The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package Pod::POM::Web; # see doc at end of file
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';

use Pod::POM 0.25;                  # parsing Pod
use List::Util      qw/max/;        # maximum
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq firstval any/;
use Module::CoreList;               # asking if a module belongs to Perl core
use HTTP::Daemon;                   # for the builtin HTTP server
use URI;                            # parsing incoming requests
use URI::QueryParam;                # implements URI->query_form_hash
use MIME::Types;                    # translate file extension into MIME type
use Alien::GvaScript 1.021000;      # javascript files
use Encode::Guess;                  # guessing if pod source is utf8 or latin1
use Config;                         # where are the script directories
use Getopt::Long    qw/GetOptions/; # parsing options from command-line
use Module::Metadata 1.000033;      # get version number from module

# globals

our $VERSION = '1.23';

# some subdirs never contain Pod documentation
my @ignore_toc_dirs = qw/auto unicore/; 

# filter @INC (don't want '.', nor server_root added by mod_perl)
my $server_root = eval {Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root()} || "";
our                # because accessed from Pod::POM::Web::Indexer
   @search_dirs = grep {!/^\./ && $_ ne $server_root} @INC;

# directories for executable perl scripts
my @config_script_dirs = qw/sitescriptexp vendorscriptexp scriptdirexp/;
my @script_dirs        = grep {$_} @Config{@config_script_dirs};

# syntax coloring (optional)
my $coloring_package 
  = eval {require PPI::HTML}              ? "PPI"
  : eval {require ActiveState::Scineplex} ? "SCINEPLEX" 
  : "";

# fulltext indexing (optional)
my $no_indexer = eval {require Pod::POM::Web::Indexer} ? 0 : $@;

# CPAN latest version info (tentative, but disabled because CPAN is too slow)
my $has_cpan = 0; # eval {require CPAN};

# A sequence of optional filters to apply to the source code before
# running it through Pod::POM. Source code is passed in $_[0] and 
# should be modified in place.
my @podfilters = (

  # AnnoCPAN must be first in the filter list because 
  # it uses the MD5 of the original source
  eval {require AnnoCPAN::Perldoc::Filter} 
    ? sub {$_[0] = AnnoCPAN::Perldoc::Filter->new->filter($_[0])} 
    : (),

  # Pod::POM fails to parse correctly when there is an initial blank line
  sub { $_[0] =~ s/\A\s*// },


our # because used by Pod::POM::View::HTML::_PerlDoc
  %escape_entity = ('&' => '&',
                    '<' => '&lt;',
                    '>' => '&gt;',
                    '"' => '&quot;');

# import : just export the "server" function if called from command-line

sub import {
  my $class = shift;
  my ($package, $filename) = caller;

  no strict 'refs';
  *{'main::server'} = sub {$class->server(@_)} 
    if $package eq 'main' and $filename eq '-e';

# main entry point

sub server { # builtin HTTP server; unused if running under Apache
  my ($class, $port, $options) = @_;

  $options ||= $class->_options_from_cmd_line;
  $port    ||= $options->{port} || 8080;

  my $daemon = HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalPort => $port,
                                 ReuseAddr => 1) # patch by CDOLAN
    or die "could not start daemon on port $port";
  print STDERR "Please contact me at: <URL:", $daemon->url, ">\n";

  # main server loop
  while (my $client_connection = $daemon->accept) {
    while (my $req = $client_connection->get_request) {
      print STDERR "URL : " , $req->url, "\n";
      $client_connection->force_last_request;    # patch by CDOLAN
      my $response = HTTP::Response->new;
      $class->handler($req, $response, $options);

sub _options_from_cmd_line {
  GetOptions(\my %options, qw/port=i page_title|title=s/);
  $options{port} ||= $ARGV[0] if @ARGV; # backward support for old API
  return \%options;

sub handler : method  {
  my ($class, $request, $response, $options) = @_; 
  my $self = $class->new($request, $response, $options);
  eval { $self->dispatch_request(); 1}
    or $self->send_content({content => $@, code => 500});  
  return 0; # Apache2::Const::OK;

sub new  {
  my ($class, $request, $response, $options) = @_; 
  $options ||= {};
  my $self = {%$options};

  # cheat: will create an instance of the Indexer subclass if possible
  if (!$no_indexer && $class eq __PACKAGE__) {
    $class = "Pod::POM::Web::Indexer";
  for (ref $request) {

    /^Apache/ and do { # coming from mod_perl
      my $path = $request->path_info;
      my $q    = URI->new;
      my $params = $q->query_form_hash;
      (my $uri = $request->uri) =~ s/$path$//;
      $self->{response} = $request; # Apache API: same object for both
      $self->{root_url} = $uri;
      $self->{path}     = $path;
      $self->{params}   = $params;

    /^HTTP/ and do { # coming from HTTP::Daemon // server() method above
      $self->{response} = $response;
      $self->{root_url} = "";
      $self->{path}     = $request->url->path;
      $self->{params}   = $request->url->query_form_hash;

    #otherwise (coming from cgi-bin or mod_perl Registry)
    my $q = URI->new;
    my $params = $q->query_form_hash;
    $self->{response} = undef;
    $self->{root_url} = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME};
    $self->{path}     = $ENV{PATH_INFO};
    $self->{params}   = $params;

  bless $self, $class;

sub dispatch_request { 
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $path_info = $self->{path};

  # security check : no outside directories
  $path_info =~ m[(\.\.|//|\\|:)] and die "illegal path: $path_info";

  $path_info =~ s[^/][] or return $self->index_frameset; 
  for ($path_info) {
    /^$/               and return $self->index_frameset; 
    /^index$/          and return $self->index_frameset; 
    /^toc$/            and return $self->main_toc; 
    /^toc\/(.*)$/      and return $self->toc_for($1);   # Ajax calls
    /^script\/(.*)$/   and return $self->serve_script($1);
    /^search$/         and return $self->dispatch_search;
    /^source\/(.*)$/   and return $self->serve_source($1);

    # for debugging
    /^_dirs$/          and return $self->send_html(join "<br>", @search_dirs);

    # file extension : passthrough 
    /\.(\w+)$/         and return $self->serve_file($path_info, $1);

    return $self->serve_pod($path_info);

sub index_frameset{
  my ($self) = @_;

