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use strict;
use warnings;

# Invoke PDL::PP
my $base_name;
	# .PL scripts are sent their filename, sans the .PL part. That's almost what
	# PDL::PP expects to see, so massage it into the proper form:
	$base_name = $ARGV[0];
	$base_name =~ s/\.pm//;
	# Handle backslashes for Windows paths:
	$base_name =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
use PDL::PP (qw(PDL::Drawing::Prima PDL::Drawing::Prima), $base_name);

# Set the module version from the version stashed in the M::B object. The string
# passed to pp_setversion must include the quotes to ensure that it is processed
# as a string from the actual module:
use Module::Build;
my $build = Module::Build->current;
pp_setversion('"' . $build->dist_version . '"');

# Add the .xs file to the cleanup lists:

use Carp qw(croak confess);

#our $PP_VERBOSE = 1;


use strict;
use warnings;
use PDL;
use PDL::Char;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Carp 'croak';
use PDL::Drawing::Prima::Utils;
use Prima::noX11;

# working here - use Exporter and set as 'EXPORT_OK' the functions
# pdl_of_patterns_for. Its usage looks like this:
#  my $patterns = pdl_of_patterns_for($pat1, $pat2, ...);

=head1 NAME

PDL::Drawing::Prima - PDL-aware drawing functions for Prima widgets



=head1 CPAN

You, gentle reader, are reading this documentation off of CPAN. I know this
because B<this> paragraph does not show up in the final .pm files that are
installed on a user's computer. The documentation that you see may have a
few subtle differences from the documentation that you would view on your
computer using C<podview> or C<perldoc>. If you have any concerns regarding
documentation skew, be sure to check the documentation on your local machine.


# working here - what about lineJoin or lineEnd? These should be applicable to
# the line drawing routines?



Each of the methods comes with a small sample snippet. To see how it
looks, copy this synopsis and replace the code in the
C<Example code goes here> block with the example code.

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use PDL;
 use PDL::Drawing::Prima;
 use Prima qw(Application);
 my $window = Prima::MainWindow->create(
     text    => 'PDL::Drawing::Prima Test',
     onPaint => sub {
         my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
         # wipe the canvas:
         ### Example code goes here ###
         # Draw a sine curve on the widget:
         my ($width, $height) = $canvas->size;
         my $x = sequence($width);
         my $y = ( sin($x / 20) + 1 ) * $height/2;
         $canvas->pdl_polylines($x, $y, lineWidths => 2);
         ### Example code ends here ###
     backColor => cl::White,
 run Prima;


This module provides a number of PDL-threaded functions and bindings for use
with the Prima toolkit. Many of the functions are PDL bindings for the
standard Prima drawing functions. Others are useful functions for color
manipulation, or getting data into a form that PDL knows how to handle.
I generally divide the subroutines of this module into two categories:
B<methods> and B<functions>. The methods are subroutines that operate on a
Prima widget; the functions are subroutines that act on or return piddles.

Most of the methods given here are PDLified versions of the Prima drawing API
functions, which are documented under L<Prima::Drawable>. In general, where the
Prima API uses singular nouns, I here use plural nouns. A few of the methods
are only available in this module, mostly added to accomodate the needs of
L<PDL::Graphics::Prima>, the plotting library built on these bindings.

This bindings can be applied to B<any> object whose class is derived from
L<Prima::Drawable>, including displayed widgets and abstract canvases such
as L<Prima::PS::Drawable>. If you create your own derived canvas, these
methods should Just Work. (I wish I could take credit for this, but it's
really due to the fact that Prima's internals are very well engineered.)


The Prima image coordinate origin is located in lower left corner, which is
where you would expect to find it when creating plots. However, it is different
from the way that many graphics libraries do their coordinates.


=head2 piddle_of_patterns_for

If you want PDL to thread over line patterns, but you want to use the standard
Prima line patterns, you'll need to convert them line patterns to a piddle.
This works very simply like this:

 my $patterns = piddle_of_patterns_for(lp::Solid, lp::Dash);

This creates a piddle with the two patterns so that you could have PDL thread
over them.

You can also create your own line pattern piddles by hand. I recommend you use
byte array, since otherwise it will be converted to byte arrays for you.
The first element of a row in your byte array
specifies the number of pixels to be "on", the second specifies the number to be
"off", the third specifies the number to be "on" again, the fourth "off", the
fifth "on", etc. If that doesn't make sense, hopefully a couple of examples will
help clarify.

This example creates the equivalent of lp::Dash:

 my $dash_pattern = byte (9, 3);

This example creates a piddle with four line types: lp::Solid, lp::Dash,
lp::ShortDash, and lp::DashDot:
 my $patterns = byte q[ 1; 9 3; 3 3; 9 3 1 3];

and should be identical to

 my $patterns = piddle_of_patterns_for(
     lp::Solid, lp::Dash, lp::ShortDash, lp::DashDot);
When you create a byte piddle, all of the patterns must have the same number of
bytes in their specification. Of course, different patterns have different
lengths, so in that case simply pad the shorter specifications with zeroes.


# Builds a piddle of patterns with the appropriate sizes, etc.
sub piddle_of_patterns_for {
	# Make sure they're not being stupid:
	croak("You must supply at least one pattern to make a pattern piddle")
		if @_ == 0;

	# First get the longest pattern:
	my $length = 0;
	foreach(@_) {
		$length = length($_) if $length < length($_);
	use PDL::NiceSlice;
	# Create the new byte array with the appropriate dimensions:
	my $to_return = zeroes(byte, $length, scalar(@_));
	$to_return .= $to_return->sequence;
	for (my $i = 0; $i < @_; $i++) {
		# Get a slice and update it:
		my $slice = $to_return(:,$i);
		substr ${$slice->get_dataref}, 0, length($_[$i]), $_[$i];
		# Make sure the modifications propogate back to the original:
	no PDL::NiceSlice;
	return $to_return;

=head2 piddle_of_handles_for

the same PDL drawing operation on different widgets via PDL threading
makes atomic behavior very difficult, so this functionality has been removed.
If you think you'd like this behavior back, please let me know.


sub piddle_of_handles_for {
	croak("piddle_of_handles_for has been deprecated");


=begin old_code

This used to be useful.

pp_addxs('', q{
_piddle_of_handles_for(SV * piddle_SV, ...)
		int i;
		/* Get at the piddle's actual data array */
		long long * piddle = (long long*)SvPVX(piddle_SV);
		/* Fill the array with the handle values */
		for (i = 1; i < items; i++) {
			piddle[i-1] = (long long) gimme_the_mate(ST(i));

=end old_code


#=head2 piddle_of_fillPatterns_for
#This function is not yet implemented, but some day it will return piddles
#for any Prima named fill pattern.
# It should be able to operate either by calling the fillPattern setter and
# immediately retrieving the resulting fill pattern, or by accessing the
# fill pattern collection directly. Don't know why that didn't work when I
# tried it earlier. Maybe I didn't de-reference the SV double-pointer?


=head1 METHODS

The methods described below are a bit unusual for PDL functions. First, they are
not actually PDL functions at all but are methods for C<Prima::Drawable>
objects. Second, their signatures will look a bit funny. Don't worry too much
about that, though, because they will resemble normal signatures close enough
that you should be able to understand them, I hope.



=for details
As far as I can tell, PDL::PP only defines the '_<func>_int' form of a function
when you specify a PMCode in the pp_def. I can't figure out where this happens
in, but that appears to be the output behavior.


pp_add_boot pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
	/* Initialize the Drawable virtual method table pointer, which is declared
	 * below and used to detect if the widget supports direct calls using the
	 * apricot graphics drawing functions. */
	CDrawable = (PDrawable_vmt)gimme_the_vmt( "Prima::Drawable");

pp_addhdr(pp_line_numbers(__LINE__ + 1, <<'HEADER'));

/* apricot is the (strangely named) header file that contains all of the
 * cross-platform functions. */
#undef WORD
#include <apricot.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Set up the isnan and isinf functions for cross-platform work */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
	#include <float.h>
	#define isnan(x) _isnan(x)
	#define isinf(x) (!_finite(x))

/* working here - is this cross-platform? */
#define my CDrawable(widget_handle)
#include <generic/Drawable.h>

/* The virtual method table for Drawable objects, which I need for the
 * introspection in the POINT methods below. This is set to the actual
 * method table pointer in the BOOT section. */
PDrawable_vmt CDrawable;

/* dummy variables for getter/setter functions called in getter mode */
Point Point_buffer;
Rect Rect_buffer;

#define DECLARE_POINT_DATA													\
	Point * points_to_plot;													\
	AV * array_to_plot;														\
	SV ** array_elem_p

#define INIT_POINT_DATA														\
	do {																	\
		points_to_plot = 0;													\
		array_to_plot = 0;													\
		array_elem_p = 0;													\
	} while(0)

#define ENSURE_POINT_STORAGE(function, n_points)							\
	do {																	\
		if (my-> function == CDrawable-> function) {						\
			/* This is the direct raster drawing, so make sure we have */	\
			/* memory allocated for points_to_plot 						*/	\
			if (points_to_plot == 0) Newx(points_to_plot, n_points, Point);	\
		}																	\
		else {																\
			/* This is the Perl-level drawing, so make sure we have an AV */\
			/* and then ensure it is long enough */							\
			if (array_to_plot == 0) array_to_plot = newAV();				\
			av_fill(array_to_plot, (n_points) * 2);							\
		}																	\
	} while(0)

#define FREE_POINT_STORAGE													\
	do {																	\
		if (points_to_plot != 0) Safefree(points_to_plot);					\
		points_to_plot = 0;													\
		if (array_to_plot != 0) av_undef(array_to_plot);					\
		array_to_plot = 0;													\
	} while (0)

#define ADD_POINT(function, index, xval, yval)								\
	do {																	\
		if (my-> function == CDrawable-> function) {						\
			points_to_plot[index].x = xval;									\
			points_to_plot[index].y = yval;									\
		}																	\
		else {																\
			/* Add the x value */											\
			array_elem_p = av_fetch(array_to_plot, 2*(index), 1);			\
			if (array_elem_p == 0) {										\
				FREE_POINT_STORAGE;											\
				barf("Internal error: could not access Perl array element");\
			}																\
			sv_setnv(*array_elem_p, xval);									\
			/* Add the y value */											\
			array_elem_p = av_fetch(array_to_plot, 2*(index)+1, 1);			\
			if (array_elem_p == 0) {										\
				FREE_POINT_STORAGE;											\
				barf("Internal error: could not access Perl array element");\
			}																\
			sv_setnv(*array_elem_p, yval);									\
		}																	\
	} while(0)

#define DRAW_POINTS(function, apricot_function, n_to_plot)					\
	do {																	\
		if (my-> function == CDrawable-> function) {						\
			/* Call apricot's function */									\
		/*	printf("Drawing %s\n", #function);	*/							\
			apricot_function (widget_handle, n_to_plot, points_to_plot);	\
		}																	\
		else {																\
			/* Trim the array, in case any values were nan and therefore */	\
			/* skipped */													\
			av_fill(array_to_plot, 2*(n_to_plot) - 1);						\
			/* working here - should I just use newRV? */					\
			my-> function (widget_handle, newRV_noinc((SV*)array_to_plot));	\
		}																	\
	} while(0)

/* This is based on Prima's maximum coordinate size, which is 16383. I have
 * reduced it in order to accomodate certain coordinate transforms that Prima
 * performs:  */
#define MY_BIG_NUMBER 16000

/* Apricot uses some pretty dumb methods for correcting values that are too big.
 * The way it handles values clashes with the sheer range of values that I want
 * to be able to display, so I need to adjust those values somehow. The next
 * struct and 250 lines of code examines pairs of values for nan, inf, and
 * exceedingly large values. If the data cannot be drawn as-is, it calculates
 * values that can be drawn instead or indicates if the calling routine should
 * simply skip the values. */

typedef struct {
	/* two pairs under consideration */
	double x1;
	double x2;
	double y1;
	double y2;
	/* Temporary storage */
	double tmp_xs[2];
	double tmp_ys[2];
	int offset;
	/* Dimensions of the widget */
	int width;
	int height;
} big_number_container;

