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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gmp.h>

#include "ptypes.h"
#include "gmp_main.h"
#include "prime_iterator.h"
#include "small_factor.h"
#include "simpqs.h"
#include "ecm.h"
#define _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, b1, ncurves) \
   _GMP_ecm_factor_projective(n, f, b1, 0, ncurves)
#include "utility.h"

 * Lucas (1876): Given a completely factored n-1, if there exists an a s.t.
 *     a^(n-1) % n = 1
 *     a^((n-1/f) % n != 1 for ALL factors f of n-1
 * then n is prime.
 * PPBLS:, given n-1 = A*B, A > sqrt(n), if we can find an a s.t.
 *     a^A % n = 1
 *     gcd(a^(A/f)-1,n) = 1 for ALL factors f of A
 * then n is prime.
 * Generalized Pocklington: given n-1 = A*B, gcd(A,B)=1, A > sqrt(n), then if
 *     for each each factor f of A, there exists an a (1 < a < n-1) s.t.
 *         a^(n-1) % n = 1
 *         gcd(a^((n-1)/f)-1,n) = 1
 * then n is prime.
 * BLS T5: given n-1 = A*B, factored A, s=B/2A r=B mod (2A), and an a, then if:
 *   - A is even, B is odd, and AB=n-1 (all implied by n = odd and the above),
 *   - n < (A+1) * (2*A*A + (r-1) * A + 1)
 *   - for each each factor f of A, there exists an a (1 < a < n-1) s.t.
 *     - a^(n-1) % n = 1
 *     - gcd(a^((n-1)/f)-1,n) = 1  for ALL factors f of A
 * then:
 *     if s = 0 or r*r - 8*s is not a perfect square
 *         n is prime
 *     else
 *         n is composite
 * The generalized Pocklington test is also sometimes known as the
 * Pocklington-Lehmer test.  It's definitely an improvement over Lucas
 * since we only have to find factors up to sqrt(n), _and_ we can choose
 * a different 'a' value for each factor.  This is corollary 1 from BLS75.
 * BLS is the Brillhart-Lehmer-Selfridge 1975 theorem 5 (see link below).
 * We can factor even less of n, and the test lets us kick out some
 * composites early, without having to test n-3 different 'a' values.
 * Once we've found the factors of n-1 (or enough of them), verification
 * usually happens really fast.  a=2 works for most, and few seem to require
 * more than ~ log2(n).  However all but BLS75 require testing all integers
 * 1 < a < n-1 before answering in the negative, which is impractical.
 * BLS75 theorem 7 is the final n-1 theorem and takes into account any
 * knowledge that the remaining factor is not below a threshold B.  Since
 * we do initial trial division this helps.  It is usually of only small
 * benefit.
 * AKS is not too hard to implement, but it's impractically slow.
 * ECPP is very fast and definitely the best method for most numbers.
 * BLS75:

/* Like all the primality functions:
 *   2 = definitely prime, 1 = maybe prime, 0 = definitely composite
 * You really should run is_prob_prime on n first, so we only have to run
 * these tests on numbers that are very probably prime.

static int try_factor(mpz_t f, mpz_t n, int effort)
  int success = 0;
  UV log2n = mpz_sizeinbase(n, 2);

  if (!success && mpz_cmp_ui(n, (unsigned long)(UV_MAX>>5)) < 0) {
    UV ui_n = mpz_get_ui(n);
    UV ui_factors[2];
    if (!mpz_cmp_ui(n, ui_n)) {
      success = racing_squfof_factor(ui_n, ui_factors, 200000)-1;
      if (success)
        mpz_set_ui(f, ui_factors[0]);

  if (effort >= 1) {
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_pminus1_factor(n, f, 1000, 10000);

  if (!success)  success = (int)power_factor(n, f);