  # initial page to open
  my $ini         = $self->{params}{open};
  my $ini_content = $ini || "perl";
  my $ini_toc     = $ini ? "toc?open=$ini" : "toc";

  # HTML title
  my $title = $self->{page_title} || 'Perl documentation';
  $title =~ s/([&<>"])/$escape_entity{$1}/g;

  return $self->send_html(<<__EOHTML__);
  <frameset cols="25%, 75%">
    <frame name="tocFrame"     src="$self->{root_url}/$ini_toc">
    <frame name="contentFrame" src="$self->{root_url}/$ini_content">

# serving a single file

sub serve_source {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  my $params = $self->{params};

  # default (if not printing): line numbers and syntax coloring are on
  $params->{print} or  $params->{lines} = $params->{coloring} = 1;

  my @files = $self->find_source($path) or die "No file for '$path'";
  my $mtime = max map {(stat $_)[9]} @files;

  my $display_text;

  foreach my $file (@files) {
    my $text = $self->slurp_file($file, ":crlf");
    my $view = $self->mk_view(
      line_numbering  => $params->{lines},
      syntax_coloring => ($params->{coloring} ? $coloring_package : "")
    $text    = $view->view_verbatim($text);
    $display_text .= "<p/><h2>$file</h2><p/><pre>$text</pre>";

  my $offer_print = $params->{print} ? "" : <<__EOHTML__;
<form method="get" target="_blank">
<input type="submit" name="print" value="Print"> with<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="lines" checked>line numbers<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="coloring" checked>syntax coloring

  my $script = $params->{print} ? <<__EOHTML__ : "";
window.onload = function () {window.print()};

  my $doc_link = $params->{print} ? "" : <<__EOHTML__;
<a href="$self->{root_url}/$path" style="float:right">Doc</a>

  return $self->send_html(<<__EOHTML__, $mtime);
  <title>Source of $path</title>
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Pod/POM/Web/lib/PodPomWeb.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    PRE {border: none; background: none}
    FORM {float: right; font-size: 70%; border: 1px solid}
<h1>Source of $path</h1>



sub serve_file {
  my ($self, $path, $extension) = @_;

  my $fullpath = firstval {-f $_} map {"$_/$path"} @search_dirs
    or die "could not find $path";

  my $mime_type = MIME::Types->new->mimeTypeOf($extension);
  my $content = $self->slurp_file($fullpath, ":raw");
  my $mtime   = (stat $fullpath)[9];
    content   => $content,
    mtime     => $mtime,
    mime_type => $mime_type,

sub serve_pod {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;
  $path =~ s[::][/]g; # just in case, if called as /perldoc/Foo::Bar

  # if several sources, will be first *.pod, then *.pm
  my @sources = $self->find_source($path) or die "No file for '$path'";
  my $mtime   = max map {(stat $_)[9]} @sources;
  my $content = $path =~ /\bperltoc\b/
                   ? $self->fake_perltoc 
                   : $self->slurp_file($sources[0], ":crlf");

  (my $mod_name = $path) =~ s[/][::]g;
  my $version = @sources > 1 
    ? $self->parse_version($self->slurp_file($sources[-1], ":crlf"), $mod_name)
    : $self->parse_version($content, $mod_name);

  for my $filter (@podfilters) {

  # special handling for perlfunc: change initial C<..> to hyperlinks
  if ($path =~ /\bperlfunc$/) { 
    my $sub = sub {my $txt = shift; $txt =~ s[C<(.*?)>][C<L</$1>>]g; $txt};
    $content =~ s[(Perl Functions by Category)(.*?)(Alphabetical Listing)]
                 [$1 . $sub->($2) . $3]es;

  my $parser = Pod::POM->new;
  my $pom = $parser->parse_text($content) or die $parser->error;
  my $view = $self->mk_view(version         => $version,
                            mtime           => $mtime,
                            path            => $path,
                            mod_name        => $mod_name,
                            syntax_coloring => $coloring_package);

  my $html = $view->print($pom);

  # again special handling for perlfunc : ids should be just function names
  if ($path =~ /\bperlfunc$/) { 
    $html =~ s/li id="(.*?)_.*?"/li id="$1"/g;

  # special handling for 'perl' : hyperlinks to man pages
  if ($path =~ /\bperl$/) { 
    my $sub = sub {my $txt = shift;
                   $txt =~ s[(perl\w+)]
                            [<a href="$self->{root_url}/$1">$1</a>]g;
                   return $txt};
    $html =~ s[(<pre.*?</pre>)][$sub->($1)]egs;

  return $self->send_html($html, $mtime);

sub fake_perltoc {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return "=head1 NAME\n\nperltoc\n\n=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n"
       . "I<Sorry, this page cannot be displayed in HTML by Pod:POM::Web "
       . "(too CPU-intensive). "
       . "If you really need it, please consult the source, using the link "
       . "in the top-right corner.>";

sub serve_script {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  my $fullpath;

  foreach my $dir (@script_dirs) {
    foreach my $ext ("", ".pl", ".bat") {
      $fullpath = "$dir/$path$ext";
      last DIR if -f $fullpath;

  $fullpath or die "no such script : $path";

  my $content = $self->slurp_file($fullpath, ":crlf");
  my $mtime   = (stat $fullpath)[9];

  for my $filter (@podfilters) {

  my $parser = Pod::POM->new;
  my $pom    = $parser->parse_text($content) or die $parser->error;
  my $view   = $self->mk_view(path            => "scripts/$path",
                              mtime           => $mtime,
                              syntax_coloring => $coloring_package);
  my $html   = $view->print($pom);

  return $self->send_html($html, $mtime);

sub find_source {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  # serving a script ?    # TODO : factorize common code with serve_script
  if ($path =~ s[^scripts/][]) {
    foreach my $dir (@script_dirs) {
      foreach my $ext ("", ".pl", ".bat") {
        -f "$dir/$path$ext" or next;
        return ("$dir/$path$ext");

  # otherwise, serving a module
  foreach my $prefix (@search_dirs) {
    my @found = grep  {-f} ("$prefix/$path.pod", 
    return @found if @found;

sub pod2pom {
  my ($self, $sourcefile) = @_;
  my $content = $self->slurp_file($sourcefile, ":crlf");

  for my $filter (@podfilters) {

  my $parser = Pod::POM->new;
  my $pom = $parser->parse_text($content) or die $parser->error;
  return $pom;

