The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use 5.010;
use warnings;
use Test::More 'no_plan';

use List::Util qw< reduce >;

my $calculator = do{
    use Regexp::Grammars;
        <Answer> (*COMMIT)
            <warning: (?{ "Extra junk after expression at index $INDEX: '$CONTEXT'" })>
            <warning: Expected end of input>

        <rule: Answer> 
            <[_Operand=Mult]> ** <[_Op=(\+|\-)]>
                (?{ $MATCH = shift @{$MATCH{_Operand}};
                    for my $term (@{$MATCH{_Operand}}) {
                        my $op = shift @{$MATCH{_Op}};
                        if ($op eq '+') { $MATCH += $term; }
                        else            { $MATCH -= $term; }

        <rule: Mult> 
            <[_Operand=Pow]> ** <[_Op=(\*|/|%)]>
                (?{ $MATCH = reduce { eval($a . shift(@{$MATCH{_Op}}) . $b) }

        <rule: Pow> 
            <[_Operand=Term]> ** <_Op=(\^)> 
                (?{ $MATCH = reduce { $b ** $a } reverse @{$MATCH{_Operand}}; })

        <rule: Term>
          | \( <MATCH=Answer> \)

        <rule:  Trailing_stuff>

        <token: Literal>
            <MATCH=( [+-]? \d++ (?: \. \d++ )?+ )>


local $/ = "";
while (my $input = <DATA>) {
    chomp $input;
    my ($text, $expected) = split /\s+/, $input, 2;
    if ($text =~ $calculator) {
        is $/{Answer}, $expected => "Input $.: $text"; 
    else {
        is_deeply \@!, eval($expected), => "Input $.: $text";

2           2

2*3+4       10

2zoo        [
             "Extra junk after expression at index 1: 'zoo'",
             "Expected end of input, but found 'zoo' instead",
             "Expected valid input, but found 'zoo' instead",

1+2zoo        [
             "Extra junk after expression at index 3: 'zoo'",
             "Expected end of input, but found 'zoo' instead",
             "Expected valid input, but found 'zoo' instead",

zoo         [
             "Expected literal, but found 'zoo' instead",
             "Can't match subrule <Trailing_stuff> (not implemented)",