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package App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Server;
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:DDG';
# ABSTRACT: Starting up the web server to test instant answers
$App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Server::VERSION = '1021';
use Moo;
with qw( App::DuckPAN::Cmd App::DuckPAN::Restart );

use MooX::Options protect_argv => 0;
use Plack::Runner;
use File::ShareDir::ProjectDistDir;
use File::Copy;
use Path::Tiny;
use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use Config::INI;
use Term::ProgressBar;

option port => (
	is => 'ro',
	format => 'i',
	lazy => 1,
	short => 'p',
	default => sub { 5000 },
	doc  => 'set port on which server should listen. defaults to 5000',

has page_info => (
	is      => 'ro',
	builder => '_build_page_info',
	lazy=> 1,

sub _build_page_info {
	my $self       = shift;
	my $cache_path = $self->asset_cache_path;

	return +{
		js        => [],
		locales   => [],
		css       => [],
		templates => [{
				name     => 'Template Compiling JS',
				internal => $cache_path->child('template_compiler.js'),
				# stored locally, no need to make web request for this
				external => undef,
				desc     => 'Small script DuckPAN runs on SERP load; compiles Spice IA templates',
		root => [{
				name     => 'DDG Homepage',
				internal => $cache_path->child('page_root.html'),
				external => '/',
				desc     => 'used for error page when no instant answers trigger',
		spice => [{
				name            => 'DDG SERP',
				internal        => $cache_path->child('page_spice.html'),
				external        => '/?q=duckduckhack-template-for-spice2',
				load_sub_assets => 1,
				desc            => 'this is the page we inject Spice and Goodie results into',

has hostname => (
	is => 'ro',
	builder => '_build_hostname',
	lazy => 1,

sub _build_hostname {
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->app->server_hostname;

has asset_cache_path => (
	is      => 'ro',
	builder => 1,
	lazy    => 1,

sub _build_asset_cache_path {
	my $self       = shift;

	my $asset_path = $self->app->cfg->cache_path->child($self->hostname);
	$asset_path->mkpath unless $asset_path->exists;

	return $asset_path;

# Entry point into app
sub run {
	my ($self, @args) = @_;


# Starts the Plack server on the designated port.  Will be launched in a child
# process since it blocks. Will be killed by user ctrl-c or parent explicitly
# kill'ing it.
sub _run_app {
	my ($self, $args) = @_;

	my $cache_path = $self->app->cfg->cache_path;

	$self->app->check_requirements; # Ensure eveything is up do date, or exit.

	my @blocks = @{$self->app->ddg->get_blocks_from_current_dir(@$args)};

	$self->app->emit_debug("Hostname is: https://" . $self->hostname);
	$self->app->emit_info("Checking asset cache...");

	foreach my $asset (map { @{$self->page_info->{$_}} } (qw(root spice templates))) {
		if (defined $asset->{external}) {
		else {
			# Files without external sources should be copied from the distribution.
			my $to_file = $asset->{internal};
			my $from_file = path(dist_dir('App-DuckPAN'), $to_file->basename);
			$from_file->copy($to_file) if ($from_file->exists && !$to_file->exists);

	# Pull files out of cache to be served later by DuckPAN server
	my %web_args = (
		blocks          => \@blocks,
		server_hostname => $self->hostname
	foreach my $page (keys %{$self->page_info}) {
		$web_args{'page_' . $page} = $self->slurp_or_empty($self->page_info->{$page});

	$self->app->emit_info("Starting up webserver...", "You can stop the webserver with Ctrl-C");

	require App::DuckPAN::Web;

	my $web    = App::DuckPAN::Web->new(%web_args);
	my $runner = Plack::Runner->new(
		#loader => 'Restarter',
		includes => ['lib'],
		app      => sub { $web->run_psgi($self->app, @_) },
	$runner->parse_options("--port", $self->port);
	exit $runner->run;

sub slurp_or_empty {
	my ($self, $which) = @_;
	my $cache_path = $self->asset_cache_path;
	my $contents = '';
	foreach my $which_file (grep { $_->{internal} } (@$which)) {
		my $where = $which_file->{internal};
		my $change_method = ($where =~ m/\.js$/) ? 'change_js' : ($where =~ m/\.css$/) ? 'change_css' : 'change_html';

