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# This file is part of Config-Model
# This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dominique Dumont.
# This is free software, licensed under:
#   The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
package Config::Model::Iterator;
$Config::Model::Iterator::VERSION = '2.055';
use Carp;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger :levels);

use Config::Model::Exception;

my $logger = get_logger("Wizard::Helper");

sub new {
    my $type = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    my $self = {
        call_back_on_important => 0,
        forward                => 1,
        status                 => 'standard',

    foreach my $p (qw/root/) {
        $self->{$p} = delete $args{$p}
            or croak "Iterator->new: Missing $p parameter";

    foreach my $p (qw/call_back_on_important call_back_on_warning status/) {
        $self->{$p} = delete $args{$p} if defined $args{$p};

    bless $self, $type;

    my %user_scan_args = ( experience => 'intermediate', );

    foreach my $p (qw/experience/) {
        $user_scan_args{$p} = delete $args{$p};

    my %cb_hash;

    # mandatory call-back parameters
    foreach my $item (qw/leaf_cb hash_element_cb/) {
        $cb_hash{$item} = delete $args{$item}
            or croak "Iterator->new: Missing $item parameter";

    # handle optional list_element_cb parameter
    $cb_hash{list_element_cb} = delete $args{list_element_cb}
        || $cb_hash{hash_element_cb};

    # optional call-back parameter
    $cb_hash{check_list_element_cb} =
        delete $args{check_list_element_cb} || $cb_hash{leaf_cb};

    # optional call-back parameters
    foreach my $p (
        qw/enum_value reference_value
        integer_value number_value
        boolean_value string_value uniline_value/
        ) {
        my $item = $p . '_cb';
        $cb_hash{$item} = delete $args{$item} || $cb_hash{leaf_cb};

    $self->{dispatch_cb}    = \%cb_hash;
    $self->{user_scan_args} = \%user_scan_args;

    if (%args) {
        die "Iterator->new: unexpected parameters: ", join( ' ', keys %args ), "\n";

    # user call-back are *not* passed to ObjTreeScanner. They will be
    # called indirectly through wizard-helper own call-backs

    $self->{scanner} = Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner->new(
        fallback        => 'all',
        experience      => $user_scan_args{experience},
        hash_element_cb => sub { $self->hash_element_cb(@_) },
        list_element_cb => sub { $self->hash_element_cb(@_) },
        node_content_cb => sub { $self->node_content_cb(@_) },
        leaf_cb         => sub { $self->leaf_cb(@_) },

    return $self;

sub start {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{bail_out} = 0;
    $self->{scanner}->scan_node( undef, $self->{root} );

sub bail_out {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{bail_out} = 1;

# internal. This call-back is passed to ObjTreeScanner. It will call
# scan_element in an order which depends on $self->{forward}.
sub node_content_cb {
    my ( $self, $scanner, $data_r, $node, @element ) = @_;

    $logger->info( "node_content_cb called on '", $node->name, "' element: @element" );

    my $experience = $self->{user_scan_args}{experience};
    my $element;

    while (1) {

        # @element from ObjTreeScanner is not used as user actions may
        # change the element list due to warping
        $element = $node->next_element(
            name       => $element,
            experience => $experience,
            status     => $self->{status},
            reverse    => 1 - $self->{forward} );

        last unless defined $element;

        $logger->info( "node_content_cb calls scan_element ", "on element $element" );

        $self->{scanner}->scan_element( $data_r, $node, $element );
        return if $self->{bail_out};

# internal. Used to find which user call-back to use for a given
# element type.
sub get_cb {
    my $self     = shift;
    my $elt_type = shift;
    return $self->{dispatch_cb}{ $elt_type . '_cb' }
        || croak "wizard get_cb: unexpected type $elt_type";

# internal. This call-back is passed to ObjTreeScanner. It will call
# scan_hash in an order which depends on $self->{forward}.  it will
# also check if the hash (or list) element is flagged as 'important'
# and call user's hash or list call-back if needed
sub hash_element_cb {
    my ( $self, $scanner, $data_r, $node, $element ) = splice @_, 0, 5;
    my @keys = sort @_;

    my $level = $node->get_element_property( element => $element, property => 'level' );

    $logger->info( "hash_element_cb (element $element) called on '",
        $node->location, "' level $level, keys: '@keys'" );

    # get the call-back to use
    my $cb = $self->get_cb( $node->element_type($element) . '_element' );

    # use the same algorithm for check_important and
    # scan_element pseudo elements
    my $i = $self->{forward} == 1 ? 0 : 1;

    while ( $i >= 0 and $i < 2 ) {
        if ( $self->{call_back_on_important} and $i == 0 and $level eq 'important' ) {
            $cb->( $self, $data_r, $node, $element, @keys );
            return if $self->{bail_out};    # may be modified in callback
                 # recompute keys as they may have been modified during call-back
            @keys = $self->{scanner}->get_keys( $node, $element );

        if ( $i == 1 ) {
            my $j = $self->{forward} == 1 ? 0 : $#keys;
            while ( $j >= 0 and $j < @keys ) {
                my $k = $keys[$j];
                $logger->info( "hash_element_cb (element $element) calls ", "scan_hash on key $k" );
                $self->{scanner}->scan_hash( $data_r, $node, $element, $k );
                $j += $self->{forward};
        $i += $self->{forward};

# internal. This call-back is passed to ObjTreeScanner. It will also
# check if the leaf element is flagged as 'important' or if the leaf
# element contains an error (mostly undefined mandatory values) and
# call user's call-back if needed

sub leaf_cb {
    my ( $self, $scanner, $data_r, $node, $element, $index, $value_obj ) = @_;

