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use 5.006000;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use File::Copy;
use English;

# Auto-update REQUIRED MODULES documentation if needed
#eval "use Devel::Required text => [ '' ], pod => [qw(lib/Business/, qw(doc/README.pod), qw(doc/INSTALL.pod), qw(UserTag/business-shipping.tag)]";

# Defaults

my %my_globals = (
	SUPPORT_FILES_DIR	=> '/var/perl/Business-Shipping'

=head1 USAGE

 perl Makefile.PL [--use_defaults=<1|0>] [-u=<1|0>]
 -u=1 or --use_defaults=1: Use default values, do not ask for values.  
 This option is only available if you have Getopt::Mixed installed.


$::UseDefaults = $ENV{ BS_USE_DEFAULTS } ? 1 : 0;

if ( @ARGV ) {
    eval "use Getopt::Mixed";
    if ( ! $@ ) {
        $::UseOptions = 1;

if ( $::UseOptions ) {
    our $opt_u;
    Getopt::Mixed::getOptions( 'u:i use_defaults>u' );
    my %rr_params;
    if ( $opt_u ) {
        $::UseDefaults = 1;

    NAME			=> 'Business::Shipping',
    VERSION_FROM	=> 'lib/Business/',
    ABSTRACT		=> 'Business::Shipping - Rates and tracking for UPS and USPS',
    AUTHOR		    => 'Dan Browning <>',
	CONFIGURE		=> \&extra_WriteMakefile_options,
    PREREQ_PM		=> { 
        'Class::MethodMaker::Engine' => 0,
        'Log::Log4perl'              => 0,
        'Scalar::Util'               => 0,
        'Test::More'                 => 0.40,
    EXE_FILES       => [

# Override the standard "install" target, so that it calls "support_files_install"

sub MY::install {
	package MY;
	my $inherited = shift->SUPER::install(@_);
	my $new; 
	for ( split( "\n", $inherited ) ) {
		if ( /^install :: / ) {
			$_ .= " support_files_install";
		$new .= "$_\n";
	return $new;

sub MY::postamble {
	return qq{
docs :
	find lib -name '*.pm' -or -name '*.pod' -exec podchecker -nowarnings {} \\;
	pod2text doc/INSTALL.pod > INSTALL
	pod2html doc/INSTALL.pod > doc/INSTALL.html
	pod2text doc/INSTALL.pod > doc/INSTALL.txt
	pod2text lib/Business/ > README
	pod2text lib/Business/ > doc/README.txt
	pod2html lib/Business/ > doc/README.html
support_files_install :
	\@echo "Installing support files (database, configuration, etc.) to $my_globals{SUPPORT_FILES_DIR}"
	\@\$(MKPATH) $my_globals{SUPPORT_FILES_DIR}/log
	\@\$(MKPATH) $my_globals{SUPPORT_FILES_DIR}/config
	\@\$(CP) --recursive --force config/* $my_globals{SUPPORT_FILES_DIR}/config/
};  #/qq

sub extra_WriteMakefile_options {
    my $module = "Business::Shipping";
    if ( not $::UseDefaults ) {

    my $question = qq(
             ---  $module Support files directory  ---
$module module comes with various support files for configuration, logging, etc.
Please input the path you would like to copy these files to.  You can modify the
path later by changing the file.

On many systems, this directory will only be accessible by the user who 
installed perl, typically root.

Note: If you wish to use offline cost estimation, the data files should be 
installed: Business::Shipping::DataFiles.

$module Support files directory:);

	$my_globals{ SUPPORT_FILES_DIR } = prompt( 
		$my_globals{ SUPPORT_FILES_DIR },
    } # end if not use defaults
	$my_globals{ SUPPORT_FILES_DIR } =~ s:[\\/]\s*$::;
	$my_globals{ SUPPORT_FILES_DIR } =~ s:^\s*::;

    # Now we are going to substitute the support files directory in 
    # lib/Business/Shipping/
        variables => {
            SUPPORT_FILES_DIR => $my_globals{ SUPPORT_FILES_DIR }
        files     => [


=head1 METHODS

=head2 subst( files => [ ], variables => { } )

Converts variables, like so:
 $a = '~_~SUPPORT_FILES_DIR~_~';


 $a = '/blah/blah/';


# TODO: Make this Windows compatible

sub subst
    my ( %opt ) = @_;

    return unless $opt{ files } and $opt{ variables };
    my $base_path = '.';
    foreach my $file ( @{ $opt{ files } } ) {
        $file = "$base_path/$file";
        copy( $file, "$file.tmp"  ) or die "Copy failed: $OS_ERROR";
        open( NEW,   ">$file"     ) or die "Open failed: $OS_ERROR";
        open( OLD,   "<$file.tmp" ) or die "Open failed: $OS_ERROR";
        # Read in the entire file for speed.
        # This regex taken from Interchange (
        $_ = <OLD>;
        s{.*\n(#(.*)~_~(\w+)~_~(.*))}{$2 . $opt{ variables }->{ $3 } . "$4\n$1"}eg;
        print NEW $_;
        close NEW;
        close OLD;
        unlink "$file.tmp" or die "Delete failed: $OS_ERROR";