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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

#include "ptypes.h"
#include "factor.h"
#include "sieve.h"
#include "mulmod.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "primality.h"
#include "montmath.h"
#define FUNC_isqrt  1
#define FUNC_gcd_ui 1
#define FUNC_is_perfect_square 1
#define FUNC_clz 1
#include "util.h"

 * You need to remember to use UV for unsigned and IV for signed types that
 * are large enough to hold our data.
 *   If you use int, that's 32-bit on LP64 and LLP64 machines.  You lose.
 *   If you use long, that's 32-bit on LLP64 machines.  You lose.
 *   If you use long long, you may be too large which isn't so bad, but some
 *                         compilers may not understand the type at all.
 * perl.h already figured all this out, and provided us with these types which
 * match the native integer type used inside our Perl, so just use those.

static const unsigned short primes_small[] =
#define NPRIMES_SMALL (sizeof(primes_small)/sizeof(primes_small[0]))

/* The main factoring loop */
/* Puts factors in factors[] and returns the number found. */
int factor(UV n, UV *factors)
  int nfactors = 0;           /* Number of factored in factors result */
  unsigned int f = 7;

  if (n > 1) {
    while ( (n & 1) == 0 ) { factors[nfactors++] = 2; n /= 2; }
    while ( (n % 3) == 0 ) { factors[nfactors++] = 3; n /= 3; }
    while ( (n % 5) == 0 ) { factors[nfactors++] = 5; n /= 5; }

  if (f*f <= n) {
    UV sp = 4, lastsp = 83;
    /* Trial division from 7 to 421.  Use 32-bit if possible. */
    if (n <= 4294967295U) {
      unsigned int un = n;
      while (sp < lastsp) {
        while ( (un%f) == 0 ) {
          factors[nfactors++] = f;
          un /= f;
        f = primes_small[++sp];
        if (f*f > un) break;
      n = un;
    } else {
      while (sp < lastsp) {
        while ( (n%f) == 0 ) {
          factors[nfactors++] = f;
          n /= f;
        f = primes_small[++sp];
        if (f*f > n) break;
    /* If n is small and still composite, finish it here */
    if (n < 2011*2011 && f*f <= n) {  /* Trial division from 431 to 2003 */
      unsigned int un = n;
      while (sp < NPRIMES_SMALL) {
        while ( (un%f) == 0 ) {
          factors[nfactors++] = f;
          un /= f;
        f = primes_small[++sp];
        if (f*f > un) break;
      n = un;
  if (f*f > n) {
    if (n != 1) factors[nfactors++] = n;
    return nfactors;
#if BITS_PER_WORD == 64   /* this is slower in 32-bit */
  /* For small values less than f^3, use simple factor to split semiprime */
  if (n < 200000000 && n < f*f*f) {
    if (is_prob_prime(n)) factors[nfactors++] = n;
    else                  nfactors += holf_factor(n, factors+nfactors, 1000000);
    return nfactors;

  /* Perfect powers.  Factor root only once. */
    int i, j, k = powerof(n);
    if (k > 1) {
      UV p = rootof(n, k);
      int nsmallfactors = nfactors;
      nfactors = factor(p, factors+nsmallfactors);
      for (i = nfactors; i >= 0; i--)
        for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
          factors[nsmallfactors+k*i+j] = factors[nsmallfactors+i];
      return nsmallfactors + k*nfactors;

  UV tofac_stack[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  int i, j, ntofac = 0;
  int nsmallfactors = nfactors;
  int const verbose = _XS_get_verbose();

  /* loop over each remaining factor, until ntofac == 0 */
  do {
    while ( (n >= f*f) && (!is_prob_prime(n)) ) {
      int split_success = 0;
      /* Adjust the number of rounds based on the number size and speed */
      UV const br_rounds = ((n>>29)<100000) ?  8000 : 80000;
      UV const br_rounds = ((n>>29)<100000) ?   500 :  2000;
      UV const br_rounds = (n < (UV_MAX>>2))?     0 : 10000;
      UV const sq_rounds = 200000; /* 20k 91%, 40k 98%, 80k 99.9%, 120k 99.99%*/

      /* 99.7% of 32-bit, 94% of 64-bit random inputs factored here */
      if (!split_success && br_rounds > 0) {
        split_success = pbrent_factor(n, tofac_stack+ntofac, br_rounds, 3)-1;
        if (verbose) { if (split_success) printf("pbrent 1:  %"UVuf" %"UVuf"\n", tofac_stack[ntofac], tofac_stack[ntofac+1]); else printf("pbrent 0\n"); }
      /* Give larger inputs a run with p-1 before SQUFOF */
      if (!split_success && n > (UV_MAX >> 15) && MULMODS_ARE_FAST) {
        split_success = pminus1_factor(n, tofac_stack+ntofac, 1000, 15000)-1;
        if (verbose) printf("small p-1 %d\n", split_success);
      /* SQUFOF with these parameters gets 99.9% of everything left */
      if (!split_success && n < (UV_MAX>>2)) {
        split_success = squfof_factor(n,tofac_stack+ntofac, sq_rounds)-1;
        if (verbose) printf("squfof %d\n", split_success);
      /* At this point we should only have 16+ digit semiprimes. */
      if (!split_success) {
        split_success = pminus1_factor(n, tofac_stack+ntofac, 8000, 120000)-1;
        if (verbose) printf("pminus1 %d\n", split_success);
        /* Get the stragglers */
        if (!split_success) {
          split_success = prho_factor(n, tofac_stack+ntofac, 120000)-1;
          if (verbose) printf("long prho %d\n", split_success);
          if (!split_success) {
            split_success = pbrent_factor(n, tofac_stack+ntofac, 500000, 7)-1;
            if (verbose) printf("long pbrent %d\n", split_success);

