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package SQL::Abstract::FromQuery;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util     qw/refaddr reftype blessed/;
use Module::Load     qw/load/;
                                 UNDEF  BOOLEAN/;
use UNIVERSAL::DOES  qw/does/;
use mro 'c3';

use namespace::clean;

our $VERSION = '0.02';

# root grammar (will be inherited by subclasses)
my $root_grammar = do {
  use Regexp::Grammars;
    # <logfile: - >

    <grammar: SQL::Abstract::FromQuery>

    <rule: standard>
     \A (?: 
         | <MATCH=op_and_value>
         | <MATCH=negated_values>
         | <MATCH=values>
         (?: \Z | <error:> )

    <rule: negated_values>
      <negate> (*COMMIT) (?: <values> | <error:> )

    <rule: op_and_value>
      <compare> (*COMMIT) (?: <value> | <error:> )

    <rule: values>
        <[value]>+ % ,

    <rule: between>
      BETWEEN (*COMMIT) (?: <min=value> AND <max=value> | <error:> )

    <token: compare>
       <= | < | >= | >

    <token: negate>
        <> | -(?!\d) | != | !

    <rule: value>
      | <MATCH=date>
      | <MATCH=time>
      | <MATCH=string>
      # | <MATCH=bool> # removed from "standard" value because it might
                       # interfere with other codes like gender M/F

    <rule: null>

    <rule: date>
      | <year=(\d\d\d?\d?)>-<month=(\d\d?)>-<day=(\d\d?)>

    <rule: time>

    <rule: bool>
       Y(?:ES)?     (?{ $MATCH = 1 })
     | T(?:RUE)?    (?{ $MATCH = 1 })
     | N(?:O)?      (?{ $MATCH = 0 })
     | F(?:ALSE)?   (?{ $MATCH = 0 })

    <rule: string>
     | <MATCH=unquoted_string>

    <token: quoted_string>
       '(.*?)' (*COMMIT)  (?{ $MATCH = $CAPTURE })
     | "(.*?)" (*COMMIT)  (?{ $MATCH = $CAPTURE })

    <token: unquoted_string>
     [^\s,]+ (*COMMIT)


sub sub_grammar {
  my $class = shift;
  return; # should redefine method in subclasses that refine the root grammar

my %params_for_new = (
  -components => {type => ARRAYREF, optional => 1},
  -fields     => {type => HASHREF,  default  => {}},

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self  = {};
  my %args  = validate(@_, \%params_for_new);

  # load optional components
  if ($args{-components}) {
    # deactivate strict refs because we'll be playing with symbol tables
    no strict 'refs';

    # dynamically create a new anonymous class
    $class .= "::_ANON_::" . refaddr $self;
    foreach my $component (@{$args{-components}}) {
      $component =~ s/^\+//
        or $component = __PACKAGE__ . "::$component";
      load $component;
      push @{$class . "::ISA"}, $component;
      my @sub_grammar = $component->sub_grammar;
      push @{$self->{grammar_ISA}}, @sub_grammar if @sub_grammar;

    # use 'c3' inheritance in that package
    mro::set_mro($class, 'c3');

  # use root grammar if no derived grammar installed by components
  $self->{grammar_ISA} ||= [ 'SQL::Abstract::FromQuery' ];

  # setup fields info
  while (my ($type, $fields_aref) = each %{$args{-fields}}) {
    does($fields_aref, 'ARRAY')
      or die "list of fields for type $type should be an arrayref";
    $self->{field}{$_} = $type foreach @$fields_aref;

  bless $self, $class;

sub _error_handler {
  my $class = shift;
  return 'INCORRECT INPUT', sub {
    my ($error, $rule, $context)  = @_;
    my $msg = {
      negated_values => 'Expected a value after negation',
      op_and_value   => 'Expected a value after comparison operator',
      between        => 'Expected min and max after "BETWEEN"',
      standard       => 'Unexpected input after initial value',
    $msg //= "Could not parse rule '$rule'";
    $msg  .= " ('$context')" if $context;
    return $msg;


sub _grammar {
  my ($self, $rule) = @_;

  my $extends = join "", map {"<extends: $_>\n"} @{$self->{grammar_ISA}};
  my $grammar = "<$rule>\n$extends";