# tables of contents

sub toc_for { # partial toc (called through Ajax)
  my ($self, $prefix) = @_;

  # special handling for builtin paths
  for ($prefix) { 
    /^perldocs$/ and return $self->toc_perldocs;
    /^pragmas$/  and return $self->toc_pragmas;
    /^scripts$/  and return $self->toc_scripts;

  # otherwise, find and htmlize entries under a given prefix
  my $entries = $self->find_entries_for($prefix);
  if ($prefix eq 'Pod') {   # Pod/perl* should not appear under Pod
    delete $entries->{$_} for grep /^perl/, keys %$entries;
  return $self->send_html($self->htmlize_entries($entries));

sub toc_perldocs {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my %perldocs;

  # perl basic docs may be found under "pod", "pods", or the root dir
  for my $subdir (qw/pod pods/, "") {
    my $entries = $self->find_entries_for($subdir);

    # just keep the perl* entries, without subdir prefix
    foreach my $key (grep /^perl/, keys %$entries) {
      $perldocs{$key} = $entries->{$key};
      $perldocs{$key}{node} =~ s[^subdir/][]i;

  return $self->send_html($self->htmlize_perldocs(\%perldocs));

sub toc_pragmas {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $entries  = $self->find_entries_for("");    # files found at root level
  delete $entries->{$_} for @ignore_toc_dirs, qw/pod pods inc/; 
  delete $entries->{$_} for grep {/^perl/ or !/^[[:lower:]]/} keys %$entries;

  return $self->send_html($self->htmlize_entries($entries));

sub toc_scripts {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my %scripts;

  # gather all scripts and group them by initial letter
  foreach my $dir (@script_dirs) {
    opendir my $dh, $dir or next;
    foreach my $name (readdir $dh) {
      for ("$dir/$name") {
        -x && !-d && -T or next NAME ; # try to just keep Perl executables
      $name =~ s/\.(pl|bat)$//i;
      my $letter = uc substr $name, 0, 1;
      $scripts{$letter}{$name} = {node => "script/$name", pod => 1};

  # htmlize the structure
  my $html = "";
  foreach my $letter (sort keys %scripts) {
    my $content = $self->htmlize_entries($scripts{$letter});
    $html .= closed_node(label   => $letter,
                         content => $content);

  return $self->send_html($html);

sub find_entries_for {
  my ($self, $prefix) = @_;

  # if $prefix is of shape A*, we want top-level modules starting
  # with that letter
  my $filter;
  if ($prefix =~ /^([A-Z])\*/) {
    $filter = qr/^$1/;
    $prefix = "";

  my %entries;

  foreach my $root_dir (@search_dirs) {
    my $dirname = $prefix ? "$root_dir/$prefix" : $root_dir;
    opendir my $dh, $dirname or next;
    foreach my $name (readdir $dh) {
      next if $name =~ /^\./;
      next if $filter and $name !~ $filter;
      my $is_dir  = -d "$dirname/$name";
      my $has_pod = $name =~ s/\.(pm|pod)$//;

      # skip if this subdir is a member of @INC (not a real module namespace)
      next if $is_dir and grep {m[^\Q$dirname/$name\E]} @search_dirs;

      if ($is_dir || $has_pod) { # found a TOC entry
        $entries{$name}{node} = $prefix ? "$prefix/$name" : $name;
        $entries{$name}{dir}  = 1 if $is_dir;
        $entries{$name}{pod}  = 1 if $has_pod;
  return \%entries;

sub htmlize_perldocs {
  my ($self, $perldocs) = @_;
  my $parser  = Pod::POM->new;

  # Pod/perl.pom Synopsis contains a classification of perl*.pod documents
  my ($perlpod) = $self->find_source("perl", ":crlf")
      or die "'perl.pod' does not seem to be installed on this system";
  my $source  = $self->slurp_file($perlpod);
  my $perlpom = $parser->parse_text($source) or die $parser->error;

  my $h1 =  (firstval {$_->title eq 'GETTING HELP'} $perlpom->head1)
         || (firstval {$_->title eq 'SYNOPSIS'}     $perlpom->head1);
  my $html = "";

  # classified pages mentioned in the synopsis
  foreach my $h2 ($h1->head2) {
    my $title   = $h2->title;
    my $content = $h2->verbatim;

    # "Internals and C-Language Interface" is too long
    $title =~ s/^Internals.*/Internals/;

    # gather leaf entries
    my @leaves;
    while ($content =~ /^\s*(perl\S*?)\s*\t(.+)/gm) {
      my ($ref, $descr) = ($1, $2);
      my $entry = delete $perldocs->{$ref} or next;
      push @leaves, {label => $ref, 
                     href  => $entry->{node},
                     attrs => qq{id='$ref' title='$descr'}};
    # sort and transform into HTML
    @leaves = map {leaf(%$_)} 
              sort {$a->{label} cmp $b->{label}} @leaves;
    $html .= closed_node(label   => $title, 
                         content => join("\n", @leaves));

  # maybe some remaining pages
  if (keys %$perldocs) {
    $html .= closed_node(label   => 'Unclassified', 
                         content => $self->htmlize_entries($perldocs));

  return $html;

sub htmlize_entries {
  my ($self, $entries) = @_;
  my $html = "";
  foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %$entries) {
    my $entry = $entries->{$name};
    (my $id = $entry->{node}) =~ s[/][::]g;
    my %args = (class => 'TN_leaf',
                label => $name, 
                attrs => qq{id='$id'});
    if ($entry->{dir}) {
      $args{class}  = 'TN_node TN_closed';
      $args{attrs} .= qq{ TN:contentURL='toc/$entry->{node}'};
    if ($entry->{pod}) {
      $args{href}     = $entry->{node};
      $args{abstract} = $self->get_abstract($entry->{node});
    $html .= generic_node(%args);
  return $html;

sub get_abstract {
  # override in indexer

sub main_toc { 
  my ($self) = @_;

