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package Biblio::Citation::Compare;

use 5.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Text::LevenshteinXS qw(distance);
use HTML::Entities;
use Text::Names qw/samePerson cleanName parseName/;

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
	sameWork sameAuthors toString
) ] );

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw( );

our $VERSION = '0.21';

# to correct bogus windows entities. unfixable ones are converted to spaces.
my %WIN2UTF = (
    hex('80')=> hex('20AC'),#  #EURO SIGN
    hex('81')=> hex('0020'),           #UNDEFINED
    hex('82')=> hex('201A'),#  #SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
    hex('83')=> hex('0192'),#  #LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK
    hex('84')=> hex('201E'),#  #DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK
    hex('85')=> hex('2026'),#  #HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
    hex('86')=> hex('2020'),#  #DAGGER
    hex('87')=> hex('2021'),#  #DOUBLE DAGGER
    hex('88')=> hex('02C6'),#  #MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
    hex('89')=> hex('2030'),#  #PER MILLE SIGN
    hex('8A')=> hex('0160'),#  #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON
    hex('8C')=> hex('0152'),#  #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE
    hex('8D')=> hex('0020'),#  #UNDEFINED
    hex('8E')=> hex('017D'),#  #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON
    hex('8F')=> hex('0020'),#  #UNDEFINED
    hex('90')=> hex('0020'),#  #UNDEFINED
    hex('91')=> hex('2018'),#  #LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
    hex('92')=> hex('2019'),#  #RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
    hex('93')=> hex('201C'),#  #LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
    hex('94')=> hex('201D'),#  #RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
    hex('95')=> hex('2022'),#  #BULLET
    hex('96')=> hex('2013'),#  #EN DASH
    hex('97')=> hex('2014'),#  #EM DASH
    hex('98')=> hex('02DC'),#  #SMALL TILDE
    hex('99')=> hex('2122'),#  #TRADE MARK SIGN
    hex('9A')=> hex('0161'),#  #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON
    hex('9C')=> hex('0153'),#  #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE
    hex('9D')=> hex('0020'),#  #UNDEFINED
    hex('9E')=> hex('017E'),#  #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON
    hex('9F')=> hex('0178')#  #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
my $PARENS = '\s*([\[\(])(.+?)([\]\)])\s*';
my $QUOTE = '"“”`¨´‘’‛“”‟„′″‴‵‶‷⁗❛❜❝❞';
#my $TITLE_SPLIT = '(?:\?|\:|\.|!|\"|[$QUOTE]\b)';
my $TITLE_SPLIT = '(?:\?|\:|\.|!)';

sub sameAuthors {
    my ($list1, $list2) = @_;
    #return 0 if $#$list1 != $#$list2;
    if ($#$list2 > $#$list1) {
        my $t = $list1;
        $list1 = $list2;
        $list2 = $t;
    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#$list2; $i++) {
        return 0 unless grep { samePerson($list2->[$i],$_) } @$list1;
    return 1;

sub firstAuthor {
    my $e = shift;
    my $a = $e->{authors};
    if ($#$a > -1) {
        return $a->[0];
    } else {
        return undef;

sub sameWork {

    my $debug = 0;

 	my ($e, $c, $threshold,$loose,$nolinks) = @_;
    $loose = 0 unless defined $loose;
    $threshold = 0.15 unless $threshold;

    if ($debug) {
        warn "sameEntry 1: " . toString($e);
        warn "sameEntry 2: " . toString($c);

    if (defined $e->{doi} and length $e->{doi} and defined $c->{doi} and length $c->{doi}) {
        return 1 if $e->{doi} eq $c->{doi};

	return 0 if (!$c);

    # normalize encoding of relevant fields
    local $e->{title} = decodeHTMLEntities($e->{title});
    local $c->{title} = decodeHTMLEntities($c->{title});

