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package Number::Phone::UK;

use strict;

use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Number::Phone::UK::Data;

use base 'Number::Phone';

our $VERSION = 1.61;

my $cache = {};

=head1 NAME

Number::Phone::UK - UK-specific methods for Number::Phone


    use Number::Phone;

    $daves_phone = Number::Phone->new('+44 1234 567890');


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $number = shift;
    die("No number given to ".__PACKAGE__."->new()\n") unless($number);

    if(is_valid($number)) {
        return bless(\$number, $class->_get_class(_clean_number($number)));
    } else { return undef; }

=head1 METHODS

The following methods from Number::Phone are overridden:

=over 4

=item is_valid

The number is valid within the national numbering scheme.  It may or may
not yet be allocated, or it may be reserved.  Any number which returns
true for any of the following methods will also be valid.


sub _get_class {
  my $class = shift;
  my $number = shift;
  foreach my $prefix (_retards($number)) {
    if(exists($Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{subclass}->{$prefix})) {
      my $subclass = join('::', $class, $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{subclass}->{$prefix});
      eval "use $subclass";
      die($@) if($@);
      return $subclass;
  return $class;

sub _clean_number {
    my $clean = shift;
    $clean =~ s/[^0-9+]//g;               # strip non-digits/plusses
    $clean =~ s/^\+44//;                  # remove leading +44
    $clean =~ s/^0//;                     # kill leading zero
    return $clean;

sub _retards {
    my $number = shift;
    map { substr($number, 0, $_) } reverse(1..length($number));

sub is_valid {
    my $number = shift;

    # If called as an object method, it *must* be valid otherwise the
    # object would never have been instantiated.
    # If called as a subroutine, that's the constructor doing its thang.
    return 1 if(blessed($number) && $number->isa(__PACKAGE__));

    # otherwise we have to validate

    # if we've seen this number before, use cached result
    return 1 if($cache->{$number}->{is_valid});

    my $cleaned_number = _clean_number($number);

    my @retards = _retards($cleaned_number);

    # and quickly check length
    $cache->{$number}->{is_valid} = (length($cleaned_number) > 6 && length($cleaned_number) < 11) ? 1 : 0;
    return 0 unless($cache->{$number}->{is_valid});

    $cache->{$number}->{is_allocated} = 
        grep { $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{telco_and_length}->{$_} } @retards;
    if($cache->{$number}->{is_allocated}) {
        my($telco_and_length) = map { $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{telco_and_length}->{$_} } grep { $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{telco_and_length}->{$_} } @retards;
        $cache->{$number}->{operator} = $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{telco_format}->{$telco_and_length}->{telco};
        $cache->{$number}->{format} = $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{telco_format}->{$telco_and_length}->{format};
        if(defined($cache->{$number}->{format}) && $cache->{$number}->{format} =~ /\+/) {
            my($arealength, $subscriberlength) = split(/\+/, $cache->{$number}->{format});
            # for hateful mixed thing
            my @subscriberlengths = ($subscriberlength =~ m{/}) ? split(/\//, $subscriberlength) : ($subscriberlength);
            $subscriberlength =~ s/^(\d+).*/$1/; # for hateful mixed thing
            $cache->{$number}->{areacode} = substr($cleaned_number, 0, $arealength);
            $cache->{$number}->{subscriber} = substr($cleaned_number, $arealength);
            $cache->{$number}->{areaname} = (
                map {
                } grep { $Number::Phone::UK::Data::db->{areanames}->{$_} } @retards
            if(!grep { length($cache->{$number}->{subscriber}) == $_ } @subscriberlengths) {
                # number wrong length!
                $cache->{$number} = undef;
                return 0;
    return $cache->{$number}->{is_valid};

# now define the is_* methods that we over-ride
sub is_fixed_line {
  return 0 if(is_mobile(@_));
  return undef;

foreach my $is (qw(
    geographic network_service tollfree corporate
    personal pager mobile specialrate adult allocated ipphone
)) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{__PACKAGE__."::is_$is"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        warn("DEPRECATION: ".__PACKAGE__."->is_$is should only be called as an object method\n")
        $self = shift if($self eq __PACKAGE__);
        $self = __PACKAGE__->new($self)
            unless(blessed($self) && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__));
        if(!exists($cache->{${$self}}->{"is_$is"})) {
          $cache->{${$self}}->{"is_$is"} = 
            grep {
                { geographic      => 'geo_prefices',
                  network_service => 'network_svc_prefices',
                  tollfree        => 'free_prefices',
                  corporate       => 'corporate_prefices',
                  personal        => 'personal_prefices',
                  pager           => 'pager_prefices',
                  mobile          => 'mobile_prefices',
                  specialrate     => 'special_prefices',
                  adult           => 'adult_prefices',
                  ipphone         => 'ip_prefices'
            } _retards(_clean_number(${$self}));

