schema::Department->metadm,
      role         => 'department',
      multiplicity => 1,
    B    => {
      table        => My::Schema::Activity->metadm,
      role         => 'activities',
      multiplicity => '*',

Declare a n-to-n association, on top of the linking table

  My::Schema->Association([qw/Department departments * activities department/],
                          [qw/Employee   employees   * activities employee/]);
  # or
    kind => 'Association',
    A    => {
      table        => My::Schema::Department->metadm,
      role         => 'departments',
      multiplicity => '*',
      join_cols    => [qw/activities department/],
    B    => {
      table        => My::Schema::Employee->metadm,
      role         => 'employees',
      multiplicity => '*',
      join_cols    => [qw/activities employee/],

=head3 Additional methods

For details that could not be expressed in a declarative way,
just add a new method into the table class :

  package My::Schema::Activity; 
  sub active_period {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{d_begin} or croak "activity has no d_begin";
    $self->{d_end} ? "from $self->{d_begin} to $self->{d_end}"
                   : "since $self->{d_begin}";

=head3 Data tree expansion

Declare how to automatically expand objects into data trees

  My::Schema::Activity->metadm->define_auto_expand(qw/employee department/);

=head3 Automatic schema generation

  perl -MDBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator      \
       -e "fromDBI('dbi:connection:string')" --  \
       -schema My::New::Schema > My/New/

See L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator>.

=head2 in file ""

=head3 Database connection

  use My::Schema;
  use DBI;
  my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, ...);
  My::Schema->dbh($dbh);                     # single-schema mode
  # or
  my $schema = My::Schema->new(dbh => $dbh); # multi-schema mode

=head3 Simple data retrieval

Search employees whose name starts with 'D'
(select API is taken from L<SQL::Abstract>)

  my $empl_D = My::Schema->table('Employee')->select(
    -where => {lastname => {-like => 'D%'}}

idem, but we just want a subset of the columns, and order by age.

  my $empl_F = My::Schema->table('Employee')->select(
    -columns  => [qw/firstname lastname d_birth/],
    -where    => {lastname => {-like => 'F%'}},
    -order_by => 'd_birth'

Print some info from employees. Because of the
'from_DB' handler associated with column type 'date', column 'd_birth'
has been automatically converted to display format.

  foreach my $emp (@$empl_D) {
    print "$emp->{firstname} $emp->{lastname}, born $emp->{d_birth}\n";

=head3 Methods to follow joins

Follow the joins through role methods

  foreach my $act (@{$emp->activities}) {
    printf "working for %s from $act->{d_begin} to $act->{d_end}", 

Role methods can take arguments too, like C<select()>

  my $recent_activities
    = $dpt->activities(-where => {d_begin => {'>=' => '2005-01-01'}});
  my @recent_employees
    = map {$_->employee(-columns => [qw/firstname lastname/])}

=head3 Data export : just regular hashrefs

Export the data : get related records and insert them into
a data tree in memory; then remove all class information and 
export that tree.

  $_->expand('activities') foreach @$empl_D;
  my $export = My::Schema->unbless({employees => $empl_D});
  use Data::Dumper; print Dumper ($export); # export as PerlDump
  use XML::Simple;  print XMLout ($export); # export as XML
  use JSON;         print to_json($export); # export as Javascript
  use YAML;         print Dump   ($export); # export as YAML

B<Note>: the C<unbless> step is optional; it is proposed here
because some exporter modules will not work if they
encounter a blessed reference.

=head3 Database join

Select associated tables directly from a database join, 
in one single SQL statement (instead of iterating through role methods).

  my $lst = My::Schema->join(qw/Employee activities department/)
                      ->select(-columns => [qw/lastname dept_name d_begin/],
                               -where   => {d_begin => {'>=' => '2000-01-01'}});

Same thing, but forcing INNER joins

  my $lst = My::Schema->join(qw/Employee <=> activities <=> department/)

=head3 Statements and pagination

Instead of retrieving directly a list or records, get a
L<statement|DBIx::DataModel::Statement> :

  my $statement 
    = My::Schema->join(qw/Employee activities department/)
                ->select(-columns   => [qw/lastname dept_name d_begin/],
                         -where     => {d_begin => {'>=' => '2000-01-01'}},
                         -result_as => 'statement');

Retrieve a single row from the statement

  my $single_row = $statement->next or die "no more records";

