package CSS::SpriteMaker::Layout;

use strict;
use warnings;

use List::Util qw(max);

=head1 NAME

CSS::SpriteMaker::Layout - Layout interface for items placed on a 2D grid.

Allows to access coordinates of items laid out on a 2D grid.

Shouldn't be instantiated directly, but subclasses should be instantiated

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


our $VERSION = '0.01';

=head2 _layout_items

Lays out the items given their properties. These properties can be global or
about individual items, and have the form of the following hashref:

        '<item_id>' : {
            width => <integer>,
            height => <integer>,
            first_pixel_x => <integer>,
            first_pixel_y => <integer>,
            ... other arbitrary properties, if any

This method should never be called on this class, but on a subclass. It contains
the implementation of the specific layout after all.


sub _layout_items {
    my $self = shift;
    my $rh_item_info = shift;
    die "you shouldn't be calling layout_items directly on this object, but a subclass should implement it!";

=head2 get_item_coord

Gets the coordinates of a specific item within the layout.

    my ($x, $y) = $Layout->get_item_coord("129");

Returns a list containing the x and the y coordinates of the specified element


sub get_item_coord {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = shift;

    die "finalize() was not called on this class!" if !$self->{_layout_ran};

    if (!defined $self->{items} || !defined $self->{items}{$id}) {
        warn "item id: $id doesn't appear to be part of this layout";

    my $rh_coords = $self->{items}{$id};
    return ($rh_coords->{x}, $rh_coords->{y});

=head2 set_item_coord

Sets the coordinates of a layout item.

    # sets coordinates of item #129 to x: 100 y: 200
    $Layout->set_item_coord("129", 100, 200); 

Sets coordinates of the given element internally and returns undef.


sub set_item_coord {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = shift;
    my $x = shift;
    my $y = shift;

    $self->{items} = {} if !defined $self->{items};

    $self->{items}{$id} = {
        x => $x,
        y => $y,


=head2 move_items

Moves all the items in this layout by the given deltay and deltax.

sub move_items {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($dx, $dy) = @_;
    for my $id ($self->get_item_ids) {
        my ($x, $y) = $self->get_item_coord($id);
        $self->set_item_coord($id, $x+$dx, $y+$dy);

=head2 delete_item

Deletes the item with the specified id from the internal list of items that
have been layed out. 

WARNING - this doesn't trigger a re-layout: will result in having a hole in
the current layout. Be aware of it.

Triggers a warning if the element with the specified id doesn't exist in
the current layout.


sub delete_item {
    my $self = shift;
    my $item_id = shift;

    if (!exists $self->{items}{$item_id}) {
        warn "the item with id \"$item_id\" you are trying to delete doesn't exist in the current layout";
    delete $self->{items}{$item_id};

=head2 merge_with

Merges the current layout with the one specified. For a successful merge to
happen, items in the old and in the new layout must have different ids.


sub merge_with {
    my $self = shift;
    my $Layout = shift;

    my ($minx, $miny);
    for my $id ($Layout->get_item_ids()) {
        my ($x, $y) = $Layout->get_item_coord($id);

        # check that the id doesn't exist
        if (exists $self->{items}{$id}) {
            warn "the id $id already exists in the target layout!";
        # merge
        $self->set_item_coord($id, $x, $y);


=head2 get_item_ids

Returns the id of each item into an array.

    my @ids = $Layout->get_item_ids();


sub get_item_ids {
    my $self = shift;
    return keys %{$self->{items}};

=head2 width

Returns the width of the overall layout in pixels.

    my $width = $Layout->width();


sub width {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{width};

=head2 height

Returns the height of the overall layout in pixels.

    my $width = $Layout->height();


sub height {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{height};

=head2 finalize

Sets this layout as instantiated. To only be called by a subclass of this base
class once class is instantiated.


Once called, some checks are performed on the layout and
warnings are issued emitted if something is wrong.

Always returns undef.


sub finalize {
    my $self = shift;
    for my $attribute (qw/width height/) {
        if (!defined $self->{$attribute}) {
            warn "attribute $attribute should always be set in the layout class!";

    $self->{_layout_ran} = 1;