  # compile this grammar. NOTE : since Regexp::Grammars uses a very
  # special form of operator overloading, we must go through an eval
  # so that qr/../ receives a string without variable interpolation;
  # do {use Regexp::Grammars; qr{$grammar}x;} would seem logical but won't work.
  local $@;
  my $compiled_grammar = eval "use Regexp::Grammars; qr{$grammar}x"
    or die "INVALID GRAMMAR: $@";

  return $compiled_grammar;

sub parse {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;
  my $class = ref $self;

  # if $data is an object with ->param() method, transform into plain hashref
  $data = $self->_flatten_into_hashref($data) if blessed $data 
                                              && $data->can('param');

  # set error translator for grammars
  my ($err_msg, $err_translator) = $self->_error_handler;
  my $tmp = Regexp::Grammars::set_error_translator($err_translator);

  # parse each field within $data
  my %result;
  my %errors;
  foreach my $field (keys %$data) {
    my $val = $data->{$field} or next FIELD;

    # decide which grammar to apply
    my $rule    = $self->{field}{$field} || 'standard';
    my $grammar = $self->{grammar}{$rule} ||= $self->_grammar($rule);

    # invoke grammar on field content
    if ($val =~ $grammar->with_actions($self)) {
      $result{$field} = $/{$rule};
    else {
      $errors{$field} = [@!];

  # report errors, if any
  SQL::Abstract::FromQuery::_Exception->throw($err_msg, %errors) if %errors;

  # otherwise return result
  return \%result;

sub _flatten_into_hashref {
  my ($self, $data) = @_;
  my %h;
  foreach my $field ($data->param()) {
    my @vals = $data->param($field);
    my $val = join ",", @vals; # TOO simple-minded ... make it more abstract
    $h{$field} = $val;
  return \%h;


sub negated_values {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  my $vals = $h->{values};
  if (ref $vals) {
    ref $vals eq 'HASH' or die 'unexpected reference in negation';
    my ($op, $val, @others) = %$vals;
    not @others         or die 'unexpected hash size in negation';
    given ($op) {
      when ('-in') {return {-not_in => $val}                   }
      when ('=')   {return {'<>'    => $val}                   }
      default      {die "unexpected operator '$op' in negation"}
  else {
    return {'<>' => $vals};

sub null {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  return {'=' => undef};
  # Note: unfortunately, we can't return just undef at this stage,
  # because Regex::Grammars would interpret it as a parse failure.

sub op_and_value {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  return {$h->{compare} => $h->{value}};

sub between {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  return {-between => [$h->{min}, $h->{max}]};

sub values {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  my $n_values = @{$h->{value}};
  return $n_values > 1 ? {-in => $h->{value}}
                       : $h->{value}[0];

sub date {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  $h->{year} += 2000 if length($h->{year}) < 3;
  return sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d", @{$h}{qw/year month day/};

sub time {
  my ($self, $h) = @_;
  $h->{seconds} ||= 0;
  return sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", @{$h}{qw/hour minutes seconds/};

sub string {
  my ($self, $s) = @_;

  # if any '*', substitute by '%' and make it a "-like" operator
  my $is_pattern = $s =~ tr/*/%/;
    # NOTE : a reentrant =~ s/../../ would core dump, but tr/../../ is OK

  return $is_pattern ? {-like => $s} : $s;


use strict;
use warnings;

use overload 
  '""' => sub {
    my $self = shift;
    my $msg = $self->{err_msg};
    while (my ($field, $field_errors) = each %{$self->{errors}}) {
      $msg .= "\n$field : " . join ", ", @$field_errors;

    return $msg;
  fallback => 1,

sub throw {
  my ($class, $err_msg, %errors) = @_;
  my $self = bless {err_msg => $err_msg, errors => \%errors}, $class;
  die $self;

1; # End of SQL::Abstract::FromQuery


=head1 NAME

SQL::Abstract::FromQuery - Translating an HTTP Query into SQL::Abstract structure


  use SQL::Abstract::FromQuery;
  use SQL::Abstract; # or SQL::Abstract::More

  # instantiate
  my $parser = SQL::Abstract::FromQuery->new(
    -components => [qw/FR Oracle/], # optional components
    -fields => {                    # optional grammar rules for specific fields
        standard => [qw/field1 field2 .../],
        bool     => [qw/bool_field1/],
        ...  # other field types

  # parse user input into a datastructure for SQLA "where" clause
  my $criteria   = $parser->parse($hashref);
  # OR
  my $http_query = acquire_some_object_with_a_param_method();
  my $criteria   = $parser->parse($http_query);

  # build the database query
  my $sqla = SQL::Abstract->new(@sqla_parameters);
  my ($sql, @bind) = $sqla->select($datasource, \@columns, $criteria);

  # OR, using SQL::Abstract::More
  my $sqlam = SQL::Abstract::More->new(@sqla_parameters);
  my ($sql, @bind) = $sqlam->select(
    -columns => \@columns,
    -from    => $datasource,
    -where   => $criteria,


This module is intended to help building Web applications with complex
search forms.  It translates user input, as obtained from an HTML
form, into a datastructure suitable as a C<%where> clause for the
L<SQL::Abstract> module; that module will in turn produce the SQL
statement and bind parameters to query the database.