      if (split_success) {
        MPUassert( split_success == 1, "split factor returned more than 2 factors");
        ntofac++; /* Leave one on the to-be-factored stack */
        if ((tofac_stack[ntofac] == n) || (tofac_stack[ntofac] == 1))
          croak("bad factor\n");
        n = tofac_stack[ntofac];  /* Set n to the other one */
      } else {
        /* Factor via trial division.  Nothing should ever get here. */
        UV m = f % 30;
        UV limit = isqrt(n);
        if (verbose) printf("doing trial on %"UVuf"\n", n);
        while (f <= limit) {
          if ( (n%f) == 0 ) {
            do {
              n /= f;
              factors[nfactors++] = f;
            } while ( (n%f) == 0 );
            limit = isqrt(n);
          f += wheeladvance30[m];
          m =  nextwheel30[m];
        break;  /* We just factored n via trial division.  Exit loop. */
    /* n is now prime (or 1), so add to already-factored stack */
    if (n != 1)  factors[nfactors++] = n;
    /* Pop the next number off the to-factor stack */
    if (ntofac > 0)  n = tofac_stack[ntofac-1];
  } while (ntofac-- > 0);

  /* Sort the non-small factors */
  for (i = nsmallfactors+1; i < nfactors; i++) {
    UV fi = factors[i];
    for (j = i; j > 0 && factors[j-1] > fi; j--)
      factors[j] = factors[j-1];
    factors[j] = fi;
  return nfactors;

int factor_exp(UV n, UV *factors, UV* exponents)
  int i = 1, j = 1, nfactors;

  if (n == 1) return 0;
  nfactors = factor(n, factors);

  if (exponents == 0) {
    for (; i < nfactors; i++)
      if (factors[i] != factors[i-1])
        factors[j++] = factors[i];
  } else {
    exponents[0] = 1;
    for (; i < nfactors; i++) {
      if (factors[i] != factors[i-1]) {
        exponents[j] = 1;
        factors[j++] = factors[i];
      } else {
  return j;

int trial_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV maxtrial)
  int nfactors = 0;

  if (maxtrial == 0)  maxtrial = UV_MAX;

  /* Cover the cases 0/1/2/3 now */
  if (n < 4 || maxtrial < 2) {
    factors[0] = n;
    return (n == 1) ? 0 : 1;
  /* Trial division for 2, 3, 5 immediately */
  while ( (n & 1) == 0 ) { factors[nfactors++] = 2; n /= 2; }
  if (3<=maxtrial) while ( (n % 3) == 0 ) { factors[nfactors++] = 3; n /= 3; }
  if (5<=maxtrial) while ( (n % 5) == 0 ) { factors[nfactors++] = 5; n /= 5; }

  if (7*7 <= n) {
    UV f, sp = 3;
    while (++sp < NPRIMES_SMALL) {
      f = primes_small[sp];
      if (f*f > n || f > maxtrial) break;
      while ( (n%f) == 0 ) {
        factors[nfactors++] = f;
        n /= f;
    /* Trial division using a mod-30 wheel for larger values */
    if (f*f <= n && f <= maxtrial) {
      UV m, newlimit, limit = isqrt(n);
      if (limit > maxtrial) limit = maxtrial;
      m = f % 30;
      while (f <= limit) {
        if ( (n%f) == 0 ) {
          do {
            factors[nfactors++] = f;
            n /= f;
          } while ( (n%f) == 0 );
          newlimit = isqrt(n);
          if (newlimit < limit)  limit = newlimit;
        f += wheeladvance30[m];
        m = nextwheel30[m];
  /* All done! */
  if (n != 1)
    factors[nfactors++] = n;
  return nfactors;

static void _divisors_from_factors(UV nfactors, UV* fp, UV* fe, UV* res) {
  UV s, count = 1;

  res[0] = 1;
  for (s = 0; s < nfactors; s++) {
    UV i, j, scount = count, p = fp[s], e = fe[s], mult = 1;
    for (j = 0; j < e; j++) {
      mult *= p;
      for (i = 0; i < scount; i++)
        res[count++] = res[i] * mult;

static int numcmp(const void *a, const void *b)
  { const UV *x = a, *y = b; return (*x > *y) ? 1 : (*x < *y) ? -1 : 0; }

UV* _divisor_list(UV n, UV *num_divisors)
  UV factors[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  UV exponents[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  UV* divs;
  int i, nfactors, ndivisors;

  if (n <= 1) {
    New(0, divs, 2, UV);
    if (n == 0) {  divs[0] = 0;  divs[1] = 1;  *num_divisors = 2;  }
    if (n == 1) {  divs[0] = 1;                *num_divisors = 1;  }
    return divs;
  /* Factor and convert to factor/exponent pair */
  nfactors = factor_exp(n, factors, exponents);
  /* Calculate number of divisors, allocate space, fill with divisors */
  ndivisors = exponents[0] + 1;
  for (i = 1; i < nfactors; i++)
    ndivisors *= (exponents[i] + 1);
  New(0, divs, ndivisors, UV);
  _divisors_from_factors(nfactors, factors, exponents, divs);
  /* Sort divisors (numeric ascending) */
  qsort(divs, ndivisors, sizeof(UV), numcmp);
  /* Return number of divisors and list */
  *num_divisors = ndivisors;
  return divs;