  if (!success && effort == 2) {
    UV brent_rounds = (log2n <= 64) ? 100000 : 100000 / (log2n-63);
    int final_B2 = 1000 * (150-(int)log2n);
    if (log2n < 70) brent_rounds *= 3;
    if (!success && log2n < 80)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 150, 5);
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(n, f, 3, brent_rounds);
    if (!success && final_B2 > 10000)  success = _GMP_pminus1_factor(n, f, 10000, final_B2);

  if (!success && effort >= 3) {
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_pminus1_factor(n, f, 10000, 200000);
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 500, 30);
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 2000, 20);
  if (!success && effort >= 5 && log2n > 170) {
    UV B1 = (log2n > 2500) ? 10000000 : 4000 * log2n;
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_pminus1_factor(n, f, B1, 20*B1);
    /* To head off expensive QS, do these early */
    if (!success && log2n > 210) success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 20000, 10);
    if (!success && log2n > 240) success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 40000, 10);
    if (!success && log2n > 240) success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 80000,  5);
    if (!success && log2n > 270) success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f,160000, 20);

  return success;
static int try_factor2(mpz_t f, mpz_t n, int effort)
  int success = 0;

  if (!success && effort >= 4) {
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_pminus1_factor(n, f, 200000, 4000000);
    if (!success)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, 10000, 10);
  if (!success && effort >= 5) {
    UV i;
    UV ecm_B1 = 10000;
    UV curves = 10;
    if (_GMP_is_prob_prime(n)) croak("Internal error in BLS75\n");
    for (i = 1; i < 18 && !success; i++) {
      if ((4+i) > (UV)effort) break;
      ecm_B1 *= 2;
      success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR(n, f, ecm_B1, curves);
  return success;

/* F*R = n, F is factored part, R is remainder */
static void small_factor(mpz_t F, mpz_t R, UV B1)
  UV tf;
  for (tf = 2; tf < B1; tf = prime_iterator_next(&iter)) {
    if (mpz_cmp_ui(R, tf*tf) < 0) break;
    if (mpz_divisible_ui_p(R, tf)) {
      do {
        mpz_mul_ui(F, F, tf);
        mpz_divexact_ui(R, R, tf);
      } while (mpz_divisible_ui_p(R, tf));

 *   (1) too much repetitious overhead code in these
 *   (2) way too much copy/paste between Pocklington and BLS
 *   (3) Pocklington has code rotted, so fix before using
#define ADD_TO_STACK(val, stack, cur, max) \
  if (cur == max) \
    Renew(stack, max += 10, mpz_t); \
  mpz_init_set( stack[cur++], val );
#define ADD_TO_STACK_UI(val, stack, cur, max) \
  if (cur == max) \
    Renew(stack, max += 10, mpz_t); \
  mpz_init_set_ui( stack[cur++], val );

#define primality_handle_factor(f, primality_func, factor_prob) \
  { \
    int f_prob_prime = _GMP_is_prob_prime(f); \
    if ( (f_prob_prime == 1) && (primality_func(f, effort, prooftextptr) == 2) ) \
      f_prob_prime = 2; \
    if (f_prob_prime == 2) { \
      ADD_TO_STACK( f, fstack, fsp, fsmax ); \
      while (mpz_divisible_p(B, f)) { \
        mpz_mul(A, A, f); \
        mpz_divexact(B, B, f); \
      } \
    } else if ( (f_prob_prime == 0) || (factor_prob) ) { \
      ADD_TO_STACK( f, mstack, msp, msmax ); \
    } \

#define INNER_QS_FACTOR(qn, primality_func) \
  { \
    mpz_t farray[66]; \
    int i, nfactors; \
    for (i = 0; i < 66; i++)  mpz_init(farray[i]); \
    nfactors = _GMP_simpqs(qn, farray); \
    /* Insert all found factors */ \
    if (nfactors > 1) { \
      success = 1; \
      for (i = 0; i < nfactors; i++) \
        primality_handle_factor(farray[i], primality_func, 0); \
    } \
    for (i = 0; i < 66; i++)  mpz_clear(farray[i]); \
    if (success) \
      continue; \