/* I use these functions within the real function, which is the first one that
 * is actually defined below. */
int is_inf(double val);
int is_nan(double val);
int _too_many_bad_values(big_number_container * d);
int _is_drawable_as_is(big_number_container * d);
void _check_start_within_bounding_box(big_number_container * d);
void _handle_horizontal_line(big_number_container * d);
void _handle_vertical_line(big_number_container * d);
void _check_crosses_left_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope);
void _check_crosses_bottom_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope);
void _check_crosses_right_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope);
void _check_crosses_top_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope);
void _check_cross_error (big_number_container * d);
void _set_returns_preserving_order (big_number_container * d);

/* Name    : _check_for_big_numbers
 * Expects : a pointer to the just-defined struct in which (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
 *         : are the pars of points under consideration.
 * Returns : 0 when line should not be drawn
 *         : 1 when points are good as-is
 *         : 2 when points within the struct have been updated

int _check_for_big_numbers(big_number_container * d) {
	/* Sanity check, make sure the width and height are reasonable */
	if (d->width > MY_BIG_NUMBER) {
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "Internal error in _check_for_big_numbers:\n");
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "  Found impossibly large width %d\n"
			, d->width);
		d->width = MY_BIG_NUMBER;
	if (d->height > MY_BIG_NUMBER) {
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "Internal error in _check_for_big_numbers:\n");
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "  Found impossibly large height %d\n"
			, d->height);
		d->height = MY_BIG_NUMBER;
	/* This line cannot be drawn if it is strictly above, below, to the left, or
	 * to the right of the view box */
	if (d->x1 < 0 && d->x2 < 0 || d->x1 > d->width && d->x2 > d->width
			|| d->y1 < 0 && d->y2 < 0 || d->y1 > d->height && d->y2 > d->height)
		return 0;
	if (_too_many_bad_values(d)) return 0;
	if (_is_drawable_as_is(d)) return 1;

	/* If we are here, we must take corrective measures. Find if any part of the
	 * line actually falls within the box, and figure out where it enters or
	 * leaves. */
	d->offset = 0;
	/* Before we go further, check for horizontal or vertical lines. */
	if (d->y1 == d->y2 || is_inf(d->x1) || is_inf(d->x2))
	else if (d->x1 == d->x2 || is_inf(d->y1) || is_inf(d->y2))
	else {
		/* We have a line with a slope. See which boundaries it crosses, if any.
		 * Note that the order of the checks is very important as some of the
		 * inequalities are strict and others are not. */

		double slope = (d->y2 - d->y1) / (d->x2 - d->x1);
		double y0 = d->y1 - slope * (d->x1);
		_check_crosses_left_edge(d, y0, slope);
		_check_crosses_bottom_edge(d, y0, slope);
		_check_crosses_right_edge(d, y0, slope);
		_check_crosses_top_edge(d, y0, slope);
		/* At this point, if the offset is not 2, the line does not intersect
		 * the view box, so the line will not be drawn and we can return 0 to
		 * indicate that. */
		if (d->offset != 2) return 0;
	return 2;

/* Determines if a number of infinite; assumes it is *not* nan */
int is_inf(double v) {
	return (v * 0.0 != 0.0);

int is_nan(double v) {
	return v != v;

/* checks for nan and inf. */
int _too_many_bad_values(big_number_container * d) {
	/* One nan is one too many */
	if (d->x1 != d->x1 || d->x2 != d->x2 || d->y1 != d->y1 || d->y2 != d->y2)
		return 1;
	/* This line should be skipped if two or more of its values are inf */
	int inf_count = 0;
	if (is_inf(d->x1)) inf_count++;
	if (is_inf(d->x2)) inf_count++;
	if (is_inf(d->y1)) inf_count++;
	if (is_inf(d->y2)) inf_count++;
	if (inf_count > 1) return 1;
	return 0;

/* Checks if the values are within Prima's limits. This *MUST* not be called
 * before _too_many_bad_values!!! */
int _is_drawable_as_is(big_number_container * d) {
	if (		-MY_BIG_NUMBER <= d->x1 && d->x1 <= MY_BIG_NUMBER
			&&	-MY_BIG_NUMBER <= d->y1 && d->y1 <= MY_BIG_NUMBER
			&&	-MY_BIG_NUMBER <= d->x2 && d->x2 <= MY_BIG_NUMBER
			&&	-MY_BIG_NUMBER <= d->y2 && d->y2 <= MY_BIG_NUMBER)
		return 1;
	return 0;

void _check_start_within_bounding_box(big_number_container * d) {
	/* Does this line start within the bounding box? */
	if (d->x1 >= 0 && d->x1 <= d->width && d->y1 >= 0 && d->y1 <= d->height) {
		d->tmp_xs[0] = d->x1;
		d->tmp_ys[0] = d->y1;
	/* or does it end within the bouding box? */
	else if (d->x2 >= 0 && d->x2 <= d->width && d->y2 >= 0 && d->y2 <= d->height) {
		d->tmp_xs[0] = d->x2;
		d->tmp_ys[0] = d->y2;

void _handle_horizontal_line(big_number_container * d) {
	/* Did the line start or end in the box? */
	if (d->offset == 1) {
		/* Yes, so replace the other coordinate with the box's bound. */
		d->tmp_ys[1] = is_inf(d->x1) ? d->y2 : d->y1;
		if (d->x1 < 0 || d->x2 < 0)				d->tmp_xs[1] = 0;
		if (d->x1 > d->width || d->x2 > d->width)	d->tmp_xs[1] = d->width;
	else {
		/* No, so set the coordinates to the box's bound at the same y */
		d->tmp_xs[0] = 0;
		d->tmp_xs[1] = d->width;
		d->tmp_ys[0] = d->tmp_ys[1] = is_inf(d->x1) ? d->y2 : d->y1;
		d->offset += 2;

void _handle_vertical_line(big_number_container * d) {
	/* Did the line start or end in the box? */
	if (d->offset == 1) {
		/* Yes, so replace the other coordinate with the box's bound */
		d->tmp_xs[1] = is_inf(d->y1) ? d->x2 : d->x1;
		if (d->y1 < 0			|| d->y2 < 0)			d->tmp_ys[1] = 0;
		if (d->y1 > d->height	|| d->y2 > d->height)	d->tmp_ys[1] = d->height;
	else {
		/* No, so set the coordinates to the box's bound at the same x */
		d->tmp_xs[0] = d->tmp_xs[1] = is_inf(d->y1) ? d->x2 : d->x1;
		d->tmp_ys[0] = 0;
		d->tmp_ys[1] = d->height;
		d->offset += 2;

void _check_crosses_left_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope) {
	/* Does this line cross the vertical line x = 0? */
	if ((d->x1 < 0 || d->x2 < 0) && y0 >= 0 && y0 <= d->height) {
		d->tmp_xs[d->offset] = 0;
		d->tmp_ys[d->offset] = y0;

void _check_crosses_bottom_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope) {
	/* Can't cross bottom if both positive */
	if (d->y1 > 0 && d->y2 > 0) return;
	double x0 = -y0 / slope;
	/* x == 0 was handled by the left edge check, so this only succeeds if x0 is
	 * strictly greater than zero. */
	if (x0 > 0 && x0 <= d->width) {
		d->tmp_xs[d->offset] = x0;
		d->tmp_ys[d->offset] = 0;

void _check_crosses_right_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope) {
	/* Can't cross right edge if both x values are less than it */
	if (d->x1 < d->width && d->x2 < d->width) return;
	double y_r = y0 + slope * d->width;
	/* Note, y == 0 was handled by the bottom edge check, so this only succeeds
	 * if  yr is strictly greater than zero. */
	if (y_r > 0 && y_r <= d->height) {
		d->tmp_xs[d->offset] = d->width;
		d->tmp_ys[d->offset] = y_r;

void _check_crosses_top_edge(big_number_container * d, double y0, double slope) {
	/* Can't cross the top edge if both y values are less than it */
	if (d->y1 > d->height && d->y2 > d->height) return;
	double x_t = (d->height - y0) / slope;
	/* Note, x == 0 and x == width were handled above, so this checks for
	 * strict inequality */
	if (x_t > 0 && x_t < d->width) {
		d->tmp_xs[d->offset] = x_t;
		d->tmp_ys[d->offset] = d->height;

void _check_cross_error (big_number_container * d) {
	/* Spew a message if there is one or three intersection points, as that
	 * should never occurr and indicates an internal error. */
	if (d->offset == 1 || d->offset > 2) {
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "Internal error in _check_for_big_numbers:\n");
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "  offset should be 0 or 2, but it is %d\n"
			, d->offset);
		PerlIO_printf(PerlIO_stderr(), "  x1=%f, y1=%f, x2=%f, y2=%f, width=%d, height=%d\n"
			, d->x1, d->y1, d->x2, d->y2, d->width, d->height);

void _set_returns_preserving_order (big_number_container * d) {
	/* This only gets called when it's time to change x1, x2, y1, and y2.
	 * Set them to the values in the temporary array, but take care to
	 * preserve the original ordering. */
	if (	d->x1 != d->x2 && ((d->x1 < d->x2) == (d->tmp_xs[0] < d->tmp_xs[1]))
		||	d->y1 != d->y2 && ((d->y1 < d->y2) == (d->tmp_ys[0] < d->tmp_ys[1])))
		d->x1 = d->tmp_xs[0];
		d->x2 = d->tmp_xs[1];
		d->y1 = d->tmp_ys[0];
		d->y2 = d->tmp_ys[1];
	else {
		d->x1 = d->tmp_xs[1];
		d->x2 = d->tmp_xs[0];
		d->y1 = d->tmp_ys[1];
		d->y2 = d->tmp_ys[0];


#                              Machinery                              #

=begin details

=head1 Complex parameter handling

Each of the functions in this module wrap a PDL function around the
Prima API. The goal of the PDL functions is to allow the caller to
provide as many or as few tweaks to their drawing as they wish, so if
they want to draw three different polylines with three different line
styles (as demonstrated in, they should be able to do this:

 $widget->pdl_polylines($xs, $ys, 
     linePatterns => $patterns,
     color => cl::Red

and it will DWIM. That means that the PP functions have to (1) get all
the possible preferences---both singular and plural varieties---in as
piddle parameters, (2) the PP functions have to call the appropriate
functions from the widget handles virtual method table to do their work, and
(3) the PP functions have to package their piddles in a form that the method
from the method table knows how to handle. To make matters even more
complicated, different API functions pay attention to different properties,
so not every property is allowed for every function!

To deal with all of this, the next 400 or so lines of code create some
machinery that greatly assists in building the pp_defs that follow. A
great deal of this code is used in THIS script (.pd files are actually
scripts that generate .xs and .pm files) to assist in generating code.
Anything that needs to end up in the *output* files will be quoted, so
hopefully your syntax highlighter will help you pick them apart.

=end details


# Creating the look-up table for the Pars section #

=begin details

This hash translates from a simple parameter name to a PDL signature.
Without this hash, if I wanted to write a function that allows the user
to draw lines with different colors, I would write the following Pars:

  Pars => 'int x(n); int y(n); int colors()'

So in the hash below, the property C<colors> is associated with the
arg string C<int colors()>.

=end details


my %pars_args_for = (colors => 'int colors()');

=begin details

At the moment, I only have the colors property. If you know the Prima
Drawable API, you'll know I'm missing a lot! This is because I will
build up a number of structures over this discourse and I would
like to keep the code and specifications for each property in one place.
Scroll down to the 'Building the machinery' portion of this code, about
400 lines below, and you'll see all the parts for each of the Drawable
properties defined in one place.

=end details


# Generating Pars lists #

=begin details

This function creates a string with the low-level PDL function's argument
list, given a list of properties for the function. This makes it very
easy to manage long parameter lists, and long parameter lists are nicely
handled by the in-pm function C<get_sorted_args_with_defaults>. To expand
on the previous example, in this code:

        Pars => 'int x(n); int y(n); ' . generate_pars_args_for( 'colors', 'rops'),

pp_def sees a parameter list that looks like this:

 'int x(n); int y(n); int colors(); int rops()'

To use this, I will create a list of properties that the to-be-defined
function takes, and use that together with generate_pars_args_for like

 my @clear_properties = qw(backColors rop2s);
        Pars => 'int x1(); int y1(); int x2(); int y2(); '
                 . generate_pars_args_for(@clear_properites),
        PMCode => ...

It may seem silly to use such an array for only two additional arguments
(as shown in this example), but other parts of the pp_def call will make
use of that array, as we will see, and most of the functions use many
more properties.