		$contents .= $self->make_source_comment($which_file) . $self->$change_method($where->slurp) if ($where->exists);

	return $contents;

sub make_source_comment {
	my ($self, $file_info) = @_;

	my $comment  = '';
	my $internal = $file_info->{internal};
	my $title    = $file_info->{name} || $internal;
	if ($internal =~ /js$/) {
		$comment = '// ' . $title;
	elsif ($internal =~ /css$/) {
		$comment = '/* ' . $title . '*/';
	elsif ($internal =~ /html$/) {
		$comment = '<!-- ' . $title . ' -->';

	return "\n$comment\n";    # Just two blank lines if we don't know how to comment for the file type.

# Force DuckPAN to ignore requests for certain files
# that are not needed (ie. d.js, s.js, g.js, post2.html)
sub change_js {
	my ( $self, $js ) = @_;
	$js =~ s!/([dsg]\d+?|duckduck|duckgo_dev)\.js\?!/?duckduckhack_ignore=1&!g;
	$js =~ s!/post2\.html!/?duckduckhack_ignore=1&!g;
	return $self->change_css($js);

# Rewrite all relative asset links in CSS
# Capture leading quote, insert $hostname, append filename
# E.g url("/assets/background.png") => url("")
sub change_css {
	my ( $self, $css ) = @_;
	my $hostname = $self->hostname;
	$css =~ s!:\s*url\((["'])?/!:url\($1http://$hostname/!g;
	return $css;

sub change_html {
	my ( $self, $html ) = @_;

	my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;

	my @a = $root->look_down(
		"_tag", "a"

	my @link = $root->look_down(
		"_tag", "link"

	# Make sure DuckPAN serves DDG CSS (already pulled down at startup)
	# ie <link href="/s123.css"> becomes <link href="/?duckduckhack_css=1">
	# Also rewrite relative links to hostname
	my $has_css = 0;
	for (@a, @link) {
		if ($_->attr('type') && $_->attr('type') eq 'text/css') {
			# We only want to load the CSS file once.
			# We only load it once because /?duckduckhack_css=1 already has all of the CSS
			# in a single page.
			unless($has_css) {
				$has_css = 1;
			else {
		elsif (defined $_->attr('href') && substr($_->attr('href'),0,1) eq '/') {

	my @script = $root->look_down(
		"_tag", "script"

	# Make sure DuckPAN serves DDG JS (already pulled down at startup)
	# ie <link href="/d123.js"> becomes <link href="/?duckduckhack_js=1">
	# Also rewrite relative links to hostname

	# Temp Fix: Force ignore of d.js & duckduck.
	# This logic needs to be improved!

	my $has_ddh = 0;
	for (@script) {
		if (my $src = $_->attr('src')) {
			next if ($src =~ m/^\/\?duckduckhack_/); # Already updated, no need to do again
			if ($src =~ m/^\/(dpan\d+|duckpan)\.js/) {
				if ($has_ddh){
				else {
					$has_ddh = 1;
			elsif ($src =~ m/^\/(g\d+|serp)\.js/) {
			elsif ($src =~ m/^\/(d\d+|base)\.js/) {

				# If dpan.js is not present (ie. homepage)
				# make sure we serve the js rather than blocking
				# the call to d.js
				if ($has_ddh){
				else {
			elsif ($src =~ /locales/) {
			elsif (substr($src,0,1) eq '/') {

	my @img = $root->look_down(
		"_tag", "img"

	# Rewrite img links to be requested from hostname
	for (@img) {
		if ($_->attr('src')) {

	my $newhtml = $root->as_HTML;

	return $self->change_js($self->change_css($newhtml));

# This is where we cache and check for newer versions
# of DDG JS and CSS by parsing the HTML requested from
# DuckDuckGo. If new files exits, we grab them, rewrite
# any links and store them in the cache. Otherwise we
# serve the current versions from the cache.

sub get_sub_assets {
	my ($self, $from) = @_;

	my $html = $from->{internal}->slurp;
	my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;

	my @script = $root->look_down(
		"_tag", "script"

	my @link = $root->look_down(
		"_tag", "link"

	my $cache_path = $self->asset_cache_path;