# define the other methods

foreach my $method (qw(operator areacode areaname subscriber)) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{__PACKAGE__."::$method"} = sub {
        my $self = shift;
        warn("DEPRECATION: ".__PACKAGE__."->$method should only be called as an object method\n")
        $self = (blessed($self) && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__)) ?
            $self :
        return $cache->{${$self}}->{$method};

=item is_allocated

The number has been allocated to a telco for use.  It may or may not yet
be in use or may be reserved.

=item is_geographic

The number refers to a geographic area.

=item is_fixed_line

The number, when in use, can only refer to a fixed line.

(we can't tell whether a number is a fixed line, but we can tell that
some are *not*).

=item is_mobile

The number, when in use, can only refer to a mobile phone.

=item is_pager

The number, when in use, can only refer to a pager.

=item is_tollfree

Callers will not be charged for calls to this number under normal circumstances.

=item is_specialrate

The number, when in use, attracts special rates.  For instance, national
dialling at local rates, or premium rates for services.

=item is_adult

The number, when in use, goes to a service of an adult nature, such as porn.

=item is_personal

The number, when in use, goes to an individual person.

=item is_corporate

The number, when in use, goes to a business.

=item is_ipphone

The number, when in use, is terminated using VoIP.

=item is_network_service

The number is some kind of network service such as a human operator, directory
enquiries, emergency services etc

=item country_code

Returns 44.


sub country_code { 44; }

=item regulator

Returns informational text.


sub regulator { 'OFCOM,'; }

=item areacode

Return the area code - if applicable - for the number.  If not applicable,
returns undef.

=item areaname

Return the area name - if applicable - for the number, or undef.

=item location

For geographic numbers, this returns the location of the exchange to which
that number is assigned, if available.  Otherwise returns undef.


sub location {
    my $self = shift;
    warn("DEPRECATION: ".__PACKAGE__."->location should only be called as an object method\n")
    $self = (blessed($self) && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__)) ?
        $self :

    return undef unless($self->is_geographic());

    my $cleaned_number = _clean_number(${$self});

    my @retards = _retards($cleaned_number);

    eval "require Number::Phone::UK::DetailedLocations" unless($ENV{TESTINGKILLTHEWABBIT});
    require Number::Phone::UK::Exchanges if(!$Number::Phone::UK::Exchanges::db);

    foreach(@retards) {
        if(exists($Number::Phone::UK::Exchanges::db->{exchg_prefices}->{$_})) {
            return [

    return undef;

=item subscriber

Return the subscriber part of the number

=item operator

Return the name of the telco operating this number, in an appropriate
character set and with optional details such as their web site or phone

=item format

Return a sanely formatted version of the number, complete with IDD code, eg
for the UK number (0208) 771-2924 it would return +44 20 87712924.


sub format {
    my $self = shift;
    warn("DEPRECATION: ".__PACKAGE__."->format should only be called as an object method\n")
    $self = (blessed($self) && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__)) ?
        $self :
    return '+'.country_code().' '.(
        $self->areacode()      ? ($self->areacode().' '.(
          length($self->subscriber()) == 7 ? substr($self->subscriber(), 0, 3).' '.substr($self->subscriber(), 3) :
          length($self->subscriber()) == 8 ? substr($self->subscriber(), 0, 4).' '.substr($self->subscriber(), 4) :
                                             $self->subscriber() )) : 
        !$self->is_allocated() ? ( ${$self} =~ /^\+44/ ? substr(${$self}, 3) : substr(${$self}, 1)) :

=item intra_country_dial_to

Within the UK numbering plan you can *always* dial 0xxxx xxxxxx
for intra-country calls. In most places the leading 0$areacode is
optional but in some it is required (see
L<>) and over time this
will apply to more areas.


sub intra_country_dial_to {
  my $from = shift;
  my $to   = shift;

  return '0'.($to->areacode() ? $to->areacode() : '').$to->subscriber();

=item country

If the number is_international, return the two-letter ISO country code.




The results are only as up-to-date as the data included from OFCOM's
official documentation of number range allocations.

No attempt is made to deal with number portability.

Please report bugs by email, including, if possible, a test case.             

I welcome feedback from users.

=head1 LICENCE

You may use, modify and distribute this software under the same terms as
perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Cantrell E<lt><gt>

Copyright 2012