=end details


sub generate_pars_args_for {
	foreach (@_) {
		croak("Bad args; should be plural") unless /s$/;
	return join('; ', @pars_args_for{@_});

# Property-dependent local variables #

=begin details

In order to determine if properties need to be changed in the middle of the
threadloop and at the end of the threadloop, we need to keep track of the
original and the current values of the different properties. By default I
assume that a copy of the property name with the same type as from the pars
args works. If this is not the case (such as for clipRects), I need to
provide values for C<%declare_args_for>. I also provide the simple
C<%cast_for> table in case the autogenerated code needs a cast to work

Functions that do not care about these properties will not need these
variables, so they should only be included in functions that actually
use them. C<generate_property_declarations_for> handles this code
generation, taking the same array of properties used by 
C<generate_pars_args_for>. See the next section for an example of use.

Note that entries in C<%declare_args_for> should be semi-colon seperated,
since they are C declarations, but the last entry should not have a 
semi-colon. One will be appended. This is to keep consistency with
C<%pars_args_for>, which has the same format.

For the colors, almost all the auto-generated code goes through cleanly,
except that I wish to cast the integer values to type Color. To handle this,
I have the following list as well.

=end details


# Colors has no special args declaration, but it does have special casting
my %declare_args_for = ();
my %cast_for = (colors => '(Color)');

# this will be automatically generated from the pars data.
my %uncast_for = ();

sub generate_property_declarations_for {
	my $to_return = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "\t\t/* Declare the property variables */\n");
	# Build the list:
	for my $property (@_) {
		if (exists $declare_args_for{$property}) {
			$to_return .= "\t\t$declare_args_for{$property};\n";
		else {
			# Make sure that the pars args for this property don't have
			# multiple args:
			croak("pars_args has multiple values but not init_args for property $property")
				if $pars_args_for{$property} =~ /;/;
			# extract the type
			$pars_args_for{$property} =~ /(\w+)\s+\w+s\(\)/
				or croak("Unable to extract type for property $property");
			# All good; cook up the declarations
			my $type = $1;
			(my $singular = $property) =~ s/s$//;
			$to_return .= "\t\t$type orig_$singular, curr_$singular;\n";
			$uncast_for{$property} = "($type)" if exists $cast_for{$property};
	return $to_return;

# Tracking which properties need setting #

=begin details

The only way to determine from within PP code whether an optional parameter
was passed in or not is to pass an additional structure to the PP code with
that information. The structure I use for this is the original hash passed
in as an argument to the Perl-level function. If the user specified a value
for a property, it will be present in the hash. If they did not, it will not
be there.

For each of the graphics properties that the user can supply for a given
function, I need code in the PP Code section that looks something like this:

 /* Set these to zero, in case neither singular nor plural are defined */
 curr_rop = orig_rop = 0;
 if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "rops", 4)) {
     prop_list[n_props++] = rops_prop_id;
     curr_rop = orig_rop = my->get_rop(widget_handle);
 if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "rop", 3)) {
     orig_rop = my->get_rop(widget_handle);
     curr_rop = SvIV(*(hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, "rop", 3, 0)));
     my->set_rop(widget_handle, curr_rop);

This code has three important parts. First, it sets both the current and the
original rop values to zero. If the user didn't pass in any either key,
these values will pass through the whole loop unchanged. At the end, all of
the properties are checked to see if their current and original values
differ and if so their original values are restored. As both the current
and original values are zero in the case of no associated keys, restoration
will not be necessary, and will not wastefully be performed.

The second important part is the plural key check. If the plural key exists,
its property id is added to the property list. The property list is consulted
on each pass through the threadloop and this value indicates that the rop
value needs to be checked. It also retrieves and stores the original rop
value. Notice that it stores the original rop value in the current rop value.
If somehow this is called on empty piddles, the threadloop will never execute
and then curr_rop will have the same value it had before entering the loop.
Setting the current to the original value helps prevent mayhem.

The third important part is the singular key check. If the singular key
exists, the original value is retrieved (as with the plural key). The value
associated with the singular key is also retrieved and set.

Some of the more complicated properties will need more complex initialization
code, in which case they will have to provide a value for the
C<%init_args_for> hash. It should follow the basic form provided above.

=end details


my %init_args_for = ();

sub generate_property_initializations_for {
	# Make sure I handle an empty list correctly. I can't imagine
	# calling this function with an empty list, but let's be safe:
	return '' unless @_;
	# This is the string I will build up for my return value:
	my $to_return = "\t\t/* Property initialization code */\n";
	# Set the variables:
	for my $property (@_) {
		if (exists $init_args_for{$property}) {
			$to_return .= $init_args_for{$property};
		else {
			(my $singular = $property) =~ s/s$//;
			my $sing_length = length($singular);
			my $plural_length = length($property);
			my ($cast, $uncast) = ('', '');
			if (exists $cast_for{$property}) {
				$cast = $cast_for{$property};
				$uncast = $uncast_for{$property};
			$to_return .= pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "
		curr_$singular = orig_$singular = 0;
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, \"$property\", $plural_length)) {
			prop_list[n_props++] = ${property}_prop_id;
			curr_$singular = orig_$singular = $uncast my->get_$singular(widget_handle);
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, \"$singular\", $sing_length)) {
			orig_$singular = $uncast my->get_$singular(widget_handle);
			curr_$singular = SvIV(*(hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, \"$singular\", $sing_length, 0)));
			my->set_$singular(widget_handle, $cast curr_$singular);
	return $to_return;

# Creating the initialization code #

=begin details

I've built up a lot of machinery to handle the various required arguments
and optional properties. This next chunk of code gives a single function
that will call everything in the proper order to declare and initialize
the necessary variables, early within the Code section.

=end details


sub initialize_for {
	my @properties = @_;
	return pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '
		HV* arg_hash_hv = (HV*)SvRV($COMP(arg_ref_sv));
		/* get the widget handle */
		SV ** widget_sv_p = hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, "widget", 6, 0);
		if (widget_sv_p == NULL) {
			croak("INTERNAL ERROR: widget key was not set!");
		Handle widget_handle = gimme_the_mate(*(widget_sv_p));
		/* array of plural properties to check each iteration. The number
		 * of properties for any given function cannot exceed the number
		 * of properties available to all functions, so just allocate
		 * an array large enough to hold everything, even if most functions
		 * will never use this much. It canno be more than 20, I imagine. */
		property_id_t prop_list [NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES_PLUS_ONE];
		/* Create a counting variable, and track the number of active
		 * properties that will change during the threadloop for *this*
		 * invocation of the function. */
		int prop_counter, n_props = 0;

	') . generate_property_declarations_for(@properties)
	  . generate_property_initializations_for(@properties) . '

my $default_other_pars = 'SV * arg_ref_sv';

# Calling the setters #

=begin details

Once in the threadloop, each of the properties needs to be able to check if
a new value differs from the current value, and effect a change if so. This
is easy but repetitive code, so once again I generate it from the same list
of arguments as everything else. In what follows, I create a function that
generates these code fragments for me, or looks them up in a hash if they're
complicated. Note that the function wraps the looked-up code in its own
curly-braced block; all you need to write is the code itself like the
following colors example shows:

The auto-generated code for this section is inserted directly into the
Code key in the pp_def function call, within the threadloop, before the
actual drawing function is called. For example:

     threadloop %{
		 /* Apply any per-threadloop tweaks */
         ] . generate_switch_loop_for(@func_pars)
         . q[
         /* Call the apricot function */

=end details


# Thanks to casting, colors doesn't have any special setting code
my %set_code_for = ();

sub generate_switch_case_for {
	my $property = shift;
	# Make the singular name from the plural:
	(my $singular = $property) =~ s/s$//;
	# Build the return string:
	my $to_return = "\t\t\t\t\tcase (${property}_prop_id):\n";
	if (exists $set_code_for{$property}) {
		# Insert special handling code:
		$to_return .= $set_code_for{$property};
	else {
		# Most other properties are direct sets:
		my $cast = $cast_for{$property} || '';
		$to_return .=
"						if (curr_$singular != \$$property()) {
							curr_$singular = \$$property();
							my->set_$singular(widget_handle, $cast curr_$singular);
	$to_return .= "\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;";

# working here - consider creating a hash like %bad_check_code_for
# to handle per-property bad checking code
sub generating_bad_single_setter_code_for {


sub generate_switch_loop_for {
	return "
			prop_counter = 0;
			while(prop_counter < n_props) {
				switch(prop_list[prop_counter++]) {\n"
			. join("\n", (map {generate_switch_case_for($_)} @_)) . "

# Per-Property Cleanup Code #

=begin details

At least one of the properties allocates memory that must be freed when
we're done. All the properties need to check if their values have changed
from their originals, and if so they need to be restored.

=end details


# standard cleanup code works for colors
my %cleanup_code_for = ();

sub generate_cleanup_code_for {
	my $to_return = '
	for my $property (@_) {
		if (exists $cleanup_code_for{$property}) {
			$to_return .= $cleanup_code_for{$property};
		else {
			(my $singular = $property) =~ s/s$//;
			my $cast = $cast_for{$property} || '';
			$to_return .= "
		if (curr_$singular != orig_$singular) {
			my->set_$singular(widget_handle, $cast orig_$singular);
	return $to_return . '

# Property extraction from doc strings #

=begin details

In an effort to align my CPAN documentation with my actual code, I've decided
to extract the properties from the doc string itself. This way, the CPAN docs
and the code will never get out of sync. :-)

=end details


sub extract_properties_from {
	my $doc_string = shift;
	# Find the discussion of properties
	my $stars = '*' x 20;
	my ($prop_string) = $doc_string =~ /Applicable properties include ([^.]*)/
		or croak("Failed to extract the properties from doc string\n$stars\n$doc_string\n$stars");

	# Split the properties by commas and spaces, and also split out the last
	# "and" in the series
	return split /(?:,?\s+and|,)\s+/, $prop_string;

# Building machinery for the different properies #

=begin details

Now that I have all of the infrastructure ready, I need to build up the
data structures for each of the properties. Each property needs an entry in
C<%pars_args_for>. Optional entries include C<%declare_args_for>,
C<%cast_for>, C<%init_args_for>, C<%set_code_for>, and C<%cleanup_code_for>.

=end details


# Background color: need to handle casting 
$pars_args_for{backColors} = 'int backColors()';
$cast_for{backColors} = '(Color)';

# Clipping rectangle:
$pars_args_for{clipRects} = 'int clipLeft(); int clipBottom(); int clipRight(); int clipTop()';
$declare_args_for{clipRects} = 'Rect curr_clipRect, orig_clipRect';
$init_args_for{clipRects} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
		/* Zero-out current and original clip rects */
		curr_clipRect.left   = 0;
		curr_clipRect.right  = 0;    = 0;
		curr_clipRect.bottom = 0;
		orig_clipRect = curr_clipRect;
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "clipRects", 9)) {
			prop_list[n_props++] = clipRects_prop_id;
			curr_clipRect = orig_clipRect = my->get_clipRect(widget_handle);
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "clipRect", 8)) {
			orig_clipRect = my->get_clipRect(widget_handle);
			/* Get the AV that is the current clipRect */
			AV * tmp_clipRect_AV = (AV*) (*(hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, "clipRect", 8, 0)));
			if (av_len(tmp_clipRect_AV) != 4) {
				croak("clipRect expects a four-element array reference");
			/* Unpack the values in the AV into the current clipRect */
			curr_clipRect.left   = SvIV(*(av_fetch(tmp_clipRect_AV, 0, 0)));
			curr_clipRect.bottom = SvIV(*(av_fetch(tmp_clipRect_AV, 1, 0)));
			curr_clipRect.right  = SvIV(*(av_fetch(tmp_clipRect_AV, 2, 0)));    = SvIV(*(av_fetch(tmp_clipRect_AV, 3, 0)));
			my->set_clipRect(widget_handle, curr_clipRect);
$set_code_for{clipRects} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
				if (	curr_clipRect.left   != $clipLeft()
					||	curr_clipRect.right  != $clipRight()
					||    != $clipTop()
					||	curr_clipRect.bottom != $clipBottom()
				) {
					curr_clipRect.left   = $clipLeft();
					curr_clipRect.bottom = $clipBottom();
					curr_clipRect.right  = $clipRight();    = $clipTop();
					my->set_clipRect(widget_handle, curr_clipRect);
$cleanup_code_for{clipRects} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
		if (	curr_clipRect.left   != orig_clipRect.left
			||	curr_clipRect.right  != orig_clipRect.right
			||    !=
			||	curr_clipRect.bottom != orig_clipRect.bottom
		) {
			my->set_clipRect(widget_handle, orig_clipRect);