Search criteria entered by the user can be plain values, lists of
values, comparison operators, etc. So for example if the form filled
by the user looks like this :

   Name   : Smi*              Gender  : M
   Salary : > 4000            Job     : ! programmer, analyst
   Birth  : BETWEEN 01.01.1970 AND 31.12.1990

the module would produce a hashref like

   { Name      => {-like => 'Smi%'},
     Gender    => 'M',
     Salary    => {'>' => 4000},
     Job       => {-not_in => [qw/programmer analyst/]},
     Birth     => {-between => [qw/1970-01-01 1990-12-31/]},

which, when fed to L<SQL::Abstract>, would produce SQL more or less
like this

  SELECT * FROM people
  WHERE Name LIKE 'Smi%'
    AND Gender = 'M'
    AND Salary > 4000
    AND Job NOT IN ('programmer', 'analyst')
    AND Birth BETWEEN 1970-01-01 AND 1990-12-31

Form fields can be associated to "types" that specify the
admissible syntax and may implement security checks.

B<Note> : this module is in beta state. Many features still need
further study; the API and/or behaviour
may change in future releases; the current documentation is incomplete,
so you have to look at the source code to get all details.


Input accepted in a form field can be 


=item *

a plain value (number, string, date or time).

Strings may be optionally included in single or double quotes;
such quotes are mandatory if you want to include spaces or commas
within the string.
Characters C<'*'> are translated into C<'%'> because this is the 
wildcard character for SQL queries with 'LIKE'.

Dates may be entered either as C<yyyy-mm-dd> or C<>;
two-digit years are automatically added to 2000. The returned
date is always in C<yyyy-mm-dd> format.

=item *

a list of values, separated by ','.
This will generate a SQL clause of the form C<IN (val1, val2, ...)>.

=item *

a negated value or list of values; 
negation is expressed by C<!> or C<!=> or C<-> or C<< <> >>

=item *

a comparison operator C<< <= >>, C<< < >>, C<< >= >>, C<< > >>
followed by a plain value

=item *

the special word C<NULL>

=item *

C<BETWEEN> I<val1> AND I<val2>

=item *

boolean values C<YES>, C<NO>, C<TRUE> or C<FALSE>


Look at the source code of this module to see the precise
syntax, expressed in L<Regexp::Grammars|Regexp::Grammars> format.
Syntax rules can be augmented or modified in subclasses --
see L</INHERITANCE> below.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

Constructs an instance. Arguments to the constructor can be :


=item C<-components>

Takes an arrayref of I<components> to load within the parser.
Technically, components are subclasses which 
may override or augment not only the methods,
but also the parsing grammar and error messages. 
Component names are automatically prefixed by 
C<SQL::Abstract::FromQuery::>, unless they contain an initial C<'+'>.

=item C<-fields>

Takes a hashref, in which keys are the names of grammar rules,
and values are arrayrefs of field names. This defines which grammar
will be applied to each field (so some fields may be forced to be
numbers, strings, bools, or any other kind of user-defined rule).
If a field has no explicit grammar, the C<standard> rule is applied. 




See L<SQL::Abstract::FromQuery::FR> for an example.

Particular points :

  - may reuse rules from the parent grammar, but beware of action rules
  - do not use regex ops in action rules

=head1 AUTHOR

Laurent Dami, C<< <laurent.dami AT> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-sql-abstract-fromquery at>, or through the web
interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of
progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc SQL::Abstract::FromQuery

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN



=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Class::C3::Componentised> -- similar way to load plugins in.


Copyright 2012 Laurent Dami.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.

=head1 TODO

  - arg to prevent string transform '*'=>'%' & -like
  - arg to control what happens when $query->param($field) is a list

Parameterized syntax:

  field : =~
  mixed : foo:junk AND bar>234 OR (...)