Retrieve several rows at once

  my $rows = $statement->next(10); # arrayref

Go to a specific page and retrieve the corresponding rows

  my $statement 
    = My::Schema->join(qw/Employee activities department/)
                ->select(-columns   => [qw/lastname dept_name d_begin/],
                         -result_as => 'statement',
                         -page_size => 10);
  $statement->goto_page(3);    # absolute page positioning
  $statement->shift_pages(-2); # relative page positioning
  my ($first, $last) = $statement->page_boundaries;
  print "displaying rows $first to $last:";
  some_print_row_method($_) foreach @{$statement->page_rows};

=head3 Efficient use of statements 

For fetching related rows : prepare a statement before the loop, execute it
at each iteration.

  my $statement = $schema->table($name)->join(qw/role1 role2/);
  $statement->prepare(-columns => ...,
                      -where   => ...);
  my $list = $schema->table($name)->select(...);
  foreach my $obj (@$list) {
    my $related_rows = $statement->execute($obj)->all;
    # or
    my $related_rows = $statement->bind($obj)->select;

Fast statement : each data row is retrieved into the same
memory location (avoids the overhead of allocating a hashref
for each row). Faster, but such rows cannot be accumulated
into an array (they must be used immediately) :

  my $fast_stmt = ..->select(..., -result_as => "fast_statement");
  while (my $row = $fast_stmt->next) {

=head3 Insert

  my $table = $schema->table($table_name);

  #  If you provide the primary key (called 'my_code' in this example):
  $table->insert({my_code => $pk_val, field1 => $val1, field2 => $val2, ...});

  #  If your database provides the primary key:
  my $id = $table->insert({field1 => $val1, field2 => $val2, ...});
  #  This assumes your DBD driver implements last_insert_id.
  #  If not, you can provide one as an option to the schema.

  #  Insert multiple records using a list of arrayrefs.
  #  First arrayref defines column names
                  [qw/  field1  field2  /],
                  [qw/  val11   val12   /],
                  [qw/  val22   val22   /],

  #  Or just insert a list of hashes
      {field1 => val11, field2 => val12},
      {field2 => val21, field2 => val22},

  # insertion through the association Employee - Activity
  $an_employee->insert_into_activities({d_begin => $today,
                                        dpt_id  => $dpt});

=head3 Update

  # update on a set of fields, primary key included
  my $table = $schema->table($table_name);
  $table->update({pk_field => $pk, field1 => $val1, field2 => $val2, ...});

  # update on a set of fields, primary key passed separately
  $table->update(@primary_key, {field1 => $val1, field2 => $val2, ...});

  # bulk update
  $table->update(-set   => {field1 => $val1, field2 => $val2, ...},
                 -where => \%condition);

  # invoking instances instead of table classes
  $obj->update({field1 => $val1, ...}); # updates specified fields
  $obj->update;                         # updates all fields stored in memory

=head3 Delete

  # invoking a table class
  my $table = $schema->table($table_name);

  # invoking an instance


=head2 Introduction

C<DBIx::DataModel> is a framework for building Perl
abstractions (classes, objects and methods) that interact
with relational database management systems (RDBMS).  
Of course the ubiquitous L<DBI|DBI> module is used as
a basic layer for communicating with databases; on top of that,
C<DBIx::DataModel> provides facilities for generating SQL queries,
joining tables automatically, navigating through the results,
converting values, and building complex datastructures so that other
modules can conveniently exploit the data.

=head2 Perl ORMs

There are many other CPAN modules offering 
somewhat similar features, like
just to name a few well-known alternatives.
Frameworks in this family are called
I<object-relational mappings> (ORMs)
-- see L<>.
The mere fact that Perl ORMs are so numerous demonstrates that there is
more than one way to do it!

For various reasons, none of these did fit nicely in my context, 
so I decided to write C<DBIx:DataModel>. 
Of course there might be also some reasons why C<DBIx:DataModel>
will not fit in I<your> context, so just do your own shopping.
Comparing various ORMs is complex and time-consuming, because
of the many issues and design dimensions involved; as far as I know,
there is no thorough comparison summary, but here are some pointers :


=item * 

general discussion on RDBMS - Perl 
mappings at L<> (good but outdated).

=item *


=item *

L<>, a detailed comparison between Rose::DB and DBIx::Class.


=head2 Strengths of C<DBIx::DataModel>

The L<DESIGN|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Design> chapter of this 
documentation will help you understand the philosophy of
C<DBIx::DataModel>. Just as a summary, here are some
of its strong points :


=item *

Centralized, UML-style declaration of tables and relationships 
(instead of many files with declarations such as 'has_many', 'belongs_to', 

=item *

efficiency through fine control of collaboration with the DBI layer
(prepare/execute, fetch into reusable memory location, etc.)