# These do not need any special args, and the default generated code will
# work just fine:
$pars_args_for{lineEnds} = 'int lineEnds()';
$pars_args_for{lineJoins} = 'int lineJoins()';
$pars_args_for{lineWidths} = 'int lineWidths()';
$pars_args_for{rops} = 'int rops()';
$pars_args_for{rop2s} = 'int rop2s()';

# line patterns. This code has to cast the byte piddle into a char and
# send that and the length to the line_pattern function.
$pars_args_for{linePatterns} = 'byte linePatterns(patlen)';
$declare_args_for{linePatterns} = 'SV * tmp_pattern; SV * orig_pattern; SV * curr_pattern;
				int pat_len_to_copy';
$init_args_for{linePatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
		/* Create the original and current as duplicates of each other */
		orig_pattern = 0;
		curr_pattern = 0;
		tmp_pattern  = 0;
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "linePatterns", 12)) {
			prop_list[n_props++] = linePatterns_prop_id;
			SV * pattern_to_copy = my->get_linePattern(widget_handle);
			curr_pattern = newSVsv(pattern_to_copy);
			orig_pattern = newSVsv(pattern_to_copy);
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "linePattern", 11)) {
			SV * pattern_to_copy = my->get_linePattern(widget_handle);
			if (orig_pattern != 0)
				sv_setsv(orig_pattern, pattern_to_copy);
				orig_pattern = newSVsv(pattern_to_copy);
			pattern_to_copy = *(hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, "linePattern", 11, 0));
			if (curr_pattern != 0)
				sv_setsv(curr_pattern, pattern_to_copy);
				curr_pattern = newSVsv(pattern_to_copy);
			my->set_linePattern(widget_handle, curr_pattern);
		if (orig_pattern != 0) {
			tmp_pattern = newSV($SIZE(patlen));
$set_code_for{linePatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
						/* Edge-condition: find any zeros and only copy up to, and
						 * not including, said zeros. */
						for (pat_len_to_copy = 0; pat_len_to_copy < $SIZE(patlen); pat_len_to_copy++)
							if ($linePatterns(patlen => pat_len_to_copy) == 0)
						sv_setpvn(tmp_pattern, (unsigned char *)$P(linePatterns), pat_len_to_copy);
						if (sv_cmp(tmp_pattern, curr_pattern) != 0) {
							sv_setsv(curr_pattern, tmp_pattern);
							my->set_linePattern(widget_handle, curr_pattern);
# cleanup code needs to mortalize/decrement the SV's reference count
$cleanup_code_for{linePatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
		if (orig_pattern != 0) {
			if (sv_cmp(orig_pattern, curr_pattern) != 0) {
				my->set_linePattern(widget_handle, orig_pattern);
			/* Ensure that these get cleaned up */

# translation; the apricot function for translate uses a different name
# and takes two arguments instead of one:
$pars_args_for{translates} = 'int trans_x(); int trans_y()';
$declare_args_for{translates} = 'Point curr_translate, orig_translate';
$init_args_for{translates} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
		curr_translate.x = curr_translate.y = 0;
		orig_translate = curr_translate;
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "translates", 10)) {
			prop_list[n_props++] = translates_prop_id;
			curr_translate = orig_translate = my->get_translate(widget_handle);
		if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "translate", 9)) {
			orig_translate = my->get_translate(widget_handle);
			/* Get the AV that is the current clipRect */
			AV * tmp_tr_AV = (AV*) (*(hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, "translate", 9, 0)));
			if (av_len(tmp_tr_AV) != 2) {
				croak("translate expects a two-element array reference");
			/* Unpack the values in the AV into the current translate */
			curr_translate.x = SvIV(*(av_fetch(tmp_tr_AV, 0, 0)));
			curr_translate.y = SvIV(*(av_fetch(tmp_tr_AV, 1, 0)));
			my->set_translate(widget_handle, curr_translate);
$set_code_for{translates} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
						/* Set tr and then use it to set the translate */
						if ($trans_x() != curr_translate.x
							|| $trans_y() != curr_translate.y
						) {
							curr_translate.x = $trans_x();
							curr_translate.y = $trans_y();
							my->set_translate(widget_handle, curr_translate);
$cleanup_code_for{translates} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
		if (curr_translate.x != orig_translate.x || curr_translate.y != orig_translate.y) {
			my->set_translate(widget_handle, orig_translate);

# Fill winding works nicely without any alteration:
$pars_args_for{fillWindings} = 'byte fillWindings()';
$declare_args_for{fillWindings} = 'char orig_fillWinding, curr_fillWinding';

# Fill pattern requires that we pack the pattern into an 8-element Perl array.
$pars_args_for{fillPatterns} = 'byte fillPatterns(oct=8)';
$declare_args_for{fillPatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
						char curr_fillPat[8];
						SV * orig_fillSV; SV * singular_fillSV;
						int fillPat_counter;
						/* Various AV and SV pointers I'll need */
						AV * fill_av;
						SV * fill_ref_sv; SV * tmp_fill_sv;
$init_args_for{fillPatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
			/* Array of integer SVs; usually used through its reference (next) */
			fill_av = newAV();
			/* Reference to the above array of int SVs, which is passed to
			 * Prima drawing events */
			fill_ref_sv = newRV_noinc((SV*)fill_av);
			/* These SVs hold the fill patterns for whatever were the original
			 * and singular fill specifications. These can either be integer
			 * (named) constants, or they can be arrays of bits (IVs). I would
			 * prefer to store everything as char[8], but I do not yet know
			 * how to convert the constant to the char[8] representation. So
			 * I store these instead. */
			orig_fillSV = singular_fillSV = 0;
			/* Ensure there are eight rows */
			av_fill(fill_av, 7);
			/* Check the singular and plural properties. */
			if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "fillPatterns", 12)) {
				prop_list[n_props++] = fillPatterns_prop_id;
				orig_fillSV = singular_fillSV = my->get_fillPattern(widget_handle);
			if (hv_exists(arg_hash_hv, "fillPattern", 11)) {
				orig_fillSV = my->get_fillPattern(widget_handle);
				singular_fillSV = *(hv_fetch(arg_hash_hv, "fillPattern", 11, 0));
				my->set_fillPattern(widget_handle, singular_fillSV);

#	if (SvROK(tmp_fill_sv)) printf("It's a referece\n");
#	switch (SvTYPE(tmp_fill_sv)) {
#		case SVt_IV: printf("It's an RV or an IV\n"); break;
#		case SVt_NV: printf("It's an NV\n"); break;
#		case SVt_PV: printf("It's a PV\n"); break;
#		case SVt_PVAV: printf("It's an AV\n"); break;
#		case SVt_PVCV: printf("It's a CV\n"); break;
#		case SVt_PVHV: printf("It's an HV\n"); break;
#		case SVt_PVMG: printf("It's magical!\n"); break;
#	}

$set_code_for{fillPatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
					/* Find the offset where the current and proposed fill
					 * pattern differ. */
	/* test this: difference detection works */
					fillPat_counter = 0;
					if (singular_fillSV == 0) {
							fillPat_counter < 8
							&& curr_fillPat[fillPat_counter]
								!= $fillPatterns(oct => fillPat_counter)
						) fillPat_counter++;
					else {
						singular_fillSV = 0;
	/* working here - double-check this logic */
					/* Copy the fill pattern into the array if anything is
					 * different. */
					if (fillPat_counter < 8) {
						for (fillPat_counter = 0; fillPat_counter < 8; fillPat_counter++) {
							tmp_fill_sv = *(av_fetch(fill_av, fillPat_counter, 1));
							sv_setiv(tmp_fill_sv, $fillPatterns(oct => fillPat_counter));
						/* Set the fill pattern */
						my->set_fillPattern(widget_handle, fill_ref_sv);
$cleanup_code_for{fillPatterns} = pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
			/* Not quite as efficient as the other methods because it doesn't
			 * check that the pattern has *changed*, but checking for a
			 * pattern change is remarkably tedious, so just resetting the
			 * pattern is much simpler. */
			if (orig_fillSV != 0) {
				my->set_fillPattern(widget_handle, orig_fillSV);
			/* These are not used outside this function so I will
			 * unconditionally free their memory now. */
			/* This gives an error about double-free, so don't do it */

# Spline precision works well with the default setup:
$pars_args_for{splinePrecisions} = 'int splinePrecisions()';

# Ignoring for now: region
# The underlying graphics functions explicitly operate with a 1-bit-per-pixel
# Prima::Image bitmap. I could use PDL::PrimaImage as the argument, but
# that seems like a lot of repackaging for every round in the PP
# threadloop. Alternatively, I could take an array ref with Prima::Image
# objects as the argument, and simply cycle through that.

# Argument processing, ordering, and default handling #

=begin details

Each of the perl-side functions that gets invoked as an object
method checks its arguments. It does this by analyzing the hash sent in
by the caller, checking for properties that don't belong, or were
mis-spelled, and repackaging the results into a list with the exact
order needed by the PP code. Most parameters take a single piddle as
their argument, but some don't. This code needs to know how many
arguments go with each parameter, so it can check that, too. Such a list
of parameters can be automatically constructed from the already-defined
%pars_args_for hash.

=end details


pp_addpm (join("\n"
	, '# This is a list of the number of arguments for each property. It is based on the'
	, '# pars_args_for hash which is built in the .pd file associated with this module'
	, 'my %N_args_for = qw('
	# Note that the tr operator, as used, just counts the number of semi-colons
	# in the pars args associated with the property.
	, (map {sprintf "\t%-20s %d", $_, ($pars_args_for{$_} =~ tr/;//) + 1}
		(keys %pars_args_for))
	, ');'

=begin details

Having collected the number of arguments associated with each of the
properties, I need a function to actually process the hash.
This is a function that I call in all of my PMCode sections. It takes an
anonymous list of names and an anonymous hash. If the hash has a key for
one of the names, it includes that in the return list. If it doesn't, it
returns the default value of a 0-dim piddle with a value corresponding to
the widget's handle. If one of the hash keys is not in the list of names,
it croaks.

Put a little differently, this function takes an anonymous hash, makes
sure there are no extraneous arguments, extracts the desired arguments
or uses a sensible default, and returns the arguments in the desired

=end details


pp_addpm <<'DefaultArgumentHandling';

sub get_sorted_args_with_defaults {
	my ($self, $arg_names, $given) = @_;
	# Default to an empty list:
	$given = {} unless ref($given) eq 'HASH';
	# Check that they supplied only allowed parameters (allowing both
	# singular and plural forms)
	for my $parameter (keys %$given) {
		croak("Unknown parameter $parameter")
			unless grep {
				# check singular and plural parameter names
				$_ eq $parameter or $_ eq $parameter . 's'
				} @$arg_names
	# Return the sorted list of supplied or default values
	my @to_return = ();
	for my $arg_name (@$arg_names) {
		# If a plural property is not specified, return a default property of
		# a zeroed-out, one-element piddle. Set the value to zero since it is
		# never used.
		if (not exists $given->{$arg_name}) {
			push @to_return, (0) for (1..$N_args_for{$arg_name});
		elsif (ref ($given->{$arg_name}) eq 'ARRAY') {
			# If an array ref, dereference it and make sure the number
			# of arguments agrees with what we expect:
			if (@{$given->{$arg_name}} != $N_args_for{$arg_name}) {
				croak("Expected 1 argument for $arg_name") if $N_args_for{$arg_name} == 1;
				croak("Expected $N_args_for{$arg_name} arguments for $arg_name");
			push @to_return, @{$given->{$arg_name}};
		else {
			# Otherwise, return it outright, if we only expected one
			# argument:
			$N_args_for{$arg_name} == 1
				or croak("Expected $N_args_for{$arg_name} arguments for $arg_name");
			push @to_return, $given->{$arg_name};
	return @to_return;


# Generating PMCode automatically #

=begin details

The PMCode section of each of these is pretty much the same. This
snippet of code generates that code for me. It takes the names of the
arguments and returns the autogenerated PMCode.

