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#  Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Jabber Software Foundation

package Net::XMPP::Roster;

=head1 NAME

Net::XMPP::Roster - XMPP Roster Object


Net::XMPP::Roster is a module that provides a developer an easy
interface to an XMPP roster.  It provides high level functions to
query, update, and manage a user's roster.


The Roster object seeks to provide an easy to use API for interfacing
with a user's roster.  When you instantiate it, it automatically
registers with the connection to receivce the correct packets so
that it can track all roster updates, and presence packets.

=head2 Basic Functions

  my $Client = Net::XMPP::Client->new(...);

  my $Roster = Net::XMPP::Roster->new(connection=>$Client);
  my $Roster = $Client->Roster();


  if ($Roster->exists('')) { ... }
  if ($Roster->exists(Net::XMPP::JID)) { ... }

  if ($Roster->groupExists("Friends")) { ... }

  my @groups = $Roster->groups();

  my @jids    = $Roster->jids();
  my @friends = $Roster->jids("group","Friends");
  my @unfiled = $Roster->jids("nogroup");

  if ($Roster->online('')) { ... }
  if ($Roster->online(Net::XMPP::JID)) { ... }

  my %hash = $Roster->query('');
  my %hash = $Roster->query(Net::XMPP::JID);

  my $name = $Roster->query('',"name");
  my $ask  = $Roster->query(Net::XMPP::JID,"ask");

  my $resource = $Roster->resource('');
  my $resource = $Roster->resource(Net::XMPP::JID);

  my %hash = $Roster->resourceQuery('',"Home");
  my %hash = $Roster->resourceQuery(Net::XMPP::JID,"Club");

  my $show   = $Roster->resourceQuery('',"Home","show");
  my $status = $Roster->resourceQuery(Net::XMPP::JID,"Work","status");

  my @resource = $Roster->resources('');
  my @resource = $Roster->resources(Net::XMPP::JID);

  $Roster->resourceStore(Net::XMPP::JID,"logged on","2004/04/07 ...");


=head2 Advanced Functions

These functions are only needed if you want to manually control
the Roster.






=head1 METHODS

=head2 Basic Functions

=over 4

=item new


This creates and initializes the Roster
object.  The connection object is required
so that the Roster can interact with the
main connection object.  It needs to be an
object that inherits from L<Net::XMPP::Connection>.

=item clear


removes everything from the database.

=item exists


return 1 if the JID exists in the database, undef
otherwise.  The jid can either be a string, or a L<Net::XMPP::JID> object.

=item groupExists


return 1 if the group exists in the database, undef otherwise.

=item groups


Returns a list of all of the roster groups.

=item jids

  jids([type, [group]])

returns a list of all of the matching JIDs.  The valid
types are:

                    all     - return all JIDs in the roster. (default)
                    nogroup - return all JIDs not in a roster group.
                    group   - return all of the JIDs in the specified
                              roster group.

=item online


return 1 if the JID is online, undef otherwise.  The
jid can either be a string, or a L<Net::XMPP::JID> object.

=item query

  query(jid, [key])

return a hash representing all of the data in the
DB for this JID.  The jid can either be a string,
or a Net::XMPP::JID object.  If you specify a key,
then only the value for that key is returned.

=item resource


return the string representing the resource with the
highest priority for the JID.  The jid can either be
a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.

=item resourceQuery


return a hash representing all of the data
the DB for the resource for this JID.  The
jid can either be a string, or a
Net::XMPP::JID object.  If you specify a
key, then only the value for that key is

=item resources


returns the list of resources for the JID in order
of highest priority to lowest priority.  The jid can
either be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.

=item resourceStore


store the specified value in the DB under
the specified key for the resource for this
JID.  The jid can either be a string, or a
Net::XMPP::JID object.

=item store

  store(jid, key, value) 

store the specified value in the DB under the
specified key for this JID.  The jid can either
be a string, or a Net::XMPP::JID object.


=head2 Advanced Functions

add(jid,                 - Manually adds the JID to the Roster with the
    ask=>string,           specified roster item settings.  This does not
    groups=>arrayref       handle subscribing to other users, only
    name=>string,          manipulating the Roster object.  The jid
    subscription=>string)  can either be a string or a Net::XMPP::JID.

addResource(jid,            - Manually add the resource to the JID in the
            resource,         Roster with the specified presence settings.
            priority=>int,    This does not handle subscribing to other
            show=>string,     users, only manipulating the Roster object.
            status=>string)   The jid can either be a string or a

remove(jid) - Removes all reference to the JID from the Roster object.
              The jid can either be a string or a Net::XMPP::JID.

removeResource(jid,      - Removes the resource from the jid in the
               resource)   Roster object.  The jid can either be a string
                           or a Net::XMPP::JID.

handler(packet) - Take either a Net::XMPP::IQ or Net::XMPP::Presence
                  packet and parse them according to the rules of the
                  Roster object.  Note, that it will only waste CPU time
                  if you pass in IQs or Presences that are not roster

=head1 AUTHOR

Originally authored by Ryan Eatmon.

