The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
package Inline::CPP;

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.006000;
use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :flock );

require Inline::C;
require Inline::CPP::Grammar;
require Inline::CPP::Config;

# Note: Parse::RecDescent 'require'd within get_parser().

use Carp;

# use base doesn't work because Inline::C cannot be "use"d directly.
our @ISA = qw( Inline::C ); ## no critic (ISA)

# Development releases will have a _0xx version suffix.
# We eval the version number to accommodate dev. version numbering, as
# described in perldoc perlmodstyle.
our $VERSION = '0.53';
#$VERSION = eval $VERSION; ## no critic (eval)

    no warnings 'once'; ## no critic (warnings)
    $TYPEMAP_KIND = $Inline::CPP::Grammar::TYPEMAP_KIND;

# Register Inline::CPP as an Inline language module
sub register {
    use Config;
    return {
        language => 'CPP',
        aliases  =>
            [ 'cpp','C++', 'c++', 'Cplusplus', 'cplusplus', 'CXX', 'cxx' ],
        type     => 'compiled',
        suffix   => $Config{dlext},
} ### Tested.

# Validate the C++ config options: Now mostly done in Inline::C
sub validate {
    my ( $o, @config_options     )  =  @_;
    my ( $flavor_defs, $iostream );

    {   # "used only once" warning. We know it's ok.
        no warnings 'once'; ## no critic (warnings)
        ## no critic (package variable)

        # Set default compiler and libraries.
            ||= $Inline::CPP::Config::compiler;
            ||= _make_arrayref( $Inline::CPP::Config::libs );
        $flavor_defs = $Inline::CPP::Config::cpp_flavor_defs; # "Standard"?
        $iostream    = $Inline::CPP::Config::iostream_fn; # iostream filename.

    # I haven't traced it out yet, but $o->{STRUCT} gets set before getting
    # properly set from Inline::C's validate().
    $o->{STRUCT} ||= {
        '.macros' => q{},   '.any' => 0,
        '.xs'     => q{},   '.all' => 0,

    _build_auto_include( $o, $flavor_defs, $iostream );

        unless defined $o->{ILSM}{PRESERVE_ELLIPSIS};

    # Filter out the parameters we treat differently than Inline::C,
    # forwarding unknown requests back up to Inline::C.
    my @propagate = _handle_config_options( $o, @config_options );
    $o->SUPER::validate(@propagate) if @propagate;


sub _build_auto_include {
    my ( $o, $flavor_defs, $iostream ) = @_;
    my $auto_include = <<'END';
#define __INLINE_CPP 1
#ifndef bool
#include <%iostream%>
extern "C" {
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#include "INLINE.h"
#ifdef bool
#undef bool
#include <%iostream%>


    $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} ||= $auto_include;
    $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} =   $flavor_defs  .  $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE};
    # Replace %iostream% with the correct iostream library
    $o->{ILSM}{AUTO_INCLUDE} =~ s{%iostream%}{$iostream}xg;

sub _handle_config_options {
    my ( $o, @config_options ) = @_;
    my @propagate;

    while ( @config_options ) {
        my ( $key, $value )
            = (  shift @config_options,  shift @config_options  );
        $key = uc $key;
        if( $key eq 'NAMESPACE' ) {
            _handle_namespace_cfg_option( $o, $value );
        elsif ( $key eq 'LIBS' ) {
            _handle_libs_cfg_option( $o, $value );
        elsif ( $key eq 'ALTLIBS' ) {
            _handle_altlibs_cfg_option( $o, $value );
        elsif (     $key eq 'PRESERVE_ELLIPSIS'
                or  $key eq 'STD_IOSTREAM'      )
            croak "Argument to $key must be 0 or 1"
                unless $value == 0
                    or $value == 1;
            $o->{ILSM}{$key} = $value;
        else {
            push @propagate, $key, $value;
    return @propagate;

sub _handle_namespace_cfg_option {
  my ( $o, $value ) = @_;
  $value =~ s/^::|::$//g;
  croak "$value is an invalid package name."
      length $value == 0
      || $value =~ m/
  $value ||= 'main';
  $o->{API}{pkg} = $value;

sub _handle_libs_cfg_option {
    my( $o, $value ) = @_;
    $value = _make_arrayref( $value );
    _add_libs( $o, $value );

sub _handle_altlibs_cfg_option {
    my( $o, $value ) = @_;
    $value = _make_arrayref( $value );
    push @{ $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{LIBS} }, q{};
    _add_libs( $o, $value );

sub _make_arrayref {
    my $value = shift;
    $value = [ $value ] unless ref $value eq 'ARRAY';
    return $value;

sub _add_libs {
    my( $o, $libs ) = @_;
    my $num = scalar @{ $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{LIBS} } - 1;
    $o->{ILSM}{MAKEFILE}{LIBS}[$num] .= q{ } . $_
        for @{ $libs };