	# Find version no. for d.js and g.js
	for (@script) {
		if (my $src = $_->attr('src')) {
			if ($src =~ m/^\/((?:dpan\d+|duckpan)\.js)/) {
				unshift @{$self->page_info->{js}},
					name     => 'Main JS',
					internal => $cache_path->child($1),
					external => $1
			elsif ($src =~ m/^\/((?:g\d+|serp)\.js)/) {
				unshift @{$self->page_info->{templates}},
					name     => 'Templating JS',
					internal => $cache_path->child($1),
					external => $1
			elsif ($src =~ m/^\/(locales(?:.*)\.js)/) {
				my $long_path  = $1;
				my $cache_name = $long_path;
				$cache_name =~ s#^.+(\.\d+\.\d+\.js)#locales$1#g;    # Turn long path into cacheable name
				unshift @{$self->page_info->{locales}},
					name     => 'Locales JS',
					internal => $cache_path->child($cache_name),
					external => $long_path

    	my @cssfile;
	for (grep { $_->attr('type') && $_->attr('type') eq 'text/css' } @link) {
		if (my $href = $_->attr('href')) {
			# We're looking for txxx.css and sxxx.css.
			# style.css and static.css are for development mode.
			if ($href =~ m/^\/((?:[str]\d+|style|static|serp)\.css)/) {
				my $name = $1;
				push @cssfile, $name;
    	foreach (sort @cssfile) {
    		my $name = $_;
		unshift @{$self->page_info->{css}},
			name     => $name . ' CSS',
			internal => $cache_path->child($name),
			external => $name

	# Check if we need to request any new assets from hostname, otherwise use cached copies
	foreach my $curr_asset (grep { defined $_ && $_->{internal} } map { @{$self->page_info->{$_}} } (qw(js templates css locales))) {
		$self->retrieve_and_cache($curr_asset, $from);

sub retrieve_and_cache {
	my ($self, $asset, $sub_of) = @_;

	return unless ($asset->{internal} && $asset->{external});

	my $to_file    = $asset->{internal};
	my $path_start = (substr($asset->{external}, 0, 1) eq '/') ? '' : '/';
	my $url        = 'https://' . $self->hostname . $path_start . $asset->{external};
	my $prefix     = ($sub_of) ? '[via ' . $sub_of->{name} . '] ' : '';
	$prefix .= '[' . $asset->{name} . '] ';
	if ($to_file->exists && (time - $to_file->stat->ctime) < $self->app->cachesec) {
		$self->app->emit_debug($prefix . $to_file->basename . " recently cached -- no request made.");
	else {
		$self->app->emit_debug($prefix . 'requesting from: ' . $url . '...');
		my ($expected_length, $bytes_received, $progress);
		my $next_update = 0;
		my $res         = $self->app->http->request(
			HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url),
			sub {
				my ($chunk, $res) = @_;
				$bytes_received += length($chunk);
				$expected_length //= $res->content_length || 0;
				return unless $self->app->verbose;    # Progress bar is just for verbose mode;
				if ($expected_length && !defined($progress)) {
					$progress = Term::ProgressBar->new({
						name   => $prefix,
						count  => $expected_length,
						remove => 1,
						ETA    => 'linear',
						fh     => \*STDOUT,
				elsif ($progress && $bytes_received > $next_update) {
					$next_update = $progress->update($bytes_received);
		if (!$res->is_success) {
			$self->app->emit_and_exit(1, qq~$prefix request failed with response: ~ . $res->status_line . "\n");
		elsif ($expected_length && $bytes_received < $expected_length) {
			$self->app->emit_and_exit(1, qq~$prefix only $bytes_received of $expected_length bytes received~);
		else {
			$progress->update($expected_length) if ($progress && $expected_length);
			$self->app->emit_debug($prefix . 'written to cache: ' . $to_file);
	# We need to load the assets on the SERPs for reuse.
	if ($asset->{load_sub_assets}) {
		$self->app->emit_debug($prefix . 'parsing for additional assets');
		$self->app->emit_debug($prefix . 'assets loaded');





=head1 NAME

App::DuckPAN::Cmd::Server - Starting up the web server to test instant answers

=head1 VERSION

version 1021

=head1 AUTHOR

DuckDuckGo <>, Zach Thompson <>, Zaahir Moolla <>, Torsten Raudssus <> L<>


This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by DuckDuckGo, Inc. L<>.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004
