The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 81;
use Pod::Advent;
use IO::CaptureOutput qw(capture);

sub test_snippet {
  my $desc     = shift;
  my $pod      = shift;
  my $expected = shift;
  my $no_extra_newline = shift || 0;
  my $s;
  my $ADVENT = Pod::Advent->new;
  $Pod::Advent::BODY_ONLY = 1;
  $ADVENT->output_string( \$s );
  $ADVENT->parse_string_document("=pod\n\n" . $pod . "\n\n=cut");
  is( $s, $expected.($no_extra_newline?'':"\n"), $desc );

sub test_error {
  my $desc     = shift;
  my $pod      = shift;
  my $expected = shift;
  my $s;
  my $ADVENT = Pod::Advent->new;
  $Pod::Advent::BODY_ONLY = 1;
  $ADVENT->output_string( \$s );
  my $rc = eval {
    $ADVENT->parse_string_document("=pod\n\n" . $pod . "\n\n=cut");
  is( $rc, undef, "{error checking} $desc - got undef" );
  like( $@, qr/^$expected\n$/, "{error checking} $desc - got error" );

test_snippet 'bold line', 'This is a B<test>.', '<p>This is a <span style="font-weight: bold">test</span>.</p>';

test_snippet 'italics line', 'This is a I<test>.', '<p>This is a <span style="font-style: italic">test</span>.</p>';

test_snippet 'A<url>', 'A<>', '<p><a href=""></a></p>';
test_snippet 'A<#anchor>', 'A<>', '<p><a href=""></a></p>';
test_snippet 'A<#anchor|desc>', 'A<|line 3>', '<p><a href="">line 3</a></p>';
test_snippet 'A<url|desc>', 'A<|stuff>', '<p><a href="">stuff</a></p>';
test_snippet 'M<Module::Name>', 'M<Foo::Bar>', '<p><tt><a href="" title="Foo::Bar">Foo::Bar</a></tt></p>';
test_snippet 'M<Module::Name|title>', 'M<Foo::Bar|FB>', '<p><tt><a href="" title="Foo::Bar">FB</a></tt></p>';

test_snippet 'L<>', 'L<test>', '<p><a href="test">test</a></p>';
test_snippet 'F<>', 'F<test>', '<p><tt>test</tt></p>';
test_snippet 'C<>', 'C<test>', qq{<p><tt><span class="w">test</span></tt></p>};
test_snippet 'I<>', 'I<test>', '<p><span style="font-style: italic">test</span></p>';
test_snippet 'B<>', 'B<test>', '<p><span style="font-weight: bold">test</span></p>';
test_snippet 'B<I<>>', 'B<foo I<test> bar>', '<p><span style="font-weight: bold">foo <span style="font-style: italic">test</span> bar</span></p>';
test_snippet 'P<> a', 'P<2008-1>', '<p><a href="../../2008/1/">2008/1</a></p>';
test_snippet 'P<> b', 'P<2008-1|One>', '<p><a href="../../2008/1/">One</a></p>';
test_snippet 'P<> c', 'P<2008-12-1>', '<p><a href="../../2008/1/">2008/1</a></p>';
test_snippet 'P<> d', 'P<2008-12-1|One>', '<p><a href="../../2008/1/">One</a></p>';
test_snippet 'P<> e', 'P<2008-01>', '<p><a href="../../2008/1/">2008/1</a></p>';
test_snippet 'D<>', 'D<test>', '<p>test</p>';
test_snippet 'D<F<>>', 'D<foo F<test> bar>', '<p>foo <tt>test</tt> bar</p>';

my $y = (localtime)[5]+1900;  # make sure current year checks out
test_snippet "P<> a - $y", "P<$y-1>", qq{<p><a href="../../$y/1/">$y/1</a></p>};