#if 0
int _GMP_primality_pocklington(mpz_t n, int do_quick)
  mpz_t nm1, A, B, sqrtn, t, m, f;
  mpz_t mstack[PRIM_STACK_SIZE];
  mpz_t fstack[PRIM_STACK_SIZE];
  int msp = 0;
  int fsp = 0;
  int success = 1;

  mpz_sub_ui(nm1, n, 1);
  mpz_init_set_ui(A, 1);
  mpz_init_set(B, nm1);
  mpz_sqrt(sqrtn, n);

  { /* Pull small factors out */
    UV tf = 2;
    while ( (tf = _GMP_trial_factor(B, tf, 1000)) != 0 ) {
      if (fsp >= PRIM_STACK_SIZE) { success = 0; break; }
      mpz_init_set_ui(fstack[fsp++], tf);
      while (mpz_divisible_ui_p(B, tf)) {
        mpz_mul_ui(A, A, tf);
        mpz_divexact_ui(B, B, tf);

  if (success) {
    mpz_set(f, B);
    primality_handle_factor(f, _GMP_primality_pocklington, 1);

  while (success) {
    mpz_gcd(t, A, B);
    if ( (mpz_cmp(A, sqrtn) > 0) && (mpz_cmp_ui(t, 1) == 0) )
    success = 0;
    /* If the stack is empty, we have failed. */
    if (msp == 0)
    /* pop a component off the stack */
    mpz_set(m, mstack[--msp]); mpz_clear(mstack[msp]);

    /* Try to factor it without trying too hard */
    if (!success)  success = (int)power_factor(m, f);
    if (do_quick) {
      UV log2m = mpz_sizeinbase(m, 2);
      UV rounds = (log2m <= 64) ? 300000 : 300000 / (log2m-63);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f, 3, rounds);
    } else {
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f, 3, 64*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f, 5, 64*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f, 7, 64*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f,11, 64*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f,13, 64*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f, 1, 16*1024*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR   (m, f, 12500, 4);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR   (m, f, 3125000, 10);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_pbrent_factor(m, f, 3, 256*1024*1024);
      if (!success)  success = _GMP_ECM_FACTOR   (m, f, 400000000, 200);
    /* If we couldn't factor m and the stack is empty, we've failed. */
    if ( (!success) && (msp == 0) )
    /* Put the two factors f and m/f into the stacks */
    primality_handle_factor(f, _GMP_primality_pocklington, 0);
    mpz_divexact(f, m, f);
    primality_handle_factor(f, _GMP_primality_pocklington, 0);
  if (success) {
    int pcount, a;
    int const alimit = do_quick ? 200 : 10000;
    mpz_t p, ap;


    for (pcount = 0; success && pcount < fsp; pcount++) {
      mpz_set(p, fstack[pcount]);
      success = 0;
      for (a = 2; !success && a <= alimit; a = next_small_prime(a)) {
        mpz_set_ui(ap, a);
        /* Does a^(n-1) % n = 1 ? */
        mpz_powm(t, ap, nm1, n);
        if (mpz_cmp_ui(t, 1) != 0)
        /* Does gcd(a^((n-1)/f)-1,n) = 1 ? */
        mpz_divexact(B, nm1, p);
        mpz_powm(t, ap, B, n);
        mpz_sub_ui(t, t, 1);
        mpz_gcd(t, t, n);
        if (mpz_cmp_ui(t, 1) != 0)
        success = 1;   /* We found an a for this p */
  while (msp-- > 0) {
  while (fsp-- > 0) {
  return success;

static int bls_theorem5_limit(mpz_t n, mpz_t A, mpz_t B,
                              mpz_t t, mpz_t y, mpz_t r, mpz_t s)
  mpz_mul(t, A, B);
  mpz_add_ui(t, t, 1);
  if (mpz_cmp(t, n) != 0) croak("BLS75 internal error: A*B != n-1\n");

  mpz_mul_ui(t, A, 2);
  mpz_tdiv_qr(s, r, B, t);