Previously maintained by Eric Hacker. 

Currently maintained by Darian Anthony Patrick.


This module is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the LGPL 2.1.


use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;

use Net::XMPP::JID;

use Scalar::Util qw(weaken);

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $self = { };

    my %args;
    while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc(pop(@_)) } = pop(@_); }

    if (!exists($args{connection}) ||
        croak("You must pass Net::XMPP::Roster a valid connection object.");

    $self->{CONNECTION} = $args{connection};

    bless($self, $proto);


    return $self;

# init - initialize the module to use the roster database
sub init
    my $self = shift;

    my $weak = $self;
    weaken $weak;
    $self->{CONNECTION}-> SetXPathCallBacks('/iq[@type="result" or @type="set"]/query[@xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"]'=>sub{ $weak->handler(@_) });
    $self->{CONNECTION}-> SetXPathCallBacks('/presence'=>sub{ $weak->handler(@_) });

# add - adds the entry to the Roster DB.
sub add
    my $self = shift;
    my ($jid,%item) = @_;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid} = \%item;

    if (exists($item{groups}))
        foreach my $group (@{$item{groups}})
            $self->{GROUPS}->{$group}->{$jid} = 1;

# addResource - adds the resource to the JID in the Roster DB.
sub addResource
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $resource = shift;
    my (%item) = @_;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    my $priority = $item{priority};
    $priority = 0 unless defined($priority);

    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3("Roster::addResource: add $jid/$resource with priority $priority to the DB");

    my $loc = -1;
    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority} = []
        unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority});
    foreach my $index (0..$#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}})
        $loc = $index
            if ($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}->[$index]->{resource} eq $resource);
    $loc = $#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}} + 1 if ($loc == -1);

    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{priority} = $priority;
    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{status} = $item{status}
        if exists($item{status});
    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{show} = $item{show}
        if exists($item{show});
    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}->[$loc]->{resource} = $resource;

# clear - delete all of the JIDs from the DB completely.
sub clear
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3("Roster::clear: clearing the database");
    foreach my $jid ($self->jids())
    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3("Roster::clear: database is empty");

# exists - allows you to query if the JID exists in the Roster DB.
sub exists
    my $self = shift;
    my ($jid) = @_;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless exists($self->{JIDS});
    return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid});
    return 1;

sub fetch
    my $self = shift;

    my %newroster = $self->{CONNECTION}->RosterGet();


# groupExists - allows you to query if the group exists in the Roster
#                       DB.
sub groupExists
    my $self = shift;
    my ($group) = @_;

    return unless exists($self->{GROUPS});
    return unless exists($self->{GROUPS}->{$group});
    return 1;

# groups - returns a list of the current groups in your roster.
sub groups
    my $self = shift;

    return () unless exists($self->{GROUPS});
    return () if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{GROUPS}})) == 0);
    return keys(%{$self->{GROUPS}});

# handler - takes a packet and calls the correct handler.
sub handler
    my $self = shift;
    my $sid = shift;
    my $packet = shift;

    $self->handleIQ($packet) if ($packet->GetTag() eq "iq");
    $self->handlePresence($packet) if ($packet->GetTag() eq "presence");

# handleIQ - takes an iq packet that contains roster, parses it, and puts
#            the roster into the Roster DB.
sub handleIQ
    my $self = shift;
    my $iq = shift;

    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3('handleIQ: iq(' . $iq->GetXML() . ')');

    my $type = $iq->GetType();
    return unless (($type eq "set") || ($type eq "result"));

    my %newroster = $self->{CONNECTION}->RosterParse($iq);


sub handleRoster
    my $self = shift;
    my $roster = shift;

    foreach my $jid (keys(%{$roster}))

        if ($roster->{$jid}->{subscription} ne "remove")
            $self->add($jid, %{$roster->{$jid}});

# handlePresence - takes a presence packet and groks the presence.
sub handlePresence
    my $self = shift;
    my $presence = shift;

    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3('handlePresence: presence(' . $presence->GetXML() . ')');

    my $type = $presence->GetType();
    $type = "" unless defined($type);
    return unless (($type eq "") ||
                   ($type eq "available") ||
                   ($type eq "unavailable"));

    my $jid = $presence->GetFrom("jid");

    my $resource = $jid->GetResource();
    $resource = " " unless ($resource ne "");

    $jid = $jid->GetJID();
    $jid = "" unless defined($jid);

    return unless $self->exists($jid);
    #XXX if it doesn't exist... is it us?
    #XXX is this a presence based roster?