test_snippet 'code', qq{=begin code\n\nfoo\n\n=end code}, q{<pre>
<span class="w">foo</span>
test_snippet 'codeNNN', qq{=begin codeNNN\n\nfoo\n\n=end codeNNN}, q{<pre>
   1 <span class="w">foo</span>
test_snippet 'pre', qq{=begin pre\n\nfoo\n\n=end pre}, q{<pre><span class="c">foo</span></pre>};
test_snippet 'pre-html-entities', qq{=begin pre\n\nfoo < > & bar\n\n=end pre}, q{<pre><span class="c">foo < > & bar</span></pre>};
test_snippet 'pre-html-entities-encode', qq{=begin pre encode_entities\n\nfoo < > & bar\n\n=end pre}, q{<pre><span class="c">foo &lt; &gt; &amp; bar</span></pre>};
test_snippet 'quote', qq{=begin quote\n\nfoo\n\n=end quote}, q{<blockquote><p>foo</p>
}, 1;
test_snippet 'eds', qq{=begin eds\n\nfoo\n\n=end eds}, q{<blockquote><p>foo</p>
}, 1;

test_snippet 'unknown', qq{=begin unknown\n\nfoo\n\n=end unknown}, '', 1;

test_snippet 'head1', qq{=head1 foo}, q{<h1>foo</h1>};
test_snippet 'head1a', qq{=head1 foo\nbar}, q{<h1>foo bar</h1>};
test_snippet 'head1b', qq{=head1 foo\n\nbar}, qq{<h1>foo</h1>\n<p>bar</p>};
test_snippet 'head2', qq{=head2 foo}, q{<h2>foo</h2>};
test_snippet 'head3', qq{=head3 foo}, q{<h3>foo</h3>};
test_snippet 'head4', qq{=head4 foo}, q{<h4>foo</h4>};

test_snippet 'html-b/i', q{foo<b>bar</b><i>stuff</i>}, q{<p>foo<b>bar</b><i>stuff</i></p>};

test_snippet 'html-tt.1', q{<tt>CPANZ<></tt>}, q{<p><tt>CPAN</tt></p>};
test_snippet 'html-tt.2', q{<tt>CPANE<lt>/tt>}, q{<p><tt>CPAN</tt></p>};

test_snippet 'html-comment.1', qq{<!-- foo bar -->}, q{<p><!-- foo bar --></p>};
test_snippet 'html-comment.2', qq{<!-- foo B<bar> -->}, q{<p><!-- foo <span style="font-weight: bold">bar</span> --></p>};
test_snippet 'html-comment.3', qq{<!--\nfoo bar\n-->}, q{<p><!-- foo bar --></p>};

local $TODO = 'need to figure out how to do special treatment of html comments';
test_snippet 'html-comment.4', qq{<!--\n\nfoo bar\n\n-->}, q{<p><!--
<p>foo bar</p>
}, 1;
test_snippet 'html-comment.5', qq{<!-- more \n\nfoo bar\n\nstuff -->}, q{<p><!-- more
<p>foo bar</p>
stuff --></p>
}, 1;


my $NEXTYEAR = (localtime)[5] + 1900 + 1;
foreach my $s ( qw{
    } ){
  test_error "P<$s>", "P<$s>", qr{invalid date from P<\Q$s\E> at .*?lib/Pod/ line \d+.};

test_error "N<foo>", "N<foo>", qr{footnote 'foo' is not defined at .*?lib/Pod/ line \d+.};
test_error "N<foo>,N<foo>", "N<foo>,N<foo>", qr{footnote 'foo' is already referenced at .*?lib/Pod/ line \d+.};
test_error "footnote foo", <<EOF, qr{footnote 'foo' is not referenced. at .*?lib/Pod/ line \d+.};
=begin footnote foo

blah B<and> stuff

=end footnote foo

local $TODO = 'may not be able to properly interpolate tags in =for values';
test_snippet "author D<>", "=for advent_author D<Bill 'N1VUX'> Ricker\n\n=head1 foo", "foo";