  mpz_mul(y, t, A);     /* y = 2*A*A              */
  mpz_sub_ui(t, r, 1);  /* t = r-1                */
  mpz_mul(t, t, A);     /* t = A*(r-1)            */
  mpz_add(y, y, t);     /* y = 2A^2 + A(r-1)      */
  mpz_add_ui(y, y, 1);  /* y = 2A^2 + A(r-1) + 1  */
  mpz_add_ui(t, A, 1);  /* t = A+1                */
  mpz_mul(y, y, t);     /* y = (A+1)*(2A^2+(r-1)A+1) */

  return (mpz_cmp(n, y) < 0) ? 1 : 0;

int _GMP_primality_bls_nm1(mpz_t n, int effort, char** prooftextptr)
  mpz_t nm1, A, B, t, m, f, r, s;
  mpz_t* fstack;
  mpz_t* mstack;
  int fsp = 0, fsmax = 10;
  int msp = 0, msmax = 10;
  int success = 1;
  UV B1 = (mpz_sizeinbase(n,10) > 1000) ? 100000 : 2000;

  /* We need to do this for BLS */
  if (mpz_even_p(n)) return 0;

  mpz_sub_ui(nm1, n, 1);
  mpz_init_set_ui(A, 1);
  mpz_init_set(B, nm1);

  New(0, fstack, fsmax, mpz_t);
  New(0, mstack, msmax, mpz_t);

  { /* Pull small factors out */
    UV tf;
    for (tf = 2; tf < B1; tf = prime_iterator_next(&iter)) {
      if (mpz_cmp_ui(B, tf*tf) < 0) break;
      if (mpz_divisible_ui_p(B, tf)) {
        ADD_TO_STACK_UI( tf, fstack, fsp, fsmax );
        do {
          mpz_mul_ui(A, A, tf);
          mpz_divexact_ui(B, B, tf);
        } while (mpz_divisible_ui_p(B, tf));

  if (success) {
    mpz_set(f, B);
    primality_handle_factor(f, _GMP_primality_bls_nm1, 1);

  while (success) {

    if (bls_theorem5_limit(n, A, B, t, m, r, s))

    success = 0;
    /* If the stack is empty, we have failed. */
    if (msp == 0)
    /* pop a component off the stack */
    mpz_set(m, mstack[--msp]); mpz_clear(mstack[msp]);

    success = try_factor(f, m, effort);

    /* QS.  Uses lots of memory, but finds multiple factors quickly */
    if (!success && effort >= 5 &&
        mpz_sizeinbase(m,10) >= 30 && mpz_sizeinbase(m,10) <= 90) {
      if (effort > 5 || (effort == 5 && mpz_sizeinbase(m,10) < 55) ) {
        INNER_QS_FACTOR(m, _GMP_primality_bls_nm1);

    if (!success)
      success = try_factor2(f, m, effort);

    /* If we couldn't factor m and the stack is empty, we've failed. */
    if ( (!success) && (msp == 0) )
    /* Put the two factors f and m/f into the stacks, smallest first */
    mpz_divexact(m, m, f);
    if (mpz_cmp(m, f) < 0)
      mpz_swap(m, f);
    primality_handle_factor(f, _GMP_primality_bls_nm1, 0);
    primality_handle_factor(m, _GMP_primality_bls_nm1, 0);

  /* clear mstack since we don't care about it.  Use to hold a values. */
  while (msp-- > 0)
  msp = 0;

  /* Sort factors found from largest to smallest, but 2 must be at start. */
    int i, j;
    for (i = 2; i < fsp; i++)
      for (j = i; j > 1 && mpz_cmp(fstack[j-1], fstack[j]) < 0; j--)
        mpz_swap( fstack[j-1], fstack[j] );
    for (i = 2; i < fsp; i++)   /* Remove any duplicate factors */
      if (mpz_cmp(fstack[i], fstack[i-1]) == 0) {
        for (j = i+1; j < fsp; j++)
          mpz_set(fstack[j-1], fstack[j]);