    # first check if authors,date, and title are almost literally the same
    my $tsame = (lc $e->{title} eq lc $c->{title}) ? 1 : 0;
    my $asame = sameAuthors($e->{authors},$c->{authors});
    my $dsame = (defined $e->{date} and defined $c->{date} and $e->{date} eq $c->{date}) ? 1 : 0;

    if ($debug) {
        warn "tsame: $tsame";
        warn "asame: $asame";
        warn "dsame: $dsame";

    return 1 if ($tsame and $asame and $dsame);

	# if authors quite different, not same
    if (!$asame) {
        #print "$lname1, $lname2<br>";
        #print my_dist_text($lname1,$lname2); 
        warn "authors too different" if $debug;
     	return 0;

    warn "pre number check" if $debug;
	# if titles differ by a number, not the same
	return 0 if !$tsame and numdiff($e->{title},$c->{title});

    warn "pre title length" if $debug;
	# if title very different in lengths and do not contain ":" or brackets, not the same
	return 0 if !$tsame and (
                    abs(length($e->{title}) - length($c->{title})) > 20 
					($e->{title} !~ /$TITLE_SPLIT/ and $c->{title} !~ /$TITLE_SPLIT/)
					($e->{title} !~ /$PARENS/ and $c->{title} !~ /$PARENS/)

	# Compare links
    if (!$nolinks) {
        foreach my $l (@{$e->{links}}) {
#            print "Links e:\n" . join("\n",$e->getLinks);
#            print "Links c:\n" . join("\n",$c->getLinks);
            return 1 if grep { $l eq $_} @{$c->{links}};

    # check dates
    my $compat_dates = $dsame;
    if (!$dsame and defined $e->{date} and defined $c->{date} and $e->{date} =~ /^\d\d\d\d$/ and $c->{date} =~ /^\d\d\d\d$/ ) {

        $compat_dates = 0;
        #disabled for most cases because we want to conflate editions and republications for now. 
        if ($e->{title} =~ /^Introduction.?$/ or $e->{title} =~ /^Preface.?$/) {
            return 0 if ($e->{source} and $e->{source} ne $c->{source}) or 
                        ($e->{volume} and $e->{volume} ne $c->{volume});
        if ($loose) {
            $threshold /= 2;
        } else {
            $threshold /= 3;
   # authors same, loosen for title 
    if ($asame and $compat_dates) {
       $loose = 1;

    warn "pre loose mode: loose = $loose" if $debug;

    #print "threshold $lname1,$lname2: $threshold\n";
	# ok if distance short enough without doing anything
	#print "distance: " . distance(lc $e->{title},lc $c->{title}) / (length($e->{title}) +1) . "\n";

	# perform fuzzy matching
   	#my $str1 = "$e->{date}|$e->{title}";
	my $str1 = _strip_non_word($e->{title});
	my $str2 = _strip_non_word($c->{title});

    # remove brackets 
    $str1 =~ s/$PARENS//g;
    $str2 =~ s/$PARENS//g;

    warn "$str1 -- $str2" if $debug;
    # ultimate test
    my $score = (my_dist_text($str1,$str2) / (length($str1) +1));
    #print $score . "<br>\n";
 	return 1 if ( $score < $threshold);

	# now if loose mode and only one of the titles has a ":" or other punctuation, compare the part before the punc with the other title instead
    if ($loose) {

        warn "loose: $str1 -- $str2" if $debug;
        return 1 if (my_dist_text($str1,$str2) / (length($str1) +1) < $threshold);

        if ($e->{title} =~ /(.+)\s*$TITLE_SPLIT\s*(.+)/) {

            my $str1 = _strip_non_word($1);
            if ($c->{title} =~ /(.+)\s*$TITLE_SPLIT\s*(.+)/) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                if (my_dist_text($str1,$str2) / (length($str1) +1)< $threshold) {
                    return 1;

        } elsif ($c->{title} =~ /(.+)\s*$TITLE_SPLIT\s*(.+)/) {

            my $str2 = _strip_non_word($1);
            if (my_dist_text($str1,$str2) / (length($str1) +1)< $threshold) {
                return 1;

