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=head2 display_line

C<display_line> is used in the list template to display a row from the
database, by iterating over the columns and displaying the data for each
column. It misses out the C<id> column by default, and magically
URLifies columns called C<url>. This may be considered too much magic
for some.


% foreach my $col ( @{ $classmetadata->{columns} } ) {
% next if $col eq "id";
% if ( $col eq "url" && $item->url ) {
<a href="<% $item->url %>"><% $item->url %></a>
% } elsif ( $col eq $item->stringify_column ) {
<& maybe_link_view, object => $item &>
% } else {
<& maybe_link_view, object => $item->$col &>
% }
% }

<td class="actions">
<& button, obj => $item, action => "edit" &>
<& button, obj => $item, action => "delete" &>