  /* Shrink to smallest set and verify conditions. */
  if (success > 0) {
    int i;
    mpz_set_ui(A, 1);
    mpz_set(B, nm1);
    for (i = 0; i < fsp; i++) {
      if (bls_theorem5_limit(n, A, B, t, m, r, s))
      do {
        mpz_mul(A, A, fstack[i]);
        mpz_divexact(B, B, fstack[i]);
      } while (mpz_divisible_p(B, fstack[i]));
    /* Delete any extra factors */
    while (i < fsp)
    /* Verify Q[0] = 2 */
    if (mpz_cmp_ui(fstack[0], 2) != 0)
      croak("BLS75 internal error: 2 not at start of fstack");
    /* Verify conditions */
    success = 0;
    if (bls_theorem5_limit(n, A, B, t, m, r, s)) {
      mpz_mul(t, r, r);
      mpz_submul_ui(t, s, 8);   /* t = r^2 - 8s */
      /* N is prime if and only if s=0 OR t not a perfect square */
      success = (mpz_sgn(s) == 0 || !mpz_perfect_square_p(t))  ?  1  :  -1;

  if (success > 0) {
    int pcount, a;
    int const alimit = (effort <= 2) ? 200 : 10000;
    char afermat[10000+1];
    mpz_t p, ap;


    /* Cache result that doesn't depend on factor */
    for (a = 0; a <= alimit; a++)  afermat[a] = -1;

    for (pcount = 0; success && pcount < fsp; pcount++) {
      mpz_set(p, fstack[pcount]);
      success = 0;
      for (a = 2; !success && a <= alimit; a = prime_iterator_next(&iter)) {
        mpz_set_ui(ap, a);
        /* Does a^(n-1) % n = 1 ? */
        if (afermat[a] == -1) {
          mpz_powm(t, ap, nm1, n);
          afermat[a] = (mpz_cmp_ui(t, 1) == 0);
        if (afermat[a] == 0)
        /* Does gcd(a^((n-1)/f)-1,n) = 1 ? */
        mpz_divexact(B, nm1, p);
        mpz_powm(t, ap, B, n);
        mpz_sub_ui(t, t, 1);
        mpz_gcd(t, t, n);
        if (mpz_cmp_ui(t, 1) != 0)
        success = 1;   /* We found an a for this p */
        ADD_TO_STACK( ap, mstack, msp, msmax );
    /* If we could not find 'a' values, then we should return 1 (maybe prime)
     * since we did not perform an exhaustive search.  It would be quite
     * unusual to find a prime that didn't have an 'a' in the first 10,000
     * primes, but it could happen.  It's a "dubiously prime" :) */
  if (success > 0 && prooftextptr != 0) {
    int i;
    char *proofstr, *proofptr;
    int curprooflen = (*prooftextptr == 0) ? 0 : strlen(*prooftextptr);
    int myprooflen = (5 + mpz_sizeinbase(n, 10)) * (2 + fsp + msp) + 200;

    if (fsp != msp) croak("Different f and a counts\n");
    New(0, proofstr, myprooflen + curprooflen + 1, char);
    proofptr = proofstr;
    proofptr += gmp_sprintf(proofptr, "Type BLS5\nN  %Zd\n", n);
    /* Q[0] is always 2 */
    for (i = 1; i < fsp; i++)
      proofptr += gmp_sprintf(proofptr, "Q[%d]  %Zd\n", i, fstack[i]);
    /* A[i] only printed if not 2 */
    for (i = 0; i < msp; i++)
      if (mpz_cmp_ui(mstack[i], 2) != 0)
        proofptr += gmp_sprintf(proofptr, "A[%d]  %Zd\n", i, mstack[i]);
    proofptr += gmp_sprintf(proofptr, "----\n");
    /* Set or prepend */
    if (*prooftextptr) {
      proofptr += gmp_sprintf(proofptr, "\n");
      strcat(proofptr, *prooftextptr);
    *prooftextptr = proofstr;
  while (fsp-- > 0)
  while (msp-- > 0)
  if (success < 0) return 0;
  if (success > 0) return 2;
  return 1;