        "leaf_cb called on '",
        "' element '$element'",
        defined $index ? ", index $index" : ''

    my $elt_type = $node->element_type($element);
    my $key =
        $elt_type eq 'check_list'
        ? 'check_list_element'
        : $value_obj->value_type . '_value';

    my $user_leaf_cb = $self->get_cb($key);

    my $level = $node->get_element_property( element => $element, property => 'level' );

    if ( $self->{call_back_on_important} and $level eq 'important' ) {
            "leaf_cb found important elt: '",
            "' element $element",
            defined $index ? ", index $index" : ''
        $user_leaf_cb->( $self, $data_r, $node, $element, $index, $value_obj );

    if ( $self->{call_back_on_warning} and $value_obj->warning_msg ) {
            "leaf_cb found elt with warning: '",
            "' element $element",
            defined $index ? ", index $index" : ''
        $user_leaf_cb->( $self, $data_r, $node, $element, $index, $value_obj );

    # now need to check for errors...
    my $result;
    eval { $result = $value_obj->fetch(); };

    my $e;
    if ( $e = Exception::Class->caught('Config::Model::Exception::User') ) {

        # ignore errors that has just been catched and call user call-back
            "leaf_cb oopsed on '",
            "' element $element",
            defined $index ? ", index $index" : ''
        $user_leaf_cb->( $self, $data_r, $node, $element, $index, $value_obj, $e->error );
    elsif ( $e = Exception::Class->caught() ) {

        # does not return ...


sub go_forward {
    my $self = shift;
    $logger->info("Going forward") if $self->{forward} == -1;
    $self->{forward} = 1;

sub go_backward {
    my $self = shift;
    $logger->info("Going backward") if $self->{forward} == 1;
    $self->{forward} = -1;


# ABSTRACT: Iterates forward or backward a configuration tree



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Config::Model::Iterator - Iterates forward or backward a configuration tree

=head1 VERSION

version 2.055


 use Config::Model;
 use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);

 # define configuration tree object
 my $model = Config::Model->new;
    name    => "Foo",
    element => [
        [qw/bar baz/] => {
            type       => 'leaf',
            value_type => 'string',
	    level => 'important' ,
    name    => "MyClass",
    element => [
        foo_nodes => {
            type       => 'hash',     # hash id
            index_type => 'string',
	    level => 'important' ,
            cargo      => {
                type              => 'node',
                config_class_name => 'Foo'

 my $inst = $model->instance( root_class_name => 'MyClass' );
 # create some Foo objects
 $inst->config_root->load("foo_nodes:foo1 - foo_nodes:foo2  ") ;

 my $my_leaf_cb = sub {
    my ($iter, $data_r,$node,$element,$index, $leaf_object) = @_ ;
    print "leaf_cb called for ",$leaf_object->location,"\n" ;
 } ;
 my $my_hash_cb = sub {
    my ($iter, $data_r,$node,$element,@keys) = @_ ;
    print "hash_element_cb called for element $element with keys @keys\n" ;
 } ;

 my $iterator = $inst -> iterator (
    leaf_cb         => $my_leaf_cb,
    hash_element_cb => $my_hash_cb ,

 $iterator->start ;
 ### prints
 # hash_element_cb called for element foo_nodes with keys foo1 foo2
 # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo1 bar
 # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo1 baz
 # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo2 bar
 # leaf_cb called for foo_nodes:foo2 baz


This module provides a class that is able to iterate forward or backward a configuration tree.
The iterator will stop and call back user defined subroutines on one of the following condition:


=item *

A configuration item contains an error (mostly undefined mandatory

=item *

A configuration item contains warnings and the constructor's argument
C<call_back_on_warning> was set.

=item *

A configuration item has a C<important> level and the constructor's argument
C<call_back_on_important> was set.. See
L<level parameter|Config::Model::Node/"Configuration class declaration">
for details.


By default, the iterator will only stop on element with an C<intermediate>

The iterator supports going forward and backward
(to support C<back> and C<next> buttons on a wizard widget).


The constructor should be used only by L<Config::Model::Instance> with
the L<iterator|Config::Model::Instance/"iterator ( ... )">

=head1 Creating an iterator

A iterator requires at least two kind of call-back:
a call-back for leaf elements and a call-back
for hash elements (which will be also used for list elements).

These call-back must be passed when creating the iterator (the
parameters are named C<leaf_cb> and C<hash_element_cb>)

Here are the the parameters accepted by C<iterator>:

=head2 call_back_on_important

Whether to call back when an important element is found (default 0).

=head2 call_back_on_warning

Whether to call back when an item with warnings is found (default 0).

=head2 experience

Specifies the experience of the element scanned by the wizard (default

=head2 status

Specifies the status of the element scanned by the wizard (default

=head2 leaf_cb

Subroutine called backed for leaf elements. See
L<Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner/"Callback prototypes"> for signature
and details. (mandatory)

=head2 hash_element_cb

Subroutine called backed for hash elements. See
L<Config::Model::ObjTreeScanner/"Callback prototypes"> for signature
and details. (mandatory)

=head1 Custom callbacks

By default, C<leaf_cb> will be called for all types of leaf elements
(i.e enum. integer, strings, ...). But you can provide dedicated
call-back for each type of leaf:

 enum_value_cb, integer_value_cb, number_value_cb, boolean_value_cb,
 uniline_value_cb, string_value_cb

Likewise, you can also provide a call-back dedicated to list elements with

=head1 Methods

=head2 start

Start the scan and perform call-back when needed. This function will return
when the scan is completely done.

=head2 bail_out

When called, a variable is set so that all call_backs will return as soon as possible. Used to
abort wizard.

=head2 go_forward

Set wizard in forward (default) mode.

=head2 go_backward

Set wizard in backward mode.

=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Dominique Dumont


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Dominique Dumont.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, February 1999