/* The usual method, on OEIS for instance, is:
 *    (p^(k*(e+1))-1) / (p^k-1)
 * but that overflows quicky.  Instead we rearrange as:
 *    1 + p^k + p^k^2 + ... p^k^e
 * Return 0 if the result overflowed.
static const UV sigma_overflow[11] =
#if BITS_PER_WORD == 64
         1622, 566, 256, 139, 85, 57};
         {UVCONST(845404560), 52560, 1548, 252, 84, 41, 24, 16, 12, 10, 8};
UV divisor_sum(UV n, UV k)
  UV factors[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  int nfac, i, j;
  UV product = 1;

  if (k > 11 || (k > 0 && n >= sigma_overflow[k-1])) return 0;
  if (n <= 1)                               /* n=0  divisors are [0,1] */
    return (n == 1) ? 1 : (k == 0) ? 2 : 1; /* n=1  divisors are [1]   */
  nfac = factor(n,factors);
  if (k == 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < nfac; i++) {
      UV e = 1,  f = factors[i];
      while (i+1 < nfac && f == factors[i+1]) { e++; i++; }
      product *= (e+1);
  } else if (k == 1) {
    for (i = 0; i < nfac; i++) {
      UV f = factors[i];
      UV pke = f, fmult = 1 + f;
      while (i+1 < nfac && f == factors[i+1]) {
        pke *= f;
        fmult += pke;
      product *= fmult;
  } else {
    for (i = 0; i < nfac; i++) {
      UV f = factors[i];
      UV fmult, pke, pk = f;
      for (j = 1; j < (int)k; j++)  pk *= f;
      fmult = 1 + pk;
      pke = pk;
      while (i+1 < nfac && f == factors[i+1]) {
        pke *= pk;
        fmult += pke;
      product *= fmult;
  return product;

static int found_factor(UV n, UV f, UV* factors)
  UV f2 = n/f;
  int i = f > f2;
  if (f == 1 || f2 == 1) {
    factors[0] = n;
    return 1;
  factors[i] = f;
  factors[1-i] = f2;
  MPUassert( factors[0] * factors[1] == n , "incorrect factoring");
  return 2;

/* Knuth volume 2, algorithm C.
 * Very fast for small numbers, grows rapidly.
 * SQUFOF is better for numbers nearing the 64-bit limit.
int fermat_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV rounds)
  IV sqn, x, y, r;
  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in fermat_factor");
  sqn = isqrt(n);
  x = 2 * sqn + 1;
  y = 1;
  r = (sqn*sqn) - n;

  while (r != 0) {
    if (rounds-- == 0) { factors[0] = n; return 1; }
    r += x;
    x += 2;
    do {
      r -= y;
      y += 2;
    } while (r > 0);
  r = (x-y)/2;
  return found_factor(n, r, factors);

/* Hart's One Line Factorization. */
int holf_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV rounds)
  UV i, s, m, f;

  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in holf_factor");

  if (n <= (UV_MAX >> 6)) {    /* Try with premultiplier first */
    UV npre = n * ( (n <= (UV_MAX >> 13)) ? 720 :
                    (n <= (UV_MAX >> 11)) ? 480 :
                    (n <= (UV_MAX >> 10)) ? 360 :
                    (n <= (UV_MAX >>  8)) ?  60 : 30 );
    UV ni = npre;
    while (rounds--) {
      s = isqrt(ni) + 1;
      m = (s*s) - ni;
      if (is_perfect_square(m)) {
        f = gcd_ui(n, s - isqrt(m));
        if (f > 1 && f < n)
          return found_factor(n, f, factors);
      if (ni >= (ni+npre)) break;
      ni += npre;

  for (i = 1; i <= rounds; i++) {
    s = (UV) sqrt( (double)n * (double)i );
    /* Assume s^2 isn't a perfect square.  We're rapidly losing precision
     * so we won't be able to accurately detect it anyway. */
    s++;    /* s = ceil(sqrt(n*i)) */
    m = sqrmod(s, n);
    if (is_perfect_square(m)) {
      f = isqrt(m);
      f = gcd_ui( (s>f) ? s-f : f-s, n);
      /* This should always succeed, but with overflow concerns.... */
      return found_factor(n, f, factors);
  factors[0] = n;
  return 1;

/* Pollard / Brent.  Brent's modifications to Pollard's Rho.  Maybe faster. */
int pbrent_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV rounds, UV a)
  UV f, m, r, Xi, Xm;
  const UV inner = (n <= 4000000000UL) ? 32 : 160;
  int fails = 6;
  const uint64_t npi = mont_inverse(n),  mont1 = mont_get1(n);
  Xi = Xm = mont_get2(n);
  a = mont_geta(a,n);
  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in pbrent_factor");

  r = 1;
  f = 1;
  while (rounds > 0) {
    UV rleft = (r > rounds) ? rounds : r;
    UV saveXi = Xi;
    /* Do rleft rounds, inner at a time */
    while (rleft > 0) {
      UV dorounds = (rleft > inner) ? inner : rleft;
      saveXi = Xi;
      rleft -= dorounds;
      rounds -= dorounds;
      Xi = mont_sqrmod(Xi,n);  Xi = addmod(Xi,a,n);
      m = (Xi>Xm) ? Xi-Xm : Xm-Xi;
      while (--dorounds > 0) {         /* Now do inner-1=63 more iterations */
        Xi = mont_sqrmod(Xi,n);  Xi = addmod(Xi,a,n);
        f = (Xi>Xm) ? Xi-Xm : Xm-Xi;
        m = mont_mulmod(m, f, n);
      f = gcd_ui(m, n);
      if (f != 1)
    /* If f == 1, then we didn't find a factor.  Move on. */
    if (f == 1) {
      r *= 2;
      Xm = Xi;
    if (f == n) {  /* back up, with safety */
      Xi = saveXi;
      do {
        Xi = mont_sqrmod(Xi,n);  Xi = addmod(Xi,a,n);
        f = gcd_ui( (Xi>Xm) ? Xi-Xm : Xm-Xi, n);
      } while (f == 1 && r-- != 0);
    if (f == 0 || f == n) {
      if (fails-- <= 0) break;
      Xm = addmod(Xm, 2, n);
      Xi = Xm;
    return found_factor(n, f, factors);
  factors[0] = n;
  return 1;
/* Pollard / Brent.  Brent's modifications to Pollard's Rho.  Maybe faster. */
int pbrent_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV rounds, UV a)
  UV f, m, r;
  UV Xi = 2;
  UV Xm = 2;
  const UV inner = (n <= 4000000000UL) ? 32 : 160;
  int fails = 6;