/* Given an n where we're factored n-1 down to p, check BLS theorem 3 */
int _GMP_primality_bls_3(mpz_t n, mpz_t p, UV* reta)
  mpz_t nm1, m, t, t2;
  int rval = 0;

  if (reta) *reta = 0;
  if (mpz_cmp_ui(n, 2) <= 0 || mpz_even_p(n) || mpz_even_p(p))
    return 0;                 /* n is <= 2, n is even, or p is even */
  if (!_GMP_is_prob_prime(p))
    return 0;                 /* p is not a probable prime */

  mpz_init(nm1);  mpz_init(m);  mpz_init(t);  mpz_init(t2);
  mpz_sub_ui(nm1, n, 1);
  mpz_divexact(m, nm1, p);
  mpz_mul(t, m, p);
  if (mpz_cmp(nm1, t) != 0)
    goto end_bls3;           /* m*p != n+1 */

  mpz_mul_ui(t, p, 2);
  mpz_add_ui(t, t, 1);
  mpz_sqrt(t2, n);
  if (mpz_cmp(t, t2) <= 0)
    goto end_bls3;           /* 2p+1 <= sqrt(n) */

    /* N-1 = mp, p is an odd probable prime, and 2p+1 > sqrt(n).
     * Now find an 'a' where a^(n-1)/2 = -1 mod n, a^(m/2) != -1 mod n. */
    UV const alimit = 1000;
    UV a;
    for (a = 2; a <= alimit; a = prime_iterator_next(&iter)) {
      mpz_set_ui(t2, a);
      mpz_divexact_ui(t, m, 2);
      mpz_powm(t, t2, t, n);       /* a^(m/2) mod n */
      if (mpz_cmp(t, nm1) == 0)
      mpz_divexact_ui(t, nm1, 2);
      mpz_powm(t, t2, t, n);       /* a^((n-1)/2) mod n */
      if (mpz_cmp(t, nm1) != 0)
      rval = 2;
      if (reta) *reta = a;

  mpz_clear(nm1);  mpz_clear(m);  mpz_clear(t);  mpz_clear(t2);
  return rval;

/* Given an n where we're factored n+1 down to f, check BLS theorem 15 */
int _GMP_primality_bls_15(mpz_t n, mpz_t f, IV* lp, IV* lq)
  mpz_t np1, m, t, t2;
  int rval = 0;

  if (lp) *lp = 0;
  if (lq) *lq = 0;
  if (mpz_cmp_ui(n, 2) <= 0 || mpz_even_p(n) || mpz_even_p(f))
    return 0;                 /* n is <= 2, n is even, or f is even */
  if (!_GMP_is_prob_prime(f))
    return 0;                 /* f is not a probable prime */

  mpz_init(np1);  mpz_init(m);  mpz_init(t);  mpz_init(t2);
  mpz_add_ui(np1, n, 1);
  mpz_divexact(m, np1, f);
  mpz_mul(t, m, f);
  if (mpz_cmp(np1, t) != 0)
    goto end_bls15;           /* m*f != n+1 */

  mpz_mul_ui(t, f, 2);
  mpz_sub_ui(t, t, 1);
  mpz_sqrt(t2, n);
  if (mpz_cmp(t, t2) <= 0)
    goto end_bls15;           /* 2f-1 <= sqrt(n) */

    /* N+1 = mf, f is an odd probable prime, and 2f-1 > sqrt(n).
     * Now find a Lucas sequence V_k with discriminant D s.t. D/N = -1
     * where N divides V_(N+1)/2 and N does not divide V_m/2. */
    IV d, p, q;
    mpz_t U, V, k;

    mpz_init(U);  mpz_init(V);  mpz_init(k);