  # initial page to open
  my $ini = $self->{params}{open};
  my $select_ini = $ini ? "selectToc('$ini');" : "";

  # perlfunc entries in JSON format for the DHTML autocompleter
  my @funcs = map {$_->title} grep {$_->content =~ /\S/} $self->perlfunc_items;
  s|[/\s(].*||s foreach @funcs;
  my $json_funcs = "[" . join(",", map {qq{"$_"}} uniq @funcs) . "]";

  # perlVAR entries in JSON format for the DHTML autocompleter
  my @vars = map {$_->title} grep {!/->/} map {@$_} $self->perlvar_items;
  s|\s*X<.*||s foreach @vars;
  s|\\|\\\\|g  foreach @vars;
  s|"|\\"|g    foreach @vars;
  my $json_vars = "[" . join(",", map {qq{"$_"}} uniq @vars) . "]";

  my $js_no_indexer = $no_indexer ? 'true' : 'false';

  my @perl_sections = map {closed_node(
      label       => ucfirst($_),
      label_class => "TN_label small_title",
      attrs       =>  qq{TN:contentURL='toc/$_' id='$_'},
     )} qw/perldocs pragmas scripts/;

  my $alpha_list = "";
  for my $letter ('A' .. 'Z') {
    $alpha_list .= closed_node (
      label       => $letter,
      label_class => "TN_label",
      attrs       =>  qq{TN:contentURL='toc/$letter*' id='${letter}:'},
  my $modules = generic_node (label       => "Modules",
                              label_class => "TN_label small_title",
                              content     => $alpha_list);

  return $self->send_html(<<__EOHTML__);
  <base target="contentFrame">
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.css" 
        rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Pod/POM/Web/lib/PodPomWeb.css" 
        rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <script src="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/prototype.js"></script>
  <script src="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.js"></script>
    var treeNavigator;
    var perlfuncs = $json_funcs;
    var perlvars  = $json_vars;
    var completers = {};
    var no_indexer = $js_no_indexer;

    function submit_on_event(event) {

    function resize_tree_navigator() {
      // compute available height -- comes either from body or documentElement,
      // depending on browser and on compatibility mode !!
      var doc_el_height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
      var avail_height 
        = (Prototype.Browser.IE && doc_el_height) ? doc_el_height
                                                  : document.body.clientHeight;

      var tree_height = avail_height - \$('toc_frame_top').scrollHeight - 5;
      if (tree_height > 100)
        \$('TN_tree').style.height = tree_height + "px";

    function open_nodes(first_node, rest) {

      var node = \$(first_node);
      if (!node || !treeNavigator) return;

      // shift to next node in sequence
      first_node = rest.shift();

      // build a handler for "onAfterLoadContent" (closure on first_node/rest)
      var open_or_select_next = function() { 

        // delete handler that might have been placed by previous call
        delete treeNavigator.onAfterLoadContent;

        if (rest.length > 0) {
          open_nodes(first_node, rest) 
        else {

      // if node is closed and currently has no content, we need to register
      // a handler, open the node so that it gets its content by Ajax,
      // and then execute the handler to open the rest after Ajax returns
      if (treeNavigator.isClosed(node)
          && !treeNavigator.content(node)) {
        treeNavigator.onAfterLoadContent = open_or_select_next;;
      // otherwise just a direct call 
      else {


    function selectToc(entry) {

      // build array of intermediate nodes (i.e "Foo", "Foo::Bar", etc.)
      var parts = entry.split(new RegExp("/|::"));
      var accu = '';
      var sequence = { 
         accu = accu ? (accu + "::" + e) : e;
         return accu;

      // choose id of first_node by analysis of entry
      var initial = entry.substr(0, 1);
      var first_node  

        // CASE module (starting with uppercase)
        = (initial <= 'Z')           ? (initial + ":")

        // CASE perl* documentation page
        :^perl/) > -1 ? "perldocs"

        // CASE other lowercase entries
        :                              "pragmas"

      // open each node in sequence
      open_nodes(first_node, sequence);

    function setup() {

        = new GvaScript.TreeNavigator('TN_tree', {tabIndex:-1});

      completers.perlfunc = new GvaScript.AutoCompleter(
             {minimumChars: 1, 
              minWidth: 100, 
              offsetX: -20, 
              autoSuggestDelay: 400});
      completers.perlfunc.onComplete = submit_on_event;

      completers.perlvar = new GvaScript.AutoCompleter(
             {minimumChars: 1, 
              minWidth: 100, 
              offsetX: -20, 
              autoSuggestDelay: 400});
      completers.perlvar.onComplete = submit_on_event;

      if (!no_indexer) {
        completers.modlist  = new GvaScript.AutoCompleter(
             {minimumChars: 2, minWidth: 100, offsetX: -20, typeAhead: false});
        completers.modlist.onComplete = submit_on_event;


    document.observe('dom:loaded', setup);
    window.onresize = resize_tree_navigator; 
    // Note: observe('resize') doesn't work. Why ?

    function displayContent(event) {
        var label = event.controller.label(;
        if (label && label.tagName == "A") {
          return Event. stopNone;

   function maybe_complete(input) {
     if (input._autocompleter)

     switch (input.form.source.selectedIndex) {
       case 0: completers.perlfunc.autocomplete(input); break;
       case 1: completers.perlvar.autocomplete(input); break;
       case 3: if (!no_indexer)

   .small_title {color: midnightblue; font-weight: bold; padding: 0 3 0 3}
   FORM     {margin:0px}
   BODY     {margin:0px; font-size: 70%; overflow-x: hidden} 
   DIV      {margin:0px; width: 100%}
   #TN_tree {overflow-y:scroll; overflow-x: hidden}

<div id='toc_frame_top'>
<div class="small_title" 
     style="text-align:center;border-bottom: 1px solid">
Perl Documentation
<div style="text-align:right">
<a href="Pod/POM/Web/Help" class="small_title">Help</a>

<form action="search" id="search_form" method="get">
<span class="small_title">Search in</span>
     <select name="source">
<span class="small_title">&nbsp;for&nbsp;</span><input 
         name="search" size="15"
<div class="small_title"
     style="border-bottom: 1px solid">Browse</div>

<!-- In principle the tree navigator below would best belong in a 
     different frame, but instead it's in a div because the autocompleter
     from the form above sometimes needs to overlap the tree nav. -->
<div id='TN_tree' onPing='displayContent'>