This code is very dense. I hope that it is documented well enough with
comments that any future maintainer will be able to understand it. If
in doubt, this function operates stand-alone, so you can copy it into
a little test script and try calling it with sample parameters to get a
feel for how it behaves.

=end details


sub generate_PMCode_for {
	my ($func_name, $props, @arg_names) = @_;
	my $props_array_name = '@' . $func_name . '_props';
	my $args_array_name = '@' . $func_name . '_args';
	# Outside the function definition, create the list of properties
	# that this function uses, as well as the names of the arguments.
	# It needs these lists in the actual Perl module file so it can
	# check the passed arguments and provide meaningful error messages:
	my $to_return = "our $props_array_name = qw(@$props);\n"
				. "our $args_array_name = qw(@arg_names);\n";
	# Define the drawable function in the Prima::Drawable namespace
	# and check for arguments:
	$to_return .= "sub Prima::Drawable::pdl_$func_name {
	# Before anything else, make sure they supplied at least the
	# required number of arguments:
	croak('pdl_$func_name is a widget method that expectes '. scalar($args_array_name)
		. ' arguments (besides the widget): ' . join(', ', 'widget', $args_array_name))
		unless (\@_ > $args_array_name);

	# unpack the widget and the required arguments for this function:
	foreach ('self', @arg_names) {
			$to_return .= "\tmy \$$_ = shift;\n";
	$to_return .= "
	# Check for an even number of remaining arguments (key-value pairs):
	croak('pdl_$func_name expects optional parameters as key => value pairs')
		unless \@_ % 2 == 0;
	my \%args = \@_;
	# Check for piddles as values for singular properties
	for (keys \%args) {
		if (\$_ !~ /s\$/ && eval { \$args{\$_}->isa('PDL') }) {
			croak \"A piddle passed as singular \$_ property\";
	# Get the a full list of arguments suitable for the internal pp code
	# in the correct order:
	my \@args_with_defs
		= get_sorted_args_with_defaults(\$self, \\$props_array_name, \\\%args);
	# Add the widget to the set of args
	\$args{widget} = \$self;
	# Call the PP'd internal code. Always put the args hash last.
	eval {
	# include all the required arguments:
	foreach(@arg_names) {
		$to_return .= '$' . $_ . ', ';
	# finish with self and the args list:
	$to_return .= '@args_with_defs, \%args);
	if ($@) {
		# die $@;
		$@ =~ s/at (.*?) line \d+\.\n$//;
		croak "Issues calling pdl_' . $func_name . ': $@";
	' . "\n}\n";
	return $to_return;

# Build the property id enum #

# Note that the location of this matters: it must come before any of the
# semi-generated functions that follow so that they have access to these
# enums.
pp_addhdr pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '
	typedef enum {
'	. join('', map ("\t\t${_}_prop_id,\n", keys %pars_args_for))
	} property_id_t;

#                              Functions                              #

=begin details

At last I begin the declaration of PP code. The idea behind all of this
machinary is that I declare a collection of applicable properties in
THIS SCRIPT, and then use that to generate consistent code blocks. I
even use the properties array to generate compile-time accurate
documentation, so the on-machine documentation can never go out-of-sync
with the on-machine library.

=end details


# working here - check this and all following for edge handling

# prima_arcs #

my $doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_arcs

=for sig

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter(); y_diameter();
                     start_angle(); end_angle(); properties)

=for ref

Draws arcs, i.e. incomplete ellipses.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors,
lineEnds, linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

The arcs go from the C<start_angle>s to the C<end_angle>s along the
ellipses centered at the C<x>s and C<y>s, with the specified x- and
y-diameters. The angles are measured in degrees, not radians.
The difference between this command and L</chords> or L</sectors> is that
C<arcs> does not connect the dangling ends.

Here's a simple example:

=for example

 # Draw a bunch of random arcs on $canvas:
 my $N_arcs = 20;
 my ($x_max, $y_max) = $canvas->size;
 my $xs = zeroes($N_arcs)->random * $x_max;
 my $ys = $xs->random * $y_max;
 my $dxs = $xs->random * $x_max / 4;
 my $dys = $xs->random * $y_max / 4;
 my $th_starts = $xs->random * 360;
 my $th_stops = $xs->random * 360;
 # Now that we've generated the data, call the command:
 $canvas->pdl_arcs($xs, $ys, $dxs
                , $dys, $th_starts, $th_stops);

If you put that snippet of code in the C<onPaint> method, as
suggested in the synopsis, a completely new set of arcs will get
redrawn whenever you resize your window.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/arc>. Closely related
routines include L</pdl_chords> and L</pdl_sectors>. See also
L</pdl_fill_chords>, and L</pdl_fill_sectors>, L</pdl_ellipses>, and

Spline drawing provides a similar functionality, though more complex and
more powerful. There are no PDL bindings for the spline functions yet.
See L<Prima::Drawable/spline> for more information.



my @properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();
			start_angle(); end_angle(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('arcs', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter start_angle end_angle)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for arcs, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's arc function */
			my->arc(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(),
				$y_diameter(), $start_angle(), $end_angle());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),
	Doc => $doc_string

# prima_bars #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_bars

  Prima Signature: (widget; x1(); y1(); x2(); y2(); properties)

=for ref

Draws filled rectangles from corners (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
fillPatterns, rops, rop2s, and translates.

=for example

 # Draw 20 random filled rectangles on $canvas:
 my $N_bars = 20;
 my ($x_max, $y_max) = $canvas->size;
 my $x1s = zeroes($N_bars)->random * $x_max;
 my $y1s = $x1s->random * $y_max;
 my $x2s = $x1s + $x1s->random * ($x_max - $x1s);
 my $y2s = $y1s + $x1s->random * ($y_max - $y1s);
 my $colors = $x1s->random * 2**24;
 # Now that we've generated the data, call the command:
 $canvas->pdl_bars($x1s, $y1s, $x2s, $y2s
         , colors => $colors);

If you put that snippet of code in the C<onPaint> method, as
suggested in the synopsis, a completely new set of filled rectangles
will get redrawn whenever you resize your window.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/bar>. See also
L</pdl_rectangles>, which is the unfilled equivalent, and L</pdl_clears>,
which is sorta the opposite of this.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'x1(); y1(); x2(); y2(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('bars', \@properties, qw(x1 y1 x2 y2)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for bars, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's bar function */
			my->bar(widget_handle, $x1(), $y1(), $x2(), $y2());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),
	Doc => $doc_string

# prima_chords #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_chords

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter(); y_diameter();
                           start_angle(); end_angle(); properties)

=for ref

Draws arcs (i.e. incomplete ellipses) whose ends are connected by a line.

The chord starts at C<start_angle> and runs to C<end_angle> along the ellipse
centered at C<x>, C<y>, with their specified diameters C<x_diameter>,
C<y_diameter>. Unlike L</arcs> or L</sectors>, it connects
the ends of the arc with a straight line. The angles are
measured in degrees, not radians.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
lineEnds, linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

=for example

 # For this example, you will need:
 use PDL::Char;
 # Draw a bunch of random arcs on $canvas:
 my $N_chords = 20;
 my ($x_max, $y_max) = $canvas->size;
 my $xs = zeroes($N_chords)->random * $x_max;
 my $ys = $xs->random * $y_max;
 my $dxs = $xs->random * $x_max / 4;
 my $dys = $xs->random * $y_max / 4;
 my $th_starts = $xs->random * 360;
 my $th_stops = $xs->random * 360;
 # make a small list of patterns:
 my $patterns_list = PDL::Char->new(
          [lp::Solid, lp::Dash, lp::DashDot]);
 # Randomly select 20 of those patterns:
 my $rand_selections = ($xs->random * 3)->byte;
 use PDL::NiceSlice;
 my $patterns = $patterns_list($rand_selections)->transpose;
 # Now that we've generated the data, call the command:
 $canvas->pdl_chords($xs, $ys, $dxs
                , $dys, $th_starts, $th_stops
                , linePatterns => $patterns);

If you put that snippet of code in the onPaint method, as
suggested in the synopsis, a completely new set of chords
will get redrawn whenever you resize your window.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/chord>. The filled
equivalent is L</pdl_fill_chords>. Closely related routines are
L</pdl_arcs> and L</pdl_sectors>. See also L</pdl_fill_sectors>,
L</pdl_ellipses>, and L</pdl_fill_ellipses>, as well as



@properties = extract_properties_from $doc_string;
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();
			start_angle(); end_angle(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('chords', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter start_angle end_angle)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for chords, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's chord function */
			my->chord(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(),
				$y_diameter(), $start_angle(), $end_angle());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),
	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_clears #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_clears

  Prima Signature: (widget; x1(); y1(); x2(); y2(); properties)

=for ref

Clears the specified rectangle(s).

Applicable properties include backColors, rop2s, and translates.

=for example

 my ($width, $height) = $canvas->size;
 # Begin by drawing a filled rectangle:
 $canvas->bar(0, 0, $width, $height);
 # Now cut random rectangles out of it:
 my $N_chunks = 20;
 my $x1 = random($N_chunks) * $width;
 my $x2 = random($N_chunks) * $width;
 my $y1 = random($N_chunks) * $width;
 my $y2 = random($N_chunks) * $width;
 $canvas->pdl_clears($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);

Like the other examples, this will give you something new whenever you
resize the window if you put the code in the onPaint method, as the
Synopsis suggests.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/clear>. In practice I
suppose this might be considered the opposite of L</pdl_bars>, though
technically this is meant for erasing, not drawing.



	Pars => 'int x1(); int y1(); int x2(); int y2();'
			. generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['L'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('clears', \@properties, qw(x1 y1 x2 y2)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for clears, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's clear function */
			my->clear(widget_handle, $x1(), $y1(), $x2(), $y2());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),
	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_draw_texts #

# Not implemented

# prima_ellipses #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_ellipses

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter();
                          y_diameter(); properties)

=for ref

Draws ellipses centered at C<x>, C<y> with diameters C<x_diameter> and

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

To draw circles, just use the same x- and y-diameter.

=for example

 # Draw increasingly taller ellipses along the center line
 my $N_ellipses = 10;
 my ($width, $height) = $canvas->size;
 # horizontal positions evenly spaced
 my $x = (sequence($N_ellipses) + 0.5) * $width / $N_ellipses;
 # Vertically, right in the middle of the window
 my $y = $height/2;
 # Use the same x-diameter
 my $x_diameter = 15;
 # Increase the y-diameter
 my $y_diameter = $x->xlinvals(10, $height/1.3);
 # Use the pdl_ellipses method to draw!
 $canvas->pdl_ellipses($x, $y, $x_diameter, $y_diameter, lineWidths => 2);

For this example, if you resize the window, the distance between the ellipses
and the ellipse heights will adjust automatically.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/ellipse>. The filled
equivalent is L</pdl_fill_ellipses>. See also L</pdl_arcs>, L</pdl_chords>,
and L</pdl_sectors> as well as L</pdl_fill_chords> and
L</pdl_fill_sectors>. You may also be interested in L<Prima::Drawable/spline>,
which does not yet have a PDL interface.



@properties = qw(colors backColors clipRects linePatterns lineWidths rops rop2s translates);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();'
			. generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['L'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('ellipses', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for ellipses, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's ellipse function */
			my->ellipse(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(),
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_fill_chords #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_fill_chords

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter(); y_diameter();
                          start_angle(); end_angle(); properties)

=for ref

Draws filled chords (see L</pdl_chords>).

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
fillPatterns, rops, rop2s, and translates.

Chords are partial elipses that run from C<start_angle> to C<end_angle>
along the ellipse centered at C<x>, C<y>, each with their specified diameters.
The ends are connected with a line and the interior is filled. Use this to
draw the open-mouth part of a smiley face.

=for example

 # working here:
 $canvas->pdl_fill_chords($x, $y, $xd, $yd, $ti, $tf);

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/fill_chord>. The unfilled
equivalent is L</pdl_chords>. Closely related to L</pdl_fill_ellipses>
and L</pdl_fill_sectors>. See also L</pdl_arcs>, L</pdl_ellipses>,
and L</pdl_sectors>.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();
			start_angle(); end_angle(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('fill_chords', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter start_angle end_angle)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for chords, filled or otherwise,
	# so I'll just add the auto-generated declaration and initialization
	# code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's fill_chord function */
			my->fill_chord(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(),
				$y_diameter(), $start_angle(), $end_angle());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_fill_ellipses #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_fill_ellipses

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter();
                          y_diameter(); properties)

=for ref

Draws filled ellipses (see L</pdl_ellipses>).