=item *

uses L<SQL::Abstract::More> for an improved API
over L<SQL::Abstract> (named parameters, additional clauses,
simplified 'order_by', support for values with associated datatypes, etc.)

=item *

clear conceptual distinction between 


=item *

data sources         (tables and joins),

=item *

database statements  (stateful objects representing stepwise building
                      of an SQL query and stepwise retrieval of results),

=item *

data rows            (lightweight hashrefs containing nothing but column
                      names and values)


=item *

joins with simple syntax and possible override of default 
INNER JOIN/LEFT JOIN properties; instances of joins multiply
inherit from their member tables.

=item *

named placeholders

=item *

nested, cross-database transactions

=item *

choice between 'single-schema' mode (default, more economical) 
and 'multi-schema' mode (optional, more flexible, but a little
more costly in memory)


C<DBIx::DataModel> is used in production
within a mission-critical application with several hundred
users, for managing Geneva courts of law.

=head2 Limitations

Here are some current limitations of C<DBIx::DataModel> :


=item no schema versioning

C<DBIx::DataModel> knows very little about the database
schema (only tables, primary and foreign keys, and possibly
some columns, if they need special 'Types'); therefore
it provides no support for schema changes (and seldom
needs to know about them).

=item no object caching nor 'dirty columns'

C<DBIx::DataModel> does not keep track of data mutations
in memory, and therefore provides no support for automatically
propagating changes into the database; the client code has
explicitly manage C<insert> and C<update> operations.

=item no 'cascaded update' nor 'insert or update'

Cascaded inserts and deletes are supported, but not cascaded updates.
This would need 'insert or update', which at the moment is not
supported either.


=head2 Backwards compatibility

Major version 2.0 and 1.0 introduced some incompatible
changes in the architecture 
(see L<DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Delta_v2>
 and L<DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Delta_v1>).

Compatibility layers can be loaded on demand by supplying
the desired version number upon loading C<DBIx::DataModel> :

  use DBIx::DataModel 2.0 -compatibility => 0.8;


Although the basic principles are quite simple, there are many
details to discuss, so the documentation is quite long.
In an attempt to accomodate for different needs of readers,
it has been structured as follows :


=item * 

The L<DESIGN|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Design> chapter covers the
architecture of C<DBIx::DataModel>, its main distinctive features and
the motivation for such features; it is of interest if you are
comparing various ORMs, or if you want to globally understand
how C<DBIx::DataModel> works, and what it can or cannot do.
This chapter also details the concept of B<statements>, which
underlies all SELECT requests to the database.

=item * 

The L<QUICKSTART|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Quickstart> chapter
is a guided tour that 
summarizes the main steps to get started with the framework.

=item *

The L<REFERENCE|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Reference> chapter
is a complete reference to all methods, structured along usage steps :
creating a schema, populating it with table and associations,
parameterizing the framework, and finally data retrieval and
manipulation methods.

=item *

The L<MISC|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Misc> chapter discusses
how this framework interacts with its context
(Perl namespaces, DBI layer, etc.), and
how to work with self-referential associations.

=item *

The L<INTERNALS|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Internals> chapter
documents the internal structure of the framework, for programmers
who might be interested in extending it.

=item *

The L<GLOSSARY|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Glossary> 
defines terms used in this documentation,
and points to the software constructs that
implement these terms.

=item *

The L<DELTA_v2|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Delta_v2>
and L<DELTA_v1|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Delta_v1> chapters
summarize the differences with previous versions.

=item *

The L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator|DBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator>
documentation explains how to automatically generate a schema from
a C<DBI> connection, from a L<SQL::Translator|SQL::Translator> description
or from an existing C<DBIx::Class|DBIx::Class> schema.

=item *

The L<DBIx::DataModel::Statement|DBIx::DataModel::Statement>
documentation documents the methods of 
statements (not included in the 
general L<REFERENCE|DBIx::DataModel::Doc::Reference> chapter).


Presentation slides are also available at


Upon loading, L<DBIx::DataModel::Join> adds a coderef
into global C<@INC> (see L<perlfunc/require>), so that it can take 
control and generate a class on the fly when retrieving frozen
objects from L<Storable/thaw>. This should be totally harmless unless
you do some very special things with C<@INC>.


Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker at

There is a discussion group at 

Sources are stored in an open repository at

=head1 AUTHOR

Laurent Dami, E<lt>laurent.dami AT etat  ge  chE<gt>


Thanks to

  Ross Attril
  Cedric Bouvier
  Terrence Brannon
  Alex Solovey
  Sergiy Zuban

who contributed with ideas, bug fixes and/or


Copyright 2006-2013 by Laurent Dami.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.