    /* Primo gave me the idea of this p/q selection method */
    for (q = 2; q < 1000; q++) {
      p = (q % 2) ? 2 : 1;
      d = p*p - 4*q;
      mpz_set_si(t, d);
      if (mpz_jacobi(t, n) != -1)
      /* we have a d/p/q where d = -1.  Check the Lucas sequences. */
      mpz_divexact_ui(k, m, 2);
      lucas_seq(U, V, n, p, q, k,    t, t2);
      if (mpz_sgn(V) != 0) {
        mpz_divexact_ui(k, np1, 2);
        lucas_seq(U, V, n, p, q, k,    t, t2);
        if (mpz_sgn(V) == 0) {
          rval = 2;
          if (lp) *lp = p;
          if (lq) *lq = q;
    mpz_clear(U);  mpz_clear(V);  mpz_clear(k);

  /* Somehow there is a tester getting 0 for LQ */
  if (rval && lq && *lq < 2) croak("Internal error in BLS15\n");
  mpz_clear(np1);  mpz_clear(m);  mpz_clear(t);  mpz_clear(t2);
  return rval;

/* Given an n, try using BLS75 theorem 15, N+1 = mq.
 * Note: this does _not_ prove n is prime!  If it returns 1, then we have
 * found a q/D that satisfy theorem 15, but we leave proving q for the caller.
int _GMP_primality_bls_np1_split(mpz_t n, int effort, mpz_t q, IV* lp, IV* lq)
  mpz_t np1, m, f, sqrtn, t;
  int success = 1;
  UV B1 = 2000;

  /* We need to do this for BLS */
  if (mpz_even_p(n)) return 0;

  mpz_init(np1);  mpz_init(m);  mpz_init(f);  mpz_init(sqrtn);  mpz_init(t);
  mpz_add_ui(np1, n, 1);
  mpz_set_ui(m, 1);
  mpz_set(q, np1);
  mpz_sqrt(sqrtn, n);

  small_factor(m, q, B1);

  while (success) {
    success = 0;
    mpz_mul_ui(t, q, 2);
    mpz_sub_ui(t, t, 1);
    if (mpz_cmp(t, sqrtn) <= 0)
    if (_GMP_is_prob_prime(q)) {
      success = 1;
    success = try_factor(f, q, effort);
    if (!success)
      success = try_factor2(f, q, effort);
    if (success) {
      mpz_divexact(q, q, f);
      if (mpz_cmp(q, f) < 0)
        mpz_swap(q, f);
      mpz_mul(m, m, f);

  if (success)
    success = _GMP_primality_bls_15(n, q, lp, lq);

  return success;

/* Given an n, try using BLS75 theorem 3, N-1 = mp. */
int _GMP_primality_bls_nm1_split(mpz_t n, int effort, mpz_t p, UV *reta)
  mpz_t nm1, m, f, sqrtn, t;
  int success = 1;
  UV B1 = 2000;

  /* We need to do this for BLS */
  if (mpz_even_p(n)) return 0;

  mpz_init(nm1);  mpz_init(m);  mpz_init(f);  mpz_init(sqrtn);  mpz_init(t);
  mpz_sub_ui(nm1, n, 1);
  mpz_set_ui(m, 1);
  mpz_set(p, nm1);
  mpz_sqrt(sqrtn, n);

  small_factor(m, p, B1);

  while (success) {
    success = 0;
    mpz_mul_ui(t, p, 2);
    mpz_add_ui(t, t, 1);
    if (mpz_cmp(t, sqrtn) <= 0)
    if (_GMP_is_prob_prime(p)) {
      success = 1;
    success = try_factor(f, p, effort);
    if (!success)
      success = try_factor2(f, p, effort);
    if (success) {
      mpz_divexact(p, p, f);
      if (mpz_cmp(p, f) < 0)
        mpz_swap(p, f);
      mpz_mul(m, m, f);

  if (success)
    success = _GMP_primality_bls_3(n, p, reta);

  return success;