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
fillPatterns, rops, rop2s, and translates. 

=for example

 # Draw increasingly taller ellipses along the center line
 my $N_ellipses = 10;
 my ($width, $height) = $canvas->size;
 # horizontal positions evenly spaced
 my $x = (sequence($N_ellipses) + 0.5) * $width / $N_ellipses;
 # Vertically, right in the middle of the window
 my $y = $height/2;
 # Use the same x-diameter
 my $x_diameter = 15;
 # Increase the y-diameter
 my $y_diameter = $x->xlinvals(10, $height/1.3);
 # Use the pdl_ellipses method to draw!
 $canvas->pdl_fill_ellipses($x, $y, $x_diameter, $y_diameter);

If you resize the window the distance between the ellipses
and the ellipse heights will adjust automatically.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/fill_ellipse>. The unfilled
equivalent is L</pdl_ellipses>. Closely related to L</pdl_fill_chords> and
L</pdl_fill_ellipses>, and L</pdl_fill_sectors>.
See also L</pdl_arcs>, L</pdl_ellipses>, and L</pdl_sectors>. Also,
check out L<Prima::Drawable/fill_spline>, which does not yet have
PDL bindings.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['L'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('fill_ellipses', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for ellipses, filled or otherwise,
	# so I'll just add the auto-generated declaration and initialization
	# code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's fill_ellipse function */
			my->fill_ellipse(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(), $y_diameter());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_fillpolys #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_fillpolys

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(n); y(n); properties)

=for ref

Draws and fills a polygon with (mostly) arbitrary edge vertices.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
fillPatterns, fillWindings, rops, rop2s, and translates.

NOTE: there is B<no> underscore between C<fill> and C<poly>, which is
different from the other C<fill> methods!

This is useful for drawing arbitrary filled shapes and for visualizing
integrals. Splines would be the better choice if you want to draw curves, but
a PDL interface to splines is not (yet) implemented.

Unlike most of the other methods, this one actually makes a half-hearted
effort to process bad values. In addition to the IEEE bad values of C<nan>
and C<inf>, PDL has support for bad values. Unlike in C<pdl_polys>,
C<pdl_fillpolys> will simply skip any point that is marked as bad, but drawing
the rest of the polygon. In other words, it reduces the degree of your polygon
by one. If you sent it four points and one of them was bad, you would get a
triangle instead of a quadralaters.

Infinities are also handled, though not perfectly. There are a few
situations where C<pdl_polys> will correctly draw what you mean but
C<pdl_fillpolys> will not.

Because this skips bad data altogether, if you have too much bad data
(i.e. fewer than three good points), the routine will simply not draw
anything. I'm debating if this should croak, or at least give a warning.
(Of course, a warning to STDOUT is rather silly for a GUI toolkit.)

For example:

=for example

 # Create a poorly sampled sine-wave
 my ($width, $height) = $canvas->size;
 my $x = sequence(23)/4;
 my $y = $x->sin;
 # Draw it in such a way that it fits the canvas nicely
 $canvas->pdl_fillpolys($x * $width / $x->max,
     ($y + 1) * $height / 2, fillWindings => 1

Resizing the window will result in a similar rendering that fits the aspect
ratio of your (resized) window.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/fillpoly>. See also
L</pdl_bars> and L<pdl_polylines>.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
my $code = 	# Begin by declaring the non-autogenerated the variables I will need
		int n_size, i, n_to_plot;
		double xval, yval;
	# Add the auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	. initialize_for(@properties)
	# Continue with my initialization code and the threadloop:
	. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
		/* Allocate an array of Points outside of the threadloop */
		n_size = $SIZE(n);
		/* All set. Start the threadloop with the setters. */
		threadloop %{
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Put the x-y data into the to_plot array. I am attempting
			 * to handle infs gracefully, and I am simply skipping over
			 * nan values, treating them just as I would bad values.
			 * Note that polylines draws a gap at bad values, but here
			 * I simply skip over them.
			n_to_plot = 0;
			/* Ensure that we have the proper memory storage to communicate with
			 * this widget's fillpoly routine. */
			ENSURE_POINT_STORAGE (fillpoly, n_size);
			i = -1;
			while(1) {
				NEXT_I: i++;
				if (i >= n_size) break;
				xval = $x(n => i);
				yval = $y(n => i);

				/* Move to the next value if we encounter nan or BAD */
				if (xval != xval || yval != yval ORBADCHECKS) {
					goto NEXT_I;

				/* This is a hack, but I'm leaving it like this for now because
				 * the full solution is very difficult */
				/* handle infinities */
				if (xval * 0.0 != 0.0) {
					if (xval < 0)
						xval = -MY_BIG_NUMBER;
						xval = MY_BIG_NUMBER;
				if (yval * 0.0 != 0.0) {
					if (yval < 0)
						yval = -MY_BIG_NUMBER;
						yval = MY_BIG_NUMBER;
				/* Handle very large values */
				if (yval > MY_BIG_NUMBER) yval = MY_BIG_NUMBER;
				if (xval > MY_BIG_NUMBER) xval = MY_BIG_NUMBER;
				if (yval < -MY_BIG_NUMBER) yval = -MY_BIG_NUMBER;
				if (xval < -MY_BIG_NUMBER) xval = -MY_BIG_NUMBER;
				ADD_POINT(fillpoly, n_to_plot, xval, yval);

				/* Keep track of the number of points added */
			if (n_to_plot > 2)
				DRAW_POINTS(fillpoly, apc_gp_fill_poly, n_to_plot);
		/* Free the memory when done */
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties)

(my $good_code = $code) =~ s/ORBADCHECKS//;
(my $bad_code = $code) =~ s{ORBADCHECKS}{
					|| \$ISBAD(x(n => i))
					|| \$ISBAD(y(n => i))};
$bad_code =~ s/NEXT_I/NEXT_BAD_I/g;

	Pars => 'x(n); y(n); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('fillpolys', \@properties, qw(x y)),
	Code => $good_code,
	BadCode => $bad_code,
	HandleBad => 1,
	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_fill_sectors #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_fill_sectors

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter(); y_diameter();
                          start_angle(); end_angle(); properties)

=for ref

Draws filled sectors, i.e. a pie-slices or Pac-Mans.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
fillPatterns, rops, rop2s, and translates.

More specifically, this draws an arc from C<start_angle> to C<end_angle>
along the ellipse centered at C<x>, C<y>, with specified x- and y-diameters.
Like L</fill_chords>, this command connects the end points of the arc, but
unlike L</fill_chords>, it does so by drawing two lines, both of which
also connect to the ellipse's center. This results in shapes that look
like pie pieces or pie remnants, depending of whether you're a glass-half-full
or glass-half-empty sort of person.

=for example

 # Draw a bunch of random arcs on $canvas:
 my $N_chords = 20;
 my ($x_max, $y_max) = $canvas->size;
 my $xs = zeroes($N_chords)->random * $x_max;
 my $ys = $xs->random * $y_max;
 my $dxs = $xs->random * $x_max / 4;
 my $dys = $xs->random * $y_max / 4;
 my $th_starts = $xs->random * 360;
 my $th_stops = $xs->random * 360;
 # Now that we've generated the data, call the command:
 $canvas->pdl_fill_sectors($xs, $ys, $dxs
                , $dys, $th_starts, $th_stops);

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/fill_sector>. The unfilled
equivalent is L</pdl_sectors>. This is closely related to C</pdl_fill_chords>
and C</pdl_fill_ellipses>. See also L</pdl_arcs>, L</pdl_chords>, and



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();
			start_angle(); end_angle(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('fill_sectors', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter start_angle end_angle)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for filled sectors, so I'll just
	# add the auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's arc function */
			my->fill_sector(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(),
				$y_diameter(), $start_angle(), $end_angle());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_fill_splines #

# Not implemented

# prima_flood_fills #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_flood_fills

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); fill_color();
                   singleborder(); properties)

=for ref

Fill a contiguous region.

NOTE THIS MAY NOT WORK ON MACS! There seems to be a bug in either Prima or
in Mac's X-windows library that prevents this function from doing its job as
described. That means that flood filling is not cross-platform, at least not
at the moment. This notice will be removed from the latest version of this
documentation as soon as the item is addressed, and it may be that your
version of Prima has a work-around for this problem. At any rate, it only
effects Mac users.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
fillPatterns, rops, rop2s, and translates.

Note that C<fill_color> is probably B<not> what you think it is. The
color of the final fill is determined by your C<colors> property. What,
then, does C<fill_color> specify? It indicates how Prima is supposed to
perform the fill. If C<singleborder> is zero, then C<fill_color> is the
color of the B<boundary> to which Prima is to fill. In other words, if you had
a bunch of intersecting lines that were all red and you wanted the interior
of those intersecting lines to be blue, you would say something like

 $widget->pdl_flood_fills($x, $y, cl::Red, 0, colors => cl::Blue);

On the other hand, if C<singleborder> is 1, then the value of C<fill_color>
tells Prima to replace every contiguous pixel B<of color> C<fill_color> with
the new color specified by C<colors> (or the current color, if no C<colors>
piddle is given).

=for example

 # Generate a collection of intersecting
 # circles and triangles
 my ($width, $height) = $canvas->size;
 my $N_items = 20;
 my $x = random($N_items) * $width;
 my $y = random($N_items) * $width;
 $canvas->pdl_ellipses($x, $y, 20, 20, lineWidths => 3);
 $canvas->pdl_symbols($x, $y, 3, 0, 0, 10, 1, lineWidths => 3);
 # Fill the interior of those circle/triangle intersections
 $canvas->pdl_flood_fills($x, $y, cl::Black, 0);

If you put that snippet of code in the example from the synopsis, you should
see a number of narrow rectangles intersecting circles, with the interior of
both shapes filled. Resizing the window will lead to randomly changed
positions for those space-ship looking things.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/flood_fill>. See also
L<pdl_clears> and the various fill-based drawing methods.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int fill_color(); int singleborder(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['L'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('flood_fills', \@properties, qw(x y color singleborder)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for flood fills, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call the widget's flood fill function */
			my->flood_fill(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), (Color)$fill_color(), $singleborder());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_lines #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_lines

  Prima Signature: (widget; x1(); y1(); x2(); y2(); properties)

=for ref

Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
lineEnds, lineJoins, linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

In contrast to polylines, which are supposed to be connected, these
lines are meant to be independent. Also note that this method does make an
effort to handle bad values, both the IEEE sort (nan, inf) and the official
PDL bad values. See L<pdl_polylines> for a discussion of what might constitute
proper bad value handling.

