#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package sxc2csv;

use strict;
use OpenOffice::Parse::SXC qw(csv_quote parse_sxc dump_sxc_file);
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
my $options	= {};
GetOptions( $options,
	    "dump", "c", "o", "h", "help", "quote_all", "quote_text", "no_trim",
	    "columns=s", "worksheets=s", "split_sheets"
if( $options->{h} or $options->{help} ) {			# Usage
  exit 1;

# -columns used?  Split them and put them back into the options hash:

if( $options->{columns} ) {
  my @columns	= split /,/, $options->{columns};
  $options->{columns}	= \@columns;

# Create and configure SXC

my $SXC		= OpenOffice::Parse::SXC->new;
my $sxc2csv	= sxc2csv->new( $options );			# The object defined in this file, which does csv output
$SXC->set_data_handler( $sxc2csv );

# If -worksheets was given, then split them into a list and
# provide it to SXC

my $worksheets	= undef;
if( $options->{worksheets} ) {
  $worksheets	= [ split /,/, $options->{worksheets} ];
  $SXC->set_options( worksheets	=> $worksheets );		# Only these worksheets get processed

if( ! @ARGV ) {							# If no files provided, complain!
  die "No sxc input files!  Run sxc2csv -h for more options.\n"

# Process each file:

while( defined( my $filename = shift ) ) {
  # Check the file
  if( ! -f $filename ) {
    die "Input file '$filename' not found!\n";
  # Open it
  my $CFH	= IO::File->new( "unzip -p $filename content.xml|" )
    || die "Can't open sxc file '$filename', or file is not in sxc format.\n";

  if( $options->{dump} ) {		# If the -dump option is used, dump the object tree to stdout
    dump_sxc_file( $filename );
  else {				# Process the file normally
    $sxc2csv->workbook( $SXC, $filename );
    $SXC->parse( $CFH );
#    $SXC->parse_file( $filename );
sub usage {
  print <<EOT


    sxc2csv <SXC_FILE> [-c] [-o] [-dump] [-h/-help]
       [-quote_all] [-quote_text] [-no_trim]
       [-worksheets <WORKSHEET,>] [-split_sheets]
       [-columns COL_NUM <,COL_NUM>]

This script converts an Open/Star Office spreadsheet file (SXC) to
a CSV file.  The resultant csv file(s) will be named the same as
their sxc source files, with the .sxc extention replaced with .csv.
If that is not possible, the file will be appended with .csv.

Here are the options:

  -h/-help:    	  This help message
  -c:		  Pipe the results to STDOUT
  -o:    	  Overwrite any existing csv files
  -dump: 	  Instead of converting to csv, use Data::Dumper
                  to dump the entire XML tree to STDOUT
  -quote_all:	  Quote ALL cells (overrides -quote_text)
  -quote_text:	  Quote cells that have any text in them
  -worksheets sheet1,sheet2,...:
                  Specify specific sheets to convert
  -split_sheets:  Split worksheets into their own files
  -columns N,...: Output only these columns, as a list of comma-
                  separated numbers.  0 is the first column.

If you specify -worksheets, you can specify the names of the worksheets
you wish to dump as a comma-separated list.  Only those sheets will
be dumped.

If -split_sheets is specified, each worksheet in the workbook will
be saved to it's own file, named FILENAME.SHEETNAME.csv.

You need the program 'unzip' in your path for this tool to work.

sub new {
  my $type		= shift;
  my $self		= {};
  bless $self, $type;
  my $options		= shift || {};
  $self->{options}	= $options;
  return $self;
sub get_option {
  my $self		= shift;
  return $self->{options}{shift()};

# The data_source functions:

# row() gets called for every row in the spreadsheet that we've
# asked for, or rather, that we haven't asked to be excluded.
# In this case, we are just outputting to a csv file.  This
# function doesn't care which file it's outputting to, that's
# set up in the worksheet() function.
sub row {
  my $self		= shift;
  my $SXC		= shift;
  my $row		= shift;

  if( ! $self->get_option( "no_trim" ) ) {
    # Trim emtpy values off the end of the csv (they're blank anyways)
    while( (! defined $row->[$#$row] or $row->[$#$row] eq "") and $#$row >= 0 ) {
      pop @$row;
  if( $self->get_option( "quote_all" ) ) {
    map { $_ = csv_esape( $_ ) } @$row;		# csv quote all cells
  elsif( $self->get_option( "quote_text" ) ) {
    for( @$row ) {				# csv quote any non-numeric cells
      if( ! /^\d+$/ ) {
	$_		= csv_quote( $_ );
  else {					# quote only those fields that need it
    for( @$row ) {
      if( /[,"']/ ) {
	$_	= csv_quote( $_ );

  if( $self->get_option( "columns" ) ) {	# print only specified columns
    print {$self->{Curr_FH}} join( ",", @{$row}[@{$self->get_option( "columns" )}] ), "\n";
  else {					# print all columns
    print {$self->{Curr_FH}} join( ",", @$row ), "\n";