# Print a small report if PRINT_INFO option is set
sub info {
    my $o     = shift;
    my $info  = q{};

    $o->parse unless $o->{ILSM}{parser};
    my $data = $o->{ILSM}{parser}{data};

    my ( @class, @func );
    if ( defined $data->{classes} ) {
        for my $class ( sort @{ $data->{classes} } ) {
            my @parents =
                grep { $_->{thing} eq 'inherits' } @{$data->{class}{$class}};
            push @class, "\tclass $class";
            push @class,
                ( ' : '
                  . join ( ', ',
                        map { $_->{scope} . q{ } . $_->{name} } @parents ) )
                if @parents;
            push @class, " {\n";
            for my $thing (
                sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} }
                @{ $data->{class}{$class} }
            ) {
                my ( $name, $scope, $type )
                    = @{$thing}{ qw(name scope thing) };
                next unless $scope eq 'public' and $type eq 'method';
                next unless $o->check_type(
                    $name eq $class,
                    $name eq "~$class",
                my $rtype = $thing->{rtype} || q{};
                push @class, "\t\t$rtype" . ( $rtype ? q{ } : q{} );
                push @class, $class . "::$name(";
                my @args = grep { $_->{name} ne '...' } @{$thing->{args}};
                my $ellipsis =
                    ( scalar @{ $thing->{args} } - scalar @args ) != 0;
                push @class,
                    join ', ',
                            map { "$_->{type} $_->{name}" } @args
                        $ellipsis ? '...' : ();
                push @class, ");\n";
            push @class, "\t};\n"
    if ( defined $data->{functions} ) {
        for my $function ( sort @{ $data->{functions} } ) {
            my $func = $data->{function}{$function};
            next if $function =~ m/::/x;
            next unless $o->check_type( $func, 0, 0 );
            push @func, "\t" . $func->{rtype} . q{ };
            push @func, $func->{name} . '(';
            my @args = grep { $_->{name} ne '...' } @{ $func->{args} };
            my $ellipsis = ( scalar @{ $func->{args} } - scalar @args ) != 0;
            push @func,
                join ', ',
                    ( map { "$_->{type} $_->{name}" } @args ),
                    $ellipsis ? '...' : ();
            push @func, ");\n";

    # Report:
        local $" = q{};
        $info .= "The following classes have been bound to Perl:\n@class\n"
            if @class;
        $info .= "The following functions have been bound to Perl:\n@func\n"
            if @func;
    $info .= Inline::Struct::info( $o ) if $o->{STRUCT}{'.any'};
    return $info;

# Generate a C++ parser
sub get_parser {
    my $o       = shift;
    my $grammar = Inline::CPP::Grammar::grammar()
        or croak "Can't find C++ grammar\n";
    no warnings qw/ once /; ## no critic (warnings)
    $::RD_HINT = 1; # Turns on Parse::RecDescent's warnings/diagnostics.
    require Parse::RecDescent;
    my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new( $grammar );
    $parser->{data}{typeconv} = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv};
    $parser->{ILSM} = $o->{ILSM}; # give parser access to config options
    return $parser;

# Intercept xs_generate and create the typemap file
sub xs_generate {
    my $o = shift;
    return $o->SUPER::xs_generate;

# Return bindings for functions and classes
sub xs_bindings {
    my $o = shift;
    # What is modfname, and why are we taking it from a slice but not using it?
    my ( $pkg, $module ) = @{ $o->{API} }{ qw(pkg module) };
    my $data = $o->{ILSM}{parser}{data};
    my @XS;

    warn "Warning: No Inline C++ functions or classes bound to Perl\n"
         . "Check your C++ for Inline compatibility.\n\n"
        if (
                ( not defined $data->{classes}   )
            and ( not defined $data->{functions} )
            and ( $^W )

    for my $class ( @{ $data->{classes} } ) {
        my $proper_pkg = $pkg . "::$class";
        # Set up the proper namespace
        push @XS, _build_namespace( $module, $proper_pkg );
        push @XS,
             _generate_member_xs_wrappers( $o, $pkg, $class, $proper_pkg );

    push @XS, _remove_xs_prefixes ( $o, $module, $pkg );
    push @XS, _generate_nonmember_xs_wrappers( $o );

    for ( @{ $data->{enums} } ) {
        # Global enums.
        $o->{ILSM}{XS}{BOOT} .= make_enum(  $pkg, @{$_}{ qw( name body ) }  );
    return join q{}, @XS;