        } else {

            return 0;

    return 0;

sub _strip_non_word {
    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/[^\w\)\]\(\[]+/ /g;
    $str =~ s/\s+/ /g;

sub numdiff {
	my ($s1,$s2) = @_;
	#print "----checking numdiff (($s1,$s2))\n";
    my @n1 = ($s1 =~ /\b([IXV0-9]{1,4}|first|second|third|fourth|fifth|1st|2nd|3rd|4th)\b/ig);
    my @n2 = ($s2 =~ /\b([IXV0-9]{1,4}|first|second|third|fourth|fifth|1st|2nd|3rd|4th)\b/ig);
    #print "In s1:" . join(",",@n1) . "\n";
    #print "In s2:" . join(",",@n2) . "\n";
    return 0 if $#n1 ne $#n2;
    for (0..$#n1) {
        return 1 if lc $n1[$_] ne lc $n2[$_];
    #print "Not diff\n";
    return 0;
    my $num1 = undef;
    my $num2 = undef;
	$num1 = $1 if ($s1 =~ /\W([IV1-9]{1,4})(((\W|$).{0,3}$)|(\W\s*:))/);
    $num2 = $1 if ($s2 =~ /\W([IV1-9]{1,4})(((\W|$).{0,3}$)|(\W\s*:))/);
    return $num1 eq $num2 ? 0 : 1;

sub my_dist_text {
	my $a = lc shift;
	my $b = lc shift;
	$a =~ s/_/ /g;
	$b =~ s/_/ /g;
	return distance($a, $b);

sub decodeHTMLEntities {
    my $in = shift;
    $in =~ s/&([\d\w\#]+);/&safe_decode($1)/gei;
    return $in;

sub safe_decode {
    my $in = shift;
    if (substr($in,0,1) eq '#') {
        my $num = substr($in,1,1) eq 'x' ? hex(substr($in,1)) : substr($in,1);
        # we check and fix cp1232 entities
        return ($num < 127 or $num > 159) ? 
            HTML::Entities::decode_entities("&$in;") :
            HTML::Entities::decode_entities("&#" . $WIN2UTF{$num} . ";");
    } else {

sub toString {
    my $h = shift;
    return join("; ",@{$h->{authors}}) . " ($h->{date}) $h->{title}\n";


=head1 NAME

Biblio::Citation::Compare - Perl extension for performing fuzzy comparisons between bibliographic citations


  use Biblio::Citation::Compare 'sameWork','sameAuthors';

    # first item
        authors => ['Bourget, D','Lukasiak, Zbigniew'],
        title => "A paper with such and such a title",
        date => 2010
    # second item
        authors => ['Bourget, David J. R.','Lukasiak, Zbigniew'],
        title => "A paper with such nd such a tlitle",
        date => undef

  # true!

    ['Dave Bourget','Z Lukasiak'],
    ['Bourget DJR','Zbigniew Z. Lukasiak']

  # true!


This module exports two subroutines which perform fuzzy comparisons between citations (described using Perl hashes) and author lists. The subroutine attempt to determine if the citations and author lists refer to the same works and ordered lists of authors, respectively.


=head2 sameWork(hashref citation1, hashref citation2): boolean

Takes as input two citations in a simple format illustrated in the synopsis. Returns true iff the two citations plausibly refer to the same work. A number of factors are taken into account to make the evaluation resistant to random variations. Among them: names are normalized and compared fuzzily using L<Text::Names>, allowances are made for random typos, allowances are made for short and long versions of titles (esp with titles containing a colon), small but important variations as in "Paper title part 1" and "Paper title part 2" are taken into account. The algorithm has been used to merge multiple data sources on L<>. 

Some advanced additional parameters are not explained here; they can only be explained by pointing to the source code. Their use should not normally be necessary.

=head2 sameAuthors(arrayref list1, arrayref list2): boolean

Returns true if the two lists are plausibly lists of the same authors. This is merely a convenient wrapper over L<Text::Names>::samePerson.

=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 SEE ALSO

See also L<Text::Names> for name normalization.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Bourget, 


Copyright (C) 2011 by David Bourget

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