    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3("Roster::PresenceDBParse: fromJID(",$presence->GetFrom(),") resource($resource) type($type)");
    $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log4("Roster::PresenceDBParse: xml(",$presence->GetXML(),")");


    if (($type eq "") || ($type eq "available"))
        my %item;

        $item{priority} = $presence->GetPriority();
        $item{priority} = 0 unless defined($item{priority});

        $item{show} = $presence->GetShow();
        $item{show} = "" unless defined($item{show});

        $item{status} = $presence->GetStatus();
        $item{status} = "" unless defined($item{status});


# jids - returns a list of all of the JIDs in your roster.
sub jids
    my $self = shift;
    my $type = shift;
    my $group = shift;

    $type = "all" unless defined($type);

    my @jids;

    if (($type eq "all") || ($type eq "nogroup"))
        return () unless exists($self->{JIDS});
        foreach my $jid (keys(%{$self->{JIDS}}))
            next if (($type eq "nogroup") &&
                     exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{groups}) &&
                     ($#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{groups}} > -1));

            push(@jids, Net::XMPP::JID->new($jid));

    if ($type eq "group")
        return () unless exists($self->{GROUPS});
        if (defined($group) && $self->groupExists($group))
            foreach my $jid (keys(%{$self->{GROUPS}->{$group}}))
                push(@jids, Net::XMPP::JID->new($jid));

    return @jids;

# online - returns if the jid is online or not.
sub online
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless $self->exists($jid);

    my @resources = $self->resources($jid);

    return ($#resources > -1);

# priority - return the highest priority for the jid, or for the specified
#            resource.
sub priority
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $resource = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    if (defined($resource))
        return unless $self->resourceExists($jid,$resource);
        return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{priority});
        return $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{priority};

    return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities});
    my @priorities = sort{ $b <=> $a } keys(%{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}});
    return $priorities[0];

# query - allows you to get one of the pieces of info from the Roster DB.
sub query
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $key = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless $self->exists($jid);
    if (defined($key))
        return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{$key});
        return $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{$key};
    return %{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}};

# remove - removes the JID from the Roster DB.
sub remove
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    if ($self->exists($jid))
        $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3("Roster::remove: deleting $jid from the DB");

        if (defined($self->query($jid,"groups")))
            foreach my $group (@{$self->query($jid,"groups")})
                    if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{GROUPS}->{$group}})) == 0);
                    if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{GROUPS}})) == 0);

        delete($self->{JIDS}) if (scalar(keys(%{$self->{JIDS}})) == 0);

# removeResource - removes the resource from the JID from the Roster DB.
sub removeResource
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $resource = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    if ($self->resourceExists($jid,$resource))
        $self->{CONNECTION}->{DEBUG}->Log3("Roster::removeResource: remove $jid/$resource from the DB");

        my $oldPriority = $self->priority($jid,$resource);
        $oldPriority = "" unless defined($oldPriority);

        if (exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$oldPriority}))
            my $loc = 0;
            foreach my $index (0..$#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$oldPriority}})
                $loc = $index
                    if ($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$oldPriority}->[$index]->{resource} eq $resource);


                if (exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$oldPriority}) &&
                    ($#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$oldPriority}} == -1));



# resource - retrieve the resource with the highest priority.
sub resource
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless $self->exists($jid);

    my $priority = $self->priority($jid);

    return unless defined($priority);

    return $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}->[0]->{resource};

# resourceExists - check that the specified resource exists.
sub resourceExists
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $resource = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless $self->exists($jid);
    return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources});
    return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource});

# resourceQuery - allows you to get one of the pieces of info from the Roster
#                 DB.
sub resourceQuery
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $resource = shift;
    my $key = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless $self->resourceExists($jid,$resource);
    if (defined($key))
        return unless exists($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{$key});
        return $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{$key};
    return %{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource};}

# resources - returns a list of the resources from highest priority to lowest.
sub resources
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return () unless $self->exists($jid);

    my @resources;

    foreach my $priority (sort {$b cmp $a} keys(%{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}}))
        foreach my $index (0..$#{$self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}})
            next if ($self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{priorities}->{$priority}->[$index]->{resource} eq " ");
    return @resources;

# resourceStore - allows you to store anything on the item that you want to.
#                 The only drawback is that when the item is removed, the data
#                 is not kept.  You must restore it in the DB.
sub resourceStore
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $resource = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    my $value = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless defined($key);
    return unless defined($value);
    return unless $self->resourceExists($jid,$resource);

    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{resources}->{$resource}->{$key} = $value;

# store - allows you to store anything on the item that you want to.  The
#         only drawback is that when the item is removed, the data is not
#         kept.  You must restore it in the DB.
sub store
    my $self = shift;
    my $jid = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    my $value = shift;

    $jid = $jid->GetJID() if (ref $jid && $jid->isa('Net::XMPP::JID'));

    return unless defined($key);
    return unless defined($value);
    return unless $self->exists($jid);

    $self->{JIDS}->{$jid}->{$key} = $value;