  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in pbrent_factor");

  r = 1;
  f = 1;
  while (rounds > 0) {
    UV rleft = (r > rounds) ? rounds : r;
    UV saveXi = Xi;
    /* Do rleft rounds, inner at a time */
    while (rleft > 0) {
      UV dorounds = (rleft > inner) ? inner : rleft;
      saveXi = Xi;
      rleft -= dorounds;
      rounds -= dorounds;
      Xi = sqraddmod(Xi, a, n);        /* First iteration, no mulmod needed */
      m = (Xi>Xm) ? Xi-Xm : Xm-Xi;
      while (--dorounds > 0) {         /* Now do inner-1=63 more iterations */
        Xi = sqraddmod(Xi, a, n);
        f = (Xi>Xm) ? Xi-Xm : Xm-Xi;
        m = mulmod(m, f, n);
      f = gcd_ui(m, n);
      if (f != 1)
    /* If f == 1, then we didn't find a factor.  Move on. */
    if (f == 1) {
      r *= 2;
      Xm = Xi;
    if (f == n) {  /* back up, with safety */
      Xi = saveXi;
      do {
        Xi = sqraddmod(Xi, a, n);
        f = gcd_ui( (Xi>Xm) ? Xi-Xm : Xm-Xi, n);
      } while (f == 1 && r-- != 0);
    if (f == 0 || f == n) {
      if (fails-- <= 0) break;
      Xm = addmod(Xm, 2, n);
      Xi = Xm;
    return found_factor(n, f, factors);
  factors[0] = n;
  return 1;

/* Pollard's Rho. */
int prho_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV rounds)
  UV a, f, i, m, oldU, oldV;
  const UV inner = 64;
  UV U = 7;
  UV V = 7;
  int fails = 3;

  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in prho_factor");

  /* We could just as well say a = 1 */
  switch (n%8) {
    case 1:  a = 1; break;
    case 3:  a = 2; break;
    case 5:  a = 3; break;
    case 7:  a = 5; break;
    default: a = 7; break;

  rounds = (rounds + inner - 1) / inner;

  while (rounds-- > 0) {
    m = 1; oldU = U; oldV = V;
    for (i = 0; i < inner; i++) {
      U = sqraddmod(U, a, n);
      V = sqraddmod(V, a, n);
      V = sqraddmod(V, a, n);
      f = (U > V) ? U-V : V-U;
      m = mulmod(m, f, n);
    f = gcd_ui(m, n);
    if (f == 1)
    if (f == n) {  /* back up to find a factor*/
      U = oldU; V = oldV;
      i = inner;
      do {
        U = sqraddmod(U, a, n);
        V = sqraddmod(V, a, n);
        V = sqraddmod(V, a, n);
        f = gcd_ui( (U > V) ? U-V : V-U, n);
      } while (f == 1 && i-- != 0);
    if (f == 0 || f == n) {
      if (fails-- <= 0) break;
      U = addmod(U,2,n);
      V = U;
    return found_factor(n, f, factors);
  factors[0] = n;
  return 1;

/* Pollard's P-1 */
int pminus1_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV B1, UV B2)
  UV f, k, kmin;
  UV a     = 2, q     = 2;
  UV savea = 2, saveq = 2;
  UV j = 1;
  UV sqrtB1 = isqrt(B1);
  const uint64_t npi = mont_inverse(n),  mont1 = mont_get1(n);
  UV ma = mont_geta(a,n);
  #define PMINUS1_APPLY_POWER  ma = mont_powmod(ma, k, n)
  #define PMINUS1_RECOVER_A    a = mont_recover(ma,n)
  #define PMINUS1_APPLY_POWER  a = powmod(a, k, n)
  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in pminus1_factor");

  if (B1 <= primes_small[NPRIMES_SMALL-2]) {
    UV i;
    for (i = 1; primes_small[i] <= B1; i++) {
      q = k = primes_small[i];
      if (q <= sqrtB1) {
        k = q*q;  kmin = B1/q;
        while (k <= kmin)  k *= q;
      if ( (j++ % 32) == 0) {
        if (a == 0 || gcd_ui(a-1, n) != 1)
        savea = a;  saveq = q;
  } else {
      q = k = p;
      if (q <= sqrtB1) {
        k = q*q;  kmin = B1/q;
        while (k <= kmin)  k *= q;
      if ( (j++ % 32) == 0) {
        if (a == 0 || gcd_ui(a-1, n) != 1)
        savea = a;  saveq = q;
  if (a == 0) { factors[0] = n; return 1; }
  f = gcd_ui(a-1, n);

  /* If we found more than one factor in stage 1, backup and single step */
  if (f == n) {
    a = savea;
    START_DO_FOR_EACH_PRIME(saveq, B1) {
      k = p;  kmin = B1/p;
      while (k <= kmin)  k *= p;
      a = powmod(a, k, n);
      f = gcd_ui(a-1, n);
      q = p;
      if (f != 1)
    /* If f == n again, we could do:
     * for (savea = 3; f == n && savea < 100; savea = next_prime(savea)) {
     *   a = savea;
     *   for (q = 2; q <= B1; q = next_prime(q)) {
     *     ...
     *   }
     * }
     * but this could be a huge time sink if B1 is large, so just fail.

  /* STAGE 2 */
  if (f == 1 && B2 > B1) {
    UV bm = a;
    UV b = 1;
    UV bmdiff;
    UV precomp_bm[111] = {0};    /* Enough for B2 = 189M */