# searching

sub dispatch_search {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $params = $self->{params};
  my $source = $params->{source};
  my $method = {perlfunc      => 'perlfunc',
                perlvar       => 'perlvar',
                perlfaq       => 'perlfaq',
                modules       => 'serve_pod',
                fulltext      => 'fulltext',
                modlist       => 'modlist',
                }->{$source}  or die "cannot search in '$source'";

  if ($method =~ /fulltext|modlist/ and $no_indexer) {
    die "<p>this method requires <b>Search::Indexer</b></p>"
      . "<p>please ask your system administrator to install it</p>"
      . "(<small>error message : $no_indexer</small>)";

  return $self->$method($params->{search});

my @_perlfunc_items; # simple-minded cache

sub perlfunc_items {
  my ($self) = @_;

  unless (@_perlfunc_items) {
    my ($funcpod) = $self->find_source("perlfunc")
      or die "'perlfunc.pod' does not seem to be installed on this system";
    my $funcpom   = $self->pod2pom($funcpod);
    my ($description) = grep {$_->title eq 'DESCRIPTION'} $funcpom->head1;
    my ($alphalist)   
      = grep {$_->title =~ /^Alphabetical Listing/i} $description->head2;
    @_perlfunc_items = $alphalist->over->[0]->item;
  return @_perlfunc_items;

sub perlfunc {
  my ($self, $func) = @_;
  my @items = grep {$_->title =~ /^$func\b/} $self->perlfunc_items
     or return $self->send_html("No documentation found for perl "
                               ."function '<tt>$func</tt>'");

  my $view    = $self->mk_view(path => "perlfunc/$func");

  my @li_items = map {$_->present($view)} @items;
  return $self->send_html(<<__EOHTML__);
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Pod/POM/Web/lib/PodPomWeb.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<h2>Extract from <a href="$self->{root_url}/perlfunc">perlfunc</a></h2>


my @_perlvar_items; # simple-minded cache

sub perlvar_items {
  my ($self) = @_;

  unless (@_perlvar_items) {

    # get items defining variables
    my ($varpod) = $self->find_source("perlvar")
      or die "'perlvar.pod' does not seem to be installed on this system";
    my $varpom   = $self->pod2pom($varpod);
    my @items    = _extract_items($varpom);

    # group items having common content
    my $tmp = [];
    foreach my $item (@items) {
      push @$tmp, $item;
      if ($item->content . "") { # force stringification
        push @_perlvar_items, $tmp;
        $tmp = [];
  return @_perlvar_items;

sub perlvar {
  my ($self, $var) = @_;

  my @items = grep {any {$_->title =~ /^\Q$var\E(\s|$)/} @$_}
     or return $self->send_html("No documentation found for perl "
                               ."variable '<tt>$var</tt>'");
  my $view    = $self->mk_view(path => "perlvar/$var");

  my @li_items = map {$_->present($view)} map {@$_} @items;
  return $self->send_html(<<__EOHTML__);
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Pod/POM/Web/lib/PodPomWeb.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<h2>Extract from <a href="$self->{root_url}/perlvar">perlvar</a></h2>


sub perlfaq {
  my ($self, $faq_entry) = @_;
  my $regex = qr/\b\Q$faq_entry\E\b/i;
  my $answers   = "";
  my $n_answers = 0;

  my $view = $self->mk_view(path => "perlfaq/$faq_entry");

  for my $num (1..9) {
    my $faq = "perlfaq$num";
    my ($faqpod) = $self->find_source($faq)
      or die "'$faq.pod' does not seem to be installed on this system";
    my $faqpom = $self->pod2pom($faqpod);
    my @questions = map {grep {$_->title =~ $regex} $_->head2} $faqpom->head1
      or next FAQ;
    my @nodes = map {$view->print($_)} @questions;
    $answers .= generic_node(label     => "Found in perlfaq$num",
                             label_tag => "h2",
                             content   => join("", @nodes));
    $n_answers += @nodes;

  return $self->send_html(<<__EOHTML__);
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Pod/POM/Web/lib/PodPomWeb.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <script src="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/prototype.js"></script>
  <script src="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.js"></script>
    var treeNavigator;
    function setup() {  
      treeNavigator = new GvaScript.TreeNavigator('TN_tree');
    window.onload = setup;
<h1>Extracts from <a href="$self->{root_url}/perlfaq">perlfaq</a></h1><br>
<em>searching for '$faq_entry' : $n_answers answers</em><br><br>
<div id='TN_tree'>


# miscellaneous

sub mk_view {
  my ($self, %args) = @_;

  my $view = Pod::POM::View::HTML::_PerlDoc->new(
    root_url        => $self->{root_url},

  return $view;

sub send_html {
  my ($self, $html, $mtime) = @_;

  # dirty hack for MSIE8 (TODO: send proper HTTP header instead)
  $html =~ s[<head>]
            [<head>\n<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">];

  $self->send_content({content => $html, code => 200, mtime => $mtime});

sub send_content {
  my ($self, $args) = @_;
  my $encoding  = guess_encoding($args->{content}, qw/ascii utf8 latin1/);
  my $charset   = ref $encoding ? $encoding->name : "";
     $charset   =~ s/^ascii/US-ascii/; # Firefox insists on that imperialist name
  my $length    = length $args->{content};
  my $mime_type = $args->{mime_type} || "text/html";
     $mime_type .= "; charset=$charset" if $charset and $mime_type =~ /html/;
  my $modified  = gmtime $args->{mtime};
  my $code      = $args->{code} || 200;

  my $r = $self->{response};
  for (ref $r) {

    /^Apache/ and do {
      require Apache2::Response;
      $r->set_last_modified($args->{mtime}) if $args->{mtime};

    /^HTTP::Response/ and do {
      $r->header(Content_type   => $mime_type,
                 Content_length => $length);
      $r->header(Last_modified  => $modified) if $args->{mtime};

    # otherwise (cgi-bin)
    my $headers = "Content-type: $mime_type\nContent-length: $length\n";
    $headers .= "Last-modified: $modified\n" if  $args->{mtime};
    print "$headers\n$args->{content}";