# Set up the proper namespace.
sub _build_namespace {
    my ( $module, $proper_pkg ) = @_;
    return <<"END";

MODULE = $module        PACKAGE = $proper_pkg



sub _generate_member_xs_wrappers {
    my( $o, $pkg, $class, $proper_pkg ) = @_;
    my @XS;
    my $data = $o->{ILSM}{parser}{data};
    my ( $ctor, $dtor, $abstract ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); ## no critic (ambiguous)
    for my $thing ( @{ $data->{class}{$class} } ) {
        my ( $name, $scope, $type ) = @{$thing}{ qw| name scope thing | };

        _handle_inheritance ( $o, $type, $scope, $pkg, $class, $name );
        # Get/set methods will go here:
        # Cases we skip:
        $abstract ||= ( $type eq 'method' and $thing->{abstract} );
        next if ( $type eq 'method' and $thing->{abstract} );
        next if   $scope ne 'public';
        if ( $type eq 'enum' ) {
            $o->{ILSM}{XS}{BOOT} .= make_enum(
                $proper_pkg, $name, $thing->{body}
        } elsif (  $type eq 'method'  and  $name !~ m/operator/  ) {
            # generate an XS wrapper
            $ctor ||= ( $name eq $class    );
            $dtor ||= ( $name eq "~$class" );
            push @XS, $o->wrap( $thing, $name, $class );

    # Provide default constructor and destructor:
    push @XS, "$class *\n${class}::new()\n\n"
        unless ( $ctor or $abstract );

    push @XS, "void\n${class}::DESTROY()\n\n"
        unless ( $dtor or $abstract );
    return @XS;

# Let Perl handle inheritance.
sub _handle_inheritance {
    my( $o, $type, $scope, $pkg, $class, $name ) = @_;
    if ( $type eq 'inherits' and $scope eq 'public' ) {
        $o->{ILSM}{XS}{BOOT} ||= q{};
        my $ISA_name = "${pkg}::${class}::ISA";
        my $parent = "${pkg}::${name}";
        $o->{ILSM}{XS}{BOOT} .= <<"END";
#ifndef get_av
    AV *isa = perl_get_av("$ISA_name", 1);
    AV *isa = get_av("$ISA_name", 1);
    av_push(isa, newSVpv("$parent", 0));

sub _generate_nonmember_xs_wrappers {
    my $o = shift;
    my $data = $o->{ILSM}{parser}{data};
    my @XS;
    for my $function ( @{ $data->{functions} } ) {
        # lose constructor defs outside class decls (and "implicit int")
        next if $data->{function}{$function}{rtype} eq q{};
        next if $data->{function}{$function}{rtype} =~ m/static/;  #specl case
        next if $function =~ m/::/x;       # skip member functions.
        next if $function =~ m/operator/;  # and operators.
        push @XS, $o->wrap( $data->{function}{$function}, $function );
    return @XS;

# Generate XS code to remove prefixes from function names.
sub _remove_xs_prefixes {
    my( $o, $module, $pkg ) = @_;
    my $prefix = (
            ? "PREFIX = $o->{ILSM}{XS}{PREFIX}"
            : q{}
    return <<"END";

MODULE = $module        PACKAGE = $pkg  $prefix




# Generate an XS wrapper around anything: a C++ method or function
sub wrap {
    my( $o, $thing, $name, $class ) = @_;
    $class ||= q{};
    my $t  =   q{ } x 4; # indents in 4-space increments.
    my ( @XS, @PREINIT, @CODE );

    my ( $XS, $ctor, $dtor )
        = _map_subnames_cpp_to_perl( $thing, $name, $class );

    push @XS, $XS;

    return q{} unless $o->check_type( $thing, $ctor, $dtor );

    # Filter out optional subroutine arguments
    my ( @args, @opts, $ellipsis, $void );

    $_->{optional} ? push @opts, $_ : push @args, $_
        for @{ $thing->{args} };

    $ellipsis = pop @args
        if ( @args and $args[-1]{name} eq '...' );