    /* calculate (a^q)^2, (a^q)^4, etc. */
    bmdiff = sqrmod(bm, n);
    precomp_bm[0] = bmdiff;
    for (j = 1; j < 20; j++) {
      bmdiff = mulmod(bmdiff,bm,n);
      bmdiff = mulmod(bmdiff,bm,n);
      precomp_bm[j] = bmdiff;

    a = powmod(a, q, n);
    j = 1;
    START_DO_FOR_EACH_PRIME( q+1, B2 ) {
      UV lastq = q;
      UV qdiff;
      q = p;
      /* compute a^q = a^lastq * a^(q-lastq) */
      qdiff = (q - lastq) / 2 - 1;
      if (qdiff >= 111) {
        bmdiff = powmod(bm, q-lastq, n);  /* Big gap */
      } else {
        bmdiff = precomp_bm[qdiff];
        if (bmdiff == 0) {
          if (precomp_bm[qdiff-1] != 0)
            bmdiff = mulmod(mulmod(precomp_bm[qdiff-1],bm,n),bm,n);
            bmdiff = powmod(bm, q-lastq, n);
          precomp_bm[qdiff] = bmdiff;
      a = mulmod(a, bmdiff, n);
      if (a == 0) break;
      b = mulmod(b, a-1, n);   /* if b == 0, we found multiple factors */
      if ( (j++ % 64) == 0 ) {
        f = gcd_ui(b, n);
        if (f != 1)
    f = gcd_ui(b, n);
  return found_factor(n, f, factors);

/* Simple Williams p+1 */
static void pp1_pow(UV *cX, UV exp, UV n)
  UV X0 = *cX;
  UV X  = *cX;
  UV Y = mulsubmod(X, X, 2, n);
  UV bit = UVCONST(1) << (clz(exp)-1);
  while (bit) {
    UV T = mulsubmod(X, Y, X0, n);
    if ( exp & bit ) {
      X = T;
      Y = mulsubmod(Y, Y, 2, n);
    } else {
      Y = T;
      X = mulsubmod(X, X, 2, n);
    bit >>= 1;
  *cX = X;
int pplus1_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV B1)
  UV X1, X2, f;
  UV sqrtB1 = isqrt(B1);
  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in pplus1_factor");

  X1 =  7 % n;
  X2 = 11 % n;
  f = 1;
    UV k = p;
    if (p < sqrtB1) {
      UV kmin = B1/p;
      while (k <= kmin)
        k *= p;
    pp1_pow(&X1, k, n);
    if (X1 != 2) {
      f = gcd_ui( submod(X1, 2, n) , n);
      if (f != 1 && f != n) break;
    pp1_pow(&X2, k, n);
    if (X2 != 2) {
      f = gcd_ui( submod(X2, 2, n) , n);
      if (f != 1 && f != n) break;

  return found_factor(n, f, factors);

/* SQUFOF, based on Ben Buhrow's racing version. */

typedef struct
  int valid;
  UV P;
  UV bn;
  UV Qn;
  UV Q0;
  UV b0;
  UV it;
  UV imax;
} mult_t;

/* N < 2^63 (or 2^31).  Returns 0 or a factor */
static UV squfof_unit(UV n, mult_t* mult_save)
  UV imax,i,Q0,b0,Qn,bn,P,bbn,Ro,S,So,t1,t2;

  P = mult_save->P;
  bn = mult_save->bn;
  Qn = mult_save->Qn;
  Q0 = mult_save->Q0;
  b0 = mult_save->b0;
  i  = mult_save->it;
  imax = i + mult_save->imax;

      t1 = P; \
      P = bn*Qn - P; \
      t2 = Qn; \
      Qn = Q0 + bn*(t1-P); \
      Q0 = t2; \
      bn = (b0 + P) / Qn; \

  while (1) {
    int j = 0;
    if (i & 0x1) {
    /* i is now even */
    while (1) {
      /* We need to know P, bn, Qn, Q0, iteration count, i  from prev */
      if (i >= imax) {
        /* save state and try another multiplier. */
        mult_save->P = P;
        mult_save->bn = bn;
        mult_save->Qn = Qn;
        mult_save->Q0 = Q0;
        mult_save->it = i;
        return 0;


      /* Even iteration.  Check for square: Qn = S*S */
      if (is_perfect_square(Qn))

      /* Odd iteration. */
    S = isqrt(Qn);
    /* printf("found square %"UVuf" after %"UVuf" iterations with mult %d\n", Qn, i, mult_save->mult); */

    /* Reduce to G0 */
    Ro = P + S*((b0 - P)/S);
    t1 = Ro;
    So = (n - t1*t1)/S;
    bbn = (b0+Ro)/So;

    /* Search for symmetry point */
      t1 = Ro; \
      Ro = bbn*So - Ro; \
      t2 = So; \
      So = S + bbn*(t1-Ro); \
      S = t2; \
      bbn = (b0+Ro)/So; \
      if (Ro == t1) break;

    j = 0;
    while (1) {
      if (j++ > 2000000) {
         mult_save->valid = 0;
         return 0;

    t1 = gcd_ui(Ro, n);
    if (t1 > 1)
      return t1;

/* Gower and Wagstaff 2008:
 * Section 5.3.  I've added some with 13,17,19.  Sorted by F(). */
static const UV squfof_multipliers[] =
  /* { 3*5*7*11, 3*5*7, 3*5*11, 3*5, 3*7*11, 3*7, 5*7*11, 5*7,
       3*11,     3,     5*11,   5,   7*11,   7,   11,     1   }; */
  { 3*5*7*11, 3*5*7,  3*5*7*11*13, 3*5*7*13, 3*5*7*11*17, 3*5*11,
    3*5*7*17, 3*5,    3*5*7*11*19, 3*5*11*13,3*5*7*19,    3*5*7*13*17,
    3*5*13,   3*7*11, 3*7,         5*7*11,   3*7*13,      5*7,
    3*5*17,   5*7*13, 3*5*19,      3*11,     3*7*17,      3,
    3*11*13,  5*11,   3*7*19,      3*13,     5,           5*11*13,
    5*7*19,   5*13,   7*11,        7,        3*17,        7*13,
    11,       1 };
#define NSQUFOF_MULT (sizeof(squfof_multipliers)/sizeof(squfof_multipliers[0]))

int squfof_factor(UV n, UV *factors, UV rounds)
  const UV big2 = UV_MAX;
  mult_t mult_save[NSQUFOF_MULT];
  int still_racing;
  UV i, nn64, mult, f64;
  UV rounds_done = 0;

  /* Caller should have handled these trivial cases */
  MPUassert( (n >= 3) && ((n%2) != 0) , "bad n in squfof_factor");