# generating GvaScript treeNavigator structure

sub generic_node {
  my %args = @_;
  $args{class}       ||= "TN_node";
  $args{attrs}       &&= " $args{attrs}";
  $args{content}     ||= "";
  $args{content}     &&= qq{<div class="TN_content">$args{content}</div>};
  my ($default_label_tag, $label_attrs) 
    = $args{href} ? ("a",    qq{ href='$args{href}'})
                  : ("span", ""                     );
  $args{label_tag}   ||= $default_label_tag;
  $args{label_class} ||= "TN_label";
  if ($args{abstract}) {
    $args{abstract} =~ s/([&<>"])/$escape_entity{$1}/g;
    $label_attrs .= qq{ title="$args{abstract}"};
  return qq{<div class="$args{class}"$args{attrs}>}
       .    qq{<$args{label_tag} class="$args{label_class}"$label_attrs>}
       .         $args{label}
       .    qq{</$args{label_tag}>}
       .    $args{content}
       . qq{</div>};

sub closed_node {
  return generic_node(@_, class => "TN_node TN_closed");

sub leaf {
  return generic_node(@_, class => "TN_leaf");

# utilities

sub slurp_file {
  my ($self, $file, $io_layer) = @_;
  open my $fh, $file or die "open $file: $!";
  binmode($fh, $io_layer) if $io_layer;
  local $/ = undef;
  return <$fh>;

sub parse_version {
  my ($self, $content, $mod_name) = @_;

  # filehandle on string content
  open my $fh, "<", \$content;
  my $mm = Module::Metadata->new_from_handle($fh, $mod_name)
    or die "couldn't create Module::Metadata";

  return $mm->version;

sub _extract_items { # recursively grab all nodes of type 'item'
  my $node = shift;

  for ($node->type) {
    /^item/            and return ($node);
    /^(pod|head|over)/ and return map {_extract_items($_)} $node->content;
  return ();

# END OF package Pod::POM::Web

package Pod::POM::View::HTML::_PerlDoc; # View package
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw/uninitialized/;
use base    qw/Pod::POM::View::HTML/;
use POSIX   qw/strftime/;              # date formatting
use List::MoreUtils qw/firstval/;

# SUPER::view_seq_text tries to find links automatically ... but is buggy
# for URLs that contain '$' or ' '. So we disable it, and only consider
# links explicitly marked with L<..>, handled in view_seq_link() below.
sub view_seq_text {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;

  for ($text) {

  return $text;

# SUPER::view_seq_link needs some adaptations
sub view_seq_link { 
    my ($self, $link) = @_;

    # we handle the L<link_text|...> syntax here, because we also want
    # link_text for http URLS (not supported by SUPER::view_seq_link)
    my $link_text;
    $link =~ s/^([^|]+)\|// and $link_text = $1;

    # links to external resources will open in a blank page
    my $is_external_resource = ($link =~ m[^\w+://]);

    # call parent and reparse the result
    my $linked = $self->SUPER::view_seq_link($link);
    my ($url, $label) = ($linked =~ m[^<a href="(.*?)">(.*)</a>]);

    # fix link for 'hash' part of the url
    $url =~ s[#(.*)]['#' . _title_to_id($1)]e unless $is_external_resource;

    # if explicit link_text given by client, take that as label, unchanged
    if ($link_text) { 
      $label = $link_text;
    # if "$page/$section", replace by "$section in $page"
    elsif ($label !~ m{^\w+://}s) { # but only if not a full-blown URL
      $label =~ s[^(.*?)/(.*)$][$1 ? "$2 in $1" : $2]e ;

    # return link (if external resource, opens in a new browser window)
    my $target = $is_external_resource ? " target='_blank'" : "";
    return qq{<a href="$url"$target>$label</a>};

sub view_seq_link_transform_path {
    my($self, $page) = @_;
    $page =~ s[::][/]g;
    return "$self->{root_url}/$page";

sub view_item {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;

  my $title = eval {$item->title->present($self)} || "";
     $title = "" if $title =~ /^\s*\*\s*$/; 

  my $class = "";
  my $id    = "";

  if ($title =~ /^AnnoCPAN/) {
    $class = " class='AnnoCPAN'";
  else {
    $id   = _title_to_id($title);
    $id &&= qq{ id="$id"};

  my $content = $item->content->present($self);
  $title   = qq{<b>$title</b>} if $title;
  return qq{<li$id$class>$title\n$content</li>\n};

sub _title_to_id {
  my $title = shift;
  $title =~ s/<.*?>//g;          # no tags
  $title =~ s/[,(].*//;          # drop argument lists or text lists
  $title =~ s/\s*$//;            # drop final spaces
  $title =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g; # replace chars unsuitable for an id
  return $title;

sub view_pod {
  my ($self, $pom) = @_;

  # compute view
  my $content = $pom->content->present($self)
    or return "no documentation found in <tt>$self->{path}</tt><br>\n"
            . "<a href='$self->{root_url}/source/$self->{path}'>Source</a>";

  # parse name and description
  my $name_h1   = firstval {$_->title =~ /^(NAME|TITLE)\b/} $pom->head1();
  my $doc_title = $name_h1 ? $name_h1->content->present('Pod::POM::View')
                                               # retrieve content as plain text
                           : 'Untitled';
  my ($name, $description) = ($doc_title =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s+-+\s+(.*)/);
  $name ||= $doc_title;
  $name =~ s/\n.*//s;

  # installation date
  my $installed = strftime("%x", localtime($self->{mtime}));

  # if this is a module (and not a script), get additional info
  my ($version, $core_release, $orig_version, $cpan_info, $module_refs)
    = ("") x 6;
  if (my $mod_name = $self->{mod_name}) {

    # version 
    $version = $self->{version} ? "v. $self->{version}, " : ""; 

    # is this module in Perl core ?
    $core_release = Module::CoreList->first_release($mod_name) || "";
      = $Module::CoreList::version{$core_release}{$mod_name} || "";
    $orig_version &&= "v. $orig_version ";
    $core_release &&= "; ${orig_version}entered Perl core in $core_release";