# worksheet() is called every time a worksheet start tag is encountered.
# In this case, we want to set up the appropriate file to output to so
# that output from row() goes to the right place

sub worksheet {
  my $self		= shift;
  my $SXC		= shift;
  my $worksheet_name	= shift;

  if( $self->get_option( "c" ) ) {
    $self->{Curr_FH}		= *STDOUT;	# Print to STDOUT if -c option specified

  # Get the filename to use:

  my $filename		= "";
  if( $self->get_option( "split_sheets" ) ) {
    # If we're splitting sheets into separate files,
    # we have to set up a new file for every worksheet.
    $filename		= $self->{csv_base_name};	# See workbook()
    if( ! $filename ) {
      die "Error: 'csv_base_name' not found!";
    $filename		.= ".".$worksheet_name.".csv";
  else {
    # Continue using the same filename for all worksheets
    $filename		= $self->{main_csv_name};	# See workbook()
    if( ! $filename ) {
      die "Error: 'main_csv_name' not found!";

  # Now, see if we've opened the file already...:
  # This isn't really necessary, since once a file is done, we never
  # have to write to it again, and we could detect when only one
  # filehandle is used for output... but it's already written and
  # tested...

  if( $self->{Filehandles}{$filename} ) {
    # Yes, it's open, just use that for the output
    $self->{Curr_FH}	= $self->{Filehandles}{$filename};
  else {
    # If not, open the file: (if it exists already, but -o has been used, we overwrite)
    if( ! -f $filename or ( -f $filename and $self->get_option( "o" ) ) ) {
      my $FH		= IO::File->new( ">$filename" )
	|| die "Could not open file: '$filename' for write";
      $self->{Filehandles}{$filename}	= $FH;	# Cache the filehandle
      $self->{Curr_FH}	= $FH;
    else {
      die "File '$filename' already exists.  Use the -o option to overwrite\n";

# We can expect workbook() to be called once.  We use it to set up
# some object variables.

sub workbook {
  my $self		= shift;
  my $SXC		= shift;
  my $workbook_name	= shift;

  $self->{workbook_name}	= $workbook_name;
  my $csv_base_name		= $workbook_name;
  $csv_base_name		=~ s/.sxc$//;
  $self->{csv_base_name}	= $csv_base_name;
  $self->{main_csv_name}	= $csv_base_name.".csv";
# End data_source functions.


=head1 NAME

sxc2csv - Convert a Star/Open Office SXC (spreadsheet) file to CSV format


  sxc2csv [-c] [-o] [-h/-help] [-no_trim]
          [-quote_all] [-quote_text]
          [-worksheets WORKSHEET_LIST] [-split_sheets]
          [-columns COL_LIST] [-dump]


sxc2csv is used to extract a csv file from an OpenOffice spreadsheet file.

=head1 OPTIONS

 -c:	      Output to STDOUT.

 -h/-help:    Display a help message.

 -quote_all:  Quote EVERY CELL in the csv output.  Overrides

 -quote_text: Quote any cell that isn't a pure integer.

 -no_trim:    Do not remove the emtpy cells at the end of
              each row.

 -worksheets: Takes one argument - a comma-separated list of the
              worksheets to convert to csv.  Only those worksheets
              will be processed.

              eg: -worksheets Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3

 -split_sheets: Write each worksheet to a separate file.  These
              files are named after the original SXC filename,
              with the spreadsheet name appended.

 -columns:    Output only these columns, as a comma-separated
              list of numbers.  0 is the first column.  Negative
              numbers work also, but the results may not be what
              you expect.

              eg: -columns 1,4,5  (prints 2nd,5th,6th columns)

 -dump:       Dump the XML tree (XML::Parser::Expat objects).
              This is used for debugging, but it's also kinda


Newlines within cells are removed during the conversion.


In case this program does not work for your spreadsheet, the problem
is likely not here, but in the relatively untried (as of 2003-02)
OpenOffice::Parse::SXC module.

Send patches to the email provided below.

=head1 AUTHOR

Desmond Lee <deslee@shaw.ca>

=head1 SEE ALSO

