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package Win32::PrintBox;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Win32;
use Win32::Console::ANSI qw/ Cursor /;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(set_page_size get_page_size);

our $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 0.001 $ =~ /: (\d+)\.(\d+)/;

our $PAGE_NUM = 1;
our ($OLD_WARN, $OLD_DIE);
our ($WinMode, $CMDExists);


# Put module initialization in a sub, so it can be called in testing
sub init {
    $WinMode = $^X =~ m/wperl/i;
    $CMDExists = CMD_Cursor();
    # DIE handler
    # display the error message, and let END block pause, if needed
    # Use __WARN__ handler, if it has been created for windows messages
    $OLD_DIE = $SIG{__DIE__};
    $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
        warn $_[0];
        $OLD_DIE->(@_) if $OLD_DIE;  # invoke the old handler
    if ($WinMode) {
    	tie *MSG_FH, 'Win32::PrintBox::IO';
    	select MSG_FH;
sub pause {
    return if $WinMode || $CMDExists;
    # Otherwise, ask the user for permission to close, so any output is acknowledged
    $|++;                       # Flush any pending output
    print STDERR "Press any key to continue\n";
# put this in a subroutine, so we can override it for testing
sub pause_in {
sub CMD_Cursor {
    # If a new command prompt window is opened, then the 'y' cursor position will be at the top
    # This can be faked by running cls &
    my ($x, $y) = Cursor();     # reads cursor position
    return $y>1;                # Home is 1,1

# Accessor for number or elements to cache in @COLLECTED_TEXT
sub get_page_size {
    return $PAGE_SIZE;
# Mutator for number or elements to cache in @COLLECTED_TEXT
sub set_page_size {
    my $temp = shift // $DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
    $PAGE_SIZE = $temp;

package Win32::PrintBox::IO;

use constant VB_OK => 0;
use constant VB_OK_CANCEL => 1;
use constant VB_CANCEL => 2;

sub new {
	my $self = bless {}, shift;
	# Using a "__WARN__" handler provides the way to re-direct warn statements to a MsgBox
    $OLD_WARN = $SIG{__WARN__};
 	$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { WarnBox(@_) };
    return $self;

sub WarnBox {											# Send Warnings immediately
	my $msg = join("\n", @_);
	return unless $msg ne '';
	my $answer = Win32::MsgBox($msg, VB_OK_CANCEL, 'Warning!');
    $OLD_WARN->(@_) if $OLD_WARN;  # invoke the old handler
	die if $answer == VB_CANCEL;

sub PrintMsgBox {
	my $self = shift;
	push (@COLLECTED_TEXT, @_);
	if ($#COLLECTED_TEXT >= $PAGE_SIZE - 1) {
		my $answer = Win32::MsgBox( join('', @COLLECTED_TEXT), VB_OK_CANCEL, 'Page ' . $PAGE_NUM++);
		die if $answer == VB_CANCEL;

sub TIEHANDLE	{ shift->new(@_) }
sub PRINT		{ shift->PrintMsgBox(@_) }
sub PRINTF		{ shift->PrintMsgBox(sprintf(@_)) }
# DESTROY only applies in WinMode; in DOS mode, we didnt tie anything, so nothing to destroy
sub DESTROY     { Win32::MsgBox( join('', @COLLECTED_TEXT), VB_OK, 'Done') if @COLLECTED_TEXT}


=for pod

=head1 NAME

Win32::PrintBox - Redirects print STDOUT and warn statements to a message box under wperl

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


    use Win32::PrintBox;
    print "Program output\n";
    warn "Error reported: $!\n";

This program makes perl scripts act like pseudo GUI programs when executed under 
wperl, without any additional programming.  When running from a shell, it does 
not interfere.  However, if a cmd window is created (by clicking on a perl 
script from File Explorer), it will add a prompt to let the user see the output 
before the window closes.


At startup, the module checks if the script was started in C<Windows Mode> (it 
looks for wperl in $^X).  If so, it creates a new glob (*MSG_FH), and ties the 
PRINT, PRINTF and DESTROY methods to it, to convert warn and print statements 
into Win32 message boxes. It also sets up a handler to trap __WARN__ signals, to 
do the same.

For warn, output is immediately sent to the user as a message box.

For print and printf, the output is buffered.  When a C<PAGE_SIZE> of output is 
collected, it is displayed to the user.  When DESTROY is called, any remaining 
output left in the buffer is also displayed.  The user may press CANCEL to exit 
the script prematurely.

In console mode (non-windows), this module does nothing, unless the script was 
started from a windows program (File Explorer or other windows application).  In 
this case, A DOS pause command is emulated at the end of the script, so that the 
user can acknowledge console output before the console window closes.


=head2 new

Sets up a handler to catch __WARN__ signals, and process them with sub C<WarnBox> .

=head2 init

Initialization logic.  Encapsulated in a subroutine so it can be called during 

=head2 pause

Displays "Press any key to continue" and waits for user input 
when a console window is about to close.

=head2 pause_in

Wrapper for <>, for testing purposes. Allows for detection of <> request, 
without requiring user input.

=head2 WarnBox

Sends warn text to a Win32::MsgBox immediately.  Script dies if user presses CANCEL.

=head2 PrintMsgBox

This sub is called via a tied file handle when there is a print or printf to 
STDOUT.  Normally it just buffers the input, and returns.

If enough data is collected, the page full of is presented to the user in one 
shot via a message box and the buffer is emptied.  The user acknowleges the 
message by clicking OK, but can exit, by clicking CANCEL.

Does not actually override the print function, but traps the currently selected 
file handle, and redirects the output directed to the selected filehandle, and 
handles it with the subroutines within this package.  Not exactly easy to 
understand, but works very nicely.

No need to override CORE::print or CORE::GLOBAL::print.  Which doesnt work anyways.

=head2 CMD_Cursor

Examines the cursor location of the console window. If a new command prompt 
window is opened, then the 'y' cursor position will be at row 1. This will be 
used in the END block to decide whether a `Press any key to continue` should be 

=head2 get_page_size

Returns the configured number of lines of collected text, before a message box is displayed.  Default is 25.

=head2 set_page_size

Sets the configured number of lines of collected text, before a message box is displayed.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Clarke, C<< <> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-win32-printbox at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  
I will be notified, and then you will automatically be notified of progress on 
your bug as I make changes.


To embed a perl script in a .bat file, add this one-liner at the top of your 
perl script.

    @echo = @echo if 0;#>nul & perl -S -w %0 %* & goto :EOF

It is not as robust as the script generated by c<pl2bat>, but works well on 
modern Win32 systems.  Figuring out how it works is left as an excercise for the 

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Win32::PrintBox

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPANs request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Concepts for intercepting warn and print statements are borrowed from the 
Apache::ASP module by Joshua Chamas.

The idea for checking the cursor location came from 
L<>.  Thanks to Marc Gregoire.  I tried 
using Win32::Console to capture the initial cursor position, but Win32::Console::ANSI seemed to work better.

Die handler (e.g. for handlind compile time errors) came from Win32::Die, by Alex Vandiver and Mike Accardo.

Chaining of WARN/DIE handlers came from Win32::GUI::Carp by Cory Johns.


Copyright 2012 David Clarke

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