    # hyperlinks to various internet resources
    $module_refs = qq{<br>
     <a href="$mod_name"
        target="_blank">meta::cpan</a> |
     <a href="$mod_name"

    if ($has_cpan) {
      my $mod = CPAN::Shell->expand("Module", $mod_name);
      if ($mod) {
        my $cpan_version = $mod->cpan_version;
        $cpan_info = "; CPAN has v. $cpan_version" 
          if $cpan_version ne $self->{version};

  my $toc = $self->make_toc($pom, 0); 

  return <<__EOHTML__
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <link href="$self->{root_url}/Pod/POM/Web/lib/PodPomWeb.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  <script src="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/prototype.js"></script>
  <script src="$self->{root_url}/Alien/GvaScript/lib/GvaScript.js"></script>
    var treeNavigator;
    function setup() {  
      new GvaScript.TreeNavigator(
         {selectFirstNode: (location.hash ? false : true),
          tabIndex: 0}

     var tocFrame = window.parent.frames.tocFrame;
     if (tocFrame) {
       try {tocFrame.eval("selectToc('$name')")}
       catch(e) {};
    window.onload = setup;
    function jumpto_href(event) {
      var label = event.controller.label(;
      if (label && label.tagName == "A") {
        /* label.focus(); */
        return Event.stopNone;
    #TOC .TN_content .TN_label {font-size: 80%; font-weight: bold}
    #TOC .TN_leaf    .TN_label {font-weight: normal}

    #ref_box {
      clear: right;
      float: right; 
      text-align: right; 
      font-size: 80%;
    #title_descr {
       clear: right;
       float: right; 
       font-style: italic; 
       margin-top: 8px;
       margin-bottom: 8px;
       padding: 5px;
       text-align: center;
       border: 3px double #888;
<div id='TN_tree'>
  <div class="TN_node">
   <h1 class="TN_label">$name</h1>
   <small>(${version}installed $installed$core_release$cpan_info)</small>

   <span id="title_descr">$description</span>

   <span id="ref_box">
   <a href="$self->{root_url}/source/$self->{path}">Source</a>

   <div class="TN_content">
     <div class="TN_node"  onPing="jumpto_href" id="TOC">
       <h3 class="TN_label">Table of contents</h3>
       <div class="TN_content">


# generating family of methods for view_head1, view_head2, etc.
  for my $num (1..6) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{"view_head$num"} = sub {
      my ($self, $item) = @_;
      my $title   = $item->title->present($self);
      my $id      = _title_to_id($title);
      my $content = $item->content->present($self);
      my $h_num   = $num + 1;
      return <<EOHTML
  <div class="TN_node" id="$id">
    <h$h_num class="TN_label">$title</h$h_num>
    <div class="TN_content">

sub view_seq_index {
  my ($self, $item) = @_;
  return ""; # Pod index tags have no interest for HTML

sub view_verbatim {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;

  my $coloring = $self->{syntax_coloring};
  if ($coloring) {
    my $method = "${coloring}_coloring";
    $text = $self->$method($text);
  else {
    $text =~ s/([&<>"])/$Pod::POM::Web::escape_entity{$1}/g;

  # hyperlinks to other modules
  $text =~ s{(\buse\b(?:</span>)?\ +(?:<span.*?>)?)([\w:]+)}
            {my $url = $self->view_seq_link_transform_path($2);
             qq{$1<a href="$url">$2</a>} }eg;

  if ($self->{line_numbering}) {
    my $line = 1;
    $text =~ s/^/sprintf "%6d\t", $line++/egm;
  return qq{<pre class="$coloring">$text</pre>};

sub PPI_coloring {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;
  my $ppi = PPI::HTML->new();
  my $html = $ppi->html(\$text);

  if ($html) { 
    $html =~ s/<br>//g;
    return $html;
  else { # PPI failed to parse that text
    $text =~ s/([&<>"])/$Pod::POM::Web::escape_entity{$1}/g;
    return $text;

sub SCINEPLEX_coloring {
  my ($self, $text) = @_;
  eval {
    $text = ActiveState::Scineplex::Annotate($text, 
                                             outputFormat => 'html');
  return $text;

sub make_toc {
  my ($self, $item, $level) = @_;

  my $html      = "";
  my $method    = "head" . ($level + 1);
  my $sub_items = $item->$method;

  foreach my $sub_item (@$sub_items) {
    my $title    = $sub_item->title->present($self);
    my $id       = _title_to_id($title);

    my $node_content = $self->make_toc($sub_item, $level + 1);
    my $class        = $node_content ? "TN_node" : "TN_leaf";
    $node_content  &&= qq{<div class="TN_content">$node_content</div>};

    $html .= qq{<div class="$class">}
           .    qq{<a class="TN_label" href="#$id">$title</a>}
           .    $node_content
           . qq{</div>};

  return $html;

sub DESTROY {} # avoid AUTOLOAD



=encoding ISO8859-1

=head1 NAME

Pod::POM::Web - HTML Perldoc server


L<Pod::POM::Web> is a Web application for browsing
the documentation of Perl components installed
on your local machine. Since pages are dynamically 
generated, they are always in sync with code actually

The application offers 


=item *

a tree view for browsing through installed modules
(with dynamic expansion of branches as they are visited)

=item *

a tree view for navigating and opening / closing sections while
visiting a documentation page

=item *

a source code view with hyperlinks between used modules
and optionally with syntax coloring
(see section L</"Optional features">)

=item *

direct access to L<perlfunc> entries (builtin Perl functions)

=item *

search through L<perlfaq> headers

=item *

fulltext search, including names of Perl variables
(this is an optional feature -- see section L</"Optional features">).

=item *

parsing and display of version number

=item *

display if and when the displayed module entered Perl core.

=item *

parsing pod links and translating them into hypertext links

=item *

links to CPAN sites


The application may be hosted by an existing Web server, or otherwise
may run its own builtin Web server.

The DHTML code for navigating through documentation trees requires a
modern browser. So far it has been tested on Microsoft Internet
Explorer 8.0, Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0 and Safari 4.0.4.

=head1 USAGE

Usage is described in a separate document 


=head2 Starting the Web application

Once the code is installed (most probably through
L<CPAN> or L<CPANPLUS>), you have to configure
the web server :

=head3 As a mod_perl service

If you have Apache2 with mod_perl 2.0, then edit your 
F<perl.conf> as follows :

  PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec
  PerlModule Apache2::RequestIO
  <Location /perldoc>
        SetHandler modperl
        PerlResponseHandler Pod::POM::Web->handler

Then navigate to URL L<http://localhost/perldoc>.

