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# -*- cperl -*-

use ExtUtils::testlib;
use Test::More tests => 24;
use Test::Memory::Cycle;
use Config::Model;

use warnings;
no warnings qw(once);

use strict;

use Data::Dumper;
# use Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner;

use vars qw/$model/;

$model = Config::Model -> new(legacy => 'ignore',)  ;

my $arg = shift || '';

my $trace = $arg =~ /t/ ? 1 : 0 ;
$::verbose          = 1 if $arg =~ /v/;
$::debug            = 1 if $arg =~ /d/;
Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $arg =~ /e/;

$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1 ;

use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy) ;
Log::Log4perl->easy_init($arg =~ /l/ ? $TRACE: $WARN);


my $inst = $model->instance (root_class_name => 'Master', 
			     model_file => 't/',
			     instance_name => 'test1');
ok($inst,"created dummy instance") ;

my $root = $inst -> config_root ;

ok($root,"created root") ;

Config::Model::Exception::Any->Trace(1) if $trace =~ /e/;

my @data 
  = (
       'Z' => {'next_step' => { 'Z' => '' }},
       'X' => {'next_step' => { 'X' => '' }},
       'DX' => {'next_step' => { 'DX' => '' }}
       'ab2' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ab2' => ''}}}},
				 'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ab2' => ''}}}}}},
       'aa2' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'aa2' => ''}}}},
				 'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'aa2' => ''}}}}}},
       'X' => {'next_step' => {'X' => '', 'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'X' => ''}}}},
       'ac' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ac' => ''}}}},
       'Y' => {'next_step' => {'Y' => ''}},
       'DX' => {'next_step' => {'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'DX' => ''}}}},
       'Z' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}},
			       'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}},
			       'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}}}},
       'ab' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ab' => ''}}}},
       'ad2' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ad2' => ''}}}},
				 'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ad2' => ''}}}}}},
       'ad' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ad' => ''}}}},
       'aa' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'aa' => ''}}}},
       'ac2' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ac2' => ''}}}},
				 'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ac2' => ''}}}}}}

     ['Z', '!', 
       'string_with_def' => {'next_step' => {'string_with_def' => ''}},
       'aa2' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'aa2' => ''}}}},
							       'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'aa2' => ''}}}}}},
				 'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'aa2' => ''}}}},
											  'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'aa2' => ''}}}}}}}}}},
       'Y' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'Y' => ''}},
			       'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'Y' => ''}}}}}},
       'DX' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'DX' => ''}}}},
				'olist' => {'next_step' => {'DX' => ''}},
				'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveZ' => {'next_step' => {'DX' => ''}},
							    'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'DX' => ''}}}}}},
				'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'DX' => ''}}}},
       'Z' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}},
							     'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}},
							     'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}}}},
			       'olist' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}},
			       'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveZ' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}},
							   'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}},
											'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}},
											'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}}}}}},
			       'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'Z' => ''}}}},
       'ad2' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ad2' => ''}}}},
							       'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ad2' => ''}}}}}},
				 'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ad2' => ''}}}},
											  'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ad2' => ''}}}}}}}}}},
       'tree_macro' => {'next_step' => {'tree_macro' => ''}},
       'a_string' => {'next_step' => {'a_string' => ''}},
       'ad' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ad' => ''}}}},
				'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ad' => ''}}}}}}}},
       'ordered_hash' => {'next_step' => {'ordered_hash' => ''}},
       'aa' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'aa' => ''}}}},
				'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'aa' => ''}}}}}}}},
       'ac2' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ac2' => ''}}}},
							       'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ac2' => ''}}}}}},
				 'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ac2' => ''}}}},
											  'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ac2' => ''}}}}}}}}}},
       'lista' => {'next_step' => {'lista' => ''}},
       'hash_b' => {'next_step' => {'hash_b' => ''}},
       'ab2' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ab2' => ''}}}},
							       'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ab2' => ''}}}}}},
				 'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'warp2' => {'next_class' => {'SubSlave2' => {'next_step' => {'ab2' => ''}}}},
											  'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ab2' => ''}}}}}}}}}},
       'int_v' => {'next_step' => {'int_v' => ''}},
       'listb' => {'next_step' => {'listb' => ''}},
       'my_reference' => {'next_step' => {'my_reference' => ''}},
       'X' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'X' => '', 'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'X' => ''}}}},
			       'olist' => {'next_step' => {'X' => ''}},
			       'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveZ' => {'next_step' => {'X' => ''}},
							   'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'X' => '', 'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'X' => ''}}}}}},
			       'std_id' => {'next_step' => {'X' => ''}}}},
       'ac' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ac' => ''}}}},
				'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ac' => ''}}}}}}}},
       'a_uniline' => {'next_step' => {'a_uniline' => ''}},
       'ab' => {'next_step' => {'slave_y' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ab' => ''}}}},
				'warp' => {'next_class' => {'SlaveY' => {'next_step' => {'sub_slave' => {'next_step' => {'ab' => ''}}}}}}}},
       'my_check_list' => {'next_step' => {'my_check_list' => ''}},
       'hash_a' => {'next_step' => {'hash_a' => ''}}
    ) ;