=for example

 working here

Compare to the Prima methods L<Prima::Drawable/lines> and
L<Prima::Drawable/lines>. See also L<pdl_polylines>.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'x1(); y1(); x2(); y2(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('lines', \@properties, qw(x1 y1 x2 y2)),
	Code => 
	# I'll need a couple of local variables to do my work here:
		Point * to_plot;
		big_number_container to_check;
	# add the auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	. initialize_for(@properties)
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties. It would be nice to skip bad values beforehand, but we
		# need the widget handle before we can check the points:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Assemble the big number checker */
			Point p = my->get_size(widget_handle);
			to_check.height = p.y;
			to_check.width = p.x;
			to_check.x1 = $x1();
			to_check.x2 = $x2();
			to_check.y1 = $y1();
			to_check.y2 = $y2();
			/* Call apricot's lines function if the line should be drawn */
			if (_check_for_big_numbers(&to_check) > 0) {
				my->line(widget_handle, to_check.x1, to_check.y1
					, to_check.x2, to_check.y2);
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	BadCode => 
	# I'll need a couple of local variables to do my work here:
		Point * to_plot;
		big_number_container to_check;
	# add the auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	. initialize_for(@properties)
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
			/* Skip any points that are bad */
			if ( $ISBAD(x1()) || $ISBAD(y1()) || $ISBAD(x2()) || $ISBAD(y2())) {
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties. It would be nice to skip bad values beforehand, but we
		# need the widget handle before we can check the points:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Assemble the big number checker */
			Point p = my->get_size(widget_handle);
			to_check.height = p.y;
			to_check.width = p.x;
			to_check.x1 = $x1();
			to_check.x2 = $x2();
			to_check.y1 = $y1();
			to_check.y2 = $y2();
			/* Call apricot's lines function if the line should be drawn */
			if (_check_for_big_numbers(&to_check) > 0) {
				my->line(widget_handle, to_check.x1, to_check.y1
					, to_check.x2, to_check.y2);
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	HandleBad => 1,
	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_pixels #

#@properties = qw(colors clipRects translates);
#	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int [o] color(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
#	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
#	GenericTypes => ['L'],
#	PMFunc => undef,
#	NoPthread => 1,
#	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('pixels', \@properties, qw(x y color)),
#	Code => 
#	# I don't need any extra variables for pixels, so I'll just add the
#	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
#	  initialize_for(@properties)
#	# Continue with the threadloop:
#	. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
#		threadloop %{
#			/* Unlike usual, I will not use the setter code. Rather,
#			 * the is_setting_colors will determine whether or not I
#			 * set the pixel:
#			 *
#			 * working here: no initialize_for(@properties)?
#			 */
#			if (is_setting_colors) {
#				my->set_pixel(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), (Color)$colors());
#			}
#			/* No matter what, get the previous color. NOTE that the
#			 * retrieved results goes in color (singular), not colors
#			 */
#			$color() = (PDL_Long) my->get_pixel(widget_handle, $x(), $y());
#		%}
#	}),
#	BadCode =>
#	# I don't need any extra variables for pixels, so I'll just add the
#	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
#	  initialize_for(@properties)
#	# Continue with the threadloop:
#	. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q{
#		threadloop %{
#			/* Unlike usual, I will not use the setter code. Rather,
#			 * the is_setting_colors, and the good state for everything, is
#			 * will determine whether or not I set the pixel:
#			 */
#			if (is_setting_colors && $ISGOOD(x()) && $ISGOOD(y())
#					&& $ISGOOD(colors())) {
#				my->set_pixel(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), (Color)$colors());
#			}
#			/* No matter what, get the previous color. NOTE that the
#			 * retrieved results goes in color (singular), not colors
#			 */
#			$color() = (PDL_Long) my->get_pixel(widget_handle, $x(), $y());
#		%}
#	}),
#	HandleBad => 1,
#	Doc => q{
#=head2 pdl_pixels
#  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); properties)
#=for ref
#Sets the pixel at (x, y) to the current color, or to the value(s) passed
#in the C<color> property.
#=for example
# working here
#}. "=pod\n\nApplicable properties include " . join(', ', @properties) . "
#Applicable properties are likely to include colors, clipRects, and
#translates. However, this list could be
#out of date or out of order. If you've installed this module on your own
#machine, the documentation is guaranteed to describe the applicable
#properties, in their correct order.

# prima_polylines #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_polylines

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(n); y(n); properties)

=for ref

Draws a multi-segment line with the given x- and y-coordinates.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
lineEnds, lineJoins, linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

This method goes to great lengths to Do What You Mean, which is actually
harder than you might have expected. This is the backbone for the Lines
plot type of L<PDL::Graphics::Prima>, so it needs to be able to handle all
manner of strange input. Here is what happens when you specify strange


=item IEEE nan or PDL Bad Value

If either of these values are specified in the middle of a line drawing, the
polyline will completely skip this point and begin drawing a new polyline at
the next point.

=item both x and y are inf and/or -inf

There is no sensible way of interpreting what it means for both x and y to
be infinite, so any such point is skipped, just like nan and Bad.

=item either x or y is inf or -inf

If an x value is infinite (but the paired y value is not), a horizontal line
is drawn from the previous x/y pair out to the edge of a widget; another line
is drawn from the edge to the next x/y pair. The behavior for an infinite y
value is similar, except that the line is drawn vertically.

For example, the three points (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, inf), (3, 1), (4, 1) would
be rendered as a line from (0, 1) to (1, 1), then a vertical line straight
up from (1, 1) to the upper edge of the widget or clipping rectangle, then
a vertical line straight down to (3, 1) from the upper edge of the widget or
clipping rectangle, then a horizontal line from (3, 1) to (4, 1).

=item x and/or y is a large value

If x or y is a large value (say, both x and y are 5e27 when the rest of your
numbers are of the order of 100), it will not be possible to actually show a
renderin of a line to that point. However, it is possible to correctly render
the slope of that point out to the edge of the clipping rectangle. Thus the
slope of the line from within-clip points to large values is faithfully


Here's an example of how to plot data using C<pdl_polylines> (though you'd
do better to use L<PDL::Graphics::Prima> to create plots):

=for example

 # Draw a sine curve on the widget:
 my $x = sequence(200);
 my $y = ( sin($x / 20) + 1 ) * 50;
 $canvas->pdl_polylines($x, $y);

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/polyline>. See also L<pdl_lines>
and L<pdl_fillpolys>.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
$code = 	# Begin by declaring the non-autogenerated variables I will need
		int n_size, i, n_to_plot;
		int width, height, check_result;
		big_number_container to_check;
	# Add the auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	. initialize_for(@properties)
	# Continue with my initialization code and the threadloop:
	. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
		/* Allocate the point data outside of the threadloop */
		n_size = $SIZE(n);
		/* All set. Start the threadloop with the setters. */
		threadloop %{
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Make sure that we have the proper point storage for this widget */
			ENSURE_POINT_STORAGE(polyline, n_size);
			/* Get the width and height of the widget */
			Point p = my->get_size(widget_handle);
			to_check.height = p.y;
			to_check.width = p.x;
			i = 0;
			NEXT_I: while(i < n_size - 1) {
				to_check.x1 = $x(n => i);
				to_check.y1 = $y(n => i);
				/* Add the first point to the collection */
				ADD_POINT(polyline, 0, to_check.x1, to_check.y1);
				for(n_to_plot = 1; i < n_size; i++, n_to_plot++) {
					to_check.x2 = $x(n => i);
					to_check.y2 = $y(n => i);
					check_result = IS_BAD ? 0 : _check_for_big_numbers(&to_check);
					if (check_result == 0) {
						/* That means "don't plot this segment", which means
						 * I should plot the other pieces and start over with
						 * a new sub-segment. */
						if (n_to_plot > 1)
							DRAW_POINTS(polyline, apc_gp_draw_poly, n_to_plot);
						goto NEXT_I;
					if (check_result > 1) {
						/* That means "I had to adjust x and y", which means
						 * I should plot the current sub-segment and start a
						 * new sub-segment. */
						if (n_to_plot == 1) {
							/* re-add the zeroeth point since it might have
							 * been changed. Note that all later points will
							 * only trigger this if they are exotic, but the
							 * n==1 could trigger this if the zeroeth point is
							 * exotic */
							ADD_POINT(polyline, 0, to_check.x1, to_check.y1);
						ADD_POINT(polyline, n_to_plot, to_check.x2, to_check.y2);
						DRAW_POINTS(polyline, apc_gp_draw_poly, n_to_plot+1);
						goto NEXT_I;
					ADD_POINT(polyline, n_to_plot, to_check.x2, to_check.y2);
					to_check.x1 = to_check.x2;
					to_check.y1 = to_check.y2;
				/* The only way we reach here is if the last segment was fine,
				 * but was not drawn, so draw it. */
				DRAW_POINTS(polyline, apc_gp_draw_poly, n_to_plot);
		/* Free the memory when done */
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties)

($good_code = $code) =~ s/CHECK_FOR_BAD//;
$good_code =~ s/IS_BAD/0/;
($bad_code = $code) =~ s{CHECK_FOR_BAD}{if (\$ISBAD(x(n => i-1)) || \$ISBAD(y(n => i-1))) goto NEXT_I};
$bad_code =~ s{IS_BAD}{(\$ISBAD(x(n => i)) || \$ISBAD(y(n => i)))};
$bad_code =~ s/NEXT_I/NEXT_BAD_I/g;

	Pars => 'x(n); y(n); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('polylines', \@properties, qw(x y)),
	Code => $good_code,
	HandleBad => 1,
	BadCode => $bad_code,

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_put_images #

# Not implemented

# prima_put_images_indirect #

# Not implemented

# prima_rects3d #

# Not implemented

# prima_rect_foci #

# Not implemented

# prima_rectangles #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_rectangles

  Prima Signature: (widget; x1(); y1(); x2(); y2(); properties)

=for ref

Draws a rectangle from corner (x1, y1) to corner (x2, y2).

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

=for example

 # Draw 20 random rectangles on $canvas:
 my $N_bars = 20;
 my ($x_max, $y_max) = $canvas->size;
 my $x1s = zeroes($N_bars)->random * $x_max;
 my $y1s = $x1s->random * $y_max;
 my $x2s = $x1s + $x1s->random * ($x_max - $x1s);
 my $y2s = $y1s + $x1s->random * ($y_max - $y1s);
 my $colors = $x1s->random * 2**24;
 # Now that we've generated the data, call the command:
 $canvas->pdl_rectangles($x1s, $y1s, $x2s, $y2s
         , colors => $colors);

If you put that snippet of code in the C<onPaint> method, as
suggested in the synopsis, a completely new set of rectangles
will get redrawn whenever you resize your window.

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/rectangle>. See also
L</pdl_bars>, which is the filled equivalent, and L</pdl_lines>, which
draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) instead. Also, there is a Prima
method that does not (yet) have a pdl-based equivalent known as
L<Prima::Drawable/rects3d>, which draws beveled edges around a rectangle.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x1(); int y1(); int x2(); int y2(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['L'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('rectangles', \@properties, qw(x1 y1 x2 y2)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for bars, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's rectangle function */
			my->rectangle(widget_handle, $x1(), $y1(), $x2(), $y2());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_sectors #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_sectors

  Prima Signature: (widget; x(); y(); x_diameter(); y_diameter(); start_angle(); end_angle(); properties)

=for ref

Draws the outlines of sectors, i.e. a pie-slices or Pac-Mans.

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects,
lineEnds, linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

More specifically, this draws an arc from C<start_angle> to C<end_angle>
along the ellipse centered at C<x>, C<y>, with specified x- and y-diameters.
Like L</fill_chords>, this command connects the end points of the arc, but
unlike L</fill_chords>, it does so by drawing two lines, both of which
also connect to the ellipse's center. This results in shapes that look
like pie pieces or pie remnants, depending of whether you're a glass-half-full
or glass-half-empty sort of person.

=for example

 # For this example, you will need:
 use PDL::Char;
 # Draw a bunch of random sectors on $canvas:
 my $N_chords = 20;
 my ($x_max, $y_max) = $canvas->size;
 my $xs = zeroes($N_chords)->random * $x_max;
 my $ys = $xs->random * $y_max;
 my $dxs = $xs->random * $x_max / 4;
 my $dys = $xs->random * $y_max / 4;
 my $th_starts = $xs->random * 360;
 my $th_stops = $xs->random * 360;
 # make a small list of patterns:
 my $patterns_list = PDL::Char->new(
          [lp::Solid, lp::Dash, lp::DashDot]);
 # Randomly select 20 of those patterns:
 my $rand_selections = ($xs->random * 3)->byte;
 use PDL::NiceSlice;
 my $patterns = $patterns_list($rand_selections)->transpose;
 # Now that we've generated the data, call the command:
 $canvas->pdl_sectors($xs, $ys, $dxs
                , $dys, $th_starts, $th_stops
                , linePatterns => $patterns);

Compare to the Prima method L<Prima::Drawable/sector>. The filled equivalent
is L</pdl_fill_sectors>. There is a whole slew of arc-based drawing methods
including L</pdl_arcs>, L</pdl_chords>, and L<pdl_ellipses> along with their
filled equivalents. You may also be interested in L<Prima::Drawable/spline>,
which does not yet have a PDL interface.



@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	Pars => 'int x(); int y(); int x_diameter(); int y_diameter();
			start_angle(); end_angle(); ' . generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('sectors', \@properties, qw(x y x_diameter y_diameter start_angle end_angle)),
	Code => 
	# I don't need any extra variables for sectors, so I'll just add the
	# auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Call apricot's arc function */
			my->sector(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), $x_diameter(),
				$y_diameter(), $start_angle(), $end_angle());
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties),

	Doc => $doc_string,

# prima_splines #

# Not implemented

# prima_stretch_images #

# Not implemented

# prima_texts_out #

# Not implemented

# Additional PDL-only drawing operations #



These are drawing methods that have no analogous Prima::Drawable function.