=head3 As a cgi-bin script 

Alternatively, you can run this application as a cgi-script
by writing a simple file F<perldoc> in your C<cgi-bin> directory,
containing :

  use Pod::POM::Web;

Make this script executable, 
then navigate to URL L<http://localhost/cgi-bin/perldoc>.

The same can be done for running under mod_perl Registry
(write the same script as above and put it in your
Apache/perl directory). However, this does not make much sense,
because if you have mod_perl Registry then you could as well
run it as a basic mod_perl handler.

=head3 As a standalone server

A third way to use this application is to start a process invoking
the builtin HTTP server :

  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server

This is useful if you have no other HTTP server, or if
you want to run this module under the perl debugger.
The server will listen at L<http://localhost:8080>.
A different port may be specified, in several ways :

  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server 8888
  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server(8888)
  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server -- --port 8888

=head2 Opening a specific initial page

By default, the initial page displayed by the application
is F<perl>. This can be changed by supplying an C<open> argument
with the name of any documentation page: for example


=head2 Setting a specific title

If you run several instances of C<Pod::POM::Web> simultaneously, you may
want them to have distinct titles. This can be done like this:

  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server -- --title "My Own Perl Doc"


=head2 Note about security

This application is intended as a power tool for Perl developers, 
not as an Internet application. It will give access to any file 
installed under your C<@INC> path or Apache C<lib/perl> directory
(but not outside of those directories);
so it is probably a B<bad idea>
to put it on a public Internet server.

=head2 Optional features

=head3 Syntax coloring

Syntax coloring improves readability of code excerpts.
If your Perl distribution is from ActiveState, then 
C<Pod::POM::Web> will take advantage 
of the L<ActiveState::Scineplex> module
which is already installed on your system. Otherwise,
you need to install L<PPI::HTML>, available from CPAN.

=head3 Fulltext indexing

C<Pod::POM::Web> can index the documentation and source code
of all your installed modules, including Perl variable names, 
C<Names:::Of::Modules>, etc. To use this feature you need to 


=item *

install L<Search::Indexer> from CPAN

=item *

build the index as described in L<Pod::POM::Web::Indexer> documentation.


=head3 AnnoCPAN comments

The website L<> lets people add comments to the
documentation of CPAN modules.  The AnnoCPAN database is freely
downloadable and can be easily integrated with locally installed
modules via runtime filtering.

If you want AnnoCPAN comments to show up in Pod::POM::Web, do the following:


=item *

install L<AnnoCPAN::Perldoc> from CPAN;

=item *

download the database from L<> and save
it as F<$HOME/.annopod.db> (see the documentation in the above module
for more details).  You may also like to try
L<AnnoCPAN::Perldoc::SyncDB> which is a crontab-friendly tool for
periodically downloading the AnnoCPAN database.



=head2 Images

The Pod::Pom::Web server also serves non-pod files within the C<@INC> 
hierarchy. This is useful for example to include images in your 
documentation, by inserting chunks of HTML as follows : 

  =for html
    <img src="pretty_diagram.jpg">


  =for html
    <object type="image/svg+xml" data="try.svg" width="640" height="480">

Here it is assumed that auxiliary files C<pretty_diagram.jpg> or 
C<try.svg> are in the same directory than the POD source; but 
of course relative or absolute links can be used.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 handler

  Pod::POM::Web->handler($request, $response, $options);

Public entry point for serving a request. Objects C<$request> and
C<$response> are specific to the hosting HTTP server (modperl, HTTP::Daemon
or cgi-bin); C<$options> is a hashref that currently contains
only one possible entry : C<page_title>, for specifying the HTML title
of the application (useful if you run several concurrent instances
of Pod::POM::Web).

=head2 server

  Pod::POM::Web->server($port, $options);

Starts the event loop for the builtin HTTP server.
The C<$port> number can be given as optional first argument
(default is 8080). The second argument C<$options> may be
used to specify a page title (see L</"handler"> method above).

This function is exported into the C<main::> namespace if perl
is called with the C<-e> flag, so that you can write

  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server

Options and port may be specified on the command line :

  perl -MPod::POM::Web -e server -- --port 8888 --title FooBar


This web application was deeply inspired by :


=item *

the structure of HTML Perl documentation released with 
ActivePerl (L<>).

=item *

the  excellent tree navigation in Microsoft's former MSDN Library Web site
-- since they rebuilt the site, keyboard navigation has gone  !

=item *

the standalone HTTP server implemented in L<Pod::WebServer>.

=item *

the wide possibilities of Andy Wardley's L<Pod::POM> parser.


to Philippe Bruhat who mentioned a weakness in the API, 
to Chris Dolan who supplied many useful suggestions and patches 
(esp. integration with AnnoCPAN), 
to Rémi Pauchet who pointed out a regression bug with Firefox CSS, 
to Alexandre Jousset who fixed a bug in the TOC display,
to Cédric Bouvier who pointed out a IO bug in serving binary files,
to Elliot Shank who contributed the "page_title" option,
and to Olivier 'dolmen' Mengué who suggested to export "server" into C<main::>.


Indexed information since version 1.04 is not compatible 
with previous versions.

So if you upgraded from a previous version and want to use 
the index, you need to rebuild it entirely, by running the 
command :

  perl -MPod::POM::Web::Indexer -e "index(-from_scratch => 1)"

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-pod-pom-web at>, or through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 AUTHOR

Laurent Dami, C<< <> >>


Copyright 2007-2017 Laurent Dami, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 TODO

  - real tests !
  - factorization (esp. initial <head> in html pages)
  - use Getopts to choose colouring package, toggle CPAN, etc.
  - declare Pod::POM bugs 
      - perlre : line 1693 improper parsing of L<C<< (?>pattern) >>> 
   - bug: doc files taken as pragmas (lwptut, lwpcook, pip, pler)
   - exploit doc index X<...>
   - do something with perllocal (installation history)
   - restrict to given set of paths/ modules
       - ned to change toc (no perlfunc, no scripts/pragmas, etc)
       - treenav with letter entries or not ?
  - port to Plack