    $void = ( $thing->{rtype} and $thing->{rtype} eq 'void' );

    push @XS, join q{}, (
        join( ', ',
              ( map {$_->{name}} @args ),
              ( scalar @opts or $ellipsis ) ? '...' : ()

    # Declare the non-optional arguments for XS type-checking
    push @XS, "\t$_->{type}\t$_->{name}\n" for @args;

    # Wrap "complicated" subs in stack-checking code
    if ( $void or $ellipsis ) {
        push @PREINIT, "\tI32 *\t__temp_markstack_ptr;\n";
        push @CODE,    "\t__temp_markstack_ptr = PL_markstack_ptr++;\n";

    if ( @opts ) {
        push @PREINIT, "\t$_->{type}\t$_->{name};\n" for @opts;
        push @CODE,    'switch(items'
                       . ( $class ? '-1' : q{} )
                       . ") {\n";

        my $offset = scalar @args; # which is the first optional?
        my $total  = $offset + scalar @opts;
        for my $i (  $offset .. $total - 1  ) {
            push @CODE, 'case ' . ( $i + 1 ) . ":\n";
            my @tmp;
            for my $j (  $offset .. $i  ) {
                my $targ = $opts[ $j - $offset ]{name};
                my $type = $opts[ $j - $offset ]{type};
                my $src  = "ST($j)";
                my $conv = $o->typeconv( $targ,$src,$type,'input_expr' );
                push @CODE, $conv . ";\n";
                push @tmp,  $targ;
            push @CODE, "\tRETVAL = " unless $void;
            push @CODE, call_or_instantiate(
                $name, $ctor, $dtor, $class,
                $thing->{rconst}, $thing->{rtype},
                ( map { $_->{name} } @args ),   @tmp
            push @CODE, "\tbreak; /* case " . ( $i + 1 ) . " */\n";
        push @CODE, "default:\n";
        push @CODE, "\tRETVAL = " unless $void;
        push @CODE, call_or_instantiate(
            $name, $ctor, $dtor, $class, $thing->{rconst}, $thing->{rtype},
            map { $_->{name} } @args
        push @CODE, "} /* switch(items) */ \n";
    elsif ( $void ) {
        push @CODE, "\t";
        push @CODE, call_or_instantiate(
            $name, $ctor, $dtor, $class, 0, q{},
            map { $_->{name} } @args
    elsif ( $ellipsis or $thing->{rconst} ) {
        push @CODE, "\t";
        push @CODE, 'RETVAL = ';
        push @CODE, call_or_instantiate(
            $name, $ctor, $dtor, $class,
            $thing->{rconst},   $thing->{rtype},
            map { $_->{name} } @args
    if ( $void ) {
        push @CODE, <<'END';
        if (PL_markstack_ptr != __temp_markstack_ptr) {
          /* truly void, because dXSARGS not invoked */
          PL_markstack_ptr = __temp_markstack_ptr;
          XSRETURN_EMPTY; /* return empty stack */
        /* must have used dXSARGS; list context implied */
        return; /* assume stack size is correct */
    elsif ( $ellipsis ) {
        push @CODE, "\tPL_markstack_ptr = __temp_markstack_ptr;\n";

    # The actual function:
    local $" = q{};
    push @XS, "${t}PREINIT:\n@PREINIT" if @PREINIT;
    push @XS, $t;
    push @XS, 'PP' if $void and @CODE;
    push @XS, "CODE:\n@CODE" if @CODE;
    push @XS, "${t}OUTPUT:\nRETVAL\n" if @CODE and not $void;
    push @XS, "\n";
    return "@XS";

sub _map_subnames_cpp_to_perl {
    my ( $thing, $name, $class ) = @_;
    my ( $XS,    $ctor, $dtor  ) = ( q{}, 0, 0 );

    if ( $name eq $class ) {  # ctor
        $XS   = $class . " *\n" . $class . '::new';
        $ctor = 1;
    elsif ( $name eq "~$class" ) { # dtor
        $XS   = "void\n$class" . '::DESTROY';
        $dtor = 1;
    elsif ( $class ) {        # method
        $XS   = "$thing->{rtype}\n$class" . "::$thing->{name}";
    else {          # function
        $XS   = "$thing->{rtype}\n$thing->{name}";
    return ( $XS, $ctor, $dtor );

sub call_or_instantiate {
    my (  $name,   $ctor,  $dtor,  $class, $const,  $type,  @args  ) = @_;

