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package TOML;

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# TOML - Parser for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Darren Chamberlain <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02111-1301 USA
# -------------------------------------------------------------------

use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);


use B;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Text::Balanced qw(extract_bracketed);

$VERSION = "0.91";
@EXPORT = qw(from_toml to_toml);
$SYNTAX_ERROR = q(Syntax error);

sub to_toml {
    my $stuff = shift;
    local @_NAMESPACE = ();

sub _to_toml {
    my ($stuff) = @_;

    if (ref $stuff eq 'HASH') {
        my $res = '';
        my @keys = sort keys %$stuff;
        for my $key (grep { ref $stuff->{$_} ne 'HASH' } @keys) {
            my $val = $stuff->{$key};
            $res .= "$key = " . _serialize($val) . "\n";
        for my $key (grep { ref $stuff->{$_} eq 'HASH' } @keys) {
            my $val = $stuff->{$key};
            local @_NAMESPACE = (@_NAMESPACE, $key);
            $res .= sprintf("[%s]\n", join(".", @_NAMESPACE));
            $res .= _to_toml($val);
        return $res;
    } else {
        croak("You cannot convert non-HashRef values to TOML");

sub _serialize {
    my $value = shift;
    my $b_obj = B::svref_2object(\$value);
    my $flags = $b_obj->FLAGS;

    return $value
        if $flags & ( B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK ) and !( $flags & B::SVp_POK ); # SvTYPE is IV or NV?

    my $type = ref($value); 
    if (!$type) {
        return string_to_json($value);
    } elsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
        return sprintf('[%s]', join(", ", map { _serialize($_) } @$value));
    } elsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') {
        if (defined $$value) {
            if ($$value eq '0') {
                return 'false';
            } elsif ($$value eq '1') {
                return 'true';
            } else {
                croak("cannot encode reference to scalar");
        croak("cannot encode reference to scalar");
    croak("Bad type in to_toml: $type");

my %esc = (
    "\n" => '\n',
    "\r" => '\r',
    "\t" => '\t',
    "\f" => '\f',
    "\b" => '\b',
    "\"" => '\"',
    "\\" => '\\\\',
    "\'" => '\\\'',
sub string_to_json {
    my ($arg) = @_;

    $arg =~ s/([\x22\x5c\n\r\t\f\b])/$esc{$1}/g;
    $arg =~ s/\//\\\//g if 1;
    $arg =~ s/([\x00-\x08\x0b\x0e-\x1f])/'\\u00' . unpack('H2', $1)/eg;

    return '"' . $arg . '"';

sub from_toml {
    my $string = shift;
    my %toml;   # Final data structure
    my $cur;
    my $err;    # Error
    my $lineno = 0;

    # Normalize
    $string =
        join "\n",
        grep !/^$/,
        map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_ } 
        map { s/#.*//; $_ }
        split /[\n\r]/, $string;

    while ($string) {
        # strip leading whitespace, including newlines
        $string =~ s/^\s*//s;

        # Store current value, to check for invalid syntax
        my $string_start = $string;

        # Strings
        if ($string =~ s/^(\S+)\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"\s*//) {
            my $key = "$1";
            my $val = "$2";
            $val =~ s/^"//;
            $val =~ s/"$//;
            $val =~ s/\\0/\x00/g;
            $val =~ s/\\t/\x09/g;
            $val =~ s/\\n/\x0a/g;
            $val =~ s/\\r/\x0d/g;
            $val =~ s/\\"/\x22/g;
            $val =~ s/\\\\/\x5c/g;

            if ($cur) {
                $cur->{ $key } = $val;
            else {
                $toml{ $key } = $val;

        # Boolean
        if ($string =~ s/^(\S+)\s*=\s*(true|false)//i) {
            my $key = "$1";
            my $num = lc($2) eq "true" ? "true" : "false";
            if ($cur) {
                $cur->{ $key } = $num;
            else {
                $toml{ $key } = $num;

        # Date
        if ($string =~ s/^(\S+)\s*=\s*(\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ)\s*//) {
            my $key = "$1";
            my $date = "$2";
            if ($cur) {
                $cur->{ $key } = $date;
            else {
                $toml{ $key } = $date;

        # Numbers
        if ($string =~ s/^(\S+)\s*=\s*([+-]?[\d.]+)(?:\n|\z)//) {
            my $key = "$1";
            my $num = $2;
            if ($cur) {
                $cur->{ $key } = $num;
            else {
                $toml{ $key } = $num;

        # Arrays
        if ($string =~ s/^(\S+)\s=\s*(\[)/[/) {
            my $key = "$1";
            my $match;
            ($match, $string) = extract_bracketed($string, "[]");
            if ($cur) {
                $cur->{ $key } = eval $match || $match;
            else {
                $toml{ $key } = eval $match || $match;

        # New section
        elsif ($string =~ s/^\[([^]]+)\]\s*//) {
            my $section = "$1";
            $cur = undef;
            my @bits = split /\./, $section;

            for my $bit (@bits) {
                if ($cur) {
                    $cur->{ $bit } ||= { };
                    $cur = $cur->{ $bit };
                else {
                    $toml{ $bit } ||= { };
                    $cur = $toml{ $bit };

        if ($string eq $string_start) {
            # If $string hasn't been modified by this point, then
            # it contains invalid syntax.
           (my $err_bits = $string) =~ s/(.+?)\n.*//s;
            return wantarray ? (undef, "$SYNTAX_ERROR at line $lineno: $err_bits") : undef;

    return wantarray ? (\%toml, $err) : \%toml;



=head1 NAME

TOML - Parser for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language.


    use TOML qw(from_toml to_toml);

    # Parsing toml
    my $toml = slurp("~/.foo.toml");
    my $data = from_toml($toml);

    # With error checking
    my ($data, $err) = from_toml($toml);
    unless ($data) {
        die "Error parsing toml: $err";

    # Creating toml
    my $toml = to_toml($data); 


C<TOML> implements a parser for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language, as
defined at L<>. C<TOML> exports two
subroutines, C<from_toml> and C<to_toml>,


=over 4

=item from_toml

C<from_toml> transforms a string containing toml to a perl data
structure or vice versa. This data structure complies with the tests
provided at L<>.

If called in list context, C<from_toml> produces a (C<hash>,
C<error_string>) tuple, where C<error_string> is C<undef> on
non-errors. If there is an error, then C<hash> will be undefined and
C<error_string> will contains (scant) details about said error.

=item to_toml

C<to_toml> transforms a perl data structure into toml-formatted


=head1 AUTHOR

Darren Chamberlain <>


  * Tokuhiro Matsuno <>
  * Matthias Bethke <>