# prima_symbols #

$doc_string = <<'DOC_STRING';

=head2 pdl_symbols

  Signature: (widget; x(); y(); N_points(); orientation(); filled(); size(); skip(); properties)

=for ref

Draws a wide variety of symbols centered at (x, y).

Applicable properties include colors, backColors, clipRects, fillPatterns,
fillWindings, lineEnds, linePatterns, lineWidths, rops, rop2s, and translates.

Through various combinations of C<N_points>, C<filled>, and C<skip>, you can
generate many different regular symbols, including dashes, stars, asterisks,
triangles, and diamonds. You can also specify each symbol's C<size> and
C<orientation>. The size is the radius of a circle that would circumscribe
the shape. The orientation is... well... just keep reading.

The shape drawn depends on C<N_points>. If C<N_points> is:


=item zero or one

This will draw a circle with a radius of the
given size. The circle will be filled or not based on the value passed for
C<filled>, but the C<orientation> and C<skip> parameters are ignored. This
is almost redundant compared with the ellipse functions, except that this
arrangement makes it very easy to thead over filled/not-filled, and you
cannot specify an eccentricity for your points using C<pdl_symbols>.

=item two

This will draw a line centered at (x, y) and with a length of 2*C<size>.
The C<orientation> is measured in degrees, starting from horizontal, with
increasing angles rotating the line counter-clockwise. The value for C<skip>
is ignored.

This is particulary useful for visualizing slope-fields (although calculating
the angles for the slope field is surprisingly tricky).

=item three or more

This will draw a shape related to a regular polygon with the specified
number of sides. Precisely what kind of polygon it draws is based on the
value of C<skip>. For example, a five-sided polygon with a C<skip> of one
would give you a pentagon:

                           second point
               third   __..--'' \
               point  |          \
                      |           \
                      |            \  first
                      |            /  point
                      |           /
                      |__        /
              fourth     ``--.._/
                           fifth point

                           skip = 1

In contrast, a five-sided polygon with a skip of 2 will give you a star:

                           fourth point
              second          /|                
              point   \`~.._/  |            
                       `\ / `--|.__          
                         X     | __>  first point       
                       ,/ \_,--|'                
              fifth   /_~'' \  |                 
              point           \|
                           third point
                           skip = 2

A skip of three would give visually identical results but the actual order
in which the vertices are drawn is different:

                           third point
              fifth           /|                
              point   \`~.._/  |            
                       `\ / `--|.__          
                         X     | __>  first point       
                       ,/ \_,--|'                
              second  /_~'' \  |                 
              point           \|
                           fourth point
                           skip = 3

A skip of zero is a special case, and means I<draw lines to each point from
the center.> In other words, create an asterisk:

                           second point
               third            /
               point   `.      / 
                         `.   /   
                           `./_______  first
                           .'\         point
                         .'   \
                       .'      \
              fourth            \
                           fifth point
                           skip = 0

In summary, a C<skip> of zero gives you an N-asterisk. A C<skip> of one gives
you a regular polygon. A C<skip> of two gives you a star. And so forth.
Higher values of C<skip> are allowed; they simply add to the winding behavior.

Specifying the orientation changes the position of the first point and,
therefore, all subsequent points. A positive orientation rotates the first
point counter-clockwise by the specified number of degrees. Obviously, due
to the symmetry of the shapes, rotations of 360 / N_points look identical to
not performing any rotation.

For all nonzero values of C<skip>, specifying a fill will end up with
a filled shape instead of a line drawing.


By default, filled stars and other symbols with odd numbers of points have a
hole in their middle. However, Prima provides a means for indicating that you
want such shapes filled; that is the C<fillWinding> property. As with almost all
graphical properties, you can specify the C<fillWinding> property for each
symbol by specifying the C<fillWindings> piddle.

This example creates a table of shapes. It uses an argument from the command
line to determine the line width.

=for example

 use PDL::NiceSlice;
 # Generate a table of shapes:
 my @dims = (40, 1, 30);
 my $N_points = xvals(@dims)->clump(2) + 1;
 my $orientation = 0;
 my $filled = yvals(@dims)->clump(2) + 1;
 my $size = 10;
 my $skip = zvals(@dims)->clump(2);
 my $x = $N_points->xvals * 25 + 25;
 my $y = $N_points->yvals * 25 + 25;
 my $lineWidths = $ARGV[0] || 1;
 # Draw them:
 $canvas->pdl_symbols($x, $y, $N_points, 0, $filled, 10, $skip

=for bad

Bad values are handled by C<pdl_symbols>. If any of the values you pass in
are bad, the symbol is not drawn at that x/y coordinate.



# The code and badcode are nearly identical, so I'll write it once here and
# do the handful of manipulations below.

@properties = extract_properties_from($doc_string);
	# I'll need to allocate the memory for each Symbol drawn:
$code = 	q{
		int i, j, N_sides, N_steps, reduced_skip;
		double angle;
		double TWOPI = 8.0 * atan2(1,1);
	# add the auto-generated declaration and initialization code:
	. initialize_for(@properties)
	# Continue with the threadloop:
	. q[
		threadloop %{
		# Now comes the code that calls the various setters for the various
		# properties:
		. generate_switch_loop_for(@properties)
		. pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, q[
			/* Figure out the reduced_skip */
			reduced_skip = 0;
			if ($N_points() > 2) reduced_skip = $skip() % $N_points();
			/* Skip bad values */
			if(is_nan($x()) || is_nan($y()) || is_inf($x()) || is_inf($y())
				/* do nothing */
			else if ($N_points() == 0 || $N_points() == 1) {
				/* Handle the circle case up-front */
				if ($filled() == 0) {
					my->ellipse(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), 2*$size(), 2*$size());
				else {
					my->fill_ellipse(widget_handle, $x(), $y(), 2*$size(), 2*$size());
			else if (reduced_skip == 0
				/* Handle the zero-skip case next, which draws lines from the
				 * center to each point */
					|| $N_points() % 2 == 0 && reduced_skip == $N_points() / 2) {
				angle = TWOPI * $orientation() / 360.0;
				N_sides = $N_points();
				for(i = 0; i < N_sides; ++i) {
					/* draw lines from the center to each point */
					my->line(widget_handle, $x(), $y(),
													/* crooked line hack */
						$x() + $size() * cos(angle) + 0.02,
						$y() + $size() * sin(angle) + 0.02
					/* update the angle */
					angle += TWOPI / N_sides;
			else {
				/* Look for the least common divisor of reduced_skip and N_points */
				N_steps = 1;
				for (i = 2; i <= reduced_skip; ++i)
					if (reduced_skip % i == 0 && $N_points() % i == 0)
						N_steps = i;
				/* Figure out the number of sides we'll be plotting at any
				 * given moment */
				N_sides = $N_points() / N_steps + 1;
				/* Allocate the memory needed for the Symbol */
				if ($filled() == 0) ENSURE_POINT_STORAGE(polyline, N_sides);
				else ENSURE_POINT_STORAGE(fillpoly, N_sides);
				for (j = 0; j < N_steps; j++) {
					angle = TWOPI * ($orientation() / 360.0 + (double)j / $N_points());
					/* Calculate the points for the Symbol */
					for (i = 0; i < N_sides; ++i) {
						ADD_POINT(polyline, i
															/* crooked line hack */
							, $x() + $size() * cos(angle) + 0.02
							, $y() + $size() * sin(angle) + 0.02);
						angle += TWOPI/$N_points() * reduced_skip;
					if ($filled() == 0) {
						/* Draw a non-filled polygon */
						DRAW_POINTS(polyline, apc_gp_draw_poly, N_sides);
					else {
						/* Draw a filled-in polygon */
						DRAW_POINTS(fillpoly, apc_gp_fill_poly, N_sides);
				/* Free the memory when done */
	. generate_cleanup_code_for(@properties);

($good_code = $code) =~ s/BADCHECKS//;
my $bad_checks = '|| $ISBAD(x()) || $ISBAD(y()) || $ISBAD(N_points())
					|| $ISBAD(orientation()) || $ISBAD(filled())
					|| $ISBAD(size()) || $ISBAD(skip())';
($bad_code = $code) =~ s/BADCHECKS/$bad_checks/;

	Pars => 'x(); y(); byte N_points(); orientation(); byte filled(); int size(); byte skip(); '
				. generate_pars_args_for(@properties),
	OtherPars => $default_other_pars,
	GenericTypes => ['D'],
	PMFunc => undef,
	NoPthread => 1,
	PMCode => generate_PMCode_for('symbols', \@properties, qw(x y N_points orientation filled size skip)),
	Code => $good_code,
	HandleBad => 1,
	BadCode => $bad_code,
	Doc => $doc_string,



These functions may throw the following exception:

=head2 Your widget must be derived from Prima::Drawable

This means that you tried to draw on something that is not a Prima::Drawable
object, or a class derived from it. I don't know enough about the Prima
internals to know if that has any hope of working, but why do it in the first


Those well versed in PDL::PP might ask how I manage to produce pdlified methods
that take variable numbers of arguments. That is a long story, and it is told in
the volumes of comments in pdlprima.pd. Give it a read if you want to know what
goes on behind the scenes.

=head1 TODO

These are all the things I wish to do:


=item Full Drawabel API

I would like a PDL function for every drawable function in the API.
Prima Drawable functions that currently do not have an equivalent PDL
implementation include L<Prima::Drawable/draw_text>,
L<Prima::Drawable/fill_spline>, L<Prima::Drawable/put_image>,
L<Prima::Drawable/put_image_indirect>, L<Prima::Drawable/rect3d>,
L<Prima::Drawable/rect_focus>, L<Prima::Drawable/spline>,
L<Prima::Drawable/stretch_image>, and L<Prima::Drawable/text_out>

=item Bad Value Support

Bad values are handled decently in L</polylines> and L</fillpolys>, but not for
the other functions. Bad x/y values should be skipped for almost all the drawing
primitives, but what about bad colors for valid coordinates? I could not draw
the primitive, defer to the widget's default color, or use the value associated
with the singular key (i.e. C<color>). But I haven't decided which of these is


=head1 AUTHOR

David Mertens, E<lt>dcmertens.perl@gmail.comE<gt>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

Some useful PDL/Prima functions are defined in L<PDL::Drawing::Prima::Utils>,
especially for converting among simple color formats.

This is built as an extension for the Prima toolkit,, L<Prima>.

This is built using (and targeted at users of) the Perl Data Language, L<PDL>.

This is the bedrock for the plotting package L<PDL::Graphics::Prima>.

Another interface between PDL and Prima is <PDL::PrimaImage>. I am indebted to
Dmitry for that module because it gave me a working template for this module,
including a working Makefile.PL. Thanks Dmitry!





# Remove incorrect PDL docs #
# removes the stupid full-signature documentation.
# working here - this can be removed by properly handling the Doc key in the
# pp_def function call. When you supply an empty string, no documentation gets
# generated. That lets me to add my own pod in the PMCode section.
# However, I can skirt all of this by specifying the PdlDoc key with the
# exact documentation that I want. This wipes out all automatic documentation
# generation, but the trade-off might be worth it to avoid this code.

# However, I'm also going to add a 'use Prima' at the top for Windows machines,
# so I'm going to keep this section, even if I reduce the pod-parsing portion. 

my $base = "$";
my $new = "$";

open my $in, '<', $base;
open my $out, '>', $new;

# Add 'use Prima' to the top so that symbol lookups work correctly.
print $out <<'ALWAYS_LOAD';
# Always load Prima first:
use Prima;


my $is_discarding = 0;
my $found_functions = 0;

LINE: while (<$in>) {
	if ($is_discarding) {
		# Discard the line unless we find our end marker:
		next LINE unless /=head2 pdl_/;
		$is_discarding = 0;
	elsif (/=head2 prima_/) {
		# Check if we *should* start discarding:
		$is_discarding = 1;
		next LINE;
	# Remove the spurious =head1 FUNCTIONS documentation
	if ($found_functions and /=head1 FUNCTIONS/) {
		# Eat everything up to the =cut
		while(<$in> !~ /=cut/) {}
		next LINE;
	$found_functions++ if /=head1 FUNCTIONS/;
	print $out $_;

close $in;
close $out;
unlink $base;
rename $new => $base;