    # Create an rvalue (which might be const-casted later).
    my $rval = q{};
    $rval .= 'new '    if $ctor;
    $rval .= 'delete ' if $dtor;
    $rval .= 'THIS->'  if ( $class and not ( $ctor or $dtor ) );
    $rval .= $name . '(' . join ( q{,}, @args ) . ')';

    return const_cast( $rval, $const, $type ) . ";\n";
} ### Tested.

sub const_cast {
    my( $value, $const, $type ) = @_;
    return $value unless $const and $type =~ m/[*&]/x;
    return "const_cast<$type>($value)";
} ### Tested.

sub write_typemap {
    my $o         = shift;
    my $filename  = "$o->{API}{build_dir}/";
    my $type_kind = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{type_kind};
    my $typemap   = q{};
    $typemap  .=  $_  .  "\t" x 2  .  $TYPEMAP_KIND  .  "\n"
        for grep { $type_kind->{$_} eq $TYPEMAP_KIND } keys %{$type_kind};
    return unless length $typemap;

    my $tm_output = <<"END";

    # Open an output file, create if necessary, then lock, then truncate.
    # This replaces the following, which wasn't lock-safe:
      #    open my $TYPEMAP_FH, '>', $filename
      #        or croak "Error: Can't write to $filename: $!";

    sysopen( my $TYPEMAP_FH, $filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT )
      or croak "Error: Can't write to $filename: $!";

    # Flock and truncate (truncating to zero length to simulate '>' mode).
    flock $TYPEMAP_FH, LOCK_EX
      or croak "Error: Can't obtain lock for $filename: $!";
    truncate $TYPEMAP_FH, 0
      or croak "Error: Can't truncate $filename: $!";

    # End of new lock-safe code.
    print {$TYPEMAP_FH} $tm_output;

    close $TYPEMAP_FH
        or croak "Error: Can't close $filename after write: $!";

    $o->validate( TYPEMAPS => $filename );

# Generate type conversion code: perl2c or c2perl.
sub typeconv {
    my( $o, $var, $arg, $type, $dir, $preproc ) = @_;
    my $tkind = $o->{ILSM}{typeconv}{type_kind}{$type};
    my $ret;
        no strict;  ## no critic (strict)
        # The conditional avoids uninitialized warnings if user passes
        # a C++ function with 'void' as param.
        if( defined $tkind ) {
            # eval of typemap gives "Uninit"
	          no warnings 'uninitialized'; ## no critic (warnings)
            # Even without the conditional this line must remain.
            $ret = eval                                    ## no critic (eval)
        } else {
            $ret = q{};
    chomp $ret;
    $ret =~ s/\n/\\\n/xg if $preproc;
    return $ret;

# Verify that the return type and all arguments can be bound to Perl.
sub check_type {
    my ( $o, $thing, $ctor, $dtor ) = @_;
    my $badtype;

    # strip "useless" modifiers so the type is found in typemap:
    BADTYPE: while ( 1 ) {
    if ( !( $ctor || $dtor ) ) {
        my $t = $thing->{rtype};
        $t =~ s/^(\s|const|virtual|static)+//xg;
        if ( $t ne 'void' && !$o->typeconv( q{}, q{}, $t, 'output_expr' ) ) {
            $badtype = $t;
            last BADTYPE;
    foreach ( map { $_->{type} } @{ $thing->{args} } ) {
        if ( $_ ne '...' && !$o->typeconv( q{}, q{}, $_, 'input_expr' ) ) {
            $badtype = $_;
            last BADTYPE;
    return 1;
    # I don't really like this verbosity. This is what 'info' is for. Maybe we
    # should ask Brian for an Inline=DEBUG option.
    warn    "No typemap for type $badtype. "
            . "Skipping $thing->{rtype} $thing->{name}("
            . join( ', ', map { $_->{type} } @{ $thing->{args} } )
            . ")\n"
        if 0;
    return 0;

# Generate boot-code for enumeration constants:
sub make_enum {
    my ( $class, $name, $body ) = @_;
    my @enum;
    push @enum, <<"END";
\t    HV * pkg = gv_stashpv(\"$class\", 1);
\t    if (pkg == NULL)
\t        croak("Can't find package '$class'\\n");
    my $val = 0;
    foreach ( @{$body} ) {
        my ( $k, $v ) = @{$_};
        $val = $v if defined $v;
        push @enum, "\tnewCONSTSUB(pkg, \"$k\", newSViv($val));\n";
    push @enum, "\t}\n";
    return join q{}, @enum;