  /* Too big */
  if (n > big2) {
    factors[0] = n;  return 1;

  for (i = 0; i < NSQUFOF_MULT; i++)
    mult_save[i].valid = -1;

  /* Process the multipliers a little at a time: 0.33*(n*mult)^1/4: 20-20k */
  do {
    still_racing = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < NSQUFOF_MULT; i++) {
      if (mult_save[i].valid == 0)  continue;
      mult = squfof_multipliers[i];
      nn64 = n * mult;
      if (mult_save[i].valid == -1) {
        if ((big2 / mult) < n) {
          mult_save[i].valid = 0; /* This multiplier would overflow 64-bit */
        mult_save[i].valid = 1;
        mult_save[i].b0 = isqrt(nn64);
        mult_save[i].imax = (UV) (sqrt(mult_save[i].b0) / 16);
        if (mult_save[i].imax < 20)     mult_save[i].imax = 20;
        if (mult_save[i].imax > rounds) mult_save[i].imax = rounds;
        mult_save[i].Q0 = 1;
        mult_save[i].P  = mult_save[i].b0;
        mult_save[i].Qn = nn64 - (mult_save[i].b0 * mult_save[i].b0);
        if (mult_save[i].Qn == 0) {
          factors[0] = mult_save[i].b0;
          factors[1] = n / mult_save[i].b0;
          MPUassert( factors[0] * factors[1] == n , "incorrect factoring");
          return 2;
        mult_save[i].bn = (mult_save[i].b0 + mult_save[i].P) / mult_save[i].Qn;
        mult_save[i].it = 0;
      f64 = squfof_unit(nn64, &mult_save[i]);
      if (f64 > 1) {
        if (f64 != mult) {
          f64 /= gcd_ui(f64, mult);
          if (f64 != 1)
            return found_factor(n, f64, factors);
        /* Found trivial factor.  Quit working with this multiplier. */
        mult_save[i].valid = 0;
      if (mult_save[i].valid == 1)
        still_racing = 1;
      rounds_done += mult_save[i].imax;
      if (rounds_done >= rounds)
  } while (still_racing && rounds_done < rounds);

  /* No factors found */
  factors[0] = n;
  return 1;

static UV dlp_trial(UV a, UV g, UV p, UV maxrounds) {
  UV k, t;
  if (maxrounds > p) maxrounds = p;

  if (p&1) {
    const uint64_t npi = mont_inverse(p),  mont1 = mont_get1(p);
    g = mont_geta(g, p);
    a = mont_geta(a, p);
    for (t = g, k = 1; k < maxrounds; k++) {
      if (t == a)
        return k;
      t = mont_mulmod(t, g, p);
      if (t == g) break;   /* Stop at cycle */
  } else
    for (t = g, k = 1; k < maxrounds; k++) {
      if (t == a)
        return k;
      t = mulmod(t, g, p);
      if (t == g) break;   /* Stop at cycle */
  return 0;

/* DLP - Pollard Rho */

/* Compare with Pomerance paper (dartmouth dtalk4):
 * Type I/II/III = our case 1, 0, 2.
 * x_i = u, a_i = v, b_i = w
 * Also see Bai/Brent 2008 for many ideas to speed this up.
 * E.g. Teske adding-walk, Brent's cycle algo, Teske modified cycle
#define pollard_rho_cycle(u,v,w,p,n,a,g) \
    switch (u % 3) { \
      case 0: u = mulmod(u,u,p);  v = mulmod(v,2,n);  w = mulmod(w,2,n); break;\
      case 1: u = mulmod(u,a,p);  v = addmod(v,1,n);                     break;\
      case 2: u = mulmod(u,g,p);                      w = addmod(w,1,n); break;\

typedef struct prho_state_t {
  UV u;
  UV v;
  UV w;
  UV U;
  UV V;
  UV W;
  UV round;
  int failed;
  int verbose;
} prho_state_t;

static UV dlp_prho_uvw(UV a, UV g, UV p, UV n, UV rounds, prho_state_t *s) {
  UV i, k = 0;
  UV u=s->u, v=s->v, w=s->w;
  UV U=s->U, V=s->V, W=s->W;
  int const verbose = s->verbose;

  if (s->failed)  return 0;
  if (s->round + rounds > n)  rounds = n - s->round;

  for (i = 1; i <= rounds; i++) {
    pollard_rho_cycle(u,v,w,p,n,a,g);   /* xi, ai, bi */
    pollard_rho_cycle(U,V,W,p,n,a,g);   /* x2i, a2i, b2i */
    if (verbose > 3) printf( "%3"UVuf"  %4"UVuf" %3"UVuf" %3"UVuf"  %4"UVuf" %3"UVuf" %3"UVuf"\n", i, u, v, w, U, V, W );
    if (u == U) {
      UV r1, r2, G, G2;
      r1 = submod(v, V, n);
      if (r1 == 0) {
        if (verbose) printf("DLP Rho failure, r=0\n");
        s->failed = 1;
        k = 0;
      r2 = submod(W, w, n);

      G = gcd_ui(r1,n);
      G2 = gcd_ui(G,r2);
      k = divmod(r2/G2, r1/G2, n/G2);
      if (G > 1) {
        if (powmod(g,k,p) == a) {
          if (verbose > 2) printf("  common GCD %"UVuf"\n", G2);
        } else {
          UV m, l = divmod(r2, r1, n/G);
          for (m = 0; m < G; m++) {
            k = addmod(l, mulmod(m,(n/G),n), n);
            if (powmod(g,k,p) == a) break;
          if (m<G && verbose > 2) printf("  GCD %"UVuf", found with m=%"UVuf"\n", G, m);

      if (powmod(g,k,p) != a) {
        if (verbose > 2) printf("r1 = %"UVuf"  r2 = %"UVuf" k = %"UVuf"\n", r1, r2, k);
        if (verbose) printf("Incorrect DLP Rho solution: %"UVuf"\n", k);
        s->failed = 1;
        k = 0;
  s->round += i-1;
  if (verbose && k) printf("DLP Rho solution found after %"UVuf" steps\n", s->round + 1);
  s->u = u; s->v = v; s->w = w; s->U = U; s->V = V; s->W = W;
  return k;

