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#ifndef MPU_PTYPES_H
#define MPU_PTYPES_H

#ifdef _MSC_VER
 /* No stdint.h for MS C, but all the types can be defined.
  * Thanks to Sisyphus and bulk88 for all the help with MSC,
  * including working patches.
typedef unsigned __int8  uint8_t;
typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
typedef __int64 int64_t;
typedef __int32 int32_t;
typedef __int16 int16_t;
typedef __int8 int8_t;
#define inline __inline

#ifdef _M_X64
#  define __x86_64__
#  define __x86_64
#  define __amd64__
#  define __amd64
#ifdef _M_IX86
#  define __i386__
#  define __i386
#  define i386
#  define _X86_
#ifdef _M_IA64
#  define __ia64__
#  define __ia64
#  define __IA64__
#  define __itanium__

#elif defined(__sun) || defined(__sun__)
 /* stdint.h is only in Solaris 10+. */
 #if defined(__SunOS_5_10) || defined(__SunOS_5_11) || defined(__SunOS_5_12)
  #include <stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>

  #include <limits.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <stdlib.h>
  #include <ctype.h>
  typedef unsigned long UV;
  typedef   signed long IV;
  typedef size_t        STRLEN;
  #define UV_MAX ULONG_MAX
  #define IV_MAX LONG_MAX
  #define UVCONST(x) ((unsigned long)x##UL)
  #define U32_CONST(x) ((unsigned int)x##U)
  #define UVuf "lu"
  #define IVdf "ld"
  #define croak(fmt,...)            { printf(fmt,##__VA_ARGS__); exit(3); }
  #define New(id, mem, size, type)  mem = (type*) malloc((size)*sizeof(type))
  #define Newz(id, mem, size, type) mem = (type*) calloc(size, sizeof(type))
  #define Renew(mem, size, type)    mem =(type*)realloc(mem,(size)*sizeof(type))
  #define Safefree(mem)             free((void*)mem)
  #define isDIGIT(x)                isdigit(x)
#if ULONG_MAX >> 31 == 1
  #define BITS_PER_WORD  32
#elif ULONG_MAX >> 63 == 1
  #define BITS_PER_WORD  64
  #error Unsupported bits per word (must be 32 or 64)


#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"

/* From perl.h, wrapped in PERL_CORE */
#ifndef U32_CONST
# if INTSIZE >= 4
#  define U32_CONST(x) ((U32TYPE)x##U)
# else
#  define U32_CONST(x) ((U32TYPE)x##UL)
# endif

/* From perl.h, wrapped in PERL_CORE */
#ifndef U64_CONST
# ifdef HAS_QUAD
#  if INTSIZE >= 8
#   define U64_CONST(x) ((U64TYPE)x##U)
#  elif LONGSIZE >= 8
#   define U64_CONST(x) ((U64TYPE)x##UL)
#   define U64_CONST(x) ((U64TYPE)x##ULL)
#  else /* best guess we can make */
#   define U64_CONST(x) ((U64TYPE)x##UL)
#  endif
# endif

/* See:
 * for some discussion.
#ifdef HAS_QUAD
  #define BITS_PER_WORD  64
  #define UVCONST(x)     U64_CONST(x)
  #define BITS_PER_WORD  32
  #define UVCONST(x)     U32_CONST(x)

/* Try to determine if we have 64-bit available via uint64_t */
#if defined(UINT64_MAX) && defined(__UINT64_C)
  #if (UINT64_MAX >= __UINT64_C(18446744073709551615))
    #define HAVE_STD_U64 1
    #define HAVE_STD_U64 0
#elif defined(_UINT64_T) /* Darwin Clang */
  #define HAVE_STD_U64 1
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)   /* We set up the types earlier */
  #define HAVE_STD_U64 1
  #define HAVE_STD_U64 0


#define MAXBIT        (BITS_PER_WORD-1)
#define NWORDS(bits)  ( ((bits)+BITS_PER_WORD-1) / BITS_PER_WORD )
#define NBYTES(bits)  ( ((bits)+8-1) / 8 )

#define MPUassert(c,text) if (!(c)) { croak("Math::Prime::Util internal error: " text); }

/* The ASSUME bits are from perl 5.19.6 perl.h */

#ifndef __has_builtin
#  define __has_builtin(x) 0 /* not a clang style compiler */

#  if (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 || __GNUC__ > 5) || __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#    define MPUASSUME(x) ((x) ? (void) 0 : __builtin_unreachable())
#  elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#    define MPUASSUME(x) __assume(x)
#  elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) /* untested */
#    define MPUASSUME(x) __promise(x)
#  else
/* a random compiler might define assert to its own special optimization token
   so pass it through to C lib as a last resort */
#    define MPUASSUME(x) assert(x)
#  endif
#  define MPUASSUME(x) assert(x)


#if (defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__) || __GNUC__ >= 4) && (defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc64__))
  #if __GNUC__ < 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 4)
    #define HAVE_UINT128 0
  #elif __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 6
    #define HAVE_UINT128 1
    typedef unsigned int uint128_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (TI)));
    #define HAVE_UINT128 1
    typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;
  #define HAVE_UINT128 0
