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# Apartment threaded web server. Creates and maintains a pool of WebClient
# apartment threaded objects. Permits application specific content and session
# handler objects.
# <p>
# Copyright&copy 2006, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA<br>
# All rights reserved.
# <p>
# Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1, as specified in the
# License.txt file included in this software package, or at
# <a href=''></a>.
# @author D. Arnold
# @since 2006-08-21
# @self	$self
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Listener
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Logable
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Logger
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::WebClient
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Content
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::ContentParams
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::SessionCache
# @see  HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Session
package HTTP::Daemon::Threaded;

use threads;
use Thread::Apartment;

use base qw(Thread::Apartment);

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.90';

our $container;
our $timeout;

# Set TQD timeout.
# @static
# @param $timeout TQD timeout in seconds
# @return		none
sub setTimeout { $timeout = ($_[0] eq 'HTTP::Daemon::Threaded') ? $_[1] : $_[0]; }

# Constructor. Provides facade for Thread::Apartment::new,
# to create a TAS for HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Listener.
# Allocates or creates a thread, and installs a Listener in it.
# <p>
# Note that the following parameters are recognized by
# HTTP::Daemon::Threaded, HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Listener, and/or
# HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::WebClient, but
# applications may supply additional parameter key/value pairs
# which will be provided to the constructor for any specified
# HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::ContentParams class.
# @param AptTimeout		<i>(optional)</i> Thread::Apartment proxy return timeout
# @param Port			<i>(optional)</i> TCP listen port; default 80.
# @param MaxClients		<i>(optional)</i> max number of client handlers to spawn;
#						default 5
# @param LogLevel		<i>(optional)</i> logging level; 1 => errors only; 2 => errors and warnings only; 3 => errors, warnings,
#						and info messages; default 1
# @param EventLogger	<i>(optional)</i> Instance of a HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Logger to receive
#					event notifications (except for web requests)
# @param WebLogger		<i>(optional)</i> Instance of a HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Logger to receive
#					web request notifications
# @param Handlers		<i>(required)</i> URI handler map; arrayref mapping URI regex's to handler package names
# @param UserAuth		<i>(optional)</i> instance of a subclass of HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Auth <i>(not yet supported)</i>
# @param SessionCache	<i>(optional)</i> instance of a subclass of HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::SessionCache
#						to be used to create/manage sessions
# @param InactivityTimer <i>(optional)</i> number of seconds a WebClient waits before disconnecting
#						an idle connection; default 10 minutes
# @param ContentParams  <i>(optional)</i> name of concrete implementation of HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::ContentParams
# @param DocRoot		<i>(optional)</i> root directory for default file based content handler
# @param ProductTokens	<i>(optional)</i> product token string to return to client; default
#						is 'HTTP::Daemon::Threaded/<version>'
# @param MediaTypes		<i>(optional)</i> hashref mapping 'Content-Type' specifications to
#						file qualifier strings. Values may be either a single string literal, or
#						an arrayref of string literals, e.g.,<br>
#						<code>MediaTypes =&gt; { 'text/css' => 'css' }</code>. Used to
#						add media types for LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type()
# @return		TAC proxy for HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Listener object
# @see <a href=''>LWP::MediaTypes</a>
sub new {
#	overrides T::A new, returning the container object
	my ($class, %args) = @_;

	$args{AptClass} = 'HTTP::Daemon::Threaded::Listener';
	$args{AptTimeout} = $timeout
		unless exists $args{AptTimeout};

	$container = Thread::Apartment->new( %args )
		|| die "Could not install into an apartment: $@.";
	return $container;