#if 0
static UV dlp_prho(UV a, UV g, UV p, UV n, UV maxrounds) {
#ifdef DEBUG
  int const verbose = _XS_get_verbose()
  int const verbose = 0;
  prho_state_t s = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,   0, 0, verbose};
  return dlp_prho_uvw(a, g, p, n, maxrounds, &s);

/* DLP - BSGS */

typedef struct bsgs_hash_t {
  UV M;    /* The baby step index */
  UV V;    /* The powmod value */
  struct bsgs_hash_t* next;
} bsgs_hash_t;

/*  Simple and limited pool allocation  */
typedef struct bsgs_page_top_t {
  struct bsgs_page_t* first;
  bsgs_hash_t** table;
  UV  size;
  int nused;
  int npages;
} bsgs_page_top_t;

typedef struct bsgs_page_t {
  bsgs_hash_t entries[BSGS_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE];
  struct bsgs_page_t* next;
} bsgs_page_t;

static bsgs_hash_t* get_entry(bsgs_page_top_t* top) {
  if (top->nused == 0 || top->nused >= BSGS_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) {
    bsgs_page_t* newpage;
    Newz(0, newpage, 1, bsgs_page_t);
    newpage->next = top->first;
    top->first = newpage;
    top->nused = 0;
  return top->first->entries + top->nused++;
static void destroy_pages(bsgs_page_top_t* top) {
  bsgs_page_t* head = top->first;
  while (head != 0) {
    bsgs_page_t* next = head->next;
    head = next;
  top->first = 0;

static void bsgs_hash_put(bsgs_page_top_t* pagetop, UV v, UV i) {
  UV idx = v % pagetop->size;
  bsgs_hash_t** table = pagetop->table;
  bsgs_hash_t* entry = table[idx];

  while (entry && entry->V != v)
    entry = entry->next;

  if (!entry) {
    entry = get_entry(pagetop);
    entry->M = i;
    entry->V = v;
    entry->next = table[idx];
    table[idx] = entry;

static UV bsgs_hash_get(bsgs_page_top_t* pagetop, UV v) {
  bsgs_hash_t* entry = pagetop->table[v % pagetop->size];
  while (entry && entry->V != v)
    entry = entry->next;
  return (entry) ? entry->M : 0;

static UV bsgs_hash_put_get(bsgs_page_top_t* pagetop, UV v, UV i) {
  UV idx = v % pagetop->size;
  bsgs_hash_t** table = pagetop->table;
  bsgs_hash_t* entry = table[idx];

  while (entry && entry->V != v)
    entry = entry->next;

  if (entry)
    return entry->M;

  entry = get_entry(pagetop);
  entry->M = i;
  entry->V = v;
  entry->next = table[idx];
  table[idx] = entry;
  return 0;

static UV dlp_bsgs(UV a, UV g, UV p, UV n, UV maxent, int race_rho) {
  bsgs_page_top_t PAGES;
  UV i, m, maxm, hashmap_count;
  UV aa, S, gm, T, gs_i, bs_i;
  UV result = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
  int const verbose = _XS_get_verbose();
  int const verbose = 0;
  prho_state_t rho_state = {1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,   0, 0, verbose};

  if (n <= 2) return 0;   /* Shouldn't be here with gorder this low */

  if (race_rho) {
    result = dlp_prho_uvw(a, g, p, n, 10000, &rho_state);
    if (result) {
      if (verbose) printf("rho found solution in BSGS step 0\n");
      return result;

  if (a == 0) return 0;  /* We don't handle this case */

  maxm = isqrt(n);
  m = (maxent > maxm) ? maxm : maxent;

  hashmap_count = (m < 65537) ? 65537 :
                  (m > 40000000) ? 40000003 :
                  next_prime(m);               /* Ave depth around 2 */

  /* Create table.  Size: 8*hashmap_count bytes. */
  PAGES.size = hashmap_count;
  PAGES.first = 0;
  PAGES.nused = 0;
  PAGES.npages = 0;
  Newz(0, PAGES.table, hashmap_count, bsgs_hash_t*);

  aa = mulmod(a,a,p);
  S = a;
  gm = powmod(g, m, p);
  T = gm;
  gs_i = 0;
  bs_i = 0;

  bsgs_hash_put(&PAGES, S, 0);   /* First baby step */
  S = mulmod(S, g, p);
  /* Interleaved Baby Step Giant Step */
  for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
    gs_i = bsgs_hash_put_get(&PAGES, S, i);
    if (gs_i) { bs_i = i; break; }
    S = mulmod(S, g, p);
    if (S == aa) {  /* We discovered the solution! */
      if (verbose) printf("  dlp bsgs: solution at BS step %"UVuf"\n", i+1);
      result = i+1;
    bs_i = bsgs_hash_put_get(&PAGES, T, i);
    if (bs_i) { gs_i = i; break; }
    T = mulmod(T, gm, p);
    if (race_rho && (i % 2048) == 0) {
      result = dlp_prho_uvw(a, g, p, n, 100000, &rho_state);
      if (result) {
        if (verbose) printf("rho found solution in BSGS step %"UVuf"\n", i);

  if (!result) {
    /* Extend Giant Step search */
    if (!(gs_i || bs_i)) {
      UV b = (p+m-1)/m;
      if (m < maxm && b > 8*m) b = 8*m;
      for (i = m+1; i < b; i++) {
        bs_i = bsgs_hash_get(&PAGES, T);
        if (bs_i) { gs_i = i; break; }
        T = mulmod(T, gm, p);
        if (race_rho && (i % 2048) == 0) {
          result = dlp_prho_uvw(a, g, p, n, 100000, &rho_state);
          if (result) {
            if (verbose) printf("rho found solution in BSGS step %"UVuf"\n", i);

    if (gs_i || bs_i) {
      result = submod(mulmod(gs_i, m, p), bs_i, p);
  if (verbose) printf("  dlp bsgs using %d pages (%.1fMB+%.1fMB) for hash\n", PAGES.npages, ((double)PAGES.npages * sizeof(bsgs_page_t)) / (1024*1024), ((double)hashmap_count * sizeof(bsgs_hash_t*)) / (1024*1024));

  if (result != 0 && powmod(g,result,p) != a) {
    if (verbose) printf("Incorrect DLP BSGS solution: %"UVuf"\n", result);
    result = 0;
  if (race_rho && result == 0) {
    result = dlp_prho_uvw(a, g, p, n, 2000000000U, &rho_state);
  return result;