my @items = $root->model_searcher->get_searchable_elements ;
my @expected = qw/DX X Y Z a_string a_uniline aa aa2 ab ab2 ac ac2 ad ad2 
                  hash_a hash_b int_v lista listb my_check_list 
                  my_reference ordered_hash string_with_def tree_macro/ ;

is_deeply(\@items, \@expected, "list of searchable items") ;

foreach my $item (@data) {
    next unless @$item == 3 ;
    my $node = $root->grab($item->[1]) ;
    my $model_searcher = $node->model_searcher->prepare(element => $item->[0]);

    is_deeply( $model_searcher->{data}, $item->[2] , 
	       "verify search data on ".$node->config_class_name
	       . "($item->[0],$item->[1])" )
      || print Dumper $model_searcher->{data} ;

my $model_searcher = $root->model_searcher->prepare(element => 'X');
$root->load("tree_macro=XZ") ;

my $step = $model_searcher->next_step() ;
is_deeply($step, [qw/olist slave_y std_id warp/],'check first step') ;

my $obj = $model_searcher->choose('warp') ;
is($obj->name,'warp', 'check chosen object') ;

my $target = $model_searcher->auto_choose(sub{}, sub {}) ;
is($target->name,'warp X', 'check auto chosen object for X') ;

$step = $model_searcher->next_step() ;
is_deeply($step, [],'check that no more steps are left') ;

# no user choice to look for aa
$root->load("tree_macro=XY") ;
$model_searcher = $root->model_searcher->prepare(element => 'aa');
$model_searcher->choose('warp') ;
$target = $model_searcher->auto_choose(sub{}, sub {}) ;
is($target->name,'warp sub_slave aa', 'check auto chosen object for aa') ;

# try choose_next
$model_searcher = $root->model_searcher->prepare(element => 'aa');
$model_searcher->choose('warp') ;
$step = $model_searcher->next_choice() ;
is_deeply($step, [],'check that no more steps are left after next_choice') ;
$target = $model_searcher->current_object ;
is($target->name,'warp sub_slave aa', 'check chosen object for aa') ;

$model_searcher = $root->model_searcher->prepare(element => 'DX');
$root->load("tree_macro=XZ") ;
my $cb1 = sub {
    my $object = shift ;
    is($object->config_class_name, 'Master', 
       'check object of element call-back (DX))');
    is_deeply([@_], [qw/olist slave_y std_id warp/],
	      'check param of element call-back (DX)') ;
    return 'warp' ;
} ;

$target = $model_searcher->auto_choose($cb1, sub{}) ;
is($target->name,'warp DX', 'check auto chosen object for DX (warp)') ;

# restart and try through olist
$model_searcher->reset ;
$target = $model_searcher->auto_choose(sub{'olist'}, sub {return 1;}) ;

is($target->name, 'olist:1 DX',
	  'check auto_choose target for DX (olist)') ;

# restart and try through std_d
$model_searcher->reset ;
$target = $model_searcher->auto_choose(sub{'std_id'}, sub {return 'foo';}) ;

is($target->name, 'std_id:foo DX',
	  'check auto_choose target for DX (std_id)') ;

# restart and try through std_d with next_choice
$model_searcher->reset ;
$step = $model_searcher->next_choice() ;
is_deeply($step, [qw/olist slave_y std_id warp/],'next_choice 1') ;

$model_searcher->choose('std_id') ;
ok(1, "std_id choice done") ;

#print $root->dump_tree(full_dump =>1) ;

$step = $model_searcher->next_choice() ;
is_deeply($step, [],'next_choice 2') ;

is($model_searcher->current_object->name, 'std_id:foo DX','next_choice target') ;