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package Archive::Har::Entry;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp();
use Archive::Har::Entry::Request();
use Archive::Har::Entry::Response();
use Archive::Har::Entry::Cache();
use Archive::Har::Entry::Timings();

=head1 NAME

Archive::Har::Entry - Represents a single http request/response pair inside the HTTP Archive

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.05


our $VERSION = '0.05';


    use Archive::Har();

    my $http_archive_string = '"log": { "version": "1.1", .... ';
    my $har = Archive::Har->new();
    foreach my $entry ($har->entries()) {
        print "PageRef: " . $entry->pageref() . "\n";
        print "DateTime: " . $entry->startedDateTime() . "\n";
        print "Total Elasped Time: " . $entry->time() . "\n";
        my $request = $entry->request();
        my $response = $entry->response();
        my $cache = $entry->cache();
        my $timing = $entry->pageTimings();
        print "Server IP Address: " . $entry->serverIPAddress() . "\n";
        print "Connection: " . $entry->connection() . "\n";
        print "Comment: " . $entry->comment() . "\n";



my (%_fields) = (
			pageref => undef,
			startedDateTime => undef,
			time => undef,
			request => undef,
			response => undef,
			cache => undef,
			timings => undef,
			serverIPAddress => undef,
			connection => undef,
			comment => undef,

=head2 pageref

returns the reference to the parent page.  This may be null.

=head2 startedDateTime

returns the date and time stamp for the beginning of the request (ISO 8601 format)

=head2 time

returns the total elapsed time of the request in milliseconds.  It is the sum of all the timings available in the timings object (not including undefined values).


sub time {
	my ($self) = @_;
        my $timings = $self->timings();
	if (defined $timings) {
		my $total = 0;
		my $found = 0;
		foreach my $timing (
			if (defined $timing) {
				$found = 1;
				$total += $timing;
		if ($found) {
			return $total;
		} else {
			return -1;
	} else {
		return -1;

=head2 request

returns the request object

=head2 response

returns the response object

=head2 cache

returns the cache object

=head2 timings

returns the entry timings object

=head2 serverIPAddress

returns the IP address of the server that was connected (result of DNS resolution)

=head2 connection

returns the unique ID of the parent TCP/IP connection.  This can be the client port number.

=head2 comment

returns the comment about the Entry


sub new {
	my ($class, $params) = @_;
	my $self = {};
	bless $self, $class;
	foreach my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %_fields) {
		next unless (defined $params->{$key});
		if ($key eq 'request') {
			$self->{$key} = Archive::Har::Entry::Request->new($params->{$key});
		} elsif ($key eq 'response') {
			$self->{$key} = Archive::Har::Entry::Response->new($params->{$key});
		} elsif ($key eq 'cache') {
			$self->{$key} = Archive::Har::Entry::Cache->new($params->{$key});
		} elsif ($key eq 'timings') {
			$self->{$key} = Archive::Har::Entry::Timings->new($params->{$key});
		} else {
	foreach my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$params) {
		if ($key =~ /^_/) { # check for private fields
	return $self;

	my $self = shift;
	my $type = ref($self) or Carp::croak "$self is not an object";

	my $name = $Archive::Har::Entry::AUTOLOAD;
	$name =~ s/.*://;   # strip fully-qualified portion

	if ($name =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/) {
		if (not exists $_fields{$name} ) {
		    Carp::croak "Can't access `$name' field in class $type";
		if (@_) {
		    return $self->{$name} = shift;
		} else {
		    return $self->{$name};
	} elsif ($name =~ /^_[a-zA-Z]+$/) { # private fields
		if (@_) {
		    return $self->{$name} = shift;
		} else {
	            return $self->{$name};

sub TO_JSON {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $json = {};
	foreach my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %$self) {
		next unless (defined $self->{$key});
		$json->{$key} = $self->{$key};
	if (defined $self->time()) {
		$json->{time} = $self->time();
	return $json;