/* Find smallest k where a = g^k mod p */
#define DLP_TRIAL_NUM  10000
static UV znlog_solve(UV a, UV g, UV p, UV n) {
  UV k, sqrtn;
  const int verbose = _XS_get_verbose();

  if (a >= p) a %= p;
  if (g >= p) g %= p;

  if (a == 1 || g == 0 || p <= 2)
    return 0;

  if (verbose > 1 && n != p-1) printf("  g=%"UVuf" p=%"UVuf", order %"UVuf"\n", g, p, n);

  /* printf(" solving znlog(%"UVuf",%"UVuf",%"UVuf") n=%"UVuf"\n", a, g, p, n); */

  if (n == 0 || n <= DLP_TRIAL_NUM) {
    k = dlp_trial(a, g, p, DLP_TRIAL_NUM);
    if (verbose) printf("  dlp trial 10k %s\n", (k!=0 || p <= DLP_TRIAL_NUM) ? "success" : "failure");
    if (k != 0 || (n > 0 && n <= DLP_TRIAL_NUM)) return k;

  { /* Existence checks */
    UV aorder, gorder = n;
    if (gorder != 0 && powmod(a, gorder, p) != 1) return 0;
    aorder = znorder(a,p);
    if (aorder == 0 && gorder != 0) return 0;
    if (aorder != 0 && gorder % aorder != 0) return 0;

  sqrtn = (n == 0) ? 0 : isqrt(n);
  if (n == 0) n = p-1;

    UV maxent = (sqrtn > 0) ? sqrtn+1 : 100000;
    k = dlp_bsgs(a, g, p, n, maxent/2, /* race rho */ 1);
    if (verbose) printf("  dlp bsgs %"UVuf"k %s\n", maxent/1000, k!=0 ? "success" : "failure");
    if (k != 0) return k;
    if (sqrtn > 0 && sqrtn < maxent) return 0;

  if (verbose) printf("  dlp doing exhaustive trial\n");
  k = dlp_trial(a, g, p, p);
  return k;

/* Silver-Pohlig-Hellman */
static UV znlog_ph(UV a, UV g, UV p, UV p1) {
  int i, nfactors;
  UV x, j;

  if (p1 == 0) return 0;   /* TODO: Should we plow on with p1=p-1? */
  nfactors = factor_exp(p1, fac, exp);
  if (nfactors == 1)
    return znlog_solve(a, g, p, p1);
  for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) {
    UV pi, delta, gamma;
    pi = fac[i];   for (j = 1; j < exp[i]; j++)  pi *= fac[i];
    delta = powmod(a,p1/pi,p);
    gamma = powmod(g,p1/pi,p);
    /* printf(" solving znlog(%"UVuf",%"UVuf",%"UVuf")\n", delta, gamma, p); */
    fac[i] = znlog_solve( delta, gamma, p, znorder(gamma,p) );
    exp[i] = pi;
  x = chinese(fac, exp, nfactors, &i);
  if (i == 1 && powmod(g, x, p) == a)
    return x;
  return 0;

/* Find smallest k where a = g^k mod p */
UV znlog(UV a, UV g, UV p) {
  UV k, gorder, aorder;
  const int verbose = _XS_get_verbose();

  if (a >= p) a %= p;
  if (g >= p) g %= p;

  if (a == 1 || g == 0 || p <= 2)
    return 0;

  /* TODO: We call znorder with the same p many times.  We should have a
   * method for znorder given {phi,nfactors,fac,exp} */

  gorder = znorder(g,p);
  if (gorder != 0 && powmod(a, gorder, p) != 1) return 0;
  aorder = znorder(a,p);
  if (aorder == 0 && gorder != 0) return 0;
  if (aorder != 0 && gorder % aorder != 0) return 0;

  /* TODO: Come up with a better solution for a=0 */
  if (a == 0 || p < DLP_TRIAL_NUM || (gorder > 0 && gorder < DLP_TRIAL_NUM)) {
    if (verbose > 1) printf("  dlp trial znlog(%"UVuf",%"UVuf",%"UVuf")\n",a,g,p);
    k = dlp_trial(a, g, p, p);
    return k;

  if (!is_prob_prime(gorder)) {
    k = znlog_ph(a, g, p, gorder);
    if (verbose) printf("  dlp PH %s\n", k!=0 ? "success" : "failure");
    if (k != 0) return k;

  return znlog_solve(a, g, p, gorder);

/* Compile with:
 *  gcc -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native -Wall -DFACTOR_STANDALONE -DSTANDALONE factor.c util.c sieve.c cache.c primality.c lmo.c -lm
#include <errno.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  UV n;
  UV factors[MPU_MAX_FACTORS+1];
  int nfactors, i, a;

  if (argc <= 1) { printf("usage: %s  <n>\n", argv[0]); return(1); }

  for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) {
    n = strtoul(argv[a], 0, 10);
    if (n == ULONG_MAX && errno == ERANGE) { printf("Argument larger than ULONG_MAX\n"); return(-1); }
    nfactors = factor(n, factors);
    printf("%"UVuf":", n);
    for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++)
      printf(" %"UVuf"", factors[i]);
