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# Copyright © 2013 David Caldwell.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.4 or,
# at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

package CSS::Sass;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( sass_compile );
our @EXPORT = qw(

our $VERSION = v0.8.1; # Always keep the rightmost digit, even if it's zero (stupid perl).

require XSLoader;
XSLoader::load('CSS::Sass', $VERSION);
require CSS::Sass::Type;

sub new {
    my ($class, %options) = @_;
    bless { options=>\%options }, $class;

sub options {

sub last_error {
    my ($self) = @_;

sub sass_compile {
    my ($sass_code, %options) = @_;
    my $r = compile_sass($sass_code, { %options,
                                       # Override sass_functions with the arrayref of arrayrefs that the XS expects.
                                       !$options{sass_functions} ? ()
                                                                 : (sass_functions => [ map { [ $_ => $options{sass_functions}->{$_} ]
                                                                                            } keys %{$options{sass_functions}} ]),
                                       # Override include_paths with a ':' separated list
                                       !$options{include_paths} ? ()
                                                                : (include_paths => join($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ';' : ':',
    wantarray ? ($r->{output_string}, $r->{error_message}) : $r->{output_string}

sub compile {
    my ($self, $sass_code) = @_;
    my $compiled;
    ($compiled, $self->{last_error}) = sass_compile($sass_code, %{$self->options});
    croak $self->{last_error} if $self->{last_error} && !$self->options->{dont_die};

sub sass_function_callback {
    my $cb = shift;
    my $ret = eval { $cb->(map { CSS::Sass::Type->new_from_xs_rep($_) } @_) };
    return CSS::Sass::Type::Error->new("$@")->xs_rep if $@;
    return CSS::Sass::Type::String->new('')->xs_rep if !defined $ret;
    return CSS::Sass::Type::Error->new("Perl Sass function returned something that wasn't a CSS::Sass::Type")->xs_rep
        unless ref $ret && $ret->isa("CSS::Sass::Type");


=head1 NAME

CSS::Sass - Compile .scss files using libsass


  # Object Oriented API
  use CSS::Sass;

  my $sass = CSS::Sass->new;
  my $css = $sass->compile(".something { color: red; }");

  # Object Oriented API w/ options
  my $sass = CSS::Sass->new(include_paths   => ['some/include/path'],
                            image_path      => 'base_url',
                            output_style    => SASS_STYLE_COMPRESSED,
                            source_comments => 1,
                            dont_die        => 1,
                            sass_functions  => {
                              'my_sass_function($arg)' => sub { $_[0] }
  my $css = $sass->compile(".something { color: red; }");
  if (!defined $css) { # $css can be undef because 'dont_die' was set
    warn $sass->last_error;

  # Functional API
  use CSS::Sass qw(:Default sass_compile);

  my ($css, $err) = sass_compile(".something { color: red; }");
  die $err if defined $err;

  # Functional API, simple, with no error messages
  my $css = sass_compile(".something { color: red; }");
  die unless defined $css;

  # Functional API w/ options
  my ($css, $err) = sass_compile(".something { color: red; }",
                                 include_paths => ['some/include/path'],
                                 image_path    => 'base_url',
                                 output_style  => SASS_STYLE_NESTED,
                                 source_comments => 1);


CSS::Sass provides a perl interface to libsass, a fairly complete Sass
compiler written in C. Despite its name, CSS::Sass can only compile the
newer ".scss" files.


=over 4

=item C<new>

  $sass = CSS::Sass->new(options)

Creates a Sass object with the specified options. Example:

  $sass = CSS::Sass->new; # no options
  $sass = CSS::Sass->new(output_style => SASS_STYLE_NESTED);

=item C<compile(source_code)>

  $css = $sass->compile("source code");

This compiles the Sass string that is passed in the first parameter. If
there is an error it will C<croak()>, unless the C<dont_die> option has been
set. In that case, it will return C<undef>.

=item C<last_error>


Returns the error encountered by the most recent invocation of
C<compile>. This is really only useful if the C<dont_die> option is set.

C<libsass> error messages are in the form ":$line:$column $error_message" so
you can append them to the filename for a standard looking error message.

=item C<options>

  $sass->options->{dont_die} = 1;

Allows you to inspect or change the options after a call to C<new>.



=over 4

=item C<($css, $err) = sass_compile(source_code, options)>

=item C<$css = sass_compile(source_code, options)>

This compiles the Sass string that is passed in the first parameter. It
returns both the CSS and the error in list context and just the CSS in
scalar context. One of the returned values will always be C<undef>, but
never both.


=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item C<output_style>

=over 4




eliminate all whitespace (for your production CSS).

=item C<source_comments>

Set to C<0> (the default) and no extra comments are output. Set to C<1> and
comments are output indicating what input line the code corresponds to.

=item C<include_paths>

This is an arrayref that holds the list a of paths to search (in addition to
the current directory) when following Sass C<@import> directives.

=item C<image_path>

This is a string that holds the base URL. This is only used in the
(non-standard) C<image-url()> Sass function. For example, if C<image_path>
is set to C<'file:///tmp/a/b/c'>, then the follwoing Sass code:

  .something { background-image: image-url("my/path"); }

...will compile to this:

  .something { background-image: url("file:///tmp/a/b/c/my/path"); }

=item C<dont_die>

This is only valid when used with the L<Object Oriented Interface|/"OBJECT ORIENTED INTERFACE">. It is
described in detail there.

=item C<sass_functions>

This is a hash of Sass functions implemented in Perl. The key for each
function should be the function's Sass signature and the value should be a
Perl subroutine reference. This subroutine will be called whenever the
function is used in the Sass being compiled. The arguments to the subroutine
are L<CSS::Sass::Type> objects and the return value I<must> also be one of
those types. It may also return C<undef> which is just a shortcut for

The function is called with an C<eval> statement so you may use "die" to
throw errors back to libsass.

A simple example:

    sass_functions => {
        'append_hello($str)' => sub {
            my ($str) = @_;
            die '$str should be a string' unless $str->isa("CSS::Sass::Type::String");
            return CSS::Sass::Type::String->new($str->value . " hello");

If this is encountered in the Sass:

    some_rule: append_hello("Well,");

Then the ouput would be:

    some_rule: Well, hello;


=head1 SEE ALSO


L<The Sass Home Page|>

L<The libsass Home Page|>

L<The CSS::Sass Home Page|>

=head1 AUTHOR

David Caldwell E<lt>david@porkrind.orgE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2013 by David Caldwell

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
